The words on the blood contract slowly changed and gradually became something Bai Bian could understand.

The text on it is very special, similar to the one on the guide.

After all, this is a legacy that spans eras.

Writing is the carrier of knowledge, and the first generation of saints created this kind of writing that is similar to spiritual perception.

Of course ordinary people cannot understand it, but as long as there is spiritual power and the words are printed on the spiritual power, the meaning will be expressed.

Bai Bian looked at the revenge list above, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he stared at the blood contract unkindly.

The blood contract felt inexplicably flustered, and it quickly explained: "This kind of task is usually passive, that is, the existence of killing the saint will be marked by the saint's mark, and become the task of other saints. After revenge, The saint who completes the mission will receive the inheritance of the Death Saint."

Bai Bian was silent for a moment: "Now, the only normal saint is me."

Blood Pact:

"Well, Your Majesty the Great Saint, can you give me the Holy Deed? I need to understand this era so that I can recommend a better task to you, because in my current perception, with the spiritual power you have shown, you This task can be completed easily. ”

Bai Bian was stunned and silent for a moment: "When is this mission?"

"I don't really remember, time is too long. I will be upgraded in the hands of the saints in every era, but my memory will be forgotten part of it with each inheritance, but there should be thirty eras, right? "Blood Contract said with some uncertainty.

The White Epidemic was silent. Thirty epochs ago, was the taboo in the early stage the highest?

He thought about bringing the sleeping holy contract closer to the blood contract, and gradually a special wave flashed across the area.

Everything around you seems to be alive at this moment, making people feel a sense of vicissitudes of life. Time has no meaning at this moment.

"It turns out that so long has passed?"

There was a sadness in Blood Pact's voice after he murmured.

Its voice gradually returned: "Found the White Plague Crown."

"These are things from the past three epochs, but most of them are similar to last wishes. The hunting list is no longer there except for cleaning up turbulence anomalies."

Bai Bian looked at the words and rewards on the blood contract and raised his eyebrows.

1. [I like flowers born from blood, please build a sea of ​​flowers born from blood, and then chant my name. Although this is an ominous sign in the eyes of the heavens, we are saints.

Cultivation and manufacturing methods of blood flowers. 】

[Task Reward: Blessing of Blood Flowers. 】

[Name: Blessing of Blood-Born Flowers.

Effect: Charm value +10% or -1, depending on your current charm value +-.

Introduction: When blood flowers bloom in different eras, it may prove that I existed - Fu Qinxiang. 】

2. [Let my ethnic group revive. Maybe you don’t know what ethnic group it is, but I have their genetic sequence, and the saints who engage in technology should be able to understand it.

gene sequence. 】

[Task reward: racial loyalty. 】

[Name: Racial Loyalty.

Effect: The loyalty gene modified by Saint Iman Dalvi makes the resurrected race 100% loyal to the creator.

Introduction: I understand what you are doing. I just want them to survive. After all, a lifetime of hard work can't return the clan to annihilation, right? Haha - Iman Dalvi. 】

3. [That bitch in the night is probably not dead yet. If I kill her, I’m almost there]

There were not many tasks, only a dozen in total, but Bai Bian saw another side of the saint from them.

Saints are actually not all there to save the world.

As the saint Malti Lardner said, the world does not owe the saints, and neither do all living beings.

Saints are just a group of survivors struggling in greed.

"This is the limit. Two epochs ago, no saint could survive until the end."

Blood Contract sighed, his tone a little low.

Bai Bian thought for a while and asked: "How are these rewards distributed? Do you give them to them?"

Bai Bian pointed to the sixth task of finding Black Death and Evil Secret. The reward on it was a Saint Weapon.

According to the information now known, this was a mission two epochs ago.

But according to the blood contract, the ultimate power should not be something that a divine weapon can withstand.

"No, it's the reward that the saint who issued the mission placed in this inheritance space, such as your three-year inheritance."

"These are things that the Saint is willing to share with this space, otherwise no one can shake the Saint's will."

"Saint is just the self-proclaimed name of the first generation, not a true saint. Hmm." Xue Qi said with some certainty: Mr. Bai Yie should understand this very well. "

Bai Bian glanced at it without refuting. He gradually understood what a saint was: "Do you know the Tower of Souls?"


The blood contract was a little confused.

Bai Bian frowned: "They are a group of saints who could not escape the end, but managed to survive and could only hide in the tower."

The blood contract was silent for a long time, and it shook its head: "I don't know about this. If you say it is a saint, then my memory must have been manipulated. There is no restriction on the entry and exit of saints here, and those who can survive until the end Saints are the pinnacle of the world, and I cannot resist the new pinnacle.”

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment and asked, "Can I order you?"

"Of course, Your Majesty is currently the only saint recognized by the inheritance space. Everything here is your decision."

Bai Bian nodded, stretched out his hand, buzz~

The mark of the saint appeared, illuminating the surrounding area a little brighter.

Bai Yi carefully sensed something, and gradually sensed some authority.

He whispered softly: "Sleep!"


The inheritance hall suddenly emitted a burst of light, and Bai Bian felt a huge power blessing, and the contract in his hand suddenly became confused.


As a gibbering-like sound appeared, the blood contract slowly returned to its original state of silence.

Throwing the blood contract and the holy contract to their original positions, Bai Bian closed his eyes and sensed the authority he had just obtained.

When I opened my eyes again, there was already a line in front of me: [Congratulations, successor, you are finally off work, it is not easy]

Waving his hands, the words collapsed.

Bai Bian was thoughtful, are you the manager of the Saint's inheritance hall?

It has the authority to enter and exit at any time, review and guide new saints, and even manage the release of files and tasks of contemporary saints.

Bai Bian glanced at the Holy Deed thoughtfully.

The original text disappeared at this moment, leaving only a person's profile and name.

[White Plague: A saint with unknown power.

Current strength: Legendary fifth level ~ Taboo second level. 】

The introduction is very simple and clear. It seems to be to protect the privacy of the saints. The strong always don't like to be spied on.

White Blight walked towards the Tomb of the Saints.

The tasks in the blood contract cannot be accepted for the time being, and the Tower of Soul thing looks like something from recent eras.

But the blood contract has no memory, so the blood contract did not lie. Someone changed or erased its memory.

The Tower of Soul is currently an absolute enemy, and its eradication priority even exceeds that of the Ancient God and the Evil God.

Whatever they had touched, whether the blood contract was about gaining his trust or a sincere statement, Bai Bian didn't want to touch it.

Letting it sleep is the safest option.

When you have enough ability, everything conscious here will have to be overhauled.

There is no sun in the saint's sky, and the thick clouds emit some light, making this cemetery a little sad.

White Plague went straight to the fifth tombstone in the third row.

Reaching out, the saint's mark began to echo with the mark on the tombstone.

In the same five seconds or so, an illusory consciousness loomed.

"Alas, it seems that I am dead and that's all I can think of."

The low murmur was like a sigh in the wind. The legacy of the living saint would not be passed on to the next generation.

They will only teach new saints to find their own way. Even if they become tombstones now, they are still a kind of resource or a kind of knowledge.

After all, only different paths can break the limit. Their own path is already their own limit.


Bai Bian felt a force coming, and the power of the saint trembled slightly. A large amount of memories poured in, making Bai Bian's consciousness slightly blurred.

Bai Bian's eyes were a little dull. In this memory, a huge mechanical dynasty rose from the ground, allowing countless mechanical legions to spread all over the sky. Even different mechanical armors can fill a world. With more and more machines, Everything in the world suddenly stopped.


The world begins to collapse.

The mechanical frenzy was being destroyed crazily, but their number was still increasing, becoming more and more, and gradually occupied the entire world.

【伱Acquire knowledge: Mechanical Key. 】

[Name: Mechanical Key.

Attribute: Knowledge.

Introduction: Peak attainments from five eras ago, mechanical replicas, huge assembly lines, quantity is everything.

Usage requirements: Alchemical technology sage.

Evaluation: Although there is only one piece of peak knowledge for pure mechanics, it can be called a natural disaster. 】

A golden ball gradually appeared in Bai Bian's hand.

This knowledge is simply needed.

Alchemy technology seems to be ready for mass production, provided there are enough resources.

Tobu City now seems to have gathered four major natural disasters

Undead, machines, insect swarms, players.

And this thing is enough to change the current alchemy technicians and make the status of technicians surpass the other two branches.

Of course, there is not much difference in the path of alchemy.

The highest product of alchemy [Colossus] is the pinnacle of technology, medicine, and transformation.

Even at his peak, this saint was unable to recreate the Colossus.

But the existence under the Colossus is possible.

But there are also shortcomings. Why is the more advanced the alchemy technology is, the more difficult it is to replicate?

Because alchemy technology is not just technology, alchemy inscriptions, the alchemist's unique magic power, and even two pieces of the same material may require different guidance.

The combination of various conditions leads to the condition that mechanical equipment must be built manually.

This thing ignores all of this. It only needs to create a core, then input enough magic power into the core, put the already manufactured equipment on one end of the instrument, and provide enough materials.

Then Oshi can go offline.

Because the machinery on the assembly line will reproduce all the textures and effects of the finished product, thereby achieving the result of continuous production.

Even the wreckage after the battle can be recycled. If the wreckage is complete enough, a new copy can be made with a loss of about 10% of the original materials.

The only side effect may be that because it is a mechanically carved alchemical inscription, its power will be reduced by at least 30% to 50%.

But I can’t bear the large amount.

For example, [Energy Gun·Barrett Fierce Sun].

The limit of this gun is equivalent to a third-level legend, and something produced by this assembly line may only be able to reach the top gold level, or a first-level legend.

But it doesn't matter, super alloys can also be made using this kind of machinery, that is, as long as enough materials and raw materials are found.

The assembly line allows everyone in Daybreak to have a golden attack power.

Legends will be destroyed instantly by tens of thousands of Barretts.

A little excitement gradually appeared in Bai Bian's eyes. He even had five special skill points. If he had enough relevant knowledge, Bai Bian might not be unable to continue to improve.

As long as it can reproduce 80% of the attributes of the main body, then this mechanical key will directly give the alchemical technician a huge lead.

Putting the mental power ball away, Bai Bing decisively started his return.

He is not interested in the blood contract and the tasks above the blood contract yet, but now he is full of interest in machinery.

That's mass production.

Bai Bian decisively began to study this mechanical key. As long as he gets started, it can be put into production immediately, accelerating the emergence of the Sky City.

The trade with the Sea Tribe will also begin to increase in scale, and it will even be connected with the other two federations.

Judging from the news sent back by Heidinger, Xingchen has now begun to deploy teleportation arrays into the sea.

Within a year, the teleportation array will connect the two places, and soldiers will be able to shuttle between the two places within three hours.

"Dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door, and Bai Bian retracted his energy from exploring the memory ball: "Come in."

Luo Ning pushed the door open and entered, smiling and saying: "Brother, I found a place in my prediction that can help you relieve your worries~"

Bai Ying paused for a moment, a little surprised: "Where?"

"I don't know, but it's really far away. It will take us at least half a month to get back." Luo Ning shook his head: "I'm sure this trip can help my brother."

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, troubled, his current trouble is just that the upgrade to the bright side is too urgent, if this solves it.

Kill monsters?

But the improvement of the light side should still focus on knowledge, otherwise it will appear a bit vain like the original dark side.

Or... the remains of the Colossus?

The White Plague is lacking almost everything now, but of course the more Colossus limbs the better.

If you build the colossus early, you can have the fighting power of a god earlier.

In contrast, the creation and understanding of the Mechanical Key can be pushed back a little.

It’s only half a month, there are still seven years until the ancient god comes.

Thinking about it, Bai Bian stood up and walked out: "Which way to go?"

"The north, far, far away, is a place that is currently beyond the reach of the Federation." Luo Ning's eyes flashed with golden light and he looked towards the north.

The city outside has been surrounded by darkness, which seems a little uneasy, but apart from the divine messenger, White Plague has nothing to fear.

Even if he is a divine envoy, as long as Luo Ning's consciousness is shielded and sent into the demon dimension, he will not be afraid.

The north was very strange, and the space fluctuations around him began to appear. Power enveloped Luoning and disappeared in Dongwu City in an instant.

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