Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 406 Battlefield Crisis

Xier was silent. Feiya's argument now was that these were very low-level, and looked like filth that he didn't have time to clean up, but in fact they were just coordinates.

He thought of the feeling of being watched just now, and the enemy's anticipation time and time again, as if all his actions were in the eyes of the man called Sabo.

Xier thought about it, waved his hand, and some extremely filthy things were completely wiped out.

In front, the breath of the god became more and more violent and crazy, as if an irrational existence was being released under some kind of suppression.

Xier frowned.

Although he knew that there must be something wrong with these two people, he still looked at Pusheng: "Do you know who in the abyss was sealed in the underground world?"

Pusheng spread his hands: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the abyss has no heritage and no civilization. The history of the abyss I know is from the documents of other worlds, which may not be known to you."

Xier turned his head and did not respond again. The throne of the fallen angel came to the center of the extreme south.

The increasingly violent breath began to make Xier's eyes solemn.

Now the god who is being unsealed has revealed a breath that is no weaker than his.

This is incredible.

The division of the ancient gods is based on a certain essence.

The existence that transcends mortals is called the root.

The existence that transcends the root and can create a perfect and independent world is called the realm master.

Above the realm master, the one who can create all kinds of strange shapes at will and whose power has been truly transformed is called the eternal.

The division of the new gods is simply based on power.

Tiny, weak, medium, strong, great.

And the gods with weak divine power are never really weak.

Everyone has a name in the heavens, so how can this breath be so strange?

This is impossible, unless this is not the existence of the new god's seal.

After all, the angel race is a race created by the God of Light after the new god completely eliminated all enemies.

And the fallen angels are transformed from the perfect race of angels.

Therefore, only if they are not sealed by the new god, angels and fallen angels will feel strange.

Mother Earth?

Xier thought, a shadow rose into the sky, forming a divine domain in the sky and covering the entire southernmost land.

No matter what, it is right to prepare for the battle first.

The snow in the southernmost land is melting, the ice is breaking, the sky is covered by divine power, and this area has become extremely unstable, as if the end of the world has come.

Xier raised his hand, and the throne continued to rise high in the sky, overlooking everything below.

Ah ah ah ah

Suddenly, a sharp whistle broke out, followed by a huge energy light column that rose into the sky.

The purple light column made the doomsday of this area more serious. The first wave of power that broke out was extremely restrained in the eyes of the gods, as if it just broke through the seal, with only some slight residual feeling.

Xier's eyes were more solemn, and this madness was accompanied by a sense of reason.


A sense of voyeurism came, without any reason, so that the gods could not read any thoughts other than killing and destruction.

Xier was silent for a while, raised his hand, and the Sword of Judgment took shape in the void.

The doomsday of the entire area was instantly stagnant.

If Xier only used one-third of his strength in the Cartleg battlefield, this time, he went all out in the judgment.

Once the enemy can't resist, it's a killing skill.


The huge energy frenzy began to lock the target and silence the entire area.


The crazy roar became sharper and sharper, and suddenly descended into the dimension of reality.

At this moment, the god reopened his seal.


The pitch-black holy sword in the sky, fluttered by the pitch-black wings, suddenly fell.

Xier no longer planned to talk to this god. In his opinion, the abyss god did not take him seriously. The murderous peeping was a direct provocation to the god.

A dark figure stared at the god with purple eyes.

He rushed up without hesitation, and a stream of light passed through the air. The huge breath suddenly made the area shrouded by the divine power more stagnant.

But his speed made Xier, who was sitting high on the throne, look a little doubtful.


The sword of judgment fell, destroying the god like a rotten wood.

Xier, who was on the throne, turned his head suddenly.

His eyes looked across countless distances in the distant direction.

On the battlefield of Cartleggo, Cartleggo, who was supposed to be dead, was cutting off the head of the last forbidden devil.

The battlefield was also in a complete rout.

Before the god could react, something on another level suddenly approached.


Something touched the soul of the god instantly, and then that thing turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Xier frowned and sensed his soul. Suddenly, a huge memory suddenly appeared in his soul, trying to give the god an extremely special inheritance.

The next moment, that memory was instantly shattered, and it did not cause any impact on the god.

Xier was silent, being underestimated.

His eyes were full of gloom, he took a deep breath and looked at Cartleggo, and the space around him flashed.

But the next moment, that feeling came back, causing the usually indifferent God to feel truly irritated.

He suddenly looked at Pu Sheng, who was taking it easy.

"You did it?"

Pu Sheng spread his hands: "Your Majesty, I have always been under your nose. Can you not tell if I have made any small moves?"

Xier forced down his annoyance, closed his eyes and thought for a while. Just when he was about to say something, Pu Sheng's leisurely words rang out.

"And Your Majesty, isn't my purpose very obvious?"

"As long as I can get the Crystal of Earth Mother's Rules, then won't the inheritance of Lucret's crown be given to you? With our cooperation, it depends entirely on you when you can get what you want."

Pu Sheng said with a smile on his face and looked at Feiya: "Really? Ms. Feiya."


She looked at this uncle-like guy very speechlessly, why is this thing so annoying? What does it have to do with her? Why do you keep asking her for her opinion?

Feeling God's gaze, Feiya felt helpless and whispered: "Everything should be done according to Mianxia's heart. Mianxia can do whatever he wants. In this underground world, Mianxia is the strongest. Ms. Youna said , Conspiracies and tricks are only for the weak. As long as you are strong enough, you can destroy all conspiracies."

Siel closed his eyes and thought about the current situation. He was reviewing it, but too much of the information he knew was wrong.

All the results he derived were vaguely uneasy.

After a long time, God opened his eyes: "Call back your evil deity."

Pu Sheng turned to look at the collapsing iceberg below and replied casually: "You know, this is impossible."

"What if I asked for it?"

"Then I will give you this body. Although I will be seriously injured, Sabo should be able to make up for my losses." Pu Sheng was still a little indifferent: "I just can't get the crystallization of the rules of the Earth Mother, and you can't get it either. His Majesty Lucret’s inheritance.”

"One is a win-win situation between Hell and Hell, and the other one is a win-win situation between Hell and Sabo. It all depends on Your Majesty's choice."

Pu Sheng said, seeming to find it very interesting to tease Feiya, and his voice was a bit mean: "Really? Ms. Feiya?"


"Your Majesty, I think we should just kill this bastard, I can't bear it anymore." She looked decisively at Sil and expressed her request: "I have Ms. Youna's divine brand, and I can kill him. "

Xier looked at the two of them silently, and finally waved his hand boredly.

The throne flew to the high altitude level again, and he somewhat understood why the ancient gods were so persistent in cutting off the taboo inheritance.

These human races are really cunning, and they are worthy of being the race that can become the biggest victor in the New God Era.

It is worthy of occupying 70% of the dominance in the world of heavens.

Pu Sheng looked at Feiya and raised his eyebrows: "It seems that Your Majesty is still rational. Is Ms. Feiya disappointed?"

"Indeed, but I will kill you the next time you provoke me!" Feiya said coldly, a dark brand looming behind her.

Sil looked at it, his eyes a little solemn, and finally lost sight of it, and began to use the authority of God to peek into all places in this underground world, especially the three battlefields.

The war is getting bigger and bigger.

In the battlefield of Katlego, although Katlego was almost exhausted and very weak, the forbidden-level sword master was the forbidden-level sword master. Under his leadership, the abyss's territory was like a drop of ink dripping into the clear water, crazy. Spreading.

The number of people in the Abyss is also increasing, reaching an abnormal level.

It's as exaggerated as if it were really an all-out war between hell and the abyss.

The other two battlefields were strangely calm. The Fallen Angels did not dare to attack, and the Abyss side still had about the same strength.

But the supplements never stopped, and it looked like they were delaying something in order to maintain this situation.

Over time.

Every time Sil wanted to move, he had that feeling, as if he would lose something somewhere else if he set his sights on the battlefield.

This feeling appeared more and more, making Siel even more wary of the battlefield.

He had a vague feeling that this battlefield might be the key. Although it was most likely an illusion created by the man named Sabo, he couldn't help it anymore.

There's only one day left, and it's the fifteen-day deadline.

He looked at Pu Sheng, who seemed to be asleep. Space fluctuations flashed, and another piece of Earth Mother's rules crystallized.

Pu Sheng stood up without any warning, grabbed the Earth Mother's Rule Crystal from the hands of the fallen angels, and said with a smile: "This is mine too."

After saying that, he lay back leisurely, and the crystal in his hand gradually disappeared.

Feeling that Xier had been staring at him, Pu Sheng tilted his head slightly and said, "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Sil raised his hand, and the fallen angel who was about to disappear stopped. He said coldly: "Give up condensation and destroy the battlefield."


Without any hesitation, the fallen angel instantly pulled out the Blade of Fallen Judgment, looked at a battlefield and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the only three taboos left in the world suddenly burst out with their own auras and rushed towards the three battlefields respectively.

Among them, there is only one taboo left for the devil clan, and the fallen angel has always been Sanming.

And they are not ordinary taboos, but demigods with taboo powers.

These demigods were once just legendary angels, but their strength generally improved after their fall.

Coupled with the training of fallen angels, although they have not reached god-level combat power, some micro-level gods may not be able to kill them instantly.

Both Pusheng and Feiya showed some surprise in their eyes, but neither of them showed it. They just maintained their original appearance and did not express any opinions.

Xier thought for a while and looked at the battlefield of Cartlegor. The space around him was fluctuating and flickering.

The feeling of losing something continued to deepen.

But He silently perceived the world and did not stop his actions.


As the throne of God appeared in the sky.

A war cry cut through the battlefield.

In the abyss, the eyes of Cartlegor, who was originally seriously injured, flashed with huge purple light. His power level was degenerating, but his injuries and total power were increasing.


A very special force suddenly expanded. In an instant, tens of thousands of abyss creatures around him exploded instantly, and the extremely huge abyss breath suddenly rushed towards Cartlegor.

His life breath began to disappear, but another life was entangled with him.

Feiya felt a gaze and looked up in confusion: "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Xier's eyes were a little confused. Feiya's breath seemed a little strange just now, but with the interference of Youna, the realm master-level plane god's breath, he couldn't really confirm that there was a problem.

He hated people with connections.

But he also knew that if Gluttony, who was weaker than him, killed his messenger, he would be very unhappy.

That was a provocation to God, so he didn't say anything. Unless there was evidence, he would not easily kill the messenger who was stronger than him.

Looking at Carterego, Xier's eyes were a little solemn.

Did he break through? There was some trouble.

Fiya's eyes showed a trace of relaxation. Now it's good. The rest has nothing to do with her.

Pushen looked at Carterego with some surprise. Is this the value that a special existence like Feiya can burst out?

It seems that it's time for the two in the abyss to plan.

This kind of power is very tempting for him, a pseudo-summoning system.

As long as he can master this power of growing and healing by absorbing other beings, his combat power can be increased by at least 20%.

At that time, he may not lose in a one-on-one fight with the true god.

Xier stood up, flapped his black wings, came to the sky above the battlefield, and looked at Cartlegor below.


A black long sword emerged from behind the god, and the meaning of depravity surged.

Countless images of prayers appeared in the sky, and it seemed that the most devout believers were praying for a pair of black wings. Under the wings in the sky of the picture was a broken heaven.

And the true god was hiding under the believers, in the endless hell, wantonly enjoying the worship of the world.


A familiar and huge wave rose in another battlefield.

Xier, who was ready to take action, turned his head and looked at Pusheng.

At this time, Pusheng was still leisurely, but his body turned into a little bit of abyss energy and dissipated.

"Sure enough"

The words of God stopped abruptly, He grabbed the giant sword and looked at the weakest battlefield, where an opportunity was looking at Him from a distance.

In the eyes of God, a pair of scarlet eyes were full of indifference, and a small dagger was wandering around the figure.

"Although it's a bit early, if you are the only one left, you can try."

The whispered words seemed to be spoken to Him, the fallen God.

And an expected but unexpected name appeared in the heart of God: White Plague!

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