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Chapter 356 New Evil Specialty

【Extreme Evil Pain: All the damage you cause will be +500% painful, and the pain cannot be shielded. Any creature with the Extreme Evil Mark in its body will be planted with the Pain Mark when the sanity value drops to 50%, and the pain caused by your next attack will be +1000%. 】

Bai Yi looked at this special scene with a thoughtful look in his eyes. It seems that his special scene of increasing pain has appeared more than once or twice.

For the evil race, all negative emotions are food, which of course includes pain.

Pain can bring fear, dread, fear, morbid excitement and a series of negative things.

If the evil takes the path of pain, it is likely that it can increase its qualifications and strength by absorbing pain.

However, Bai Yi has already determined to go the immortal system because of the finger bones of the goddess of life, so of course he will not take something that has little effect now.

Look at the next one.

【Extreme Evil Rebirth: Every time your health value drops to 10% and recovers to 100% again, your God·Power, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, and Malice will increase slightly.

Cooling time: 3 natural days. ]

Bai Yi's eyes lit up slightly, this seems to be able to brush attributes!!!

But Bai Yi then suppressed the excitement in his eyes, the two words behind intelligence

Thinking, Bai Yi looked at the last one.

[Extreme Evil Hunting: Your charm value -3, every time you fall asleep, you will always see a creature related to your opportunity and obtain its coordinates.

Note: There is no distance limit for this creature.

Note: When you obtain the coordinates of the other party, the other party will also have a sense of you. ]

Bai Yi was a little surprised. This kind of expertise seems to be rare, but it feels natural.

A powerful destiny will always perceive something related to itself. For example, in the myths and legends of the Celestial Empire, the immortal must have perceived something related to itself when he was born.

This feeling can actually be vaguely perceived when you reach the legendary level.

The destiny system can clearly perceive its own destiny when it is silver.

But this thing is not quite the same as those perceptions.

This is a perception on the positive side. The word "chance" cannot be called everything.

The only downside is that you need to sleep.

Bai Yi never sleeps except when Diane comes back.

Even when Diane comes back, she rarely sleeps, so this specialty has to be triggered actively.

After thinking about it, Bai Yi still plans to choose the third one.

The second one has a small increase in malice, which is actually a small increase in erosion.

Adding a little to this thing is irresponsible for your own safety.

The first one is another system, so why not see if there is any opportunity.

[Selected: Extreme Evil Hunting. ]


Bai Yi's black and white eyes suddenly appeared a trace of scarlet, and the various elements around him suddenly fled.

But as the saint's mark circulated, the scarlet color was suppressed, and those natural elements quickly approached and surrounded him closely.

Bai Yi was stunned for a long time before the information in his mind gradually subsided.

He smiled. This specialty is not bad. It is a specialty in the consciousness. It only requires the consciousness to fall into a deep sleep, and it doesn't matter whether it is the light side or the dark side.

This is also more convenient. Otherwise, even if there is the title of pure goodness, it will also scare the residents in the city.

Not reducing sanity does not mean that there will be no fear and concern.

I looked at the Blade of Evil.

A year ago, this transformed into a new effect, which is very powerful, and it is considered to continue to strengthen the Blade of Evil.

[Effect 8: Dirt Blade: Any damage caused by the Blade of Evil causes 5% corrosion damage per second, and it continues to spread, suppressing the enemy's extraordinary power and eroding the enemy's soul.

Note: This filth comes from God and has a high judgment priority, second only to true damage. ]

[Growth of the Blade of Evil: 63%. ]

This effect is very strong, but it is not strong in 5% corrosion damage, but in suppressing the enemy's extraordinary power and invading the soul.

Bai Yi is a master of alchemy potions.

There are many poisons, but they are not very effective in battle. This is not because the poison is not good.

But when fighting with alchemists, all enemies will care about poisons.

Bai Yi's research on poisons has always been developing towards invasiveness, but even if the invasiveness of the netherworld is combined with potions, it is still not enough.

So this invasion + bleeding + corrosion damage + poison and amplified invasion.

Even if the enemy cannot be killed with one blow, after each attack, even if Bai Yi leaves, the additional attributes are enough to make the enemy drink a pot.

Bai Yi thought about it, transformation, first see how the transformation of this manager is, and then continue to study other things.

Also, the AI ​​that can change the definition of reality must also be studied, and it is studied together with the main brain of the star core battleship, and finally controlled by Zero.

Then give the last dependent position, then Zero will become his housekeeper in reality, and have enough power to protect Dongwu City.

Thinking, Bai Yi sat back, the ground of the laboratory bulged, forming a mechanical throne to hold him up.

Bai Yi supported his head with one hand and closed his eyes. The strong mental power allowed him to control himself to fall asleep quickly.

And with extremely rich knowledge, he quickly constructed a dream.

In the dream, Bai Yi did nonsensical work, and familiar or unfamiliar faces lived in it.

This is a dream, and the dreams in this world are connected to the turbulent flow of dimensions, and are collectively called weird.

This is why the power of weirdness can copy almost any substance in the world.

And in this weirdness, Dream White Plague seemed to notice something, which were spots of light.

These light spots are as ethereal as this weird dream.

A trace of clarity flashed in Bai Bian's eyes.

His dominant consciousness began to take over his dream thoughts, and his spiritual attributes began to maintain the dream.

When huge spiritual power intervenes in everything around them, people's illusory and disorderly conversations begin to become clear and well-founded.

Mortals will feel very tired and even have headaches after some dreams.

That is, people's mental power passively maintains and refines dreams. After all, mortals' mental power is always limited, and of course they will feel uncomfortable if it is overdrawn.

Of course, White Blight will not have this kind of mental attribute of 230. Although it consumes more than 130 soul crystal cores, judging from the attributes calculated by White Blight.

The current light side mental power has reached the main attribute strength of the sixth level taboo.

The corresponding god is also about to reach the point of weak divine power, which is almost at the same level as the unweakened God of Filth.

With this attribute, White Plague can even travel to dimensional turbulence through dreams.

Or you can travel through many dreams at will, or even kill people in your dreams, and you can actually kill your enemies.

Bai Bian looked at those illusory light groups. They did not disappear according to the clarity of the surrounding logic, but became increasingly clear.

Bai Bing's figure kept disappearing and reappearing, passing through colorful light groups.

He is observing these things and understands the soul and spirit, so Bai Bian also understands dreams.

But he didn't know that much about the fate system.

After thinking for a while, Bai Bian began to affect his mental fluctuations through dreams, and finally achieved a device that commanded reality in dreams.

It took about a minute or so.

a voice sounded.

"Brother, are you looking for me? Eh? These things."

Luo Ning suddenly appeared in Bai Bie's dream, looking at the floating things around him with some surprise.

"Do you know these?" Bai Bian asked, relaxing a little at the same time.

Sure enough, the knowledge of fate must be left to Luo Ning.

"Recognition, this is a manifestation of destiny. Generally, it is only possible to have an intersection with you, but this kind of thing will appear in certain places and people that you don't know yet or have never been to. We call it For the seventh sense dream.”

Luo Ning thought thoughtfully and said: "This is also the reason why some people go to a place they have never been before, but still feel familiar."

"But brother, this one seems different."

"Why is it different?"

Luo Ning closed his eyes and felt it, then stretched out his hand.


The huge power of destiny was slightly shaken.


Everything around him was instantly covered with blue crystals, restricting all activities, including Luo Ning and Bai Bing.

"Hey, I don't mean any harm, please let me go, okay?" Luo Ning blinked and muttered as if begging for mercy.

The moment her voice appeared in the crystal, a bloody figure appeared in the blue crystal that had frozen everything. The figure turned around and took away the crystallization of the frozen dream.

Bai Bian moved his body in surprise: "That was just now."

"Your fate, isn't it? That red figure is very fierce and unfriendly." Luo Ning was a little sure at first.

Then a little arrogance appeared between his eyebrows: "But now as long as I apologize, no one can control the fate. Even if I hold hands with it, it will not hit me, hehe."

Bai Bian was a little surprised. It seemed that he hadn't looked at Luo Ning's attributes for a long time. What kind of heaven-defying expertise had he awakened?

However, thinking about the charm value of both parties, Bai Biao lost interest in checking. He couldn't see, couldn't see the key at all.

"Oh, right." Luo Ning stretched out his hand, and the power of fate just now spread to the entire dream, revealing some things that were originally hidden.

"This shouldn't be part of the seventh sense. It's more advanced. It's a little different from precognitive dreams. It's a kind of attraction of fate."

"And this attraction is not mutual. It's just that their fate unilaterally attracts their brother's fate. Look at this."

In the dream, those radiances of destiny split into red threads and extended to Bai Bie's body.

Suddenly, Bai Bian felt that these light groups seemed to be extremely delicious. This was a weird feeling.

"What does it feel like?" Luo Ning asked curiously. This was the first time she had seen such a thing, as if she had left her own breath at the junction of the fates of all beings.

Anything that attracts her will appear in her dreams. It's magical. She doesn't quite understand the principle behind the appearance of such things.

"Want to eat them?" Bai Yifei answered truthfully.

Luo Ning touched his chin and shook his head: "Well, then I don't know."

White plague:.

"But don't worry." Luo Ning said, suddenly smiled, grabbed Bai Bian's hand, and ran towards a slightly dim light ball.

"Hold on to me, let's rush in and take a look."


As soon as Luo Ning finished speaking, they collided with the light group, and then their bodies quickly twisted and spun like a vortex, disappearing into Bai Plague's dream.

Everything around him became more bizarre. Beside Bai Bian, a scarlet figure appeared with a face like Luo Ning's, seeming to be inspecting or simply watching.

"How to control him?"

"It's impossible." Luo Ning whispered: "People can't control their own destiny, and I am no exception. I can only see destiny and move it, not control it."

Luo Ning smiled at the scarlet figure and raised the hand he was holding with Bai Yi, with a hint of humility.

The scarlet figure looked at Luo Ning for a while, turned around, and merged into Bai Yi's body, as if he had never appeared.


"It's okay, the owner of this destiny is sleeping, let's go in and take a look, I think my brother should not be particularly unfamiliar with dreams."

She explained: "But those things are brought by your evil fate. If you want to eat them, it also means that it wants to eat them. If you still can't figure out what they are, then you can try to eat a few."

She was very confident about this: "Don't worry, I will accompany you."


Bai Yi responded, thinking about this series of things.

Bai Yi knew what these light balls represented, but he only knew that there would be opportunities after entering the dream. What were these opportunities? Would they appear as tasks? Could he obtain several coordinates at the same time?

What would happen if he obtained the coordinates but did not go "hunting"? Would there be any side effects?

These were the points that needed to be figured out, otherwise Bai Yi would not have asked Luo Ning to enter his dream.

He had a hunch that this specialty might be more useful than he thought.

It might even become one of his main growth specialties.

As the weird power around him gradually weakened, an illusory bubble appeared in front of him.

Luo Ning looked around and was a little unbelievable: "It's so far away."

"How far away."

"Not in Xia."

Bai Yi paused and looked around. Beyond Xia, was it the destiny from the heavens?

It really was. There was no limit on distance.

Entering this world.

Instantly, the smell of gunpowder swept the two people's sense of smell.

Luo Ning frowned: "War? Why is it all war?"

Everything around is weird and uncontrollable, the whole dream is crumbling, as if the owner of the dream will wake up at any time.

Bai Yi looked at it and began to whisper, special characters appeared in his mouth, forming a sound wave that slowly passed over the weird battlefield.

Stabilizing dreams is like stabilizing the spirit, Bai Yi is very familiar with this.

As everything around was smoothed out, the sound of gunfire suddenly appeared in the war.

An extremely clear person kept running on the battlefield, but all the wars were aimed at him. No matter how fast he ran, the war was always like a shadow.

The collapse of high-rise buildings, the baptism of missiles, and even the bite of monsters.

These disasters are always one step slower than him. Even if he has been restricted in place by Bai Yi's power, the disasters behind him always erupt at a safe distance.

Obviously, this is the owner of the dream.

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