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Chapter 345: Horses are not destined to be silkworms

Chapter 345 Ma Fei Silkworm Life

Waiting for God’s showcase to be settled

Bai Bian thought for a while and prepared to start manufacturing the A-series of city-protecting mechas. Currently, Tobu City's economy has begun to recover again, which is enough to support him to start large-scale manufacturing.

And now, the fastest way to gain experience is this legendary city-protecting mecha.

186-A is now a fifth-level legend, and its growth is a bit slow.

After Bai Bian becomes familiar with this, he can be upgraded.

The S series of city-protecting mechas are the sage's idea. They are not yet perfected, and Bai Bian doesn't really want to perfect them.

The main reason is that there are no special skill points. If you do scientific research on your own, one and a half months is simply not enough time.

Now that we have the latest version of Praise of the Sun, the Evil God is not in a hurry for the time being.

In this month, Bai Yi will first make all preparations, such as maxing out the proficiency of the A-series city-protecting mechas.

Then it will be made according to the situation. If there is not enough time, Bai Bian will invest some time in transformation science, leaving half a month to welcome the arrival of the evil god.

Bai Bian thought for a while and decisively asked a mechanical key to start manufacturing the Star Core B07 series. There was no need to worry about the origin of this thing.

And the initial concentrated fire was much more powerful than Barrett Sun.

The most important thing is that now the AI ​​has been upgraded, which is enough for Bai Plague to start a mechanical army style attack mode.

After the transformation science reaches the sage level, you can start to revive the colossus.

Bai Bian took out several books of memory. Among them, Bai Bian planned to copy some of the Space Inheritance books and keep them. In addition to the one for Diane, many legal professions needed it. Bai Bian planned to let Michus operate it. .

Strengthen the top ones that need to be strengthened, and let them provide money or resources to the next echelon.

Giving to the top is for God, others are just transactions.

Just as he was about to operate, a special feeling came over him, and Bai Bian was stunned for a moment.

Set your sights on the abyss.

Bai Bian was a little surprised, the two Pandoras decided the winner!

The surprise of winning was the second evil son [Gnai Silkworm Life].

Bai Bian closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and followed a trace of connection to stir up the vague medium.



The original 3301st layer of the abyss was now extremely dilapidated, the earth was collapsing crazily, and the sky was full of cracks like glass fragments.

A trace of wailing power continued to spread in this abyss, allowing the abyss lords who peeked at 'Pandora' to regain some sense.

In the center of the world, an expressionless white-haired young man was chewing something leisurely.

The incomplete corpses beside him exuded a little brilliance, and they were drying up, constantly increasing the strength of the white-haired young man.

"My brother, you have finally disappeared, and I seem to be more complete."

A low murmur came from the mouth of the white-haired young man. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and pulled out from his mouth a feather that reflected the colorful light in the pitch black.

Genai looked around, bent down, pulled out a meridian that exuded divine brilliance from a demigod corpse, and threaded a feather around his neck.

He glanced at the wandering abyss lords outside the abyss, with a smile on his lips: "Let me think about why you want to help me."

"He restrains you more?"

The sound spread unbridled, making the abyss lords restless, and they found that they seemed not to understand the language.

"Sure enough, you were created by him, but I don't feel a sense of restraint in you. If you play such a big role, aren't you afraid of backlash?"

The speaker did not show up, and Genai felt a little bored. He said sarcastically: "You don't understand. If I kill you, I will become more complete. But your secret methods are really good. Keep hiding, Pandora?"

No further words came from the void, but the corpses in front of Genai who were about to completely wither away slowly disappeared.

Genai did not stop him, but stretched his waist and said: "Idiots"

Before his Abyssal language could be fully heard, an extremely special and oppressive call came from an extremely distant place.

Genai could feel that he could break this connection at any time, but he hesitated.

After a flash of light in his eyes, he still responded to the call.

"Growing up well."

A voice that made him feel a little trembling sounded in his mind, and he felt that someone was trying to look through his memory.

There was some hesitation, but in the end he rejected the feeling of reading.


The voice that seemed to be in a good mood suddenly fell silent.

But Genai did not panic, and just responded softly: "My respected father, the child needs some privacy."

"Is anyone helping you?"

There was an inexplicable meaning in Bai Bian's voice, which made Genai panic.

He wanted to explain something: "No, I didn't let him."

"It doesn't matter. After Mark's death, the abyss seems to be quiet again, which is not good."

"But Father, a god is watching us, a true god."

Genai's tone was inexplicably flustered, and he didn't know why. He clearly had taboo-level strength now.

After swallowing the current host's consciousness, he can fully control this power.

But he was still a little flustered when facing this creator, just like the weak legend in his memory, who still had the power to manipulate him at will.

Obviously that's impossible

"It doesn't matter, it's just a consumable. Since you call me father, I can't treat one with favoritism, can I?"

"How about giving you a chance to get rid of me?"

Dong Dong Dong Dong

Genai reached out to touch his suddenly accelerated heartbeat, and his tone was slightly trembling: "I have never thought about getting rid of anything. Now I just want to be loyal to my father forever."

Da da da.

There was a sound as if fingertips were tapping metal, causing Genai's heart to beat involuntarily to this rhythm.


The abyss at this level began to collapse, and some abyss lords stretched their hands in.

Genai's scarlet eyes flashed with purple light, and he reached out and grabbed those things that looked like tentacles out of thin air.


A huge suction force exploded around him.

Hysterical and frightening voices burst out wildly outside the world. The originally oppressive figure turned into a mummy in an instant, floating so calmly in the broken sky of the abyss.


Outside the world, countless peeping eyes watched this scene solemnly, and their imminent movements were eliminated by the absolute power.

"Is it?"

The voice was very soft, but the pressure on Genai exceeded all the surrounding abyss lords.

"Of course, my strength is much greater than that of my father, but I don't have any disrespect for my father. Just like my dead brother, he did not resent his father after his death."


A hint of chuckle suddenly made the pressure in Genai's heart collapse.

He lowered his eyes and said: "As long as it makes my father happy, if you want to read my memories, then come. I think the child will always be your child. Privacy can only be given by the father. That is privacy."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to become a god. As long as you become a plane god, you will naturally not be restricted by me. I can give you the opportunity to become a god."

Bai Bian's voice was very casual, making Genai's heart beat continuously, becoming a god. He had never thought about it, because Silkworm Life had a racial upper limit.

This upper limit was set by White Plague, so it would be impossible to become a god.

But now, it was Bai Bing who said this, which gave Genai a glimmer of hope.

Silkworm Life's characteristics, if it can become a true god, then the abyss may become Silkworm Life's food.

"Everything depends on my father."

When Bai Bian received the answer, thoughts appeared in his eyes. He had just talked about becoming a god, but it was not impossible to realize it.

He looked at the scarlet in a test tube in front of him.

What if silkworms could live in symbiosis with gods?

So who says Silkworm Life is not a god?

But it is not easy to kill God.

"Send me an Abyss Lord, and I will send you a younger brother. I will tell you his characteristics. The rest is up to you."

Bai Bian smiled and said, "The opportunity may be just this one."

"Yes father."

The white plague cut off the connection, and the space around him flashed. When he reappeared, he was already at the place where Lixteen disappeared.

He waited quietly, constantly deducing the possibilities in his mind.

The powerful ancient gods are difficult to kill.

It is not unreasonable for them to claim to be eternal, because they are truly eternal to a certain extent.

The rules of the Scarlet Lord can even be considered among the top five among the ancient gods. His fall is very difficult.

Bai Bing just planned to lay some mines this time, which may or may not explode, but there is no reason not to do things that can be easily done.

Every silkworm's life is Lao Yin Bi, I hope this Genai will not disappoint him.

As for Mark

He couldn't kill Genai before Pu Sheng got involved in the silkworm life, so he was destined to die. After all, he was destined to become the first target of the attack.

Bai Bian quickly arranged a passage connecting the abyss and sent the information about the passage to Genai. He only needed to input the power of silkworm life, and Shia and the abyss would be connected briefly.

Of course, this kind of connection is also limited. God-level guys who want to come in now will be struck by lightning.


A buzzing sound sounded, and the passage between Shia and the abyss loomed, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped White Plague.


A massive, crazed pit lord was blasted into Shia from another dimension.


The angry roar caused the earth to begin to collapse, and the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds.

Thunder spread across the sky, and the violent demon rushed towards the abyss passage with hysterical anger, completely ignoring whether the surrounding Shia was the one that the abyss creatures dreamed of.


A slight cough sounded, and the extremely evil realm enveloped everything around him. Bai Bian glanced at the white-haired figure at the end of the passage who was trying to threaten him.

A smile appeared on his face: "Want to try?"

This was the first time that Genai felt the aura of the white plague. He really didn't feel any threat, but...

After a brief look at each other, he lowered his head, took two respectful steps back, performed Shia's chest-stroking salute, and said no more words.

The violent demon in the sky roared crazily and turned its attention to the white plague.

It furiously released its energy and began to dive without hesitation.


The collapse of the earth is intensifying, and the already devastated earth begins to spew out magma again.

Bai Bian smiled and raised his hand.


The next moment, his palm split infinitely into threads of flesh and blood, covering the entire sky.

Boom boom boom.

The huge force caused these scarlet threads to break crazily, but more threads gently wrapped around the violent demon and began to bind violently.

The God Endurance of Bai Yi's Dark Side reached 142 at this moment.

This is the attribute point of the eighth-level legend. Although these threads are very thin, they are also very tough, which is Bai Yi's physical defense.

The impact of the violent demon only lasted for dozens of meters, and then it was bound like a zongzi and could not move.

The many threads in Bai Yi's right hand returned.

The two sides kept approaching, and the violent demon had no emotions other than anger, but he couldn't struggle free, and could only make angry humming sounds in despair.

After the violent demon landed.

Bai Yi's palm fell off by itself, forming a powerful binding blood cocoon, binding the violent demon in front of him.

The scarlet in his eyes disappeared, and he muttered something in his mouth. An extremely peaceful breath began to spread, and the violent demon who could not move in the blood cocoon slowly stopped struggling.

Soul comfort.

It can make people and creatures whose soul strength is not as strong as Bai Yi passively calm down.

Bai Yi smiled and glanced at the other end of the abyss passage. The white-haired figure trembled slightly, and the vague sense of peeping completely disappeared.

The power of the demon dimension emerged, and the worker bee flew out and quickly became a workbench.

Bai Yi was in a good mood and began to extract the origin of the violent demon.

This time he had to be a pretender, or more precisely, a controlled pretender.

The body of the violent demon was also pretty good.

The silkworm life was made very quickly, and Bai Yi was very experienced in this.

When the only scarlet in his hand disappeared quickly, the prototype of the extremely inclusive silkworm life came out.

Bai Yi quickly shaped everything about this silkworm life. Although he could not specify the appearance of certain specialties, he could think of the direction he wanted to deviate.

When a special wave appeared, Bai Yi did not extract the origin of this silkworm life this time, and his upper limit would be the highest and most complete one among all 2.0.

Bai Yi smiled and said, "You will be called Ma Fei from now on."


A low roar broke out from the test tube, and the liquid inside was rioting wildly, constantly hitting the inner wall of the test tube, looking irrational.

Bai Yi stood up and looked at the other end of the abyss passage, the powerful existence with a circle of corpses around him.

Genai has almost reached the upper limit of Silkworm Life 2.0.

The current improvement is because of swallowing Mark. He needs to constantly improve himself. If Bai Yi does not pay attention to the abyss, and the abyss consciousness rejects him.

Then he will always be 'Pandora' and cannot become a real strong man.

So he always maintains a humble attitude towards Bai Yi. Knowing that Bai Yi can't do anything to him, he still fears Bai Yi instinctively.

"This thing is called Ma Fei, your younger brother, take good care of him."

Bai Yi gently threw the test tube, and the irritable Ma Fei flew out and entered the passage of the abyss.

Genai on the other side instantly caught Ma Fei, with greed flashing in his eyes.

Ma Fei was banging wildly in the test tube, as if he wanted to escape. The liquid had a trace of instinctive trembling hidden in the collision.

Bai Yi smiled and said: "He can attract the scarlet eyes, and he doesn't have much wisdom. If you want to become a god, you have to grasp it yourself."

Genai was stunned, watching the greed in his eyes disappear as he looked at the test tube in his hand.

He looked at Bai Yi and opened his mouth, but finally said calmly: "I know, father."

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