Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 380 The battle officially begins!

The magic power has reached a higher level, and various rules are perfected at this moment.

The three major federations + the sea clan, a huge breath burst out one after another.

This wave of magic power led many extraordinary people to a height that they could not reach before.

Just the dawn alone, there were three more legendary fluctuations at once. They were stuck in the same place for too long. Hedingge, the Lord of Xiling City, and the Lord of Renchu ​​Family, the three gold upper positions became first-level legends from this moment.

The sky became darker and darker, and the disordered lines gradually fluctuated the entire sky. Xia's rules began to intertwine with foreign rules.

Civilians were guided to the underground base by the Star Core F robots.

This was built by the Federation in these years.

The orderly forces always want to ensure the safety of the residents in the end.

"Hurry, don't look up at the sky, lower your head, follow the instructions of the law enforcement team, go!"

"Don't want to live, right? Don't take the computer, it's not important now."

The law enforcement teams in various cities kept shouting. Although they started to let the Dawn people migrate underground a few days ago, they were not sure of the exact time of God's coming, so it was impossible to be accurate. In addition, the population of Dawn, which is close to 2 billion, is too large.

Even the population of Dongwu City has reached 7 million, and most of them are elites and extraordinary people.

So, it is difficult to migrate all of them underground. Excluding 500 million extraordinary people, 1.5 billion ordinary people is also a huge number.

And in Dongwu City, the surface began to sink in the panic of the people.

The steel land began to wrap the city into a huge steel disc.

The whole world began to sink in the disorder in the sky.

In the distant Sun Federation.

A big sun disc connected the sky and the earth.

A young man who had been sitting cross-legged in the void for a year slowly opened his eyes, and an extremely hot breath rushed into the sky, under the blessing of the sun disc.

This legend is facing the gods, bursting out a power that is no less than the disorder in the sky.

His golden eyes are full of indifference, and the complicated prayers below him turn into thunder sounds, resounding throughout the world.


The sun disc, as the most important artifact of the sun god, can burst out the true power of the artifact in the hands of its corresponding divine magician.

This is a very rare situation. Ordinary artifacts can only exert 10% or even less of their ability in the hands of creatures other than gods.

And Heli can use this artifact 100%.

The disorder in the sky seems to be a little hesitant, but it has not stopped eroding the sky at all.

At the border of the Sun Federation.

A dark corner where the sun cannot shine.

A pair of lavender pupils loomed, and Charles murmured: "Your Majesty, look, isn't the situation stable?"

"Perhaps, this place can hold out until your Majesty arrives?"

"So, Your Majesty, everything has two sides, and my failure may be a success in some aspects?"

"No, no, no, I am not educating your Majesty, I am just breaking things down and telling you."

"I know, I know, after your Majesty arrives, I will become your puppet, but now, Your Majesty, I need more power to hunt some. Roots!"

"Yes, everything they have, including the souls that died in the war and the souls I hunted outside, and even everything I own."

"It's all your Majesty."

"Then let's get started"



The vast ocean rolled violently at the moment of God's descent, and powerful auras rode the waves of magic to go further, and the legends made the ocean look more mysterious and powerful.

This is the strongest force in Xia, whether in the ancient times, the New God era, or now.

The ocean is the undisputed first force.

Because of the return of the Siren, this almost boundless ocean has united.

The legends almost formed a legion in this huge ocean.

Under the increasingly clear disorder in the sky.

A trident was suspended in the air.

Then the golden giant grabbed the trident representing the kingship of the sea god, and followed by a huge legion floating on the surface.

The disorder in the sky was hesitating and retreating.

The deep-sea Titan, originally a near-god-level combat power, absorbed the rules of the seabed abyss once and took the artifact of the Siren King.

This is the strongest among the current natives of Xia, no one else.

His power is making the gods of the sky retreat.

The gods divided Xia, but for the gods, the deterrence of the thirteen gods of the abyss is obviously stronger than the seven gods of the underworld.

Therefore, some ancient gods would peek at this vast ocean, but not at the stars that the abyss alone possessed.

But under the huge pressure of the Deep Sea Titan, some gods gave up here. They did not give up the entire ocean, but only gave up this ocean where many races now lived.


At this moment, the black fog began to roll, and in the netherworld, the shadow of the god appeared behind the huge netherworld crack.

From the increasingly clear figure, there are three netherworld gods who descended on Xia this time.

These three are all at the root level, that is, the degree of floating between tiny and weak divine power.

However, this has made the Deep Sea Titan feel the pressure and fighting spirit.

Thousands of years ago, he was sealed by his own god in the battle between the righteous gods.

Now, the god has fallen, and he will stand up for the sea race like the god 1,600 years ago.

For the sea people to face the gods, fight to exhaustion, fight to death!


Titan's body was filled with golden light, and the ocean behind him was blessed on his body through the artifact trident.

At this moment, he was the master of this ocean.

With the power of the ocean, and the dense golden and legendary army behind him, he slowly pressed towards the netherworld.

In this battle, the ocean will take the initiative to attack! ——

Star Federation, Tianshu City.

The mechanical city is sinking, and the strong order always thinks about how to protect their residents after the war begins.

In the magic sky city not far away, magic shields began to appear one after another, and the ripples of magic began to cover the entire city.

A huge purple eye cracked in the sky, spanning the entire sky, staring at the star federation below.

In this huge eye, densely packed scarlet, frenzied, and twisted eyes are peeking at the fleeing creatures below.

The abyss, the most invasive plane in the heavens and the worlds, no one else.

All worlds invaded by the abyss, even the world itself, will fall into the bottomless abyss and become one of its layers.

Most of the creatures in it will be killed, and even those that are not killed will be assimilated by the abyss and become one of its members.

During the time when the gods divided Xia, Pusheng made arrangements in advance to allow the abyss to monopolize the Star Federation.

Of course, under the premise of division, the abyss can no longer invade other places, unless the stars are completely digested by the abyss, then one plane can be used as a springboard to allow the abyss to erode other areas more calmly.

This is actually the same idea as the netherworld and hell.

They are all in the same plane. As long as they have a firm foothold in an area, they will have more advantages than the ancient gods.

Dong Dong Dong.

As if the sound of a heavy drum was struck, a 13-meter-tall giant walked out of the steel city, looked at the huge eyes, and stepped under the eyes step by step.

This is the colossus of the Star Federation. Although it is small, it has the defense of a real colossus.

All shortcomings, when they reach the limit in a certain aspect, make the shortcomings no longer shortcomings.


As all the buildings in the Iron City disappeared, they were replaced by gun barrels and hundreds of slightly smaller mechas led by three huge mechas.

Chu Ao can already manufacture the S-series city defense mechas. He gained a lot from the discussion with Bai Yi, which also gave him the confidence to keep his foundation in this huge recovery

At least part of his foundation.



"What the hell?"


"Here it comes, the main story is officially open."

"Fuck, the teleportation array seems to be gone, eh? It's restored, the Legion has taken control of the teleportation array."

"Brothers, wait for the moment when the gods show their health bars, let's let them taste what players are and what the fourth natural disaster is!"

"Fuck your mother's spiral fart, what I have to do now is to save this damn world, not destroy it, so I am now the fourth auspicious sign!"

"Brothers, you are so high, wait to kill the god of death, and then become a natural disaster, jumping back and forth between good and bad, hehehe"

"You are so disgusting, fuck, look at the sky, this sky city White Blight has only been built for a short time, right? Is it so advanced now? This gun muzzle, hiss~ The dense terror offends the brothers."

"Hiss~ I have a little bit, but I found a problem. How do we go up and chop those gods?"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sky is getting lower and lower.

White Blight walks on the surface of the sky city, checking the defense devices of the sky city.

The protective shield built with the heart of the colossus as the core, various defensive devices, and the dispersed transmission system are all functioning normally. With these things, the aftermath of the war of gods cannot destroy the sky city.

That's enough.

The spirit of the undead flashed, and Diane appeared beside him. The domain of the undead disaster was about to spread, but it was instantly suppressed by a huge mental force.


"Go back."

Bai Yi's voice was slightly low, with a little fatigue in his eyes: "Be obedient."

Diane pursed his lips: "Do you want to face it alone?"

"You are too weak."

Bai Yi raised his hand.

The huge mental power of the saint hit out, and two extremely delicate space transmissions were defeated.

He refused the support of the capital.

Looking at the sky, in the early dark sky, some figures' eyes had already looked over here, and they looked at Bai Yi's slightly tired eyes.

He retracted his gaze, and his voice was transmitted to the capital through Zero.

"There are more than one god. It's meaningless for all of them to gather in Dongwu City. You can't help me in my battle."

After saying that, Bai Yi looked at Dai An and said calmly: "Go back."

Di An wanted to say something, but with a pair of eyes that even began to show impatience, she slowly retreated.

The space fluctuation flashed, and she did not stay in Dongwu City, but went to the capital.

Bai Yi paused slightly, and did not stop.

He took a look at the general information of the current light side.

[Host: Bai Yi. (Light)

Race: Human.

Template: Alchemist Demon.

Occupation: Alchemist·Sage.

Level: 89 (31330000/200000000).

Extra Experience Points: 21600000.

Gold Coins: 1364001.

Strength: 730.

Agility: 773.

Endurance: 1202.

Holy·Intelligence: 160.

Holy·Spirit: 230.

Charm: 103.

Luck: 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

World: Black Death Pathogen, Night Town, Life and Death Alternation.

World Legend Degree: 77】

The world legend degree of seventy-seven means that most gods and the world with gods know about Bai Yi, and know that he is the closest person to the Alchemist Sage, and the closest person to God.

90% of the gods will come here with this legendary degree, and there are five in the trailer.

Now Bai Yi is uncertain.

So, in the whole Xia, he is the most dangerous here, and it’s okay for Diane to go to the capital.

He closed his eyes, and a wave of intangible waves spread to Diane, the will of the devil!

Shared: Mental protection, demon soul blood.

Then, the wave of the demon will continued to spread, and the same effect appeared on Irene and Luo Ning.

After doing this.

He stood up, his figure was wrapped in a gray mist, and rose into the sky.

Ding Ding Ding.

Ordinary materials flew out from the demon dimension and were instantly swallowed by the surrounding fog, making the gray fog thicker.

His body rose higher and higher, and finally hung in the sky thousands of miles high, quietly waiting for the arrival of God.


It was also at this moment that the magic fluctuations of the entire Xia suddenly recovered to a new height.

The entanglement between rules and disorder also reached a resonance at this moment.

The existence behind the disorder, one by one, solidified, and instantly plunged the sky of dawn into chaos. Under the conflict of various rules, strange phenomena occurred frequently.

In this continent, the beasts began to wail, and the players who were rising one by one suddenly began to fall down in the sound of "Fuck", and began to distort in the air.

[You look directly at the realm of God. You wear the God Hunter and are immune to the negative state of the realm of God. ]

God, you can't look directly at it. This is not something that players can watch.

"One. Two. Three"

"Seven. You really think highly of me."

The faces of the ancient gods in the sky are all quite bizarre. Some are made of bones, with only a little flesh and blood in the gaps between the bones, and they descend with a distorted breath.

There are tentacle monsters with twisted bodies that cannot be described at all, descending with frenzy.

There are also those who look like normal people, but have six eyes, no skin on their bodies, and are all muscle lines, dyeing the sky red.

There are even completely human beings, without any abnormalities, hanging in the air with weirdness and gloom.

The ancient gods looked at the mechanical throne below them indifferently. The goals of these root-level ancient gods are very clear.

After the death of the God of Filth and the powerful clones, and the wave of the Soul Tower, in the eyes of the gods, the threat of the white plague is too great.

So, although the gods who are ready to descend on the dawn did not communicate in advance, they all came here tacitly.

However, among the seven gods, two of them flew silently into the dawn after sensing the other gods here, and never paid any attention to Bai Yi from beginning to end.

Bai Yi raised his hand and aimed at the god flying in front.

Soul of Art!

The huge soul energy shook.

The footsteps of the gods stopped at this moment.

The seven gods looked at Bai Yi.

The forbidden spell created by Bai Yi made the gods begin to really look at him.

It was also at this moment.

At this moment, divine fluctuations broke out all over the world.

At the same time, Bai Yi suddenly canceled the accumulation of the Soul of Art, and a golden sphere appeared in front of the gods.

The golden sun filled the sky, and the endless high temperature enveloped the sky.

The extremely evil domain, space penetration.

The battle officially started!

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