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Chapter 420 It’s time for you to wake up, my friend

Chapter 420 It's time for you to wake up, my friend

The huge malice was swirling in the subspace, clearing away all external energy except malice.

The little breath left by Pu Sheng was instantly wiped out.

In Bai Yi's eyes, some rules were breaking, and the devouring of the Zerg outside had already put the world on the verge of destruction.

Just like the previous war of gods, this level of injury would hurt the world, but it would not die.

However, the underground world did not have the power to repel Bai Yi and others in the body, so destruction only depended on how long the Zerg King could exist.

Bai Yi raised his hand, and a bottle of potion appeared in this space.

The subspace here is not somewhere outside the underground world, but similar to the middle part of the world barrier.

So, there is no difference between here and the inside of the underground world for Bai Yi.

The power of the root of the law fluctuated slightly.

The potion bottle shattered, and the extremely evil breath instantly invaded the potion. The little breath of the source of the world spread, causing this space to tremble.


As Bai Yi's extremely evil divine power was poured into this breath, the whole world shook violently, and a strong attraction erupted, stirring this space, and some rules unconsciously began to gather in the direction of Bai Yi.

In Bai Yi's eyes, the blazing red color continued to gather, and the mysterious color occupied the entire subspace.

These lines that do not exist in any space are the rules of the world.

In fact, they have no shape, and each god sees different rules.

In Bai Yi's case, they are lines, and in the eyes of other gods, they may be blood or smoke.

The rules are invisible and can only infect or compress.

What Bai Yi is doing now is to gather these rules that have escaped because of the reduction of the world's level, and when the world is severely damaged, directly extract the most gathered fire rules and compress them into special origin stones with suffixes.

This special origin stone is the highest-level origin stone.

At the beginning, an origin stone water prison allowed the demon dimension to transform into the prototype of the kingdom of God.

If there is another one, then that world will truly become a helper for Bai Yi.

Why would the new god cultivate his own kingdom of God? And so persistently put the souls of believers in it?

The reason is very simple. The reason why the plane gods can be ranked alongside other gods is that the plane can greatly enhance their combat power.

This kind of blessing can even make the plane gods of medium power and the ancient gods or new gods of strong power evenly matched.

And such a great blessing is the accumulation of the plane.

The dead world has no death god, but the dead world is still a major force in the heavens. Why?

Is it based on the strongest Alyssa?

Of course not, it is based on the blessing of the dead world.

The kingdom of God is also another blessing created by the new god based on this blessing of the plane god.

The stronger the kingdom of God, the stronger the power of God, and the stronger the blessing of God. If the power of God is strong, then it is qualified to obtain more faith in the heavens and accept more souls of believers.

This blessing is perfect. The demon dimension has the opportunity to become a kingdom of God and help Bai Yi break the barrier between God and mortal, so Bai Yi wants to obtain this origin stone at all costs.


With the input of white plague, more and more rules gathered, gradually affecting the outside world.

And the outside world.

The uneasiness of the insect emperor once again broke through the limit of the drug effect.

His perception was recovering, and the feeling of dying at any time occupied all his mind.

He was indeed very powerful, so powerful that it was incredible.

He felt that if the so-called Xier appeared in front of him again, he could directly tear the god to pieces and make him kneel at his feet and dare not resist.

But even though he was so powerful, he was now afraid.

"White plague!"

He roared angrily, tore open the space with his hands, and directly entered the subspace.

The flames of the insect emperor swept across the world. It was obviously late at night, but there were two more suns in the sky.

One was the rules disturbed by the powerful breath, but the rules continued to gather.

This represented the rules of the earth mother in this world.

The other was the devouring flame, which tried to devour the rules, but could not touch the rules.

The reason why a god is a god is that power is one aspect, but just like the golden demigod, the status is the main criterion for judging whether a creature is a god.

Obviously, no matter Bai Yi or Pu Sheng, or even the complete corpse of God, they can't make the Insect King awaken the God's specialty.

"Bai Yi, you lied to me!"

He stared at the young man in front of him who was suspended in the void and madly releasing his huge aura.

The twisted space, the charm value of -37, and even the contract could not stop his anger.

If he had to die, he would take this fraudster with him, definitely.

"King? How did I lie to you?"

Bai Yi asked in a relaxed tone, and Shen Nie's voice was hoarse and malicious, and he seemed a little relaxed at this time.

"I'm going to die! You damn fraudster, I will take you with me, I"

"No, you won't die, you feel it carefully again, I hope the king can be more rational, I transformed you, but I used a real ancient god corpse, a god-level original angel feather, root-level materials, red gold wings, root-level materials."

Bai Yi interrupted calmly, and told the story slowly, like a treasure, talking about these priceless materials that are even important to God.

The anger and anxiety of the Insect King slowly subsided in Bai Yi's voice. He took a deep breath and felt that this place made him feel very comfortable, as if it could suppress his anxiety and fear.

"Then I just..."

Bai Yi interrupted the Insect King again and asked in a very light voice: "You said, can I use these materials and my technology to transform a stronger Carterego?"

The Insect King paused: "You"

"I can't persuade him?" Bai Yi interrupted him for the third time and asked again.


The breath on Bai Yi suddenly rose again, and more scarlet eyes appeared, staring at the Insect King.

The Devouring Flame is being suppressed.

The incomparably vast breath even made the Insect King feel pressured.

His body was trembling slightly. He knew that Bai Yi had killed a god, and killed more than one, but he didn't expect that he could be so strong.

And with this kind of breath and this level of strength, it is really not difficult to catch Carterego.

He was silent for a moment: "Then why am I so uneasy? My intuition tells me that I am going to die."

"Guess what I am doing now, Wang?"

White Blight asked again, but did not continue to interrupt Barrow's words. After all, this poison can indeed calm him down, but his strength is too strong.

If this insect king had not been pickled in the poison of White Blight, then his soul, body, and insect mental network would have allowed him to regain normal perception again.

This is also the disadvantage of alchemical transformation.

No alchemist can control this level of transformation 100%.

Why is the Colossus the highest knowledge of alchemy?

Great Alchemist Sage.

No, is it really impossible for White Blight to create a creation that can be compared with powerful divine power?

Or, is the highest creation created by alchemists in the records really the Colossus?

No, of course not.

The reason why the Colossus is perfect is because it is controllable.

Normal alchemists cannot have the combat power of White Blight.

Uncontrollable things have indeed been created, and even caused great chaos in the world ruled by the ancient gods.

But. The first time that [Mechanic Giant] appeared, he killed the Great Alchemist who created him.

The Mechanic Cult that appeared later, their doctrine is flesh and blood pain mechanical ascension.

And what they worship is this Mechanical Giant, because it is the true God created by the Great Alchemist who stole the godhood of a new god.

A god who is still in the dark world at the bottom of the abyss and fights with all the tough guys there.

The magic and alchemy of this world are brilliant, they have never lacked strange ideas, as long as there are materials of sufficient level, no one will doubt that these two professions can study the world to death.

Mage, alchemist, at the same level, it is true that they cannot beat warriors, assassins, and divine magicians.

But mages and alchemists are scholars, and knowledge can create higher results.

"Absorb. Rules?"

Barrow hesitated a little. He did not have the expertise of God, but he was not completely unable to sense the rules.

In his eyes, some flames were infected by his flames and appeared illusory in front of him.

"Yes, and no."

"The world is about to be downgraded. I need to collect some scattered things and then help the king research something that will make you invincible."

Bai Yi smiled and said, the aura on his body became more and more powerful. He said it very confidently and casually, making it impossible to guess the truth of his words.

"Hehe, do you think I'm easy to deceive? If you have this thing, why don't you use it yourself?"

Take a deep breath again, the uneasiness of the insect emperor disappeared again, and he barely regained his composure.

"It's very simple. What I want is for you to guard this world and let you fight hell. So, as long as the world is really downgraded, and I use its rules to allow you to stay in this world without the world collapsing"

Bai Yi smiled: "You said that the gods can't come in, but you can be in it. Who can kill you through Xia?"

The insect emperor thought for a while, and the many tiny tentacles on his body twisted unconsciously.

He wanted to say that he didn't want to stay in this world, but if it was according to the agreement between the two, it should be like this.

Everything this alchemist did really made him invincible in this world and the king of this world forever.


This world now has no mountains or rivers, no living creatures, nothing.

Why does he stay here?

Compared to staying here, if he returns to the abyss with his current strength, then his territory will no longer be just one layer of the abyss, but all the abyss planes where his power extends will be his territory.

But can this be said?

He thought about it with his not particularly smart head, and he also knew that the core needs were different, and saying it would only add to the conflict.

Moreover, if the war with hell continues, for the real Zerg King, that is the road to power.

Barrow let out a long sigh, and he suddenly felt very tired, as if he hadn't slept for tens of millions of years and felt very sleepy.



The King of Zerg cheered up and looked at Bai Yi.

He could only see the back of Bai Yi's head and a pair of eyes staring at him. He suddenly became a little impatient: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't dilly-dally."

"Oh, it's nothing, King, how about doing me a favor?"

Bai Yi's voice became very light.

Tens of thousands of eyes around instantly turned their direction and stared at a spot in the void.

Bai Yi's all power shifted, pressing in the direction of his eyes.


The soft meow of the cat was blocked by the momentum, and Bai Yi's eyes became extremely ferocious, and his scarlet eyes were full of desperate killing intent.

The critical moment, the most critical moment of this matter, cannot be destroyed.

And in the deeper space in that direction, Pu Sheng was holding a cat in his arms, his eyes were thoughtful and hesitant.

He moved forward step by step, but he did not take even one step in the real space.

He was not afraid of Bai Yi's revenge, nor was he afraid of Bai Yi's hatred.

Whether it was Pu Sheng, Bai Yi, or Charles, their decisions would always have only one standard: whether it was worth it.

Bai Yi obviously knew the change of his purpose, but he still did this step without clearing up his hidden danger.

Of course, Pu Sheng knew very well that Bai Yi did not destroy his body because he felt that it was not worth exchanging his life for him.

And he was considering the same question now, whether it was worth it or not.

"You say, I'll think about it."

A confused voice sounded, it seemed that the end was coming, the insect king was going to die.

It's good to die now, it's worthless if it's weaker.

Bai Yi's voice was still very light, and the eyes that looked at Pu Sheng were more ferocious than Pu Sheng had ever seen.

Tap, tap, tap.

Footsteps appeared in the subspace.

But as Bai Yi finished speaking, the footsteps stopped.

Pu Sheng smiled and turned away.

"This world is still not damaged enough. The king needs to continue to improve his strength, or use all his strength to help me destroy it. How about it?"

"Heh, it's a small matter, you said it."


The flames exploded, and the insect king disappeared in this subspace.


In front of Bai Yi, the rules soared into the sky, and the punishment gathered in the sky.

And Bai Yi also breathed a sigh of relief. The insect king could no longer realize that he was about to die. Bai Yi wanted to sacrifice him and force Sabo to wake up, but it was obvious that Pu Sheng was watching closely.

This time, he was indeed not well prepared.

If there was any demon soul blood, then Pu Sheng would have been eliminated long ago.


This should be the best ending, right?


"My soldiers, give all the power to your king, I will lead you"

"Towards the Supreme!"



The rules in front of Bai Yi suddenly increased, and the flame of devouring swept the entire world, causing Xia's consciousness to begin to withdraw.

As Bai Yi gathered the rules, three soul crystal cores (middle) appeared.

At the same time, the alchemical inscriptions that had been prepared long ago slowly formed a magic circle.

Ding Ding Ding.

After three light sounds, a special wave gradually took shape.

The power of the angel in the void wrapped a piece of thing and appeared from the demon dimension, evenly sprinkled on the alchemical array text.


Filth, extreme filth began to spread.

Bai Yi sensed it and smiled: "You should wake up my friend"



Xier, who was using the root of illusion to spy on the underground world with his eyes closed, opened his eyes.

He touched the increasingly anxious call for help from the underground world, and said in an extremely calm tone: "Let's go!"

Boom! Boom boom boom.

The army that had been prepared long ago, led by five mid-level taboos and seven or eight new low-level taboos, rushed directly to the crack of hell.

Xier took out the origin stone from his arms.

He stepped forward calmly, followed the traction of the underground world, and disappeared into hell.

This world is still God's!

He will become a special god!

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