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Chapter 413 The Insect King Arrives

Bai Yi was slightly stunned. Just as he was about to say something, Pu Sheng added: "Don't talk about the peace in the New God era. That's impossible, and I don't believe it either."

Bai Yi was silent.

What does he want.

This is a good question, but Bai Yi's goal has always been clear and simple.

To live in peace, if there are additional conditions, then it is to live forever and freely with everything you want.

Freedom is already standing on the opposite side of the ancient gods and evil existence.

He cares about Dongwu City and Diane.

And Diane can't give up the Difeng family.

The Difeng family can't leave the Federation, so.

"Always maintain the peace of the Federation and don't let anything destroy it."

Bai Yi said calmly, and the Blade of Extreme Evil appeared and floated around him.

He raised his hand, and the worker bee appeared from the demon dimension and quickly pieced together a huge Barrett.

The alloy level that Bai Yi can currently manufacture has been improved again, which is another enhancement on the basis of super alloy.

This enhancement has greatly increased the upper limit of the mechanical creations in Bai Yi's hands.

But he couldn't participate in the battle of gods, so Bai Yi didn't waste time in the battle of gods.

Because the strength of bullets that the alloy can withstand now is the level of sixth-level to eighth-level legends.

And it may not be able to kill.

Even if this alloy is used to rebuild the gold-eating worm, the cost of the gold-eating worm will double, and it can only be increased from three million to five million.

The threat is at most to the ninth-level legend.

This method is very strong. For ordinary tenth-level alchemists, it is already a big move.

But for Bai Yi, it is far from enough.

His enemy is now only God.

Aiming at the battlefield, at the moment when a legend of the abyss is about to fall, he pulled the trigger.

In an instant, Barrett's roar swept across the battlefield.

The legend of the abyss was instantly hit in the head and rushed forward.

At the same time, in front of the legend, a demon who was about to attack also had a big hole on his head, and some burnt smell was emitting from his body.

Kill two low-level legends with one shot.

This is the limit of Barrett now.

Barrett's concept is very simple, which is to simply and roughly speed up the firing rate and power.

As long as there is no limit on the material, then in theory, if a Sun's Praise Embers is compressed into the gun barrel, the bullet can even penetrate the body of a powerful god.

However, even the world can hardly block the explosion of Sun's Praise Embers. Basically, this idea can only be an idea.

He took a look at the experience points received.

Now Bai Yi kills these low-level legends, and the experience points given are only more than 300,000. Compared with the 250 million upgrade experience, these can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

"Maintaining peace forever is really a great ideal."

Pu Sheng was slightly stunned and said with some emotion.

Bai Yi did not respond, and the scene was quiet for a while.

He actually always had a question.

Level 30, level 50, level 80.

As soon as the level is reached, the promotion task is instantly issued.

However, now it is level 90 with more than 60 million experience points, but the promotion task has not arrived yet.

Is there something wrong with the panel, or is the taboo just a division of the legendary realm by people?

Just like tiny divine power and weak divine power, they are both the root in the eyes of the ancient gods.

Are ordinary legends and forbidden legends also legends in the eyes of the panel?

But many of them are wrong.

There is a great improvement when the tiny divine power breaks through to weak divine power.

And there is also a great improvement when the legend breaks through to the forbidden.

This is obvious, the division of the new god is more reasonable.

With the intelligence of the panel, there should be a promotion task now.


the saint attribute points make Bai Yi have no taboo bottleneck, and only need to upgrade normally to reach the taboo.

Or. The panel has not yet obtained the taboo [Alchemical Transformation Energy] method.

Bai Yi thought about it and felt that the former was more acceptable to him.

The magic power of the Holy Demon makes Bai Yi's intelligence a saint attribute.

And the taboo attribute points also compress the attribute points to one tenth, and the two are very similar.

It's just a pity for other rewards.


Suddenly, energy fluctuations broke out.

The huge war in the distance suddenly stopped.

The threat of Pu Sheng made the god feel strongly uneasy.

Coupled with Carterego's entanglement, the god became more and more irritated.

Just now was the god's chance to kill Carterego, but was stopped by Pusheng.

Carterego would only be injured when the sword was chopped down, but the god would be entangled by that big move curse again.

With Carterego's current silkworm life recovery ability, this injury is not fatal if there is no follow-up, and it does not even affect the combat effectiveness. Therefore, under the threat, Xier gave up this meaningless attack and turned his attention to Pusheng.

Baiyi took a look and ignored it. Carterego would only become more and more ferocious, and Xier could not get rid of his entanglement for the time being.

But this is also time-limited.

Silkworm life needs a lot of isoplane energy to maintain such a high combat effectiveness.

When fighting with God, he will only vent his power continuously. After a while, when the venting is almost done and there is no feeling of being blown up at any time.

Carterego's desire to fight will decrease, and then he will fall into a disadvantage.

That's when they take over and delay time.

The Evil Blade that just disappeared reappeared. It can't just be a threat to Xi'er. There must be actual damage.

And with the sharpness of the Evil Blade, it can hurt God.

Pusheng glanced at Baiyi, and the huge curse power slowly emerged: "Do you want peace in Xia or Dawn?"

"Is there any difference?"

Baiyi answered casually and began to fiddle with the Barrett in his hand. The magic power of the Holy Demon quickly repaired the damage of the Barrett, allowing the already tired metal to quickly restore its toughness and strength.

"Of course." Pusheng supported his hands back, stared at God tightly, and said calmly: "If you only want Dawn, then we can change the way and reach some cooperation. If you want peace in the whole Xia"

Pusheng was silent for a while, and his tone was a little light: "I would think you are crazy."

Baiyi did not comment. Indeed, when the new god rose, Destiny, as the strongest, also needed gods to find and help one by one. When the number of gods increased and began to arouse the vigilance of the ancient gods, the war of gods was officially started.

It is basically a fantasy for one person or a federation to maintain the peace of the entire Xia like the new gods.

Of course, Bai Yi is not that great. He only needs to take care of Dawn.

The war between gods is getting farther and farther away. Xier sees the disadvantages of Silkworm Life and is moving the battlefield away.

As long as Cartleggo cannot absorb more energy, it is only a matter of time before the gods kill him.

Bai Yi and Pu Sheng are unmoved. When Cartleggo falls into an absolute disadvantage, the two disappear at the same time, instantly taking over Cartleggo's battle and repelling Cartleggo into an increasingly vast battlefield.

Although Cartleggo has completely lost his mind, he immediately falls into indiscriminate killing.

He always keeps burning everything, and Silkworm Life will make him keep killing if he doesn't want to die.

When the energy is full, Cartleggo's desire to survive will put him in a state of release.

The desire to survive of the two lives cleverly makes him a tool for Bai Yi to delay time.

When his origin is burned out, the insect king is about to come.

Time passed quickly, and Xier became more and more anxious.

He didn't know all of Bai Yi's plans, but maintaining the status quo was definitely not what he wanted.

However, if he wanted to destroy those damn insect nests, he needed to break through the madman Carterego and the obstruction of Bai Yi and Pu Sheng.

He couldn't do this for a while.

Especially after the return of the evil cat.

Bai Yi and Pu Sheng had an unusually high level of cooperation and tacit understanding, and even predicted many times.

That is, some problems were blocked by another person before they happened.

With the cooperation, Xier felt that even if he faced ten Carteregos, it would not be as frustrating as facing these two butchers.

However, when the god was about to kill Carterego again.

The expected obstruction did not come.

The sharp horizontal slash of the artifact and the gorgeous follow-up made the already broken earth full of decadence.

A head flew high, but no blood was sprayed.

The body, which was already supported by only the desire to survive, slowly fell down.

Xier looked in the direction of the barren mountain in a daze.

Over there, the two hateful guys have disappeared.

And this time the disappearance is different from the previous disappearance.

This time, He couldn't track any breath of the two.

He could vaguely sense them no matter how he ran before.

An ominous premonition rose in His heart.

Thinking of something, Xier instantly turned to the direction of the hive.


In the battlefield, billions of abyss Zergs spread across the entire field of vision, and the earth was dark. They looked similar and had similar energy levels. When the number reached this level, it was overlooked from a high altitude.

The messy standing position made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

And now so many abyss creatures actually stopped charging at the same time, and knelt down in the direction of the hive in an incredibly neat and orderly movement.


Billions of hives only erupted with a sound at this moment.

In an instant, the earth began to tremble, and a volcano in the distance violently erupted black smoke and lava because of this tremor.

The bad feeling in Xier's heart became more and more obvious.

He disappeared instantly, tearing through space and coming to the sky above the insect nest.

Raise the sword and swing!


Without the slightest hesitation, the things protected by two difficult guys can still make a god feel so uneasy, this place must be cleared as quickly as possible.


But the next moment, the god's indifferent expression finally changed.

This familiar feeling

He seemed to know everything here.

At the same time, the memory of the holy angel surged at this moment, making Xier fall into a memory that still lingers in his heart when he mentions it now.


The god murmured, looking at the carapace-shaped defense barrier below, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

A long, long time ago.

The new god completed the cleansing of the ancient gods and brought beautiful peace to the world.

However, just when everything was thriving, a peak Zerg descended on Xia.

It was also from that time that the god began to pay attention to the Zerg race and started a great cleansing of the heavens led by the god of fate and many powerful gods as pioneers.

And Xier is also one of the pioneers of the light god system.

He knew very well how powerful the Zerg were.

The top Zerg are even a little afraid of the powerful divine power. This world-destroying race should not exist.

Xier slowly rose and decisively contacted Hell with the authority of God.

He needs more support.

There are only nine god positions in Hell, but this does not mean that Hell has only nine god-level combat forces.

There are still high-level forbidden demigods in Hell.

And the difference between forbidden demigods and gods is only the specialties of gods.

In his body, the shadow that has recovered 80% appeared again, and rushed to the kneeling Zerg without hesitation.

A large-scale justice cleansing suddenly took shape.

The Zerg within a radius of 100 miles died instantly under the cover of holy light, but this did not hurt the vitality of billions of Zerg.


The punishment in the sky suddenly exploded at this moment.

The whole world was shrouded in panic at this moment.

Xier looked in the direction of the lightning strike, where it seemed that the breath of a god was exposed.

But Xier had no intention of chasing Bai Yi now.

The breath that descended with the Heavenly Punishment made Him fly higher, and the shadow killed faster.


Another Heavenly Punishment suddenly exploded.

All the Abyss Zerg moved at the same time.

They ignored the killing of God, opened their mouths almost at the same time, and roared towards the sky belonging to the Zerg.


The huge volume of billions of creatures made the sacred shadow stop all movements.

The huge extraordinary attributes made the still endless hell creatures fall into fear.

The Heavenly Punishment in the sky seemed to be provoked, and rolled more violently.

A thunderbolt fell instantly.

And the carapace shield that even God could not destroy with one blow slowly dissipated at this time.


The thunder suddenly hit a crack.

Gold suddenly exploded on the earth, as dazzling as a sun hidden in the crack.


A buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and some alchemical inscriptions kept floating around. Combined with the surrounding insect nests, the scene looked a bit beautiful for a while.


At this time, a huge breath suddenly enveloped the area as if it had broken through a seal.


Billions of Zergs suddenly bowed their heads, the earth trembled, and the crack became bigger again.

A monster with tentacles on its forehead, dark red shells all over its body, and fluffy tentacles all over its body, slowly rose from the ground on a golden horse.

This monster has a pair of wing-shaped shells that are spread out, and the transparent wings in the shells are constantly vibrating, making a mosquito-like buzzing sound.

He seemed to be enjoying the feeling of being baptized by thunder and lightning, with his hands open and his eyes closed, enjoying the kneeling of billions of Zergs.

"Power, strength, I seem to have everything I want."

"God's punishment? Can it stop me?"

He slowly opened his eyes, feeling the beauty of the moment. Everywhere his scarlet eyes saw were soldiers kneeling down before him.

All the dead soldiers had 70% of their strength fed back to the insect nest.

Then these more than 3,000 insect nests provided it to him, the insect king.

So, he didn't care about killing. He looked up at the god floating in the sky, and his eyes gradually became cold.

The king didn't like being looked down upon, even if the person opposite was a god!

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