Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 38 Sudden murderous intention

The scarlet priest's figure flickered. In the scarlet realm, he could shuttle through the mist at will and burst out at unnatural speeds.

He came to the sky above the young man, stretched out a hand, and a six-pointed star array flashed in front of his hand.


A dazzling bloody beam of light erupted, suddenly descending with a strong sense of crisis.


A violent explosion sounded, and the boy disappeared together with the ground under his feet, without the slightest resistance.

"Projection?" The scarlet priest turned his head sharply and looked around. The three worker bees that were destroyed just now have the ability to create images. Although I don't know why the alchemist can even forge the breath, he doesn't have a second chance. .

The alchemist is more fragile than the mage. If he finds him, he will die!


A subtle buzzing sound sounded, and explosives fell from the sky. The scarlet priest raised his head, gathered his blood energy, and detonated them in the air.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, the six-pointed star formation appeared, and a bloody light beam suddenly spurted out, instantly annihilating two or three worker bees, but the other worker bees escaped his perception.

He tried to sense the breath in the blood mist, but the sense of crisis suddenly came over him. The scarlet priest turned around instantly, and a sword light was approaching.

The blood energy gathered and exploded.


The sword energy with the aura of the gods cut through Scarlet, but the explosion of blood energy still interfered with the forward trajectory.

The sword light was embedded deeply into the ground, and the neat cuts were almost reflective.

Dots of scarlet gathered, and a stronger sense of crisis suddenly struck. The scarlet priest retreated frantically, and a black crystal-shaped cannonball landed where he originally was.


The terrifying energy frenzy continued to vent, and Mo Sen also recovered some of his magic power at this moment.

He was holding a giant sword, his figure flashed crazily, and the giant sword slashed down fiercely.

Kami followed closely behind, constantly entangled with the scarlet priest.


The sound of the worker bee swarm sounded again, and explosives continued to fall from the sky, but their power was too small to affect the battle situation at all.

The three people flashing around in the field gradually ignored this weak alchemist.

Suddenly, a cold breath flashed through, and a weakening power came, causing the scarlet priest's figure to stagnate.

Kami's eyes lit up, and the power of the artifact exploded, instantly appearing behind the scarlet priest.


The sword energy cuts horizontally with absolute sharpness.

Mo Sen followed up in an instant, and the remaining magic power exploded directly. A huge shadow suddenly appeared behind him, following his movements and slashing down.

The scarlet priest's eyes flashed with rage, and Ernaldo's curse magic was directly shattered.

The blood frenzy gathered again, but this time the timing was a little too clever, and the curse came just when Mawson and Cammy were about to launch an attack.

Therefore, the blood craze has slowed down a bit, and the powerful sword edges of the two are already approaching.

The scarlet priest didn't have time to think too much. He chose the lesser of the two injuries. The scarlet mist gathered behind him and shielded him, blocking the cutting of the artifact. At the same time, the priest turned sideways crazily.

The Demonic Slash landed on his shoulder violently, causing blood to flow out. The huge force sent him flying backwards, and the sound of broken bones was covered by the sound of collision.


At this time, the sound of cannons sounded, and a shell from a city defense rail gun fell to the ground following the Scarlet Sacrifice.

The white light of the cannonballs shot up into the sky, instantly clearing away a large area of ​​scarlet. The scarlet mist had reached an extremely thin state and was almost invisible to the naked eye.

The worker bees in the sky were still working tirelessly to drop bombs, but they were detonated before they hit the ground.

Kami and Mawson landed, the energy of the shells was still venting. Kami rushed forward instantly. This time the scarlet priest would be seriously injured even if he did not die. This was the best chance.

The shock wave could not stop the level 50 swordsman, and Kami rushed into the endless white light.

The world was silent for a moment.


The violent energy exploded violently, and the newly disappeared Kami flew out instantly, and the scarlet magic power instantly cleared the white fire.

In a huge pit blasted by a cannonball, the scarlet priest with a tattered body slowly flew up. The scarlet mist, which had been thinned to an extreme, was all rolled back at this moment, quickly repairing the blood mage's body.

Kami, who was about to fall to the ground, was caught by the gentle force. Ernado came to Kami's side and looked at the scarlet priest with solemn eyes.

Now the Scarlet Priest’s divine followers seem to have been exhausted, but on their side, both level 50s, Moson and Kami, are in poor condition. The gap between him and the Scarlet Priest is too big, and they can’t make much difference at all. effect.

The only deterrent city defense rail gun could not accurately hit the Scarlet Sacrifice without anyone's intervention.


Mo Sen felt the breath of the scarlet priest, and his tired eyes were still calm.


A button appeared in his hand. When he pressed it, a subtle electric sound passed through, and the three of them quickly flew away into the distance without stopping at all.

Three seconds after they left, the ultimate sense of crisis came. Even the dozen or so worker bees left in the sky stopped throwing bombs and rose crazily.

Scarlet Sacrifice, who was recovering rapidly, paused, and his body instantly began to flicker, trying to escape into the huge pit.

However, it's a little late.

boom! Boom boom

There was a violent roar, and three cannonballs formed a triangle shape and exploded in the direction where the scarlet sacrifice was just now. The blazing fire filled all the fields of vision.

The power of the salvo of three artillery shells was so huge that it directly enveloped half of Dongcheng District, and the frenzy of energy destroyed more buildings.

The outer city was originally planned as a battlefield. Except for the houses built by wealthy businessmen in the inner city, most of the houses here were wooden structures. 90% of these buildings collapsed in this round of attacks.

The ground in the center began to crack, and white light filled all vision.

Tonight, Tobu City is destined to be sleepless.

When the energy of the explosion began to subside, Kami stood on the edge against the shock wave. She was ready to rush in at any time. She knew very well what that thing represented to the Will family.

It was something that had to be obtained at all costs, a key item regarding whether Will could become the First Councilor's family.


As the white light continued to decrease, a figure whose whole body was scorched, completely devoid of clothing, and extremely embarrassed stood up with difficulty.

His arm where the bones could be seen was still clutching the ancient god's flesh and blood, and there were more cracks on the crystal that sealed the flesh and blood, as if it would break at any time.

The scarlet priest's voice became extremely hoarse, with strong anger and hatred in it.

"Scarlet. Scarlet will definitely come. No matter what the cost, Shia cannot live without God!"

Low murmurs sounded, and magic power flickered on the scarlet priest's body. Kami, who was about to rush forward, paused and stopped.

The three of them looked at the first battlefield at the same time, which was the huge pit.

A huge six-pointed star formation rose from there, like some kind of sacrifice, or some kind of sacrifice.

"Great Scarlet Lord. I will use my actions to change your gaze. Your humblest believer cannot protect your sacrifice, and your most devout believer will spend his whole life."

Whispered prayers began to spread, and Kami rushed out instantly, trying to forcibly interrupt the scarlet priest's dying struggle.

But suddenly, an extreme murderous intention emerged suddenly, and the terrifying power of shadow caused the three people's expressions to change drastically.

"Is there gold in ambush?"

As soon as this idea came out, another terrifying aura rose. In the sky, a magical hand reached out, descending on the city with the terrifying pressure of the top gold master.

Mo Sen's face suddenly sank: "More than one!"

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