Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 5 Touching the Corpse

Without any nonsense, seven or eight mechanical balls came riding on the wind and snow. They deformed in the air one after another, becoming layered like an eyeball. Energy pulses shot instantly towards the eyes of the two silver-level powerhouses. Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.


The scorching heat was extremely penetrating, amplifying the screams in an instant. These screams stopped abruptly the next moment, and there was no sound at all.

In the wind and snow, a little black energy flashed over the two motionless corpses, and then returned to normal.

This black air smell is very strange. They have no negative effects, but they can make people feel strong uneasiness.

Based on the speculation in version 3.0, players felt that this was probably a limitation of Rose of the Night rooted in the soul level, but in the end no one could confirm it.

Bai Bian glanced at the panel. There was a small golden dot at the top of the personal panel. When he focused his attention on it, messages appeared on the screen one after another.

[You use the Demon Hunting Revolver to kill a level 13 dwarf, and the experience value is +200. Because the level gap is too large, the experience value is reduced by 80%, and the experience value is +40. 】

[If you kill a level 11 dwarf with a demon hunting revolver, the experience value will be +35 due to the large level gap. 】

[You kill a level 13 goblin with a demon hunting revolver. Because the level difference is too large, the experience value will be +40. 】

【You use the Demon Hunting Revolver.】

[You use the hive to kill the silver-level berserker, experience +3000, gold +50.

Extra experience points +1000. 】

[You use the hive to kill the Silver-level Shadow Assassin. Experience value +3000, gold coin +50.

Extra experience points +1000. 】

[You kill two Silver-level members of Rose of the Night, and the favorability of the Rose of the Night organization will be permanently reduced by 10. 】

Looking at a series of panel prompts, Bai Yifei was very satisfied. Boss templates also have experience points for killing monsters. If this is the case, then there is no such thing as a bottleneck.

No wonder the old wolf could reach the gold rank within a year. The killing of wild beasts is often easier. If the old wolf knew that he could get revenge by killing, then he would cause a lot of massacres within this year.

As for the organization Rose of the Night

Bai Bing did not explore their information during the whole process, nor did he say any names about them. It should not be a big deal.

And now that gold cannot move lightly, since the white plague has reached silver, there is no such thing as fear in Tobu City.

As long as this organization comes to cause trouble for itself, White Plague will not mind making it pay an unbearable price.

The high-temperature Barrett in Bai Bie's hand disintegrated and turned into three small round instruments, which flew back to the hem of his windbreaker together with a dozen instruments around him.

Bai Bian knelt down and picked up the dagger in the shadow assassin's hand.

[You obtain the silver-level equipment [Poison Blade]. 】

This is also a feature of this game. After spawning monsters, the monster's corpse will not disappear, and except for experience points and gold coins, nothing else will explode.

But what's better than other games is that as long as the things on the boss are not broken, they are all your trophies.

This is actually more reasonable and is also loved by players.

Because this kind of profit is actually much higher than that of exploding treasure boxes. After all, in previous games, the weapons in the hands of the boss were so gorgeous, but they could not be picked up and belonged only to NPCs.

But no matter how gorgeous the equipment here is, as long as you can kill the owner, it will all belong to you.

After groping for a while on the Shadow Assassin, Bai Bian got some more potions and gold coins, and even found a Dawn Badge, which contained one thousand contribution points, which was equivalent to one thousand gold coins.

The most important thing is that Dawn Badges have no password, so he can transfer the money on them without any cost.

This may be because the upper management wants to increase the competition and vigilance of the extraordinary people. If you can't keep the badge, it is no different from waste. Living is a waste of resources.

Of course, if you rob openly, you will violate the law, and if you are caught or accused, you will become a coolie.

The weak will hide their badges, so the Federation is not as chaotic as imagined.

Bai Bian evaluated the price of the items on the Shadow Assassin's possession, and found that they were around three thousand gold coins. Including the income from the badge, it was his monthly income from the Tobu City Pharmacy.

Sure enough, a gold belt for murder and arson.

White Blight turned towards the Berserker with a happy expression and continued to touch the corpse.

[You obtain the silver-level equipment [Mountain Shield Ax]. 】

[You obtain the special mission item [Night Invitation]. 】

Bai Bian was stunned, looking at an invitation with a black rose in his hand, and then turned to look at the envelope on the ground with a contract effect. One of the two was a contract for new members to join the team, and the other was a gathering of old members.

This kind of gathering was very special. A high-level player once sneaked in, and the scene that looked like a cult ritual was still fresh in Bai Bian's memory.

It's just that every dark night invitation has a golden boss in charge. The high-ranking player is quickly caught and killed. In the end, no one knows what is behind this kind of gathering.

Finally, after quickly searching the warrior's belongings, Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out the demon-hunting revolver from his pocket, loaded it with bullets, and fired at the contract without hesitation.

The envelope burst into pieces in an instant. He had no interest in touching such a death invitation, as it would really lead to death.

After some estimation, including the two badges, the total income this time is about 7,000 gold coins. This is a huge number, at least enough to feed the people of a city for a year.

Prices in this world are inherently polarized. Because of the existence of powerful extraordinary beings, the annual output of food seeds they study is ridiculously large.

Therefore, as long as the civilians in this world are willing to work, they can basically survive from starvation, but they can only survive due to various oppressions.

Therefore, the common people in this world will regard becoming a transcendent as their lifelong goal.

This is also the reason why these two people can easily get six bronze-level extraordinary beings to come as bait. Low-level extraordinary beings have a huge base in this world, and high-level extraordinary beings are rare.

Because the resources required for extraordinary beings are too large, if a federation has 50 million lower-level bronzes, that is, beings at levels 11 to 17, then the number of people who can reach the middle level of bronze will be directly reduced to 10 million, and the upper level will be 50 million. Ten thousand, even less silver.

Talent, resources, capital, family, and various restrictions make the entire federation just two legends.

After getting up, within a moment, heavy snow covered the body with a thin layer of snow.

After thinking about it, Bai Bian took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and opened it.

Suddenly, the rich aroma spread into the distance along the snowstorm.

Pour the potion on the warrior and assassin respectively.

Bai Bian got up and walked towards Dongwu City.

Predatory animals that hunt in winter like this aroma very much. Generally, this agent is used for trapping, but in many cases it cannot be used rigidly. It is also a way to clean up traces of corpses.

Because White Plague likes to add some poisons to it, these poisons will suppress the poisons he usually uses, and they will only break out after a day.

So, when the beast comes, and when the beast leaves, nothing will be left here.


The sound of leather boots on the snow gradually became distant, and the bodies behind were quickly buried in the wind and snow.


Another sound of stepping on the snow sounded, and a huge black nose sniffed the snow, and then eagerly opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth.

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