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Chapter 352: The Three Steps to Becoming a God

Just returned to Dongwu City.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl looked at him with a slight breathlessness.

From the slight decayed smell on her body and the light of death in her eyes, Diane came back in a hurry this time.

She looked at Bai Yi, the worry in her eyes slowly disappeared, and she breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's good that you are fine."

Bai Yi said softly: "Sorry, I made you worry, you go and do your work, I will be fine."

He raised his hand and the demon will was refreshed instantly.

After the demon soul blood on his side was refreshed, the blessing on Diane's body would also be refreshed.

Just now, the explosion of the Sun's Praise made him use the demon soul blood, and the bearer of the demon will could feel the power on him disappear.

Diane actually wanted to persuade him, but she felt that there was no need to speak, so she silently took out a box of about ten centimeters.

She took two steps forward and handed it to him.

Bai Yi took it and checked it.

[You get soul crystal core (large) × 5, soul crystal core (medium) × 30, soul crystal core (small) × 104. 】


"All are working hard for our future." Diane turned around and the space around her was pulsating and flickering. Her tone was a little low: "I didn't do nothing either."

Bai Yi:.

After a moment of silence, he put away the things.

Bai Yi looked at Luo Ning not far away. She suppressed the worry in her eyes and smiled: "Brother, where is Mr. Sabo?"

"There was an accident, but it doesn't matter. I can deal with these filth."

As Bai Yi spoke, the space around him was pulsating.

"Take me with you."

Disappeared with Luo Ning.

When the space stabilized again, the dim and depressing architectural style in front of him made people feel a little suffocated.

On the steel-like wall, there was a yellowish light, which made the depression of this passage deepen.

This is the prison of Dongwu City, but the spiritual runes and some materials around are emitting a special breath.

"We just delayed the contamination in their bodies, and we haven't reached the stagnation left by Mr. Sabo in Chaoyang City. There should be some trouble."

Tap tap tap.

After hearing Luo Ning's voice, the fast-approaching warning slowly stopped and turned to leave silently.

"It's okay, it's already very good." Bai Yi took Luo Ning to the end of the passage. There was a prison door covered with alchemical inscriptions. When it was opened, there were four compartments inside.

The fence door of the compartment also had an illusory breath of fate. The alchemical inscriptions formed a diamond-shaped blue crystal in the center, which rotated slightly.

A force of sealing made people's minds infinitely empty, as if they were completely drunk, giving people a light feeling.

But this kind of sealing cannot affect the two creators.

The footsteps awakened the chaotic consciousness, and the five people looked at the door at the same time, and their emotions were a little complicated.

The Jiaguan couple was happy, and the three warriors were a little confused.

Bai Yi walked in front of Laya.

In his eyes, Laya's value is the greatest, so it is definitely right to solve Laya's problem as soon as possible.

"City Lord."

Laya wanted to say something, but suddenly, a bad thought rang in her mind. She was stunned for a moment, subconsciously shut up, and then fell into deep thought.

Angels' minds are always pure. Half-angels are tainted with human thoughts, and may not be so pure, but their personalities are generally stubborn, and it is difficult to change what they have determined.

So when she had thoughts that she shouldn't have had about the people she had always respected, and was about to put them into action, the angel gene in her body told her that this was very wrong.

"Just wait, no need to talk too much."

Bai Yi said calmly, and the worker bees flew out and quickly formed a workbench.

There are four ways to solve this pollution. The first is the soul purification potion.

It is a legendary potion created for the invasion of the netherworld.

The main material of this potion is the soul crystal core, so even if this is the most perfect solution, Bai Yi has never thought of implementing it.

The second is to extract the soul, remove the pollution, and cleanse the mind.

This has no side effects except that the person being washed will lose part of his memory and his soul will be injured.

But this requires Bai Yi to extract, wash, and wipe out the pollution one by one with a powerful soul.

This is very laborious, and Bai Yi has no intention of doing so.

The third one is simple. Purification power, magic, or potion can all purify. This legendary angel can probably do it, but unfortunately Raya has not reached the legendary level yet.

The last one is very interesting, alchemical poison.

For a true alchemist, the boundary between poison and gain is blurring.

What Bai Yi has to do now is to explore the soul and find the source of filth.

Then create a poison that only targets this kind of pollution, so that the poison and the source of pollution will perish together.

This is not very difficult for Bai Yi.

The only key point is that this poison must not cause any harm to the human body.

In other words, it will not harm most people, and the harm to some special physiques should not be too great, at least not to kill.

As Bai Yi began to study, their thinking was no longer stagnant, and the whispers of some evil gods began to spread, making them have some unfriendly thoughts about Bai Yi.

And the pollution is spreading in their souls, causing the magic in their bodies to begin to change.

However, this is a relatively long pollution. Judging from the speed, Lukelei should be planning to come again in three days.

Pollution is contagious.

However, the star core F series of Dongwu City has now gone to Chaoyang City, preventing all residents who want to leave the city wall.

The teleportation array was connected to another prison three days ago, and Sunu of the Koman family implemented an information blockade on Chaoyang City, so there was no chaos.

As for the emotions of these residents, someone will deal with it after everything is done.

Bai Yi only needs to control the general direction, and the parliament will handle the rest of the aftermath.

After the preparations were ready, Bai Yi directly extracted Raya's soul and forcibly extracted the source of pollution with the strength of God's soul.

Then began to study the characteristics of this pollution and create targeted and short-term toxicity.

This toxicity can only exist when there is pollution. After a creature is free of pollution, if it is not replenished for ten minutes, the toxicity will die and become waste residue and be discharged from people's bodies.

With repeated experiments, Bai Yi stuffed the angel's soul into her body.

At the same time, the prompt on the panel also lit up.

[You have successfully developed a legendary poison (unnamed), alchemy proficiency +30, experience +30,000, additional experience +30,000. ]

Use one skill point to max out the proficiency of this poison.

Bai Yi began to quickly produce the poison and began to modify the virus of this liquid.


When the poison was completely stable.

Bai Yi raised his hand, and the alchemical inscriptions on the door disappeared one after another. At the same time, a faint blue gas spread and enveloped the prison.

The whispers in the minds of the polluted people slowly dissipated with their breathing.

In fact, the main reason why Bai Yi could solve this pollution so easily was because of Lukelei's death. The pollution with an owner and the pollution without an owner are different.

After all, as the source of all filth, God can arbitrarily make this level of pollution advanced, so that some characteristics of the virus disappear or change, and finally make the alchemical poison ineffective.

Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to make the corresponding atomizer.

After waiting for about ten minutes, after confirming that the filth in these people's bodies disappeared.

Bai Yi's atomizer was almost finished, and he pointed to the barrel of over 100 liters of poison.

"Sprinkle this stuff all over Chaoyang City, and the aftermath will be left to you."

"Luo Ning will cooperate with you on this matter."

Bai Yi said and looked at Luo Ning.

Luo Ning nodded immediately: "I know."

Seeing that they were all hesitant to speak, Bai Yi ignored them, and the space around him flashed and disappeared in the prison in an instant.

Luo Ning would explain, he still had a lot of things to do now, in addition to choosing a specialty.

Grandmaster Alchemy Pharmacy (36410/100000), Grandmaster Alchemy Transformation (13500/100000).

Bai Yi needs to choose one of these two to reach the sage level, and then start making alchemical colossi.

The current world level has regressed tens of millions of years, but there are still more than a hundred gods in the entire heavens.

These are still the gods who can come to Xia in three years, not the gods of medium and strong divine power.

Therefore, even if Bai Yi has god-level combat power in three years, one person cannot protect such a huge federation.

He needs helpers.

And the best helpers for alchemists are their alchemical creations.

The colossus is a kind of peak.

The great sage is too far away. In a tricky situation, only by creating a colossus first can the federation feel a little safe.


Bai Yi sat in the backyard of the city lord's mansion. The sunset in the sky had already set, and the bright moon peeked out from the corner.

The sage needs 200,000 proficiency to reach the maximum level, and the great sage is that the proficiency of the three sages has reached the maximum value, and then create an alchemical creation that can fight against or even kill the god of medium divine power.

Only then can you advance to become a great sage.

Almost all great sages will have a colossus with different attributes.

This is the way of the predecessors, and it is also the simplest way for sages.

A taboo alchemist is not necessarily a great sage, but a great sage must be a taboo alchemist.

Bai Yi put his consciousness on the panel.

Just when he was about to open the specialty selection, a prompt rose.

[Title: Alchemy Master Special Effect Triggered, Special Skill Points ×1. ]

Bai Yi paused and looked at it: [Special Skill Points: 7. ]

It's already very good. Although it's not enough, it can greatly advance the time to reach the sage.

Bai Yi is not planning to advance to the alchemy and pharmacy with a relatively high proficiency.

But alchemy transformation.

Transformation is the most versatile subject, which includes pharmacy and technology.

So Bai Yi only needs to work hard on the flesh and blood transformation in transformation. As long as the research is in a new direction, pharmacy will also be brought up with a high probability.

This is the best way to maximize the value of special skill points.

Bai Yi thought about it, the death of the angel, then it is more suitable for the light side than the dark side.

In other words, as long as the light side has specialties related to the soul, the strengthening of the dark side is very terrifying.

[You have opened the special specialty selection ×1.]

[Please choose one of the three specialties below. ]

[The Glory of Faith: Your affinity for faith +70, the degree of interference of faith on you -30%. 】

This is okay, but it is not what Bai Yi wants. Various affinities will eventually manifest in the charm value.

Based on Bai Yi's understanding of charm, a faith affinity of 70 is most likely 5 points of charm, or 10 points of charm.

Charm can be understood as the sum of various affinities, but this value is rather special and it is difficult to really calculate the specific value.

After all, a single affinity and an overall affinity are not exactly the same in terms of charm enhancement.

For example, Luo Ning's current charm has reached 352 points.

Most of these are fate affinity and luck affinity.

There are some differences between fate and luck.

After Bai Yi reaches the Great Sage, he may use his spare time to make a new summary, but now he doesn't want to spend time on this.

[Pure Heart: Your soul and mind will become pure, and all negative pollution, curses, and poisons to consciousness will be resistant by +200.

You will be more likely to enter a state of concentration, and your understanding of knowledge will be +10%. ]

Bai Yi paused slightly, resistance.

It's a pity that it's not immune, but it's already very good.

Resistance is not the same as attributes. The body's ability to resist blows is almost 1 to 1 with the strength attribute.

But this is just a single resistance, and the endurance represented by resistance includes various resistances.

With high endurance, resistance to extreme environments such as poison, extreme cold, and extreme heat will also be much higher.

Therefore, simply adding negative resistance will not be reflected in endurance.

I looked at the last one.

[Eternal Feather: When your health value is less than 0%, you will start a Nirvana based on your luck attribute. You will have a 50% chance to restore 100% of your health value and remove all negative states. ]

[You have chosen the Pure Heart. ]

Bai Yi instantly felt a sense of clarity in his soul, and some of the pressure that was originally coming from the dark side disappeared at this moment.

This time the specialty is really good, but.

Luck is a thing. Bai Yi once tried to play Landlord with Diane, emmm, and never got a card above ten.

So Bai Yi decisively ignored the things that were judged by luck, even though this specialty seemed really good.

After sensing the intensity of light and darkness, Bai Yi felt that even if he didn't use the soul crystal cores given by the rich woman, he should be able to bear another special specialty.

As for the extremely evil specialty, he would have to wait until Bai Yi finished eating the more than 100 soft rices before he could open it.

There was a flash of scarlet in his eyes, and at the same time, he opened the choice of specialty.

[You have opened a special specialty × 1. ]

[Please choose one of the three specialties below. ]

[God's majesty: Without your consent, any existence with a lower status than you who looks at you will be subject to extremely evil erosion of 1%~100% of your health value.

Note: The lower the other party's extraordinary attributes, the higher the invasion. ]

Bai Yi paused slightly, a must-have specialty for gods, invisible!

If so, then.

[God's majesty: Without your consent, when any extraordinary existence talks about your real name, you will sense the conversation, and hear part of the content while obtaining the coordinates of the speaker.

Note: The lower the other party's extraordinary attributes, the more blurred the coordinates and words.

Note: When the opponent's rank is the same as yours, or higher than yours, the soul attributes of both parties are judged. If they are not less than 30 points of yours, the majesty of God cannot be triggered. 】

White plague is silent. It is really unspeakable.

Then the last one is a believer, or.

[Filthy sound: Any sound you make will corrode and assimilate all life forms with a lower rank than you. The degree of erosion is determined by your will and the opponent's extraordinary attributes and rules. 】

White plague:.


Why do you have to choose one of three for this thing?

Is it the trilogy of becoming a god?

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