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Chapter 366: Resentment of the World

[Name: Resentment of the Realm.

Attribute: World Knowledge.

Effect: Transform the rules, transform the world.

Introduction: In order to destroy a top world that was no weaker than the Saint, Dick Conte transformed a world and made the world a weapon in his hands. ]

The value of this thing is so great that Bai Yi can hardly imagine it. With Bai Yi's current knowledge and cognition, he has only heard of mutated or mutated rules.

Even polluted rules.

But actively transforming the rules and making the rules a weapon in hand is a path that Bai Yi has never thought of.

However, the moment this idea was opened, Bai Yi thought of Black Death Pathogen. The value of that world to Bai Yi is not great.

If that world is turned into a super-large explosive.

Thinking about it, Bai Yi put away the golden ball of memory.

He returned to the reception room, took out the Holy Contract from his pocket, looked at the Holy Contract that began to tremble again, and asked calmly: "Why are you so scared?"

Holy Contract o((⊙﹏⊙))o: "Really? I'm not scared"

Bai Yi paused slightly, without dwelling on this, but continued to ask the previous question: "What do those eyes represent? Is that saint still alive?"

Holy Contract: "No, no, that is a kind of authority of the administrator, with the blessing of many saints' power, mainly a means of punishment for those who violate the rules."

The text of the Holy Contract became fluent: "As for the form, it all appears according to the mode customized by the administrator. Some saints like thunder, some saints like fire, or ice, nothingness, you can also change these."

"Why don't I know?" Bai Yi sat in the administrator's chair, feeling the rules of the inheritance land that he could see, and asked with a frown.

"Because this place has been modified." Saint Covenant began to tremble again: "If it weren't for the power of your majesties, I might have died long ago."

Bai Yi paused: "Tower of Souls?"

Saint Covenant: "I haven't heard of it, but... but three eras ago, every time the Saint Gate began to approach its end, there would always be a saint who would come back and make some modifications here."

"He is not a manager, so he can't make major modifications."

Bai Yi's eyes sank slightly, three eras.

He thought of something and asked: "Did all the saints disappear from the previous three eras, or am I in the third one now?"

"In the previous three, I should have woken up for the first time in your era." Saint Covenant gradually relaxed, and some pictures began to appear on its body.

It was a figure that Bai Yi had never seen before, old, dead, like a dead person, walking on the earth again, and seemed so out of tune with everything around him.

"This is what that person looks like. In the first era after all the saints died, he stayed here for a whole era, but I have no memory of that time. He sealed me."

"Even if it looks like this, it is the last glorious era of the saints, recorded after the Great Silence began."

Bai Yi fell into thought, this.

"Don't you carry the information of all the saints? Don't you know him?"

Holy Covenant: "It's not like that, Your Majesty. I was not created as long ago as you think. I was created six eras ago. The Blood Covenant should know more than me. Your Majesty can ask it."

Before Bai Yi could say anything, the Holy Covenant began to tremble and text appeared again: "But... the Blood Covenant seems to have been modified. I can feel the difference in its aura."

Bai Yi was silent. It was inevitable that the Blood Covenant would be modified. After all, it was an important prop for the saints to send and receive tasks.

But what Bai Yi didn't expect was that the creation time of this Holy Covenant would be so delayed.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Things were more complicated than he had imagined: "Let's search for the saints who are still alive."


The body of the Holy Covenant became blank again, and then a person's file appeared on it.

[Name: Bai Yi. (Manager)

Potential: (Top?)

Path: Alchemy, Soul.

Evaluation: A saint with unknown power. The existence of this power makes him a top saint, but this power has a consciousness that does not belong to a saint. It is uncertain whether it can withstand the great annihilation. 】

Bai Yi looked at the Holy Covenant floating in the air in silence: "No more?"

Holy Covenant: "No more. If I hadn't been modified, in this era, no Saint Seal that doesn't belong to you has come to the inheritance place."

"Can you check yourself? I feel that you have been modified."

Holy Covenant: "I know what Your Majesty wants to say, but I can be sure of this. No one except you has come in this era."

"And the reason why I was created is because some saints cannot be confirmed dead and counted."

"So, I don't have too many records of the saints before I was created. There are only some information left by the administrator here."

Bai Yi thought about it and suddenly asked: "Are there any saints defined as missing in these six eras?"


"Forget it."

Bai Yi raised his hand, the Saint Seal rotated, and the huge rules suddenly descended, causing the increasingly active Holy Covenant to fall into a deep sleep.

This has also been modified. Even if there is information about saints defined as missing, it is mostly interference for Bai Yi.

However, the activation of the Holy Covenant this time was not without gain. At least it was confirmed that the creator of the Soul Tower came from six eras ago.

This is a good thing. The eras are stronger than one another. At least this saint will not be a great level that makes people despair.

And the members of the Soul Tower are almost revealed in the information.

First of all, the existence that created the Soul Tower came from six eras ago, and stayed here for an era when the saint could not survive the extinction.

The Soul Tower is likely to come from this timeline.

The later saint Bai Yi did not quite understand, but this kind of existence from ancient times is difficult to fight against the strongest in the new era,

so the probability of greatness appearing in the Saint Tower is extremely low.

As long as there is no greatness, and they seem unable to leave the Soul Tower, and the number is definitely not large.

With these few pieces of information, the breath he exposed is no longer important.

Bai Yi thought about it and put the Holy Covenant back on the table. His figure gradually faded and disappeared in the inheritance land.

When he opened his eyes again, the familiar laboratory appeared in front of him.

Bai Yi took out the golden memory ball and began to carefully read the knowledge in it.

This transformation has greatly improved him. The rules can be transformed. As long as he can comprehend some, Bai Yi is likely to break through to the sage level in the experiment.


Suddenly, a special wave began to spread, and Bai Yi's consciousness was instantly withdrawn, and then a purple channel appeared above Dongwu City.

The next moment, a huge head emerged from the void and fell towards Dongwu City.

Bai Yi's eyes were filled with surprise.


Who is sending them something?

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