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Chapter 387 Reincarnation, Dream

The world in memory reincarnates again and again, and Bai Yi's eyes begin to take on wildness.

His swordsmanship is becoming more and more sophisticated.

If you can see the panel, then in the skills on the panel, the primary swordsmanship has reached the advanced swordsmanship in a very short time, and the proficiency is still soaring, gradually moving towards the master-level swordsmanship.

The price of becoming a master of swordsmanship quickly is that Bai Yi's self is getting smaller.

He has begun to think about things with Alex's thinking at this moment, which in return is the continued acceleration of swordsmanship. It won't be long before the alchemist will become a master of swordsmanship.

The only difference from a normal master of swordsmanship is that it should be difficult for his body to understand the sword meaning, and there is still a possibility of the dark side. Everything about the alchemist is not suitable for the path of a warrior.

When the picture returns to the flame again.

Bai Yi slightly raised his head, and the flame brushed across his nose with heat.

This flame smells like burning a corpse, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Bai Yi took another step back, and a hot figure with sharp claws passed through the void.


The bone blade blocked the sharp claws, and the powerful force shook Bai Yi back continuously, leaving two deep grooves on the ground with his feet.

His eyes were full of ferocity and vigilance at this moment. Under the moonlight, a strange cat with a human body, a cat's tail, and covered with hair all over its body, and covered with red flames, was staring at Bai Yi with murderous intent.

In memory, Alex killed the tribe of the red flame cats for some resources, and the strongest was hunting outside at that time.

And now it is back, and it is also the first time that Alex is on the verge of death.

Bai Yi felt his body, and his eyes gradually faded.

Like countless times before, he could not use any ability of "Bai Yi".

But it doesn't matter, now he has enough skills to defeat the cat in front of him.

Slightly lowering his body, his left hand slightly clenched his fist, and a bone blade formed the shape of a dagger.

The long knife in his right hand was placed under the dagger.

The next moment.

The cats and Bai Yi disappeared at the same time.



In the air, a sharp collision sounded, and the surrounding wild land was slightly trembling, and the dense cuts destroyed the earth.


In the void, no figure can be seen, only the constant collision sound and the sharp feeling.

Bai Yi felt the hunting from the most instinctive, which was the collision of the beast skills and the sword skills.

In fact, many times, the skills of the Red Flame Cat Clan are the only skills, and every attack they make is to kill the opponent.

Every attack they make is in the most labor-saving way, causing the highest damage, without skills, and then it is the best skill.

But why is it that Alex's skills are left in the end?

The reason is very simple, because the swordsmanship is the same.

Alex's swordsmanship is something he learned between life and death fights.

He combines the skills of hunters, prey, and all battles.

Every move is the same as that of beasts, but there are more routines and energy applications, making this beast-like killing move more difficult to defend and parry.

This is the original appearance of swordsmanship. In fact, the same is true for swordsmanship. In other words, the combat skills of all combat professions are actually the same.

It is nothing more than to make yourself less injured and kill the opponent.

Only intention is the essence of the sublimation of these skills, sword intention, sword intention, fist intention, and beasts only have killing intention.

In the collision with the cat tribe, Bai Yi's body was gradually damaged, and the bright red blood gushed out of the wound.

The opponent's skills are above the advanced swordsmanship skills.

And all the attributes are also crushing Alex's body.

This made Bai Yi gradually fall into a disadvantage.

But as the swordsmanship skills continued to rise, Bai Yi seemed to feel something.

"After all. Is there a difference?"

The low murmur was hidden in the collision. Bai Yi slightly retreated half a body, and the moment the left hand dagger collided with the claws.


The long sword was raised, and a strong will instantly burst out. At this moment, Bai Yi seemed to have truly become Alex. The sword will was fierce and surging, like a top hunter pouncing on his prey. Everything Alex had now appeared in this sword.

The world was still at this moment, and the vertical pupil of the red flame cat shrank to the size of a needle tip. It was a little confused. It was just an ordinary collision, why did it suddenly turn into this?

It seemed to be dying.

But if the battle is not evenly matched, then the opponent's physical strength and magic power will be exhausted?

This will seems to be... not just a killing intention!


The sword light flashed, and the cat man stopped in place.

Bai Yi's eyes flashed.

It seemed to have grasped something key.

But he couldn't control his body again. As if he was going through a plot, he could only follow this body, constantly practicing swords, fighting, and understanding Alex's swordsmanship.

Until the next life-and-death crisis came.


Before Bai Yi could react this time, a huge sense of crisis enveloped him, and he subconsciously rushed forward.

But the next moment, he was pounced on by a wild beast.


The sword intent reappeared, and before the wild beast could fully wail, a greater sense of crisis descended.

His eyes went dark, and his perspective slowly turned to the state of lying on the ground.

That was... the ancient beast Gluttony!

In some extremely ancient records, this race seemed to be destroyed by the ancient gods, but later a newly rising force found fragments and finally revived.

At that time, hell had not yet taken shape.

Thinking, he always felt that he had forgotten something, but he was always looking for that feeling. There was always a voice in his heart: Find the feeling just now, and all crises will be solved-


Flames, endless flames are roaring, the undead scourge is coming again, and countless undead creatures seem to be summoned, constantly appearing on the battlefield, rushing forward one after another.

A huge existence is fighting desperately with a fire giant.

That is the power of the forbidden spell. Guan Xin is desperately squeezing himself at this time.

What about gods, what about white plague?

Now, it is Guan Xin who is in the front, and he will not be worse than anyone else!

The determination in his eyes is becoming more and more obvious.

The power in his body is still overloaded and exploding.

Every time a crisis is about to hit, there will always be a force to stop the attack of the gods.

That was the power from another god. Although separated by a world, it also prevented him from being so embarrassed during the forbidden spell.

"Dead spirit."

In the distance, the god's murmur was not obvious. They felt the sky city getting closer and closer, and the huge shadow had appeared at the end of their sight.

Under the oppressive sky, it was flying towards the center of the federation with a terrifying sense of crisis.

This was why the gods did not dare to take action.

But it didn't matter.

The second round of terrifying breath of the ancient god rushed into the sky, making the dark red of the sky more oppressive.

Dark clouds pressed down.

It seemed to be like this when the ancient god fought the new god. The creatures of each world gave birth to extremely powerful gods.

A large part of these ancient and evil beings were destroyed, but a larger part remained in some sealed places.

These beings were truly gods who had reached the god level. When the new god was there, he went to destroy them.

But for the irrational gods, the best place to seal was the dimensional turbulence. They could not leave that kind of place by their own power.

The dimensional turbulence is a weird territory, and it is not easy for new gods to invade.

Therefore, those gods who are trapped in some dreams or some weirdness can be awakened in this era.

However, there are not too many such gods. At present, only two sleeping consciousnesses have responded to the summoning power of the ancient gods. There are only seven gods who were exiled from Xia in ancient times.

Diane's eyes sank slightly. These gods are all god-level. Although they don't have so many specialties, they are also a huge challenge.

She looked in the direction of the ancient gods with some worry.

"Go, I can hold on."

Guan Xin's voice suddenly sounded, and the breath on his body suddenly surged a little more, and the flames began to melt everything around.

God, in this power, is actually retreating.

Diane was silent for a while, and the staff tapped slightly in the void, and her figure gradually faded. She needed to stop the arrival of these two gods, otherwise it would be a big trouble.


On the wall of the capital, Romen breathed a sigh of relief. The inside and outside of the city were empty at this time.

Under Yuan Tang's command, the army of the capital also began to teleport to the border city. The current capital has a high-level legend sitting in it, and these troops are not needed.

They are just like Diane's undead army. They are useless except for being a meat cushion and blocking the footsteps of God.

Yuan Tang glanced at Luo Men, who was gradually losing his thinking activity behind him, and looked at the instrument in his hand that could view the panoramic view of the Federation again.

In the instrument, there were only pictures of war, and the woman who took the initiative to attack God made him frown.

He looked at the huge mechanical disc at the end of his vision and couldn't help whispering.

"What's wrong with you."

"Why are you here?"

In a peaceful jungle, an old man was sitting in a rocking chair, holding a boom in his hand.

Close your eyes and rest.

There was a comfortable atmosphere around him. Not far from this small lake was a city without city walls.

High-rise buildings, flat Lubao Road, and people's faces were full of smiles and comfort.

The streets were filled with the sounds of food vendors, and some women were arguing with the vegetable and meat buyers and sellers about the prices of meat and vegetables.

They had a fierce debate for a copper coin, but in the end, the vendors compromised because of a sentence: "If you don't sell it, forget it."

Such an ordinary scene, but it made Luo Men silent.

He recalled that a long time ago, this frail old man called him to his side when he returned once.

The elder gave Luo Men the right to enter his spiritual level.

He seemed to have seen this scene a long time ago.


He looked up at the city not far away. He had never seen such a scene, but he had heard an old woman's description when he was a child.

It's a pity.

"Old Li, did you catch the fish?"

An old voice sounded.

Luo Men looked up in disbelief.

An old woman with a face full of surroundings walked towards this side with a basket of vegetables.

The surrounding scenes gradually added something. At that time, it was a wooden house. The wooden house was not big, with only a living room and a bedroom, but it had a warm feeling.

As soon as this voice fell, the fish bit the rod.

Old Li showed interest on his face. He sat up suddenly and pulled the fishing rod hard: "Haha, I'm so lucky, Shiyun. Every time you come, my luck always gets so good."

As he finished speaking, a fat and tender crucian carp was fished out of the water. It kept flapping, bringing a fishy smell to the air.

"Hey~ I'm really lucky. How did you know that I bought tofu? I'll give you fish soup later." The old woman approached with a smile, took the fish from Lao Li's hand and put it into the vegetable basket.

She seemed to have only now noticed the extra person next to her.

She looked up and down, a little confused: "Old Li, this is..."

"My apprentice, call"

Lao Li was a little confused and turned to ask Luo Men: "What is your name?"

Luo Men was stunned and put away the emotions in his eyes. He lost his usual indifference and replied enthusiastically: "Lo Men, the all-encompassing Luo, the door is the door of the door. This name was given by the master, saying that it opens a new era. mean."

Old Li was stunned for a moment and rubbed his chin: "Really? Am I that educated?"

The old woman named Shiyun next to her laughed and scolded: "I told you that you are old and confused, but you still don't listen. When did you secretly recruit apprentices outside? And what skills can you, an old fisherman, teach others? You Only one fish can be lost a day.”

Lao Li was a little unconvinced: "Who said that I would starve you one day? If those old guys hadn't invited me to play chess every day, I would definitely be able to catch as many fish every day as I did when I was young."

"Haha, you also know that you are not doing your job all day long? Me"

Shiyun said for a while and rolled her eyes at him: "I have guests today and I'm too lazy to talk to you. Here, here, you cook today and I will talk to Ronaldinho."

"I'll come, I'll come. Master likes to eat this, I'll do it."

Luo Men quickly took the food basket, and his eyes became moist unconsciously. He seemed to remember that when he was very young, such an old voice also coaxed him gently and quarreled with the person who established order.

It is a pity that mortals will eventually be unable to control life and death, and the lifespan of gold is still too short.

He only remembered that gentle childhood. When the master's teachings were too strict, there would always be a gentle voice arguing with the master and protecting him behind him.

Finally, looking at his stubborn but stubborn back, he sighed again and again and turned around to make a bowl of fish soup himself.

Shiyun saw Luo Men killing fish skillfully, thought about it, and didn't stop him for some reason.

Sitting not far away with Lao Li, he looked at Luo Men with a smile and asked in a low voice: "Do you feel that this kid looks familiar?"

"Nonsense, my apprentice, how can I not be familiar with him?"

"Uh, tsk, you and I mean I'm familiar with you."

"You?" Lao Li looked Shiyun up and down, and finally shook his head: "You haven't seen it before, how can you be familiar with it?"

"How do you know I haven't seen it?"

Lao Li was stunned for a moment, then raised his head arrogantly: "This brat hasn't even started training yet. I will definitely hand over a perfect disciple to inherit my mantle."

He rolled his cloudy eyes as he spoke, and said with a smile: "Actually, when those old men asked me to play chess, I didn't go many times. I just went to teach this kid. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't. think"

Shiyun looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Lao Li, did you know? When you lie, your hands will grab the corners of your clothes and your eyes will look up."

"Ahem, that's nonsense. I've never told a lie. It must be your misunderstanding."

"Haha, after a lifetime, I can still admit my mistakes? Come on, forget it. I think this young man is also very popular. Forget it this time, next time."

"Hehe. There's no next time."

Two old voices kept ringing.

Luo Men looked at the fish that had been prepared and the pot that was set up, with some struggle in his eyes. The master's obsession was peace and people's living and working in peace and contentment.

It was difficult outside, but in his dream he could have the life he dreamed of, and his mistress was still alive.

Do I really want to wake him up?

He is already a ninth-level legend, and it seems not bad if he lets his master just leave with a sweet dream.

At least, in his dreams he could live the life he dreamed of.

Five hundred years ago.

Master is so tired

The aroma began to spread, and Luo Men took a sip of the fish soup.

The taste is still so familiar, but why is it so salty?

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