Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 293 The Colossus’ residual limbs

The city of mermaids, the secret realm of gods.

"Huhuhu, it has to be your Brother Dema."

Demacia, who had a shrill voice, wings, and two front teeth protruding from her lips, gasped and whispered.

He felt his bottomed out magic power and his almost bottomed out blood volume. He stood up with difficulty, but staggered.

"Wei Lu, why do you think this game is so realistic?"

Demacia looked at the word "serious injury" on the panel and asked helplessly.

The guard did not answer this question, but said calmly: [The loud noise that attracted the queen's ghost just now was probably the one that attracted the ghost of the queen. The plot in other places is probably at a critical moment. 】

[You have to speed up. While Meira is crying, use those mermaid tears in your arms as soon as possible. 】

Demacia: "Holy crap, how did you find out?"

[The sad tears of mermaids have a powerful healing effect, but the tears of mermaids will consume their own magic power and blood. You'd better hurry up with this setting. When Mera wakes up, she can cry to death. Do you believe it? Literally cried to death. 】


He took out a transparent drop of water from his arms, turned his head back as far as possible, and threw the drop of water towards the wound on his back that was scratched by the boulder.

[Health: 60%]

The [serious injury] label disappeared, and Demacia felt that she had strength again.

He stood up and canceled the power blessing of the two rats.

It is said to be a blessing of strength, but for Demacia, this is more like borrowing luck.

Without the interference of luck, numerous summons, and that strong sense of collision, it would be difficult to progress to this point in a god-level mission.

But now, it seems that it is not simple either.

"Hi~What is this?"

[God’s ruins, come closer and let me see. 】

Demacia approached with some shock.

The architectural style here is extremely huge, with each portal more than fifty meters high. From a human perspective, this does not look like a complete building.

The architectural style is also something Demacia has never seen before.

It's not that there is nothing at all. Similar architectural styles have been mentioned in some of Wei Brigade's usual remarks. It seems to be a building based on faith, part of the Kingdom of God?

"Wei Brigade, look at this! Someone has come in!"

Demacia pointed to a plant that had been invaded by the Netherworld and said in surprise.

Wei Brigade:【.】

[Stop whining, there is a legendary corpse guarding the door. If Netherworld doesn’t know what’s inside, is that possible? 】

[Shut up, I’m interpreting these words. 】

Demacia:? ? ?

"Interpretation? Have you studied their words? Do you want to be so professional?"

[No, the translation system that comes with the panel is very strong. We may not be able to see things blessed by magic, but as long as these words are copied one to one, then in the game, from our perspective, the words can be translated into Celestial Dynasty arts. 】

"Well, it scared me."

【Don't worry.】


Demacia turned his head sharply, and some zombies slowly walked toward him with blue eyes.

The hairs on his hair stood on end, and Demacia ran away: "Are you not in a hurry? If you don't look at what is chasing me, it's over, there is no magic power, and the boat is about to capsize!"

[Summon Xiao Mo. 】

"Hiss, that's Netherworld, it can mutate!"


The summoned contract suddenly rose, and Xiao Mo appeared behind Demacia. It looked at the ghost without the slightest fear, and charged towards the corpse with its roots.

Open your big mouth and bite it directly.

Just when it was about to bite, a force of forced summoning instantly dragged it into the dependent space.

At the same time, Demacia's mouth began to grow sharp teeth protruding from its lips. While its physical attributes increased significantly, a large number of Nocturne Piranha patterns began to appear on its body.

"I feel like I'm so strong now!"

[Pull monsters, open wide angle! 】

"Ugh, damn it! Men have to fight!!"

Demacia shouted and dodged a wight attack, turned around and ran away. At some point, he finally collided with the wight.


As a result, Demacia was now hit by a hammer and directly hit the wall, vomiting blood.

"Ahem. Damn, why am I so weak? It's better not to fight. Damn, this guy is like a legend!"


Demacia barely dodged a bombardment, threw a mermaid tear into her mouth, turned around, ran away, and shouted:

"Hurry up, Wei Brigade, people will die."

The Guard Brigade, who was in the Arcane Alliance's database, ignored Demacia's screams. Instead, he took out a pen and copied the words on the murals bit by bit.

In his eyes, words that players can understand constantly appear.

The context of some stories and the origins of the God's Guards also slowly emerged.

"The Titans, like the dragons, belong to the ranks of the ancient gods, but unlike the dragon gods who always remain neutral, the gods of the Titans sided with the new gods and were killed by the ancient gods during the alternation between the new gods and the old gods."

"The Titan clan has fallen drastically, and some of the promoted Titans have been arranged by the God's Guards in the ocean."


"This human race, although I feel the aura of evil in you, since you still have sense and have come here, it can be considered a certain fate."

Poseidon sighed, turned around and took a step forward, with some memories in his eyes: "I didn't expect that the things I left behind could really be useful, human race."

"My name is White Plague."

"White Plague, has the god outside returned?"

"No, but I'm curious, why did the God of Faith fight to that extent in the first place?" Bai Bian followed the Poseidon and asked in a calm tone: "At least I ended myself personally. This is stupid."

"Why?" There was some recollection in Poseidon's eyes, and he shook his head: "I don't remember. This is just a trace of power left in advance, not much memory."

White Plague: "But just like here, there are prophecies, right?"

"Who believes it? The God of Destiny controls thousands of destinies. Isn't He also dead?" He said with a change of scenery: "Moreover, at that time, no God thought that he would not be able to come back. He was just isolated by Shia. The whole Heavens, where can God not go?”

White Blight is silent, indeed, is the New God dead now?

No, he just entered the turbulence of time and space and was trapped. The new god who can suppress the ancient gods, evil gods, and various planes until they can't breathe, should have absolute confidence in his own strength, right?

How could such a god imagine that the repulsive power of the world would be so strong when he was fighting?

According to records, planes such as Netherworld, Abyss, and Hell once tried to enter Shia during the God War to cause trouble, but they were all beaten by blasters and then thrown out.

God will indeed not consider what will happen if he is excluded from Shia.

In the eyes of God, civilization can be rebuilt if it is gone, and the world can be repaired if it is broken. The opportunity to rise to greatness is the most important.

Once Destiny dies, the great path lies before the gods.

That is the great and complete rule of destiny. Gods also come from humans. It’s not that they don’t have desires, it’s just that their desires are more high-end.

To humans, gods are perfect, but to themselves, they are just more powerful practitioners.

"Have you heard of the Holy One, Your Majesty?"



Between the simple questions and answers, the scene in the illusion continued to change, and a huge right hand appeared not far away.

Bai Bian looked at the right hand with some shock, and was unconsciously attracted to it.

The silver skin, the metallic radiance flowing on the skin, is connected without any gaps. Although the fractures are uneven, they are made of mirror-like material.

Bai Bian unconsciously speeded up his steps. The arm seemed to have been torn off from the shoulder to the fingers.

This arm is only about 150 meters long, and its structure is no different from that of a human palm. It is just that there are some extremely sharp protrusions at the knuckles, and there are also some protrusions at the elbow that reflect the metallic light.

According to the proportions of the human body, the complete height of this colossus should reach a height of 400 meters.

Bai Bian went around the broken part of the arm and carefully observed the remaining limbs of the colossus.


He gasped inwardly, without pores

In other words, there are lines of flesh and blood, and even nerves and blood vessels, but they are airtight. The density of their arrangement is beyond Bai Yie's imagination.

Zero kept enlarging Bai Bie's perspective, and kept detecting it with his mental power, trying to see something from a microscopic level.


Even if it was magnified a thousand times, Bai Yifei still couldn't find the interface between blood vessels, as if it was a whole.

His pace quickened, like a child discovering his favorite toy, and he kept observing the right arm.

Trying to understand some of the knowledge of the Colossus that has been viewed.


Apart from being awesome and shocked, White Plague can't see anything. It's the kind of shock that the manufacturing method and materials have been told to you, but you still don't know how this thing appeared.

He reached out and carefully touched the stump of the colossus. This thing must be very heavy, right?

Based on the size and density of the arm, it is estimated that this thing should exceed 300,000 tons.

White Plague touched the arm of the colossus. The surface was very smooth and cool, almost the same temperature as the surrounding air.

Lifting it hard, it didn't move at all.

There was a little excitement in Bai Bie's eyes, and there seemed to be a scarlet flash in them.

The bright side cannot be lifted, but the dark side should be able to.

"White Plague." Poseidon smiled and said: "I can see that you like this very much. Do one thing for me, and this thing will be yours, and you can also get some unexpected benefits."

"How are you sure that the person coming this time must be an alchemist and will be interested in the Colossus?" Bai Bian had some curiosity in his eyes.

"Not sure." Poseidon shook his head: "But the Colossus represents the power that can fight against gods. I don't think anyone will give up this power. And if you help me complete the matter, then what you get will not be worse than the Colossus." The value of the limbs is lower.”

Bai Bian lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Okay."

A smile appeared on Poseidon's face: "Help me release the Titan. This is His mission. The Siren can just let it go."

As he spoke, Poseidon's body flashed continuously, turning into blue stars and flying towards Bai Bian.

At the same time, the panel task is triggered.

[Trigger hidden tasks. 】

[Mission: Revival of the Sea Tribe.

Property: Hidden task.

Mission description: A long time ago, the God of Death predicted the future disaster and rise of the ocean, and left some rewards to the Son of Destiny.

Please let the Deep Sea Titan, the guardian of God, awaken and let the ocean have the capital to compete with the Netherworld.

Mission reward: Fantasy treasure ×1, special skill point ×1, skill point ×10, charm value +10.

Accept the mission to get: Poseidon Bonus ×1, Secret Guide ×1.

Failure penalty: Charisma value -10, favorability of marine life naturally reaches disgust.

Introduction: The Sea Clan, which has been divided for thousands of years, seems to finally have the possibility of coming together. Perhaps Shia's fourth force is about to take shape, but this requires the appearance of the God's Guard.

Do you accept the task? 】

Bai Bian looked at the reward and thought for a moment, raised his hand, and the power of the demon dimension suddenly descended, including the hand of the colossus in front of him.



Bai Bian suddenly felt that his mind was empty, and the sound of waves rang in his ears. Bai Bian's soul was extremely relaxed, and it seemed that his whole body had been thoroughly washed.

It was a complete relaxation and made people feel extremely comfortable.

I don’t know how long it took before the beep on the panel sounded.

[Your awakening expertise: Deep Sea Guardian. 】

[Deep Sea Guardian: Cleanses the soul and is immune to 5% of the negative soul effects. When your soul has too many negative statuses, all negative statuses can be cleared.

Cooling time: 30 natural days. 】

Bai Bian's eyes lit up, this is his exclusive specialty!

The dark side can be directly added to the attributes of the eighth-level legend.

Including the Holy Soul, there is a total of 85% negative immunity, and the erosion of the dark side is negligible. As long as he does not go too far, the combat power of the dark side is enough to support his growth in this troubled world.

Bai Bian's eyes became inexplicably happy, this harvest was quite big.


In the demon dimension, a subtle vibration sounded.

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked to the south, but then he shook his head, with some disappointment in his eyes.

What a pity for the moon.

He can't go to Sin City right now

The things here are more important. As for Yue Fang, we can only wait until the things here are completed.

However, it’s time for Sin City to take action.

Get out of Poseidon's illusion.

Bai Bian's eyes flashed crimson, and his heart suddenly sank: "How is Diane? Why can't I feel the breath of the mythical dragon?"

"Huh~ My friend, you are finally out. Half an hour ago, I sent your wife and the robot into the space turbulence. They will be back in half an hour."

"My mission is accomplished. Please revive the Sea Tribe quickly. I can't wait any longer."

Sabo's high-pitched voice sounded in his mind, and at the same time, pictures appeared, recording the entire process of Diane's battle.

The uneasiness in Bai Bian's heart gradually dissipated. He had always trusted Sabo's ability. After talking for half an hour, there was still half an hour left.

Let’s fight quickly!

"How is the demigod's injury?"

"About 70%, it's not something that ordinary legends can fight against."

"Where is He?"

"Still in place, your wife has shocked many people. Her priority in the Netherworld seems to be higher than yours, hehe, but I'm not surprised. After all, she is a real necromancer, one of the strongest professions."

"Well, I understand."

Bai Bian looked in the direction of the Mermaid Capital, and the secret guidance was also in that direction.

With a long sigh of relief, Bai Bian's eyes were filled with scarlet, he took a step and disappeared.

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