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Chapter 369 Alchemy Transforms the Sage

Faith is a magical thing. It is the source of the power of the God of Faith.

But before the appearance of the God of Faith, the means of using faith already existed. However, because faith is a special medium formed by the wishes of all living beings, most of the faith ended up with curses, potions, or pollution.

After the rise of the new God, faith became one of the most advanced media of this era.

The new God can do many things with faith.

For example, after the death of believers, they will not go to hell or the dead world, but will automatically go to the kingdom of God and become residents of the kingdom of God.

In fact, only ordinary believers are needed for this, but later in the propaganda of major sects, it became [only those who are pious enough to God] can enter the kingdom of God after death, while those who are not sincere and do not believe in God will go to hell and suffer eternal torture.

This is the use of a medium. For the believers, the only difference between believers and devout believers or fanatics is the amount of faith produced.

As long as the God has the medium of the faith seat, then he can descend from God or grant the believers divine arts without devout believers.

Historically, only fanatics were given the power of the messenger by God, that was just God's default attitude towards the propaganda of their respective sects.

It's easy to become stronger and gain more people's piety and fanaticism, why not do it?

This is also the manufacturing requirement of this Saint, the reason for the believers.

The transformation of the Saint is very powerful, and it requires a certain blessing of fate and the assistance of some media.

To put it simply, the power of holy blood needs something as a switch for powerful power, so that these powerful forces that they cannot control fall into dormancy in their bodies.

When the ascension is opened, the Saint awakens the power in the body through the fate level and assists in controlling this power, so as to control this powerful legendary power with a weak body.

Bai Yi came to the Apocalypse Station.

There are not many warriors here, but Dongwu City has been doing potential assessment. S-level is the potential of gold. In the constantly updated Dongwu Corps, although it is not much, it is definitely not a small number.

The call has been issued, and it should be ready soon.

Just as he was thinking, a young man stood up straight, his eyes full of admiration and a hint of shyness, and walked towards Bai Yi without looking away.

"Apocalypse Army, Third Regiment, 035 Squad Leader Ned Russell, reporting to you."

Bai Yi nodded: "Stand by the side."

"Yes, Lord!"

After Ned finished speaking, he found an open space and stood straight.

Bai Yi could see the faith in him in this man, and his potential was enough, very suitable to be a Saint.

Next, nearly forty people came one after another, some were teenagers or middle-aged, after eliminating a few warriors who had no faith in him although their eyes were full of determination and solemnity.

Only thirty-three warriors who met the requirements were left.

For those guys without faith, Bai Yi had better arrangements, and the Myth Armor could transform them well.

The only pity was that the Saint appeared too late, and many of his believers became the holders of the Myth Armor.

It's not that they can't overlap, but the myth armor is a growth-oriented equipment. If the attributes are constant, it's not worth the loss.

However, these are enough. Bai Yi's main purpose is to become a transformation sage, and these combat powers can only be said to be a bonus.

It can also solve many problems, such as going to various places in Dawn to support, so that the resources for building the colossus can be gathered faster.

With the beginning of the manufacturing, a huge giant appeared. With the help of skill points, Bai Yi can always achieve almost 100% success rate.

After all, the proficiency is there.

The main body of this giant is dark red, and milky white lines form a special inscription on his body. There is a little breath of faith on these inscriptions.

The appearance of the Saint is very similar to the Blood Evil, but it has a sense of holiness.

If the Blood Evil is like a demon crawling out of hell, it only brings oppression and fear to the world.

Then the Saint is the Yin God in the underworld, with a unique majesty in fear.

As the transformation continued, this huge giant with a height of 18 meters slowly shrank and finally became its original appearance.

It's just that the aura of the Saint Warrior is extremely weak now, and he is naked. The milky white lines on his body form a circular pattern, which looks very confusing.

With the fluctuation of mental power, he put the Saint aside and continued to transform.

Because this transformation used a lot of the techniques of the world's resentment, Bai Yi's panel constantly showed new transformation knowledge.

Many transformations before the era were not alchemical transformations, but Bai Yi's alchemical transformation knowledge reserve was too huge.

After some skills were learned, combined with these top knowledge of an era, Bai Yi had many more ideas, which would eventually form a large amount of unnamed transformation knowledge.

After all 33 Saints fell into a deep sleep, Bai Yi took in a Star Core F series robot and implanted some programs into the AI. After staying here, Bai Yi returned directly to the laboratory.

Decisively invested 50 attribute points.

Bai Yi's temperament suddenly changed, and a kind of soul sublimation broke out in the laboratory.

[You created 33 Saint Warriors, experience value +9400000, skill points +37, additional experience value +9400000. ]

[You have raised a large number of transformation proficiency to full value and gained alchemy transformation proficiency +3404. 】

[Your proficiency in alchemical transformation has reached the sage level. 】

[You gain special skill points x 2. 】

[You gain the sage’s specialty selection × 1. 】

White Blight was not too disappointed. It stands to reason that the creation of saints and blood demons should be rewarded with special skill points.

But it’s not a big problem. Bai Bian can probably think of the reason, creation? ? ? When he paid tribute to the Super Sun, he was not a sage, but he is now.

The mechanism of this panel is becoming more and more familiar.

Always reward according to the highest point of the light side.

Perhaps in the judgment of the panel, the alchemist sage should have created this level of knowledge for his own use, right?

Without too much entanglement, Bai Yie decisively opened his specialty selection.

[You activate the Sage’s expertise ×1. 】

[Please choose one of the three alchemical transformation feats below. 】

[Eye of Remodeling: You can see the flesh and blood structure of the transformed body, and your ability to understand any transformation knowledge is +20%. 】

[Power of flesh and blood: Your magic power can charge any modified body, and quickly adapt to and understand any modified creature. 】

[Transformation and Sublimation: Your body will undergo an evolution. 】

Bai Bian was stunned. These three specialties seemed to be exactly the same as when he was a sage of alchemy technology, and the strangest thing was

The choice of the Eye of Reshaping is normal, but the other two choices are dim gray and seem to be unselectable.

Bai Bian frowned. He thought of something, and there was clarity in his eyes. It seemed that he knew a lot of sages, but there were so few great sages.

This is a choice of path, a choice between knowledge, energy, and body.

It's just that this is one of three choices for white plague.

The Alchemy Sage without a panel has one of these three specialties at random. However, when they are dual sages, the second and third specialties are also difficult to control. This seems to be related to the usual research style, habits and various aspects. A choice between fates.

This is very complicated, and the rules are difficult to figure out, and even the great sage does not know how he became a great sage. Currently, the only information on becoming a great sage in alchemy is to achieve the three sages and create a colossus.

But now it seems that this is not the only way, it means fortune-seeing.

For example, if he becomes a sage through transformation, there is a high probability that he will awaken his evolved body. But when he becomes a technological sage, if he can randomly receive the second purification of his evolved body, and when he reaches the level of sage in pharmacy, , ushering in the third evolution.

Then this alchemist sage is qualified to become a great sage.

With only the accumulation of knowledge, one can become a great sage even without creating a colossus.

There are certain rules for this. The selection of expertise on the panel is based on the channel through which White Plague obtained this expertise, or the things he experienced during his development at that time, as well as the choice based on his strength.

These ordinary accumulations will eventually mean choosing one of the three specialties. Even those specialties that are not selected in the future will have the possibility of awakening through the accumulation of time.

It's complicated, but it also makes sense.

After all, there are historical records that on the eve of the New God War, all the Shia tribes stood side by side, and the major professions almost reached their peak.

But there were only five great alchemist sages at their peak.

Or five for all races combined.

[You have chosen the Eye of Reshaping. 】

The information on the panel flashed by, and a trace of heat appeared in Bai Bian's eyes, and then the heat disappeared.

Perhaps it was because he had already experienced it once, but the reaction this time was obviously not as big as the last time.

Bai Bian looked around. In his eyes, this movement seemed to split the world into frames, each containing different things.

Magic, faith, destiny, soul, all kinds of higher-dimensional things are clearly visible in his eyes.

The white plague seems to be able to easily see through their trajectory.

There is a feeling that everything is transparent to the eyes.

He closed his eyes to hide the wonder in his eyes.

Bai Yian breathed a long sigh of relief and walked out of the laboratory.

The Zero Tuning attached to his retina revealed information about the creation of the Colossus.

Looking at this information now, I have a completely different feeling about the epidemic.

Originally, it was like a primary school student reading high school knowledge. He could understand the words when they were taken apart, but when they were put together, he didn't know why.

And now it's like that elementary school student has entered high school. Although this knowledge is still obscure, it is no longer traceable.

The space around Bai Ying flashed and entered a special light film.

When the vision became clear again, there was a mechanical castle in front of him.

This is the underground level of Sky City, and everything is metallic in color.

Greening is still being done on the surface of the Sky City. It’s not that we can’t do it at the same time here, but I feel it’s not necessary because the senses can sometimes be deceived.

After conveying some instructions, everything around him suddenly changed color.

The soil appeared out of thin air on the steel earth, and grasses quickly broke through the soil.

Almost instantly, the surrounding greenery and stone slabs filled the entire field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, the fragrance of grass and fruit trees filled this space.

These are all small programs added by Bai Ying when building the sky city. The soil and everything are fake, and the smell is also an air purification system, and even the touch under the feet is simulated.

But this thing is advanced because these fake things can be touched. If you don't use supernatural power, basically no one can see it.

Even the four seasons can be imitated here. If you really get some land here, it will be no different from the real earth.

In fact, because of the adjustment of the four seasons and the gathering of spirits, this place is more suitable for the cultivation of supernatural materials than the outside world.

The power of dimension emerges.


The surrounding earth made a buzzing sound.

A huge arm and a huge head appeared.

"Woo~ woo~"

A subtle low hum sounded.

Bai Yi looked back and saw a clear-eyed hellhound and a robot with a dog leash at the door of the mechanical castle.

When participating in Eugene's devil game, Bai Yi casually contracted the hellhound Xilun. Now this guy is also a gold lower rank without lacking resources.

And the role is only to warn here.

After all, although the various defense measures of the Sky City are very comprehensive, there are still accidents.

It's also good to have a guard dog.

Of course, it's also because Oshi dislikes this dog and is unwilling to use its hellfire to forge materials.

Ignoring Xilun, Bai Yi took out pieces of ore and many materials from the demon dimension and began to prepare to repair the colossus.

When he noticed the [Fantasy Treasure] of the Sea God.

Bai Yi paused.

This thing is some spiritual manifestation of a powerful divine power, which can simulate all substances and materials in the world.

This characteristic has the same effect on the grotesque power and the source of the world.

However, the point that this thing is more precious than the other two is that this thing only needs to rely on the user's spiritual guidance to transform into the corresponding thing.

To put it simply, the other two are raw materials, and this thing is a semi-finished product.

Bai Yi thought about it and planned to make a big one.

[Sun Salute·Lava·Earth Core·Fiery Sun·God] An explosion shattered a small world, and allowed him to stimulate the demon soul blood for the first time, and almost killed a god.

What if it's the final version?

That is, the [Sun Tribute·Lava·Earth Core·Fiery Sun·God·Ember] version.

Although the power of the lava version is 10, the Earth Core + Lava only reaches 15~16.

But with the addition of the sun fragments, the power can reach 20, so it is estimated that the medium-level god power may die immediately, and it is the kind in its heyday.

The only trouble is that this thing will explode when it is made, and it seems that it is difficult for the soul and blood of the demon to withstand it.

However, there seems to be a scene in the 3.0 trailer where Bai Yi throws the new version of Sun Tribute.

He opened the trailer and watched it again.

Then look at the final result.

It seems to be just a new variant, not the killer weapon he thinks now.

Thinking about it, Bai Yi still plans to go to the underground world.

No matter how many Earth Core Sediments and Lava Cores, Bai Yi will never have too much.

And this is also the time to test the myth armor and the Holy Descendants.

I hope he won’t be disappointed.

The call was issued and White Plague began to manufacture some instruments. The Holy People needed to adapt to the new power and combat mode, which would take some time.

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