Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 328 The fate of being swallowed

"Miss Luoning, why do you want Matvey to receive you? This doesn't seem to be very friendly to the envoy."

In the city lord's mansion, Laya looked at the Star Core F series robots flying outside and asked with some confusion.

After all, he was the envoy from the Federation of Stars. Since the Lady of Destiny could predict it in advance, she should have been greeted by more professional people.

Letting that arrogant dragonborn go would simply undermine the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. This was a very irrational thing in Laya's opinion.

"It doesn't matter, my brother and the Federation of Stars won't care."

"However." Luo Ning winked at Laya playfully: "In these trivial matters, it is not impossible to slightly punish those who are malicious to my brother, right?"


"It's okay, I saved his life." Luo Ning said with a smile: "Go and do your work, I don't need your help here."

Raya nodded thoughtfully, turned around, and walked out.

Eight of them are currently in the same team, and the other five are all outside collecting points.

Although three hundred thousand gold coins a month is enough for their training and expenses, no one would think it was too much money. The more military achievements, the better.

After Laya disappeared, the smile on Luoning's face disappeared, and he murmured thoughtfully in his eyes: "When will Mr. Sabo come back?"

AI: "Mr. Sabo cannot be contacted at the moment. Your interdimensional contactor is only effective for Mr. White Plague."

Luo Ning sighed, as more and more unpredictable things appeared, she always felt that her role was declining.

The crystal ball appeared next to him. Luo Ning jumped slightly, sat on it, and came to the highest point of the castle. He sat on the edge with his elbows on his knees and his face on his hands, silently looking at the residents of Tobu City.

Her eyes turned golden, and the fate of all living beings was clearly visible in her eyes.

Look towards a closed building not far away.

That was the prison in Tobu City, and some of the people who were supposed to die seemed to no longer have to die.

"Xiaohai, who do you think swallowed up that person's fate?"

Luo Ning muttered in a low voice: "He is indeed arrogant and a young genius, but his trajectory without intervention should not be like this. I can't believe that he actually dared to contradict Brother Bai Bian face to face."

The crystal ball Heart of the Ocean floated around her, flickering slightly, and blurry pictures appeared on it, but then disappeared very quickly.

Finally, the Heart of the Ocean seemed a little lost and came closer.

"It doesn't matter. It's normal for you to be able to swallow up the fate of the golden leader. The opponent is very strong and you can't see it."

Luo Ning continued to scan the city as he spoke, and reached out to touch the crystal ball.

"Well, brother said I'm very important and won't mess around. Don't worry. I will definitely tell brother if there is anything."

Time passed quickly, and under the leadership of Metvey, the basic situation of Tobu City was also clarified by these envoys.

In addition, these alchemists are connected to the Dawn network.

The image of a huge and extreme federation gradually became imprinted in their hearts.

This made them more in awe of the dawn.

On the third day of their arrival, there was another huge movement in the dungeon.


The entire Tobu City's attention was attracted by this loud noise.

Nearly two thousand Star Core F-series robots flew into the sky and flew towards the prison.

Their faces are all scarlet stripes, and their powerful aura makes the entire Tobu City residents feel safe and strongly restrained.

After all, these robots are in charge of the security of an area.

If it was originally because of the white epidemic that they did not dare to have any thoughts about these robots.

So now they only have awe of these robots, and at the same time, some guys with uneasy thoughts are also planning to be honest.

After all, they feel like they can't beat these cute robots.

The robots' bodies began to gather energy.

Those who try to cause chaos or harm public officials will be quickly imprisoned and await trial at the Law Enforcement Hall.

As for those who dare to resist, the F-series robots have the authority to kill them.

You can kill directly without relying on the judgment of intelligent beings.

Luo Ning from the City Lord's Mansion frowned and murmured decisively: "Catch him alive, he can't die, at least not now."

AI: "The highest authority has been used and the order has been issued."


In the sky, the huge auras suddenly began to converge, and the scarlet on the faces of the F series robots was turning into light yellow.

Their brains are working rapidly, and they are gradually connected to form a whole.

Among the two thousand robots, one thousand flew around the prison, and countless energy shields protected the buildings in the city.

Another thousand machine energies connected with each other, gradually forming a huge magic network, pressing down.


A six-pointed star array erupted in the prison, trying to break out of the restrictions.

[Super high magic energy detected, energy level: gold upper level, energy level: 78. 】

[The capture program is being built and the construction is completed. 】

[Estimated capture success rate: 100%.

Estimated loss: 10 Xinghe F series machines, 10% energy. 】

[Capture started. 】


Mechanical sounds are spreading among the robots. The robots in this series are just service robots, but it also depends on who they are serving.

The robots that serve the pinnacle saints can't get anywhere no matter how much they are brought down.

The increasingly exaggerated magic power of the robots gathered together. At the moment when the six-pointed star formation soared into the sky, it suddenly collided with the magic below with a violent aura.

At the same time, more than 300 of the robots that were maintaining the surroundings gave up protecting the building and rushed directly to the prison.

With a roaring sound.

The huge energy of the Star Core F robot alliance suddenly poured into the prison.


A huge aura erupted, and a night elf gradually rose into the sky in the energy, in front of everyone's eyes.

The mechanical sound of the Star Core F series enveloped the entire inner city.

[The target gold-level night elf fell into a coma, the capture mission was successfully completed, dead creatures, criminals: 30 people.

Innocent residents: 0.

Prison law enforcers: Fourteen people were seriously injured.

Damaged Building: Tobu Prison has three floors.

Damaged star core F series: Fu 1908-1917, ten in total. 】

[The danger has been eliminated, legal residents of Tobu please rest assured. 】

As the mechanical sound disappeared, the magic power of this golden superior was quickly sealed by powerful energy. Those silver-level envoys who escaped were also quickly caught by the robots, tied up and sent to the prison to be imprisoned.

Various departments began to work on repairing the prison.

The entire Dongwu City was silent at this moment, and the faces of the civilians were full of worship and belief.

If someone uses special magic to look at it, in the center of the largest square, a milky white light gradually appears on the statue of Bai Bian. It is the gathering of faith, even more than the statues of some gods.

And in the building that receives the envoys.

Jia Lan paced uneasily, how could that guy be so stupid?

Although Guan Qitian was very embarrassed, that was the end of the matter.

But now, it seems like things are getting serious.

"Ms. Jialan, what should we do now?"

A human race was a little worried: "If something happens to them, it seems..."

Jia Lan, who was pacing, paused slightly and looked at them calmly: "I will report the matter here to Mr. Noel truthfully. You are all children of the congressman's family. Think about the consequences for yourself."

The four young Baiyin lowered their heads and no longer dared to speak.

They actually knew very well that even if Tobu City really killed them, it would not affect the cooperation between the two federations.

In the face of the life and death of the entire Shia, they were too insignificant.

Even those congressmen are too small.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was some urgent knocking on the door.

Jia Lan was stunned for a moment, then immediately collected his emotions, put on a smile on his face and went to open the door.

Matvey looked at them coldly: "The city lord wants to see you, come with me."

There was some anxiety in Jia Lan's eyes. She looked back and took two quick steps. A space ring appeared in her hand, and she quietly tried to put it into Metvey's hand.

But Matvey easily dodged it, and he said calmly: "Forget it, what do you want to ask?"

His attitude was not good, but he knew what the worried golden leader was worried about.

"Didn't you say seven days later? It seems like three days have passed now."

Matvey walked forward, the displeasure in his eyes deepened: "With such a big movement, do you still need to ask?"

"You guys pray, that kid is probably finished."

As he spoke, the magic power around him flickered, and he led the five people who did not resist quickly to the city lord's mansion.

Jia Lan's hanging heart finally died.

But he quickly sorted out his emotions, and a decent smile appeared on his face.

No matter what, it's always right to give a legend enough respect.

other things.

To be honest, if Legend hadn't been unable to leave, it wouldn't have been the two golden ones who came here this time.

Congressmen, in front of legends, are just tools to deal with mundane matters.

At least that's the case for the members of the Federation of Stars.

Following Metwei to the City Lord's Mansion, the group did not use magic power and quickly walked to the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion with their heads lowered.

Some chatter sounded in front, and Jia Lan couldn't help but look up.

Immediately, I saw a young man and a beautiful woman talking to each other. Judging from the slight frown on the young man's brow, it seemed that he was not in a happy mood.

Her heart sank a little deeper.

"Lord City Lord, people have brought it."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Let's go get the reward."

Bai Bian's voice was very easy-going, which made Jia Lan relax a little. This legendary evil city lord was unexpectedly gentle.

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

As the familiar person Metvey disappeared, Jialan became even more nervous.

"Yi Ming. Jia Lan, right?"

Bai Bian looked at this nervous golden leader and felt a little dazed for a moment.

It seemed that just a moment ago, the golden leader was still at the top of his combat power, but now he lowered his head uneasily and waited for his verdict.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, my name is Jialan Guandong."

Bai Bian raised his hand, and a large number of Wanmagnetic mechanical bodies appeared, and they were spliced ​​together to form seats for entertaining guests.

"Sit down and don't be shy."

Bai Bian also sat down with Luo Ning. He did not directly ask about the purpose of this mission, but asked with some confusion: "You should have passed through many teleportation formations this time, so did you encounter any strange things along the way?" "

Jia Lan was stunned: "A strange person?"

Bai Bian thought for a moment and gave up asking. He could easily swallow up the fate of a golden person.

Then the other party is basically a legend, I don't know the exact level, but it is definitely not low.

Unless the other party is intentional, these people can't find it.

"Forget it, tell me the purpose of your coming this time." Bai Yi leaned back and asked casually.

"After the efforts of the Sea Clan and Dawn, the Stars and Dawn are now connected, and we want to trade with Dawn and sell you some things that Dawn needs."

The uneasiness in Jialan's tone gradually disappeared, and there was still a decent smile on his face: "Mr. Noel means that the Dawn Council needs to pay some cost price to purchase some A-series city defense mechas. The upper limit is 100 units, because city defense mechas are equally important to the Stars."

Jialan said clearly: "Also, we hope that Dawn's business can be open to the Stars. Merchants can always make both parties closer."

"Under the threat of the ancient gods, our interests should be a community."

Jialan said, holding a ring with both hands to Baiyi: "This is what Lord Noel asked me to give you."

Baiyi's eyes were a little appreciative. This alchemist is not bad, and he is good in all aspects. If he can dig him up

He took it and looked at it. There were not many things in it, just some books and some resources.

After looking at those books, Baiyi's eyes showed a trace of joy, taboo knowledge and more arcane knowledge.

"Thank Mr. Noel for me. I'll take the things."

"And I'll have someone contact you about what you just said."

[Dear Mr. Bai Yi, the task you issued has been successfully completed. 】

As a mechanical voice sounded, a night elf whose magic power was sealed and who was in a coma was sent to a place not far from Bai Yi by a force.

Bai Yi looked at Enmi and asked casually, "By the way, has Mr. Chu Ao finished his retreat?"

"No, he probably won't be able to come out in the next few years." Jia Lan's eyes were tense again.

"What a pity."

As Bai Yi said this, the light of a saint gradually flowed in his eyes, and his huge soul power watched the fate of this person.

However, the original gold upper position + star messenger should have a huge destiny, but at this moment it is extremely rare.

There is even a sense of déjà vu of being eaten by someone.

The most terrifying thing about the fortune teller, or the destiny system, is that once the destiny is swallowed, there is basically no hope.

They will reduce their intelligence in various ways until they kill themselves.

Because destiny represents the possibility of a person's future.

When a person's fate disappears completely, then he has no future.

And no future = death.

But this kind of death will not be sudden, so it will only affect the existence around him and himself, and let him kill himself.

Even when they die, few people will doubt it. After all, it is difficult to see a person's fate. Without the blessing of the power of the saint, Bai Yi needs to use instruments to see it.

In other words, people whose fate is swallowed up will not know how they died.

For example, when Bai Yi saw this person, he felt a faint disgust for him.

Not only that, the fate system can also fix or modify the future. Even if it does not swallow, it can kill people silently.

This is the case with the night elf in front of him.

There are many reasons why these messengers did not doubt it, but among them, being affected by this broken fate is definitely one of them!

Bai Yi looked at Luo Ning: "Can you see anything?"

Luo Ning shook his head, a little disappointed: "I can't see it, it's like..."

She was stunned suddenly, her eyes were filled with golden light in an instant, and she seemed to see a shadow?

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