Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 306 Dark Side Legend Eighth Level

[You swallow a lot of dangerous objects, you awaken the extremely evil expertise, and the extremely evil invasion. 】

[Extreme Evil Invasion: You can see the malice in any creature and invade their mind, body, and soul.

Note: For creatures that cannot achieve attribute crushing, when invading the opponent's mind, it is similar to a competition of wills, and you will be at risk of death.

Note: When you die in the enemy's consciousness, you will turn into the enemy's dark side and begin to invade the enemy's consciousness. When the enemy's soul is contaminated, the evil will be reborn. 】

[You swallow a large number of dangerous objects, and your charm value is -3, reaching -27. 】

[Your charm value reaches the ancient god level. You will be instinctively rejected when you enter any small world. It will be difficult for your charm value to decrease again. 】

[Host: White Plague (dark).

Race: evil thoughts.

Template:Abominable Evil

Level: There is no level display for extremely evil gods. (Can only be improved by absorbing negative power and killing blood.)

Power Rank: Legend.

Personal attributes: God·Strength: 140.

God·Agility: 143.

God·Endurance: 139.

God·Intelligence: 70.

St. Spirit: 170.

Charisma: -27.

Luck: Gods have no luck.

Legend level: 76.

Titles: Hunter: ★★★★★, God Hunter: ★★★★★★★, Hell Hunter: ★★★★★, Tastemaker: ★, Soul Master: ★★★★★★★★, Abyss Hates: ★★★★★★★.

Exclusive weapon: Evil Blade (83%).

Skills: space penetration, bloody backstab, malicious intimidation, extremely evil spirit, black gaze, stored soul, mental stagnation.

General expertise: spiritual growth, spiritual defense, soul gourmet, light and darkness (unique), devil soul blood, devil dimension (unique), immortal soul, holy soul, spiritual recovery, power of holy soul.

Evil Thought Specialty: Evil Thought Collection, Extremely Evil Creature, Malicious Deception, Extremely Evil Body, Extremely Evil Will, Blood Cocoon, Extremely Evil Realm, Bloody Mark, Malevolent Invasion, Heavenly Abandonment, Heavenly Rebellion, Extremely Evil Life, Extremely Evil Fanaticism, Extremely vicious, controllable body, immortal body, immune body, extremely evil invasion.

Rating: Abomination! Gradually becoming an incomprehensible existence, immortality may be your goal, and the Immortal Lord may be looking forward to your arrival at the bottom of the abyss. 】

Bai Bian took a deep breath. After setting aside a full-level extraction of extremely evil will, this attribute point was the current limit.

The attributes of the eighth-level legend, the ultimate combat power is around the tenth-level legend to the forbidden first level.

Bai Bian clenched his fist.

The powerful soul power allowed him to quickly master this completely reborn body.

This is why the dark side cannot be too restrictive.

The bright side requires a little bit of experience, continuous acquisition of new knowledge, and continuous tempering of one's own magic and mental strength to be able to break through.

As for the dark side, it only needs to keep eating and eating. Once it is too much and cannot control this power, the dark side will directly destroy Shia and even cover the heavens with the power of the evil.

But the good thing is that Bai Bian has always been perfect in this regard. Now the souls on the light side should support him to reach the first-level legendary realm and directly let the dark side break through to the tenth-level legendary state.

But there would be a slight risk of losing control, and Bai Bing was unwilling to take the risk.

The newly acquired expertise is very interesting, it seems to be another level of immortality.

If you encounter a being that you really can't fight against, then invade and compete for consciousness.

If you win, your opponent will die. If you lose, you will become the enemy's dark side, gradually affecting the enemy's consciousness of the light side. The moment the enemy falls into extreme evil, he will return.

It's just this return, Bai Bing is not sure whether he returns with [Light and Darkness] and [Mark of the Saint], or whether he returns directly to a crazy version of Bai Bing.

If it is the latter, then once White Plague activates this specialty and loses, the order of the world will fall into a countdown.

The unlimited version of evil thoughts is a product that should not exist.

I don't think so much. White Plague will rarely use this expertise, or even ignore it. It's good to be able to see the malicious intent.

He can actually say that he has three lives now. The first one is any form. When this form is about to die, switching forms will restore full health.

After the second life dies, the demon soul blood is triggered, and he will return to the full state.

If the enemy cannot be beaten with three lives, then it is not unacceptable to live with the enemy. At least, that is the only way to kill the enemy and revive again.

Bai Bian turned to look at Kexi.

Her face was particularly satisfied. In the skill column of the panel, she also had many more skills to find flaws, either curses or poisons.

Most of Bai Bian's similar knowledge has been shared with her by Zero, and her growth should be faster and faster.

Get out of this underground base.

Bai Bian looked at the empty Silver Moon City.

After pulling out the panel and glancing at the series of warnings on it, the white plague returned to the bright side. With a wave of his hand, the hive appeared and put together a temporary test bed.

The White Plague began to create a home for Kohi.

When a glass ball filled with the source of life appeared on Bai Bie's neck again.

Kexi quickly flew in.

Bai Bing looked at these split bodies and felt a little pity. He thought for a moment and said, "Let all the split bodies that are not contaminated by the curse now gather into a ball."

"Yes boss."

A subtle sound came, and the fog covering half of the city gathered frantically. After about three minutes, a huge round iron ball with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of him.

"Does the split body have a soul?"

"Yes, a small part of the normal soul, they can be counted as individuals, but the soul is missing. Without energy, it will be annihilated. This is their death."

"Let them fall into a dormant state."

"Yes, boss."

Bai Yi put this thing into the time slowing zone of the demon dimension.

A thousand times the time slowing down.

Then seven days can also become two years.

And with their splitting speed, this is just a faster start.

[You are about to leave the Black Death Pathogen World. Within thirty natural days of the world restarting, you cannot enter this world again. ]

Not only Bai Yi here.

At the same time, among the player group, whether they are in the Black Death Pathogen World or not, they all received a notification.

[The Black Death Pathogen World copy is temporarily closed and restarted, and the World Life and Death · Alternation copy is about to be launched. ]

The players were immediately shocked. There is a new world copy. What is this? New gameplay.

As for the Black Death Pathogen, those dangerous things are outrageous, and the players have been tortured enough.

Bai Yi looked at the forum and was a little surprised. Just now, he swallowed a city without seeing any players.

Bai Yi went to the player forum to study it carefully, and there was understanding in his eyes.

The panel was indeed analyzing these small worlds.

After each player or each team of players entered, they would be in different space layers, just like a single-player copy, but many players could enter together.

This mode was also the reason why Bai Yi did not find the players, and even almost ignored the players.

[Because you swallowed a lot of dangerous things, the reincarnation rewards and world level of this world became lower. ]

Bai Yi glanced at it and was not surprised.

After all, he knew about this thing when he swallowed a dangerous thing for the first time. The dark side swallowed not the dangerous thing itself.

But the despair and rules that constructed the nightmare world are also the fundamental things of the nightmare world.

Sooner or later, this world will be completely eaten by him, and it depends on how much the light side can grow.

As for why Ke Xi's massacre of the city did not have experience points. He also did not have experience points for killing 186-A.

Unless Bai Yi is driving, he will get experience points for killing 186-A.

But Bai Yi doesn't care much about the experience points for killing.

After all, he has a feeling that killing creatures below the gold level will not give any experience points, and the experience points for gold-level creatures are pitifully small.

Now the upgrade still depends on manufacturing and killing legends.

The experience point bonus in this aspect is the biggest part.

And manufacturing legendary equipment.

Bai Yi is looking forward to it. Legendary alchemy equipment is very strong and has a great impact on the combat power of the entire federation.

As for dangerous objects, Bai Yi has no experience point bonus for swallowing this thing from the beginning. It is likely that this is judged as a drug-like behavior.

It is similar to swallowing negative energy, but this negative energy is alive.

With his mental power sweeping, Bai Yi walked towards the Tree of Life.

In the isolation shield, Luo Ning was sitting on the swing and swinging.

She lowered her head and looked at the ground, seeming a little absent-minded.

It seemed that she felt she was being watched.

Luo Ning looked up, her eyes wandering: "Brother."

Bai Yi waved his hand, signaling her to come over.

Now there are three more draws, but not now, Luo Ning must be strengthened first.

Luo Ning jumped off the swing, trotted out of the shield that restricted his vitality, and asked with some expectation and nervousness: "Are you going out? I... I'm ready."

Bai Yi:.

The precognition system really doesn't have any surprises.

With some emotion, Bai Yi nodded: "Since you know, let's go, I'll help you get an inheritance first."

The space around Bai Yi flashed, and he took Luo Ning and disappeared in the City Lord's Mansion in an instant.

With continuous shuttles, the sea soon appeared in front of him.

I don't know when Luo Ning, who was hiding behind Bai Yi and holding his clothes, saw the blue sea and his eyes lit up: "Is this the sea? It's so beautiful." Luo Ning was amazed, but after noticing something, he asked timidly: "Brother, what is that?" Bai Yi looked in the direction of Luo Ning's finger. On the beach, a human was pacing slowly. His steps were very strange, a bit like a zombie. "Corpse ghost, the war between the Netherworld and the sea has not stopped." Bai Yi said and opened the inheritance guidance. In Bai Yi's eyes, a ray of light gradually extended to the depths of the sea. "So scary, the Netherworld is really not a good thing" Luo Ning muttered. Bai Yi's power gradually extended to her body. In her puzzled eyes, he led her to the sea: "Any inheritance is dangerous. Keep your power to receive the inheritance."

"Oh. OK."

"According to the information we have learned, this fortune teller is a rare taboo-level fortune teller. She can arbitrarily plan the future of most people and can also peek into the future of God. However, this level of inheritance also means danger."

Bai Yi took her into the sea and helped her analyze this inheritance.

"And what's even more unfriendly to you is that this inheritance is the inheritance of the mermaids. For other races to touch this inheritance, the danger may be higher." Bai Yi's tone became solemn as he spoke. Seeing that the girl never replied, Bai Yi turned his head with some doubts. Suddenly, he saw that the girl was looking at his hand that grabbed her wrist with a red face. Bai Yi:. So what did Ms. Ding Ziyuan, the nine-star scholar, say to Luo Ning? How could it be like this just to grab a wrist? "Luo Ning!" "Uh, I'm here!" Luo Ning was awakened by the voice and answered immediately. "Forget it, I'll give you some abilities first, so as not to get into trouble." Bai Yi decisively used the demon will and shared [Spiritual Protection] and [Demon Soul Blood], combined with the current combat power of the dark side and Ke Xi. He is not afraid of a full-state demigod. Not to mention the fortune-teller inheritance with no combat power, Bai Yi is not afraid of the fortune-teller in terms of spirit, and there is also the fate of the saint. Bai Yi is simply a natural enemy when facing a fortune-teller. At worst, we can just demolish the inheritance site.

Luo Ning watched Bai Yi take her across the sea, with some annoyance in her eyes, and a little self-blame reappeared.

"Brother, I heard everything you said just now, really."

She explained in a low voice.

"I know."

"I really didn't mean to not respond to you."

Bai Yi paused, a little helpless, he stopped, turned around and asked: "Luo Ning, do you trust me?"

"Of course, I trust my brother the most." Luo Ning nodded without hesitation, and the cautiousness in her tone was even less.

"Then I say, I will never abandon you, do you believe it?" Bai Yi's eyes were very serious, and his voice was full of sincerity.

"Believe!" Luo Ning nodded without hesitation, but hesitated: "But everything will change with time. I know my brother won't, but I like robots like Xiaofu a lot of the time. It's just that when they make mistakes, I always feel that they are not as reliable as before after laughing." Luo Ning muttered: "One day, maybe I will hate those robots too, after they mess up a lot of things." Bai Yi was silent for a while, turned around and took Luo Ning to continue moving forward: "You are not a robot, I still remember our meeting, it was a snowy day, you broke into my world like a little rabbit. I can even remember every scene we got along with each other I can be absolutely sure that I don't hate you, I did before, I do now, and I will do so in the future."

"Luoning, it's not terrible to make mistakes, even gods make mistakes, what's terrible is that you stagnate because of mistakes and only know how to escape."

"You've grown up, I can give you the sense of security you want as they said, but is that really what you want?"

"Once dependence becomes pathological, then your choices become blind. I want you to see your true heart, Luoning."

"Think carefully, Luoning, you still don't trust me enough."


The moment the last sentence appeared, Luoning froze, and deep fear appeared in his eyes.

"No, I trust my brother, absolutely."

"Then why don't you believe that I will never abandon you? Your dependence exceeds your trust!"

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