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Chapter 430 Dragon Clan (revised)

Black Dragon

Bai Yi's thoughts instantly went back to a long time ago, when there was a scene that left a deep impression on him.

Luo Ning had predicted that a legendary black dragon would be controlled by the Night Rose to cause great damage to Dawn.

Then Bai Yi asked Demacia and Xia Houfuxing to solve this problem.

The last remnants of the Night Rose were also destroyed in that mission, which also caused the Night Lady to be angry and slap Xia across countless dimensions from the dimensional turbulence.

Then a black dragon that covered the sky and the sun passed through Dawn.

The fluctuations emitted by the black dragon at that time were taboos.

And Bai Yi also understood why Helen summoned them.

The destruction and disaster represented by the black dragon are chaotic evil creatures. Their thinking is more destructive, and they are synonymous with killing in this world.

The dragon race is known for its strength. Even a first-level taboo can temporarily rival the gods.

The blessing promised by this existence should not be small.

But the identity of the Black Dragon

No one can be sure whether this madman will suddenly stab his allies in the back when they should have been united.

No one can be sure whether the so-called blessing given by this existence is a trap to strangle some geniuses in the cradle.

Although this is a conspiracy theory, it is very reasonable if the other party is the Black Dragon.

"How did He contact you?"

Bai Yi was a little confused.

It stands to reason that Bai Yi is the most famous in the entire federation, and Bai Yi is also the strongest in combat.

In this world where strength is king, Bai Yi is the one who represents the federation. The Black Dragon should contact him. Even if he is not there, at least Luo Ning will not know it at all.

Helen was silent again: "A dream."

Silence, everyone present was stunned, even Guan Xin, who was drinking silently, looked over.

Everyone's eyes had only one meaning: Are you okay?

Bai Yi was also a little speechless. The dreams of the strong do have some predictive attributes.

But the content is still irregular.

You may dream about a scene that has happened, or you may dream about a scene that only exists in your imagination, or even dream about someone else's dream.

This does not mean that the black dragon really exists.

However, Helen is a relatively reliable person, and Bai Yi did not say anything.

He just quietly waited for Helen's next words.

"In that dream, the black dragon and I had a conversation."

"In this conversation, we reached some cooperation, that is, the dragon will descend on Dawn, fight against the powerful enemy together with Dawn, and give us some dragon souls."

"I can listen to the heart of the black dragon. In the perception of nature, he does not carry any malice, so I agree."

Helen said, slightly raised her left hand, and extended her index finger.


A low dragon roar suddenly broke out, echoing in this hall full of natural breath.

A fresh, life element formed in the echo, and gradually, a huge green dragon shadow loomed, majestically looking down at all living things in the world.

The dragon's might spread, causing everyone present to frown.

Is this

"forbidden dragon soul?"

Bai Yi frowned, this blessing is a bit too big.

It's a bit abnormal.

Every dragon has a dragon soul, but if it is a giant dragon that dies naturally, then the dragon soul will also dissipate at the end of their life, and that dissipation is irreversible.

Even if it is a dragon god, if he wants to keep a forbidden dragon, then the things consumed are enough to make two forbidden dragons appear.

So it is true that the dragon race lives forever, but when they die, that is the real death. There is no other way except to go further and become a mythical dragon.

And now these dragon souls are all dragon souls that died unnaturally.

If a giant dragon is killed by someone else, the energy of the dragon soul will dissipate between heaven and earth.

If there is an extremely powerful existence at this time that is recognized by the dragon soul, then these energies can be gathered and eventually form this kind of dragon soul with blessing.

This kind of dragon soul is similar to a symbiotic characteristic. Their consciousness will slowly return under the influence of the host, becoming the host's mentor or reborn with the help of the host's power.

During this period, the power of the dragon will become the power of the host to form one to three permanent dragon specialties.

If the host dies during this period, the dragon soul will also completely die.

But during this period, the host's children will also have a high probability of awakening dragon specialties.

This kind of dragon soul symbiosis has almost no harm to the host, and the host can even find a way to erase the dragon's will before the dragon's consciousness awakens.

In that case, everything about this dragon will become the host's nourishment.

The formation of this kind of dragon soul is very, very difficult, because of that recognition.

The arrogance of the dragon, except for the dragon god, no existence can gain their faith.

Even the green dragon of life and nature does not believe in the goddess of life, although the goddess of life is very powerful.

This arrogance makes it difficult for them to truly recognize other creatures, unless the creature is stronger than them.

Of course, being stronger than them is only a prerequisite, and the subsequent various affinity, soul purity, heart purity and other things are the difficulties.

Many evil alchemists or mages want to obtain the protection of this dragon soul, because these two professions are notoriously fragile.

After obtaining the blessing of the dragon soul, the awakened talents can greatly enhance their ability to survive.

Of course, nothing has been successful yet.

It's too difficult to get the dragon's approval.

"Yes, this is indeed a taboo-level dragon. I think that obtaining the dragon soul will indeed be of great help to you, but"

"I have two doubts. The first is that the powerful taboo is a black dragon. Everyone knows the characteristics of the black dragon, but the black dragon has no malice at all, not even racial characteristics. This is very strange."

"The second point is that the conditions for the formation of the forbidden dragon soul are very harsh, but now it is directly given to us. I have some guesses about this, but I still have some doubts."

"The reason for calling you here is simple. I need to be responsible to the Federation, so I plan to go and see and figure out these issues."


Helen didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was already obvious.

If he can't come back, Dawn's enemies will be joined by a dragon.

Everyone present fell into silence. On the contrary, the three women from Tobu City did not have so many worries.

They think simply, just follow the White Epidemic, the White Epidemic can represent them.

However, Luo Ning raised his hand hesitantly.

She has never liked communicating with unfamiliar people. When she was leading Tobu City, she mostly gave orders online to affect the entire Tobu City.

She was a little uncomfortable with being the center of attention.

The people present are all legends, possessing powerful sensory abilities that allow them to notice any disturbance.

So even though Luo Ning didn't make a sound, he still attracted everyone's attention.

The daughter of destiny's speech will be taken seriously no matter where she is.

Being watched by many people, Luo Ning turned to look at Bai Yi uncomfortably, and said in a soft voice: "Um. I just saw something. This. This can be taken, but it will be very troublesome."

"What trouble?"

Helen asked gently.

Luo Ning thought for a moment, thought about the words, and then whispered: "It's just that the place where the giant dragon is is not easy to enter, and after the dragon comes out, it may have some undesirable conflicts with the wonders, causing some disruption to the order. conflict."

"In the picture, the dragon will always live in the Federation."

As soon as she finished speaking, Baker answered decisively: "Since there is no problem, why are you hesitating? It's just some order issues. Compared with Forbidden Soul, it's not worth mentioning."

tuk tuk

Bai Bian knocked on the table, interrupting those who were about to speak.

Bai Bian looked at Helen: "Luo Ning said that the place where the Dragon Clan lives now is difficult to enter. So similarly, the only dragon that can leave the place where the Dragon Clan is now is probably the black dragon."

"I also have a doubt now."

"you say."

Bai Bian pondered for a moment and said: "The Dragon God of the Dragon Clan belongs to the ancient gods. Moreover, in a place that is difficult for us to enter, the Dragon Clan cannot be in any danger. At least the ancient gods of Shia should not be able to do so now. ”

"So, what's their purpose?"

Bai Bian's eyes were full of thoughts: "There is no such thing as a free lunch. Whatever you gain, you may lose something. If you don't understand this, I don't recommend contacting the Dragon Clan now."

Helen nodded: "I know, I think about it a lot."

"In addition to relying on my spiritual perception, I accept that the dragon soul has another point."

"The Forbidden Dragon Clan has always been the pinnacle of the Dragon Clan and the strongest echelon. They can even compete with many gods."

"There are so many dragon souls of this level. Apart from the work of Dragon God Isabel, I can't think of anyone else who can qualify."

"In the records, there is even an incident where the mythical dragon roared at the god of destiny."

"So, the Dragon Clan most likely has no purpose."

Bai Bian: "Is it an oracle?"

Helen nodded: "Yes, the oracle is the only possibility, and the content of the oracle is most likely some kind of prophecy. There are also SSS-level geniuses in the Stars and Sun Federation, but why are they only looking for the Forbidden Black Dragon? I?"

"I guess it's probably because we are the only winners at the moment and my affinity is sufficient."

Bai Bian thought about it and said: "The oracle is indeed reasonable, but the Dragon God is not a new god, and his belief is limited to dragons. It is a bit far-fetched to predict specific things until now."

He thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. In thirty days, I will go to a dimensional turbulence."

Bai Bian looked at Helen: "When I come back, I will go with you."

Helen was stunned for a moment, with some gentleness in his eyes, but then he shook his head: "No need for White Plague, I know what I'm doing."

He raised his hand as he spoke, and the dissipated green dragon's shadow reappeared. It shook its body, and an illusory green scale fell off from its body and floated towards Bai Bing.

"This is the way to the Dragon Clan's territory."

"Just wait for the news. I trust my intuition and everything will be fine."

As he spoke, a formation suddenly appeared next to Helen, and the illusory green dragon hovered above the formation, gradually rendering some spatial fluctuations.

Bai Bian frowned and looked at Helen in confusion. This was not a good idea.

But then Bai Bian thought of something and was silent for a moment. Strong men all have their own ideas, and he couldn't stop Helen.

Helen asked them to come this time because she didn't trust her own feelings so much, so she took some vaccinations in advance.

However, Bai Bian was just confused about the other party's purpose.

After all, although Shia and the Dragon Clan could survive under the rule of the Ancient God, they would definitely not be as nourishing as they did during the New God period.

But this is not a reason for free dragon souls, at least not enough.

The existence that can give Helen dragon souls can definitely give dragon souls to the dragon clan.

And the dragon clan gets the forbidden souls of their own clan, and the possibility of a giant dragon becoming a taboo is greatly enhanced. If it is given to the dragon clan that is already very talented, then it is definitely a taboo.

The dragon clan only needs to have a tenth-level taboo, even if the ancient gods come in full force, they can still live very comfortably.

Therefore, if Bai Yi is the current ruler of the dragon clan, it is the right answer to stand by and watch.

Even if the oracle can explain some things, but.

Five hundred years is very long and very short, and the leader of the dragon clan is still a black dragon.

There is no good black dragon.

As long as Helen is contacted by a green dragon or a red dragon.

Then Helen doesn't have to hesitate so much. With his strength and ability, he will agree directly without any inspection.

Just when the teleportation array is about to appear.

Bai Yi's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the extremely rich natural elements around him instantly collapsed and fled to the corner to gather together.

Bai Yi's charm value is -37.

With this charm value, all natural elements will reject it from the bottom of their hearts.

His sudden outburst stunned everyone.

Before they could react, Bai Yi stretched out his hand, and a tentacle appeared in his palm, and quickly fell off and flew towards Helen.

"Take this, it has the breath of me and the colossus, maybe it can calm the black dragon down at some point."

Bai Yi's voice was very calm. This tentacle contained a lot of extreme evil. At some point, strength is the right to speak.

Taboo black dragon, no matter how high the taboo is, in front of the colossus and the evil god, it may also put away some thoughts.

Of course, it would be better if Bai Yi was wrong, then everything would be happy.

If this dragon uses this mode and has other purposes, then this tentacle will also become a coordinate, leaving a hole for Bai Yi in that world.

Instead of relying on the dragon clan's method to enter that world.

Bai Yi doesn't mind having a few thousand more bone dragons under Diane's command.

Helen was slightly stunned, smiled and nodded: "I will be back within a month. If I don't come back after a month, you don't need to avenge me. This is just my decision-making mistake. You can't blame others."

After the voice fell, a roar of a giant dragon exploded.

Helen disappeared instantly.

The field fell into silence again, but then Bai Yi returned to the bright side, and the space around him flashed, taking Luo Ning and Dai An to Dongwu City.

Yuan Tang was also silent for a while.

He knew Helen's character, so there was no need to speak out to stop her, just like he would not be affected by others if he decided something.

Sometimes, these geniuses are still somewhat similar.

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