Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 32 You don’t need me to touch this thing, right?


After a light knock, Bai Bian did not speak.


There was an explosion, and Mawson crashed directly into the underground city. The terrifying energy fluctuations were less than thirty meters away from the white plague.


Another loud noise sounded, and the strong fighting spirit disturbed Scarlet. Mawson disappeared into the underground city and launched an attack on this opponent who was much stronger than him.

Barrett's familiar voice sounded, and it was a volley. If the weak wanted to fight against the strong, they could only use external forces or work together.

The chants of the mage group and the murmurs of the blood mage group began to spread in the passage, and the situation above temporarily reached a balance.

Sabo seemed to understand the meaning of the white plague, and his voice became as thin as a mosquito: "I understand, my friend, your secret will be blessed, but this is the limit of how much I can help you."

Bai Bian touched the headset lightly, cutting off the communication. A special wave came along the last contact, and a dirty feeling made Bai Bian feel uncomfortable.

However, he could feel that his disappearing aura had changed slightly, and seemed to have merged with the surrounding scarlet.

There was some surprise in his eyes, but his pace quickened a little, and he soon reached the underground ground to the east.


A slight sound was lost in the violent collision above. Bai Bian raised his head and stretched out his hand. One worker bee dragged another broken worker bee and flew back. On the broken worker bee, there was a scarlet aura flickering.

Bai Bian's eyes lit up, he looked at the direction in front of him where the sword energy was coming from, then turned around and walked towards a passage.


The collision outside has reached a new level, more guns are firing, and the aura belonging to Mawson is weakening, but the fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger, making people shudder.

Bai Bing ignored it and carefully put away the broken worker bees, and the other twenty-six worker bees quickly flew back.

He has already recognized that the thing just now is the aura of some kind of protective barrier. Although this kind of barrier has many uses, at this time and place, the only one that can still contain such powerful power is the barrier arranged by the Golden Mage himself. .

The pace quickened, and Bai Bian soon came to the passage where the worker bees were destroyed. This passage was different from other places, with such strong earthquakes and destruction, but there were not many gravels on the road of this passage.

In other words, this passage is much stronger than other places.

Bai Bian squatted down and observed carefully. There were traces of alchemy here, but the guy who set up the alchemy trap didn't seem to be very advanced.

The two legends of the Dawn Federation are the Juggernaut and the Berserker. Influenced by the top patrons, most of the extraordinary people in this federation are still warriors.

Followed by assassins and mages.

Except for the Federation of Stars, alchemists have never been a choice for civilians, not only because of the cost, but also because the early combat effectiveness is too low.

Therefore, there are few civilian alchemists, and even fewer are living abroad. Those who join the Scarlet Sect are not very powerful alchemists.

Bai Bian stood up, and his powerful mental power began to spread. The alchemy formations were invisible in his eyes. He stepped forward, and arrived in front of a closed steel door without incident.

From the perspective of spiritual power, this door is densely covered with alchemical formations and spell inscriptions.

The defense is outrageous.

Even the power of gold is unabashed, and it seems that certain identification is required to enter.

Bai Bian thought for a moment, knocked on his headset, and asked in a low voice: "There is a blood magic barrier here, is there anything you can do?"

Sabo's voice was a little helpless: "My friend, as I said just now, I have reached the limit of what I can do to help you. If I can do everything now, I don't need to spend 300,000 gold coins to hire you, right?"

Thoughts appeared in Bai Bian's eyes, and he asked in a low voice: "If there are a lot of treasures inside, how long will it take you to complete the transmission? The treasure house I can see so far covers an area of ​​at least one thousand square meters."

There was surprise in Sabo's tone: "Really? My friend, if that's the case, then please turn on the camera and let me take a look. Maybe I will have some ideas."

White plague:.

Didn’t you see the benefits of co-authoring just now?

He took off the headset, operated it, and then adjusted his sunglasses to camera mode. Finally, he synchronized with Saab's terminal and transmitted the images here.

"Ah, I see it. Your technology is really amazing. Let me observe it first."

Sabo said enthusiastically, carefully looking at the steel door and operating some equipment there.

About thirty seconds later, Sabo's tone became solemn: "Sorry, my friend, this thing was probably built by the Scarlet Sect themselves."

His tone became weird as he spoke: "But precisely because of this, he has almost no technological content. He seems to rely entirely on the protection of a blood mage, and the blood mage..."

"My friend, I will send something over in a moment. Please don't panic. These are normal items."

Bai Bian was a little surprised and said in a low voice: "Just hurry up. Judging from the fluctuations above, there may not be much time left."

"Don't worry, my friend, but I have to remind you that you'd better protect yourself first. This is my advice." Sabo said, and a special wave began to flash.

Bai Bian thought for a while and took out a silver-level protection scroll. Although he had the specialty [Spiritual Defense] and his defense was very strong, he had always been a BOSS who listened to advice.

As that special wave flashed by, light ripples appeared in the space, and an extremely filthy green smoke began to fill the air.

An extremely strong feeling of palpitations came, which shocked Bai Bian. The spell scroll he held in his hand opened directly, and a shield instantly enveloped his whole body.

Then a black, unknown thing suddenly stuck to the door of the treasure house.

Immediately afterwards, in Bai Bian's shocked eyes, the magic array of this door was rapidly becoming exhausted, and the blood magic was being polluted, making the scarlet red no longer pure.

Even the scarlet that filled the surroundings left the passage instantly when this thing appeared.

Bai Bian couldn't help but take a few steps back, and subconsciously asked: "What is this?"

Sabo seemed a little embarrassed: "A piece of the evil god's large intestine."

White plague:.

He was shocked. This little dwarf actually had something divine?

That is God!

However, Bai Bian immediately thought of some of the dwarf's cool moves, such as the foldable contract, some notarizations that bypassed the abyss, and another example, although he obviously has no strength, but he has the ability of space.

It all seemed reasonable at once.

Sabo seemed to feel that he had said too much and said quickly: "My friend, this door has been opened now. Come closer. I need to take this thing back, otherwise the materials inside will be contaminated."

Bai Bian hesitated: "You don't need me to touch this thing, do you?"

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