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Chapter 439 Most of them are open, so you can invest now?


a bolt from the blue.

In the cloudless sky, streaks of thunder resounded through the sky.

In this combat preparation area, soldiers were lined up neatly, extending to an extremely remote area.

The number easily exceeds one million, and there is no boundary at all.

At the forefront of these soldiers, a huge black dragon palace exuded smoke from the top. Top-quality soothing medicinal materials became incense, and the mist enveloped the throne of King Ji'an.

At the very front of the throne is also the entrance to the Judgment Hall.

Drewe was pacing back and forth, his eyes slightly anxious.

It’s been seven days, it’s been seven days since the white plague came back.

Originally, the army should have set off three days ago, but because they did not dare to disturb Bai Bing, they kept delaying.

Karl's orders were issued one after another, but to no avail. The door was still full of malice. No one dared to ignore this malice and wake up the vicious existence inside.

"Stop turning, it's useless."

Mi Fengna said coldly, her eyes full of impatience.

"The time set by the Emperor is approaching the deadline. If things are delayed, how can we survive?" Drew said anxiously: "By then, we will be the real sinners."

"Then go and ask Wang to come out. What's the use of running around here?" Mi Fengna said impatiently.

How could she not know this, but there was no other way. Except for Emperor Karl, whoever was going to die would die. Neither of them wanted to die, so there was no point in being anxious.

Drewey paused, then immediately turned his head and looked at Mi Fengna angrily: "Then what do you think we should do? Just sit back and let millions of people wait for him here?"

Mi Fengna looked back and said: "Oh, you also know that more than one million people were dispatched this time. Guess there are so many people, why no one is making trouble?"

Drew looked around and saw that there were more than 400 high-level extraordinary beings in the Judgment Hall overlooking a million troops in the sky. In addition, every battle with white plague had great achievements and little danger. Only fools would do this. Time to make trouble.

There is indeed no shortage of reckless men on the battlefield, but reckless men are not completely brainless either.

Even if not, then the reckless man is not without friends, there will always be someone to remind him.


"Made, what's going on today? Thunder keeps blowing. I'll go take a look!"

Drew couldn't help it anymore, his eyes turned slightly red and shot straight to the sky at an unstoppable speed.

A violent aura erupted in the sky, and the catharsis of emotions made the army below begin to feel a little depressed.

Mi Fengna frowned, murmured "Idiot" in a low voice, calmed down her emotions, and waited quietly.

The army began to make some noise, but this noise quickly dissipated under the spiritual shroud of powerful beings.

Apart from the thunderbolts on the sunny day and the energy fluctuations of the berserker, there was no sound outside the door.

At this time, in the Judgment Hall.

Bai Bian drank the last bottle of soul potion, feeling the growth of his soul, and let out a long sigh of relief.

He showed a smile, this trip has been worthwhile, and the rest should be done in the best interest.

Bai Bian raised his hand, and a ball of light was annihilated. It was Karl's urging power, but Bai Bian had no interest in listening.

After feeling it for a while, after his soul had almost stabilized, he glanced at the prompts and then Bai Bian began to walk out.

[You drink the soul-enhancing potion x31, and your soul will be greatly enhanced. Your soul strength is now 590. 】

[Host: White Plague. (Light)

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist·Saint.

Level: 90 (100410000/250000000).

Additional experience points: 71,600,000.

Gold coins: 1,364,001.

Strength: 822.

Agility: 901.

Stamina: 1493.

St. Intelligence: 168.

St. Spirit: 256.

Charisma: 83.

Luck: 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

World: Black Death, Pathogen, Night Town, Life and Death, Alternation.

World legend level: 80.

Rank: Legend.

Evaluation: An alchemist with extremely strong spiritual power, even among saints, he is an outlier. 】

This wave of improvement is quite exaggerated. Although all the soul crystal cores have been used, there is a qualitative breakthrough in spiritual attributes.

This means that the dark side can grow at no cost, and its ultimate combat power without any scruples will even approach medium-level divine power.

However, if you want to truly reach medium divine power, it is still a little short of that. Simply calculating the light side spirit based on attribute points must be close to 300, and the dark side attributes can fully reach the intensity of medium divine power.

There's still some way to go.

When he opened the door, Bai Ying was not surprised by the sight at the door.

The power of the dark side will only prevent outsiders from entering, rather than completely sealing it off.

In other words, when performing some simple steps, White Plague has enough energy to look outside.

His scarlet eyes glanced at the sky.

Take a step forward.

The next moment, he appeared on the top of the huge palace.

Smelling the soothing effect of the expensive materials, Bai Bian felt a little comfortable. The original King Ji'an was not a sinner, but there was probably something wrong with his mind.

As for this burning epic material, it only has an auxiliary effect in calming the mind, and more importantly it has the effect of nourishing the spirit.


A slight sound sounded at the door of the Judgment Hall.

That was the sound of Druid falling too fast, causing damage to the earth.

The original anger in his eyes had completely disappeared, and strands of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He lowered his head and stood under the smoky throne together with the gloating Mi Fengna.


With a dull horn sound, the huge black dragon palace began to lift into the sky.

A huge portal appeared in front, enough to allow entry into this huge palace that was more than a kilometer wide.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom boom boom.

The moment the drums sounded, the soldiers also began to take steps. The neat footsteps and the drums were intertwined, playing a unique song for the expedition.

The huge palace was the first to enter the teleportation array.

Bai Yi felt the distortion of space, but this distortion of space was very gentle.

The surrounding Anshen smoke appeared in wavy waves, but before it dispersed, the scene of heavy snowfall appeared in front of us.


Thunder rumbled in the sky.

The Heavenly Scourge, which Bai Bian was more familiar with, was gathering and hovering over the palace.

This divine punishment is getting stronger and stronger, making people feel a deep sense of rejection and pertinence.

Bai Bian did not move, but the two deputies in front had already begun to pour their own power into the instrument.

The rage of the berserker is intertwined with the coldness of the ice mage.

At the moment when the scourge is about to fall.

The huge palace shook with a bang.

Purple beams of light shot straight into the sky from around Bai Bian's throne.


An extremely dull sound passed through the entire world.

Ripples like water began to spread. Wherever the ripples reached, the creatures would feel uneasy, as if indicating that a war that the indigenous people could not resolve was about to begin.

Bai Bian looked at the palace with great interest.

He thought that this was the scene of King Ji'an's trip, but he didn't expect that it was a treasure that shielded him from divine punishment and rejection from the world.

However, Bai Yi had no intention of taking it apart and studying it.

The pheromones that erupted in the world just now made it very clear.

Once this kind of shield breaks out, the entire world will not be punished for a period of time.

This can be regarded as a weakening for White Plague with the Blade of Rules.

Because there is no need to be struck by lightning, which means that White Plague cannot use Heaven's Punishment to strike people.

This is considered a big move level expertise.

However, this world is only a seventh-level world, which means that this world will not exceed the legendary level.

In a world of this level, these two deputies are enough to push through.


Boom boom boom.

The orderly footsteps were slightly disordered, but as a strong man began to beat the drum on the huge palace, the sound of drums to encourage morale spread, and the footsteps gradually became unified again, with a strong sense of oppression.

Both Mi Fengna and Drew Wei looked at Bai Biao, waiting for Bai Biao's order.

They are Karl's people, but in front of the White Plague, they must obey orders 100%, otherwise if the White Plague kills them, they will be killed without any punishment.

Emperor Karl would not target King Ji'an because of his subordinates. That would break many arrangements and also cause him to lose a helper who was no weaker than him, or even stronger than him.

"Go and help. Open three battlefields. I'll watch the main battlefield."

Bai Bian waved his hand and said casually.

"Yes, King!"

The two of them said in unison, forcibly tearing open the space of this world, and disappeared into the palace with some people who had been prepared.

In about half an hour, the extremely fast army had already walked out of the huge portal.

At the same time, three huge portals appeared one after another from the front.

Mi Fengna and Drewe, who had left, returned to the palace and knelt down on one knee.

Mi Fengna reported calmly and quickly: "King, you are going to the middle portal, which leads to the most powerful east city in the Uno Kingdom. The city owner may have reached the eighth level legend."

Bai Bian raised his hand to interrupt her words and looked at a person not far away who was obviously controlling the movement of the palace: "Let's go, let's go by ourselves."

The middle-aged man felt the oppressive gaze and decisively began to control the palace, moving towards the portal in the middle.


Mi Fengna looked hesitantly at the people beating the drums. These were the battlefield commanders and the people who conveyed the orders from the command post.

"Do it yourself and leave me alone."


Mi Fengna and Drewe looked at each other, feeling the portal getting closer and closer, and decisively started to move. With the explosion of magic power and physical body, in addition to the people who controlled the palace, there were also the waiters serving the white plague. Everyone except the Communications Department was taken down.

War, war with high-end combat power is one aspect, and war with soldiers is also very important.

Soldiers breaking the city will distract the opponent's high-end combat power, and they can also form battle formations to threaten the opponent's high-end combat power.

For example, for a legendary wizard, an ordinary silver-level curse may have no effect, but a curse of 10,000 silvers can also affect the legendary combat power as long as the cooperation is tacit enough.

Otherwise, when the extraordinary world goes to attack a city, it doesn't need low-end combat power at all. Wouldn't it be better to just crush it with high-end power?

After killing the high-end combat power, then the tenth-level legend, one big move will kill a large number of enemy soldiers.

That's why the two of them valued these millions of soldiers so much. This power should never be underestimated.

As the palace flew into the teleportation array, Bai Bian felt as if he had passed through a film of light, and a huge city appeared in front of him.

This city is much grander than the original Tobu City.

The huge city wall nearly 100 meters high, the cannons on the wall, and the dense holes on the wall all illustrate the strength of the city wall.

As the palace with the black dragon pattern appeared, a thick protective shield suddenly rose up over the entire city, and the cannons on the city wall began to continue firing red energy.

Huge bursts of aura erupted and gathered at the top of the shield.

Bai Bian looked at the movement in front of him, felt it for a while, and showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The mission is almost completed.

I didn't expect it to be like this. The saint is worthy of losing in this era.

He stretched out a finger, and a silver ball of light with a diameter of one millimeter flickered on it and spread out.

At the same time, a blue and red white shadow appeared above the throne.

This phantom held the soul bow and slowly drew the bow string, and the huge soul wave began to gain momentum.

Within the city shield.

The face of the Lord of Dongcheng suddenly changed. He felt a fatal sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis could not be avoided.

Cold sweat began to appear on the foreheads of the extraordinary people who were closer to Ju Li, and they also felt a strong sense of oppression.

"City Lord, the person who came here is not a good person. The one just now should be the fluctuation of the Heavenly Punishment Shield in the alliance. The one in front may be the root cause."



As he spoke, two huge energy fluctuations spread in this direction.

The strong man's expression changed, and there was fear in his eyes: "The two border towns in the north and south have also been attacked. City Lord, please go, return to the capital quickly, and report to the parliament."

It only took a few seconds for the elderly city lord to go from being shocked at the beginning to becoming calm now.

He suddenly took out a token and threw it out.


A wave of space flashed through.

He grabbed the guy who just spoke with one hand and threw the token out.

At the same time, a calm voice sounded: "Everyone, if you can, evacuate, and go to the capital. This city cannot be defended."

"City Lord, what about you?"

"I am the city lord, this is an order!"

The city lord scolded him coldly, and the fluctuations of the ninth-level legend in his body suddenly broke out, and he rushed out of the city in an instant, not listening to these people's words at all.

He is the city lord, the lord of a city, and there is no way he can abandon the city and run away.

Bai Bian looked at the legend rushing towards him with some surprise in his eyes. Didn't he even try to escape?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian raised his hand and did not directly use the soul of magic to kill this guy. He quietly waited for something.

The ninth-level legend was very fast, covering a distance of several thousand meters and arriving not far from the palace in two seconds.

The few remaining waiters saw this scene without any fear in their eyes.

Being able to go to the Black Dragon Palace to serve King Ji'an, among other things, one's character will always come first. If one offends the cruel guy who was the original owner because of nervousness, then just wait for death.

The expected baptism of the ultimate move did not come.

The city lord and Bai Bian looked at each other for a while, and their expressions suddenly changed.

He slowly lowered his height so that Bai Bian could easily look down at him.

After compiling his mood, he suddenly knelt down on his knees and bowed his head deeply. He shouted with some despair in his tone: "Theresa Knapp, the Lord of Twilight City, pays homage to His Majesty King Ji'an. Good morning, Your Majesty." ”

White plague:.

Most of them are open, so why not invest now?

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