All-knowing and all-powerful

Tas was stunned for a moment when she saw the spring breeze-like smile on Bai Yi's face. She had only seen such a calm expression and that powerful aura in the inherited memory, but that was God!

She murmured: "Your Majesty."

Bai Yi was a little surprised. This little thing's faith seemed to be a little bit off.

But Tas was indeed strange. When Bai Yi helped her recover her body, he entered her memory and took a look. After the attractive bead appeared, her memory became a little... indescribable.

It was like some kind of protection mechanism, and it was also like that part of the memory had been modified by someone. If Bai Yi forcibly corrected her memory, it would cause Tas's soul to die and break the thread from then on.

Bai Yi tapped Tas's head with his fingertips and asked gently: "Is that important to you?"

Tas came back to her senses and subconsciously looked away, obviously hesitant.

Bai Yi frowned and looked at the battlefield. His tone was still gentle, as if he didn't care about that thing.

Effect 1: The carrier's affinity with the earth +300, the rate of understanding the rules of the earth +300%, and all damage of the earth attribute is added by 300%.

Effect 2: The land can be manipulated to a certain extent and the landform can be changed.

The black bear, who was about to fall into the dying state, froze in an instant, and the soul projected into the underground world was shattered and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Bai Yi saw that it was almost done and stretched out a hand.

Bai Yi paused slightly, a trace of relaxation flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed the earth-yellow bead with inscriptions of mountains and rivers without hesitation.

"And when He fell on this land, if this land can be healed, then He can also come back to life."

Bai Yi chose a direction and led the warriors to the territory of the next abyss lord.

Tas looked up suddenly, and some surprise appeared in her eyes: "How could it be?"

The soul of storage!


The space shook slightly, and Bai Yi's soul only exuded a legendary breath, but a blue bullet instantly sank into the black bear's eyebrows at a speed that even legends could not react to.

No wonder the God of Earth is keeping a close eye on this underground world. It turns out that there is such a factor.

However, for tens of millions of years, it is impossible to completely repair this piece of land with the power of weak divine power. Now this bead actually gives such information

It seems that it is not the artifact of the God of Earth. Even the Goddess of Life cannot completely restore a god. Weak divine power.

In the battlefield, more than 30 legends surrounded and beat, and the eighth-level legend could not stand it.

"That bead is used to repair the earth. I will definitely save the mother goddess. The earth is the mother who gave birth to everything. The original mother goddess was also born by the earth, and now it is definitely possible."

Beside the bead, two breaths, and the ripples of space kept flickering.

Bai Yi was afraid that this sparring partner would run away, so he used the alchemy array text to hide his breath.

A corner of the throne spread out, making the surroundings seem to be covered with a layer of light mist. Many alchemy inscriptions suddenly spread, outlining an extremely large array on the mist.

The little fairy was confused by a series of changes. She stared at Bai Yi blankly, and the anxiety in her eyes gradually turned into fear.

This is another abyss lord that Bai Yi mentioned, an eighth-level legend.

Glancing at the frantically struggling earth fairy, Bai Yi showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Tas was stunned and a little anxious: "No, it's not like that."

After all, they are all seniors, and they have worked hard to practice, but what about these juniors?

The saints who were in a fierce battle were stunned, and the giants subconsciously looked at Bai Yi.

"What's wrong?"

Effect 4: Anyone who touches the thick earth gem will complete the mission of the previous owner.

"In my inherited memory, the mother goddess once said that when the earth of this world becomes the appearance of the world above, then He can become a powerful divine power."

Bai Yi noticed their depression, but he ignored it. After all, the world is unfair. If even this psychological blow cannot be tolerated, then he doesn't mind taking back the armor and choosing a new owner for it.

This is the attribute scanned by the panel, seven effects, effect 6 disappeared, plus this somewhat intriguing introduction, and effect 7

Bai Yi had some bold guesses. If the appearance of this new earth god is related to the ancient god Earth Mother who was suspected to be killed by the weird doctor, then it would be interesting.

Especially when staring at a few saints, whenever they are about to be killed, they will burst out, not only will their strength increase, but their injuries can also be mostly recovered.

[Name: Thick Earth Orb.

In the case of crushing speed and strength, if it were not for a large number of specialties, and some particularly outrageous specialties, then Ai Bo could really beat it.

It should be a powerful demigod in the abyss.

However, before the despair in his eyes took shape, twenty-eight powerful auras rushed into the sky, and the sky of the entire area was completely dark. One after another, milky white patterns were like a stage light show, bringing the only light to the world.

Bai Yi nodded: "Come here to find something."

The battlefield was almost over, Bai Yi raised his hand, this time there was not much cover, and the soul of storage!


After a not-so-loud buzz.

Matveh responded loudly, awakening the depressed warriors, who responded loudly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Very strong.

The armored warriors behind him were still in low spirits.

Bai Yi played with the beads, glanced at the goblin, and said calmly: "This is not the artifact of the God of the Earth."

Effect 3: Purify the pollution of the land and enhance the activity of the soil, making the soil more suitable for nurturing life.

But it seems that it is not needed.

In Bai Yi's eyes, these abyss lords are experience packs, which can train warriors and gain experience at the same time.

Bai Yi was stunned and looked at Tas: "Your fate has been modified. That thing should not be a good thing."

An extremely gentle force burst out. This force has an extremely heavy feeling, but it feels very gentle.

In their minds, this is a manifestation of dissatisfaction with them, and they can also feel that they have not cooperated with other saints.

It's just right to try the saints' ability to hunt high-level legends.

"There is a good fortuneteller in my city. I will let her help you fix your fate. This is the reward for your attempt to save my warriors."

The five saints on the battlefield were shocked. The one who was targeted was Ai Bo. He triggered two specialties and was the strongest one on the scene.

The giant ant looked up, and a huge figure was approaching and rushed towards it.

Although the reward for killing a legend is not high now, it is a casual thing, and the experience points are worth 300,000.

"It's not like that. I won't leave. That is the task given to me by God. I want to save the Mother Goddess."

When the warriors returned, Bai Yi gave his own evaluation: "You still need more battles to hone yourself. Your thinking is still at the silver level now."

Bai Yi's magic power was consuming rapidly.

But he didn't, and he didn't even follow her words to use words to induce her to tell the whereabouts of the artifact, plus these extremely clean breaths, and the grace of saving her life.

This earth fairy is as kind and simple as recorded. Although the dark age of the underground world is more desperate than the dark age of Xia, it has not changed the kindness in her heart.

He looked at the saint warrior next to him: "I will ascend in a minute, and another one will come. This one will be stronger. Let's go this time."

Bai Yi slightly side-glanced and looked at Tas. Her memory is very special. Bai Yi is still thinking about how to get the information safely.

"Your Majesty."

Effect 7: Absorb all the vitality and power of the soil, and condense the rules of this land.

This higher-level projection to Xia is stronger than the legend of the same level.

She seems to have seen the wrong person.

At the same time, a saint's mark loomed above the soul.

The saints have not reached the limit, but they are only fourth-level legends, and they are a group of fourth-level legends with only attributes and no specialties.

The giant ant was startled, and before it could shrink back, an alchemical inscription appeared in front of it.

It sensed the location of some epidemic gold nanomachines. This is what he spread out after entering this world. The main purpose is to determine the location of each abyss lord, and go underground to devour and develop, spread on a large scale, and look for sediments in the center of the earth.

Attribute: rules.

Effect 5: You can view all creatures that touch the soil in an area, and the range size is determined by the user's magic power and mental strength.

The black bear was already dying at this time.

Now he has no time to dodge.

"Yes, sir!"

Tas was somewhat relaxed, because Bai Yi's attitude and words had already explained a lot in her eyes.

Bai Yi paused slightly, looked at the thing that was condensing in the void, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.


Suddenly, the earth trembled, and a huge ant attacked a holy warrior from underground.

Tas lowered her head, with some hesitation in her eyes: "Do you hope that God will return?"

Bai Yi said, looking at the battlefield, and at the same time, there was some understanding in her eyes.

Still gentle and with a hint of smile, Tas looked away unnaturally: "Are you from the world above?"

With such a powerful force, if you want to rob her things, you can directly extract the soul and read the things inside to know everything.

"The return of God is what all the creatures of Xia are looking forward to, and I am no exception, but the underground world does not have this ability, and the bead containing the rules of the earth does not have this ability."

But in that calm gaze, the warriors lowered their heads and flew towards the direction of Bai Yi's throne.

After taking a look at the panel, Bai Yi retracted his hand, continued to support his head, and looked at the battlefield.

As Bai Yi led the warriors to push forward one by one, finally, a dazzling light burst out from the speechless little goblin.

When the bead was completely formed, the huge alchemical engraving array locked this space, and all kinds of magic appeared instantly.

Price: Special skill points x3. 】


The surrounding space shook violently, and all the parameters of the space were disturbed. This place was temporarily sealed.

Just being favored by the city lord, they easily got the power that they didn't have. How could they be psychologically balanced?

He looked back and said: "Wait a minute, you will show them the gold-level fighting method. Fighting is not just about brute force."

Almost instantly, the bead in Bai Yi's hand slowly dimmed, and the instinct of the bead began to be silent.

Now that there are four saints besieging together, this abyss lord can't stir up any waves.

[You killed the eighth-level legend, the Abyss Giant Ant, experience value +850,000, skill point +1, additional experience value +850,000. ]

The ant who was caught off guard froze and slowly fell down.

A strong sense of crisis enveloped him.

A saint with this characteristic, even if his attributes, expertise, and combat experience are richer than these saints, he still cannot win this battle.

A large number of alchemical inscriptions formed a special circle around the body, and then a huge soul loomed in these formations.

Quality: God.

Bai Bian speculated that it was an artifact of the God of Earth, but there was no evidence yet.

Tasi said anxiously, but the next moment she found that she couldn't speak. She tried to fly to Bai Bian's eyes to attract his attention, but ribbons composed of gold nanomachines bound her to the small on the seat.

Even though we have been together for a long time, Tasi can still be sure that Bai Bian is a good person!

Bai Bian shook his head: "Even if that thing is a divine weapon, it can't be done. I will take you with me when I leave. Now just watch their performance carefully."

Bai Bian said calmly: "You don't have to say anything, I will take you to the world above when I leave."

Introduction: The treasure that carries the power of the earth, does the earth follow itself, or is it the earth?

Bai Yi's current experience value is about to be full, and it should be almost enough to clear a dozen abyss lords.

Bai Bian's tone was very casual, as if he didn't want to pay attention to this tainted goblin in his eyes.

[You use the stored soul to kill the fourth-level legendary abyss demon bear, the experience value is +150000, and the additional experience value is +150000. 】

The saint warriors responded in unison and flew towards the battlefield.

The righteous siege began.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Of course, White Plague suspected that it was the effect of that bead.

The little fairy became more and more anxious. She kept struggling and tried to say something, but the silver level was too weak in front of Bai Bian, so she could only increase her anxiety.

In Bai Bian's body, a blue shadow loomed. This shadow exuded an extremely pure aura, just like the sea without any pollution, blue and clear.

But Bai Bian has such a powerful power, is it necessary to deceive her?

It should be very simple for the strong to control the weak and seize their treasures.

After all, the main reason why Aibo fought this black bear was to trigger his two specialties. When the speed and strength attributes reached 1210, he decisively started to use the assassin's method, wandering, backstabbing, traps, and curses.


A ripple appeared on White Plague's pure soul, breaking a curse effortlessly.

The earth fairy Tasi said: The God of the Earth said that when this land is purified, He will be able to achieve powerful divine power.

The earth fairy Tasi herself said that when the earth is purified, the god of the earth will return.

It seemed like something terribly frightening had happened.

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