Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 354 Players' speculations

The high-level players were silent.

The last relatively unfamiliar face spread his hands: "Just take it as true, we don't play the game well, go in and be weak chickens, and be killed like chickens?"

"After the white plague reform, it has been much better."

The player interrupted Xiahou Fuxing's words and asked: "Is it safe here? Can I be as comfortable as now?"

Xiahou Fuxing was silent. In the extraordinary world, even if there are laws, death is always around.

Because you don't know which words you offended which strong person, and from the perspective of the laws that are particularly harsh in the eyes of the Blue Star people, unless you enter as an extraordinary person, many people will not be particularly willing to enter with their current bodies.


"Have you watched the trailer for 3.0?" The man turned and walked out, his tone seemed to be a reminder, and also seemed to be persuading something: "God is about to come, and the only one who can fight against God is Bai Yi. How can he fight against all the gods alone?"

"Games are games. Even if it is not a game, it is better to be a game."


The sound of the elevator door closing rang out, and the high-level player walked away quickly and decisively.

Wei Lu and Wunos were silent.

Demacia and others were also silent.

Xiahou Fuxing, Xioli, Bianhuakai, and Fengchen had some struggle in their eyes.

Everyone knew the reason why the high-level player left as if he was running for his life.

It's really simple, everyone can see how difficult the game of Dawn Rising is.

It's 2036 in the Blue Star Calendar. Except for Dawn Rising, other places still cannot conquer the consciousness transmission system.

The most people can do is to wear equipment, with vision and hearing as the center, to further deceive the sense of smell, touch, and feeling.

But that is not a real full virtual game after all.

The appearance of Dawn Rising was too strange. No matter how you think about it, you know that this game is not simple. Even the batches of scientific researchers who enter the game can explain a lot of things.

Under this premise, it is not important whether Wei Lu has evidence or not. What is important is that as long as this matter is said, they have confirmed the authenticity in their hearts.

That person left so resolutely, just because he was afraid that even if he heard any breakthrough news, he would not be able to help but stay here and participate.

If you participate, it’s okay if you can’t get in in the end. Once you get in, if you can’t quit, then it will most likely mean death.

People are born with a fear of death.

“This is a cool idea. I support you.”

Xioli is a black girl, about 20 years old, from America. After a brief thought, she agreed very happily.

For her, this is an adventure with her life at stake, but it is obvious that this is full of temptation for Americans.

Especially for their race, there seems to be no big difference in America and in the game.

Wei Lu and Unos looked at each other, and there was a little excitement in their eyes.

Wei Lv looked at Demacia and the others: "You have all been friends for a long time. You don't need to make a choice so quickly. Maybe you can listen to the information I have obtained now and then make a choice?"

Obviously, the uncertainty Wei Lv was talking about was this black girl.

The four people were silent and hesitated without leaving.

Wei Lv showed a relaxed smile and led the group to a table to sit down separately.

He looked around and felt a little emotional. In the end, except for Xiahou Fuxing and Hei Mei, they were all familiar faces.

This is not surprising. The top players of the same game will have more or less contact. After changing games one by one, if they are all together and become the top, when they encounter something difficult or need to form a team, each other is the best choice.

With more contact, they will become familiar.

As for character, everyone is trustworthy.

After seeing that everyone was seated, Wei Lv reached out to Demacia.

Demacia silently handed him the worker bee she was holding tightly, and the worry in her eyes became even worse.

He couldn't help but say, "I'm very satisfied with my current life."

Wei Lu paused, ignored this sentence, and considered the sentence: "When entering this game, I believe everyone has doubted whether it is a game."

"But resurrection, upgrade, game body, are all reasons to deny that it is a real world."

"I used to think so, until."

Wei Lu was silent for a while, and continued: "The appearance of the God's Showcase."

Xiahou Fuxing was stunned and looked up. He became famous because of the God's Showcase and the Charge, and he also knew a little about the God's Showcase.

It is indeed a very magical prop.

Others were silent, only Hei Mei was still listening with some interest. There is no God's Showcase in the Sun Federation, and it is still full of war.

"I had four chances to see God's Showcase alone."

"The first time I faced God's Showcase alone, I asked a question: Are both worlds real?"

"It gave an affirmative answer and gave me a simple task, just give it the most precious thing I have at the moment."

"God's Showcase, which even White Blight dared not try easily, asked for something that was useless to it, which means that in the eyes of God's Showcase, which is almost omniscient, this is just a common sense question."

Wei Lu was silent for a moment before continuing: "I don't rule out that Dawn Rising Company really created a historical precedent and gave that prop a fixed answer. Therefore, I used God for the second time. When I saw the shop window, I asked the second question.”

"Tell me the extraordinary technology that can be reproduced in another world, the easiest way to obtain it and its name."

"And it gives two sentences: Dawn in the Palace of Knowledge, where worker bees and faith gather the divine magic formation."

The players all looked at the magic circle not far away, and then looked at the guard brigade in confusion. It was not a faith gathering formation, but a summoning formation, and the summoning formation was very familiar to Demacia.

The Wei brigade ignored their doubts and said to himself: "During that time, because I wanted to help the White Epidemic deliver news, I met a great player, Wu Nuos. I learned about it through some friends. his situation”

Seeing everyone's attention, Wu Nuosi smiled, but did not interrupt. He and the black girl were always outsiders here, so he didn't need to say anything more.

"I think the former genius top student might be interested in studying the mysteries with me."

"So, the work of the worker bees is left to this master."

"We have translated a lot of information and spent a lot of time, and we cannot reproduce the worker bees 1:1, but as you can see, the worker bees are moving!"

"We didn't use physical means. Even if we folded the wings of the worker bee, it could still fly. After removing the electromagnetic and other equipment, why can't this become an extraordinary item of Blue Star?"

"And now that I'm here, I'm almost certain that this rumor is true in both worlds."

"Then, I got the permission to use the God's Window for the third and fourth time. I know that I won't have many opportunities to use this kind of god-level item."

"So, I asked two very critical questions."

"Can the two worlds be connected? How to enter Shia from Blue Star?"

The Wei brigade was silent for a moment before saying, "The answer is [yes], and then he sent me a mission."

"I didn't get another answer, but how could it not be an answer?"

Wei Lu smiled: "So, after the end of 2.0, there was that party. You all received an answer sheet. Although I am talking about a game, it was enough to filter out people's subconscious answers. Finally, we are now. "

"This may not be a mechanism."

Demacia wanted to say something, but looked at the worker bees in the Guard Brigade's hands and swallowed back the words.

It seems that this is not a mechanism.

Bian Huakai knocked on the table: "Have you watched all the trailers?"

No one answered this question. As a high-level player, the game mechanics are a must-see, and they will even read the subtle weakening and enhancement after every version update.

The trailer is the first thing to watch.

He looked at the guard: "Even if everything you said is true, even if you can find a way to enter Shia, even if you can inherit the upcoming level 45, and even give you the scholars you have now Status and high favorability of White Epidemic.”

"So, can you survive against the countless figures overlooking the world in the trailer?"

"If you are talking about the real world, the sun server will be destroyed as soon as God comes, and Siole will die instantly after entering."

"In this world, we are players, in that world, we are nothing!"

After saying that, Bian Huakai took out her mobile phone and started to read the official website of the game. She had no intention of talking to them anymore, but she didn't leave either.

The reason is still the same. The extraordinary world is too attractive to Blue Star people.

There is eternal life in that world!

Just as Wei Brigade was about to say something, Demacia asked with a serious face: "I have one more question."

"You ask."

"Did you report this matter?"


"Then don't report it, and don't spread what you hear. It can only be a game." Demacia was very serious, and his tone was even a little heavy: "If you really find a way to enter Shia, then you have heard the saying Words?"

“When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.”

"That world really has an abyss. According to Blue Star's current power, even gold-level players can't defeat it."

"If it's true, then this matter is no longer a matter of you alone, but a matter of the entire Blue Star, and even the things behind Dawn Company."

"Once too many people know about your problems, it will be a disaster for Blue Star."

Wei Brig listened and looked at Wunuos.

Wunuos silently took out a notebook from the drawer, then split the screen and opened three videos at the same time.

It can be seen from all three videos that they were shot with a pinhole camera.

What they recorded was security guards standing straight one after another. Even when they got close to a certain point, the picture quality instantly blurred.

Then came the murmur.

When the picture became clear again, the three videos were all dozens of meters away from the security office.


Wu Nuosi's tone was a little heavy: "Three Dawn servers, three Dawn companies, three of the world's top special team protections, the world's top shielders"

He didn't wait for the Demacia people to ask questions, and continued to operate the computer to start the next three videos.

A commentary voice came from this video: "Welcome everyone to the live broadcast room, I am the anchor Wei Brigade, many people are curious."

The video gradually approached the game company. This time the network was fine, and the security personnel only slightly blocked it. After a receptionist appeared, Wei Brigade was taken to the Dawn Rising Heavenly Dynasty branch.

Among them, many people were working, and the light of the code was reflected on their radiation-proof glasses.

This seemed to be a very professional game company where everyone was working hard.

But after Wei Brigade walked around.

Unos called back the video again.

He stopped the live video and enlarged the glasses of those staff members. The countless codes on them were very blurry, as if the glasses could not completely reflect the letters.

And Wei Brigade was not allowed to walk behind the programmer.

Wunos pressed a key on the notebook, and the reflected letters that seemed like garbled codes gradually became clear.

Wunos said silently: "Top Electronic Information Corps, these are not updating the game, but trying to decipher something with the computer."

"Then" Demacia frowned. At this point, he could be sure that there was something wrong with this game.

But Wei Brigade had so much advanced information, why didn't he cooperate with them, but do it alone?


The elevator sounded, and several maids placed various drinks and food in front of them, and then left without looking away.

"150,000 people inside, 1.0 18 million, 2.0 90 million, 3.0 unlimited, what do you think of this?"

"Game version update."

"The premise is the game." Wei Lu smiled: "Think about the question I asked the God's Window."

"Assuming that the intersection of the two worlds is the game company, then in a higher dimensional level, our influence on that world is getting bigger and bigger, and I think the influence is mutual, maybe in a few more versions."

Demacia was shocked: "What do you mean"

Others also looked at Wei Lu, including Higanbana Kai, they didn't seem to think of this level.

"Yes, this is too dangerous, Unos wants to develop inside, but I want to see if I can turn off the game. The premise is to prove the authenticity of Xia." Wei Lu nodded affirmatively.

"Then why don't you cooperate with Dawn Company? They have the most advanced equipment, the most abundant resources and the highest power in the world."

"Because I thought of the First Emperor." Wei Lv spread his hands: "Supernormal, immortality, isn't that what the superiors want?"

"So, let's do it together, find a way to enter it, and then find a way to shut it down."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Since it is a given that it will be discovered." Wei Lv took a sip of milk tea, picked up a tissue to wipe his mouth, and smiled: "Then cooperate with Dawn Company to fully support Bai Yi, and take the initiative to deepen the handover between the two worlds."


Wei Lv: "What? Surprise? Do you want to join the ancient gods?"

"Noel is also OK, Noel's talent is not weaker than Bai Yi." Unos said silently.

"Bullshit, Bai Yi is only over 30, and Nor is over 500. If Bai Yi is given 400 years, he can make God kneel down and repent why he was born."

"That's because of the concentration of magic power, and Bai Yi is not as strong as Nor."

"Is it true that he is 30 years old?"

"Yes, but"

"No buts, in the trailer, Bai Yi is the one standing in the C position, and this matter is settled. Anyway, you are the one who will enter the game, and you can't interfere with my choice."

Unos: "Despicable Chinese."

Wei Lu: "Then let's switch roles? I go in?"

Unos: "No, thank you."

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