Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 44 Let them live in the shadows

Listening to the voice behind him, there was no movement in Bai Bian's eyes, and Alban became restless. When he was asked to go out this time, he was prepared for this guy to cause trouble.

Fortunately, if it was just a killing, it didn't exceed his expectations.

Otherwise, 80% of his list would not be rich people who open casinos and brothels.

Cash flow is one thing, and understanding Orr is another. Of course, he won't touch the wealthy businessmen who are truly friends with him.

"Boss, what kind of milk is this? It tastes really good. Is it expensive?"

When Bai Bian walked towards the laboratory, Luo Ning asked happily with little stars twinkling in his eyes.

There are still some milk stains on her mouth, and she looks very cute. If her face were rounder, she would be a perfect little loli.

Eileen next to her looked at him with resentful eyes, biting the straw crazily, trying to kill him with her eyes.

"If it tastes good, drink more. I will send it to you starting tomorrow. Each of you can receive two bottles per day." Bai Ying said happily.

This kind of milk costs about five silver coins a bottle. For the current white plague, it can already replace fifty copper coins of coffee.

As the income has increased, of course, I can't wrong myself. The price of drinks has increased tenfold. By the way, I need to take good care of Luoning. She is too thin.

Although her piece of news was not the most critical, it did help him a lot.

From this external conflict, he gained at least three million gold coins, which was a huge fortune.

Before the auction comes, he can improve himself unscrupulously and without any scruples, and upgrade the defense of the entire pharmacy by several levels.

Luo Ning's eyes suddenly lit up. She looked at Bai Bian with unabashed admiration: "Thank you, boss. You are so kind, boss."

And Eileen's eyes were a bit incredible. This stingy boss actually started to be generous. Something was wrong, something was wrong with the boss!

She asked hesitantly: "Old boss, the store was robbed just now. Are you going bankrupt? Is this the last party? What about our wages?"

The white plague just getting ready to leave:

He glanced at her speechlessly: "Slander the boss, two gold coins will be deducted!"

Erin Σ(っ°Д°;)っ: "Huh? No, what the hell, this is all my hard-earned money, boss! You can't do this!"

Bai Bian ignored this guy's jump and walked to the laboratory. This guy didn't look like an elf at all.

He is obviously an elf from the Moonlight Clan with a cold personality, white hair and pretty face.

But it happened to grow into the character of Erha, the sadness of the elf!

"Damn it! Black-hearted capitalists~"

Eileen (つ﹁`′﹁): “He actually did it, as expected.”

Bai Bian withdrew his mental power and glanced at her. The white-haired OL elf immediately shut up and stared at him, biting the milk straw hard, feeling aggrieved.

Bai Bian couldn't help but glance at the aggrieved elf and Luo Ning, who was hesitant to speak and didn't know how to comfort him. He thought for a while: "But you have been working overtime these days, and you will receive a bonus of two gold coins. It won't be the same next time."

With that said, Bai Bian walked into the laboratory with Miss Elf's suddenly warming expression.

There are many books placed in the corner of the laboratory, which are the basic knowledge of alchemy.

Bai Bian thought for a moment. The most important thing at the moment was the auction. He also needed a greater reputation. At present, there were not enough eyes on him, which made him a little uneasy.

The main reason is that Rose of the Night has cast a big shadow on him. One of the more than thirty congressmen is a member of Rose of the Night. This level is outrageous.

But now is not the time for that congressman to be exposed.

The main reason is that exposing the congressman now will not bring any benefit to him except the loss of Night Rose.

But holding this kind of news in your hand is different. This is a trump card. When necessary, you may be able to talk to the legend.

Bai Bian took out a piece of paper and wrote something on the white paper with his fingertips. There were no words on it, but there were traces of spiritual power in Bai Bian's eyes.

After a while of busy work, many familiar but unfamiliar ideas soon disappeared on the white paper.

These are things that don't exist now, but will shine in the future, and they have directly affected the three major federations for a long time.

Bai Bian picked and picked for a long time, and finally, only three titles were left on the white paper, and they gradually eroded the paper and were revealed.

[Alchemy Magic Network] [Alchemy Intercontinental Railgun] [Dawn Communication]

These three things were all brought by players. They were combined with real-life technology and used stronger alchemy to produce these things. Each of them can be said to have changed the pattern of war.

The first one is the network that has already begun to take shape. Rather than studying these things, the alchemists of Shia continent prefer to study things with offensive or defensive power.

But after his surveillance appeared, the alchemists quickly invented DVDs and began to make money in the Federation.

Therefore, once the alchemy technology network appears, various regional networks will be quickly researched by those alchemists within three months.

This is also the reason why Bai Bian wants to set the auction for one month later. He must quickly find someone with enough qualifications to unify the network.

Moreover, [Leon Dawn Communications] also requires a huge manpower to produce smartphones, and it also seems to be a headache to seize the market and other things.

Therefore, these things can be used for publicity, but if Bai Bing wants to do it himself, it is not only a waste of time, but also unrealistic.

As long as his potential is SS or above, those who cooperate with him will always give him a share.

As for the alchemy missile

This thing was made by the Federation of Stars. Players only gave some ideas, but the Alchemist Sage thought it was good, and then he made it. In the end, the range seemed to be able to span the distance between two cities, reaching a precision guidance of thousands of kilometers. .

He can also get this thing out in advance. When he can't see the real thing, at least when the three major federations are not connected to the Internet, his ideas should be unique.

And Barrett's ideas can also be applied to cannons. Each missile can only be fired once a day or even more than ten days.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian took out a large screen and quickly painted the scene in his memory.

He doesn't need to make these things as strong as he remembers now. What he sells is technology, he only needs samples, and now during the promotion period, he only needs pictures.

With his current reputation and the magic on Sabo's side, the effect should be very good.


Bai Bian thought of something, his mental power surged, and he once again left four words on the piece of paper. Maybe he could do something for the common people.

【steam train】

Because the various foundations of the world are different, perhaps many things on Blue Star need to be redefined, but there is one technology that is different [steam! 】

As long as steam trains connect major cities, the entire federation will be closer and safer.

White Plague can't wait to see the players arrive. When the Dawn Federation develops into what it will be thirty years later, the players will definitely be very happy, right?

Especially some inventive players may always feel like they are living in their own shadow.

Thinking of this, the White Plague became more powerful. Steam trains were simply the cheapest thing in the extraordinary world. Railways, energy, and other things did not require extraordinary resources.

But this energy will continue to bring huge benefits to those who pave the way. As long as wealthy businessmen with a longer-term vision will definitely stick to it.

Forget about the principles, including the Internet and intercontinental missiles, you just need to watch the film. I am looking forward to it in a month.

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