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Chapter 58 Being severely humiliated by money

"Five thousand..."

"Eight thousand..."

"Nine thousand."

The Steam Train White Plague did not propose a share because this thing had no technical content and the alchemists did not study it. Mainly because this thing was not an extraordinary item.

If the technological alchemists ponder the word "simple steam" for a few months, various steam products will appear.

Alchemists and mages are both scientists in their respective fields.

Therefore, as Bai Ying said, this thing is just an opportunity to sell. How much market the wealthy businessmen can seize will determine how much money they can make in the future.

The white plague only needs this quick money.

"If you add one thousand to one thousand, I will look down on you. Just shut up, one hundred thousand!"

A fat man with rings on his hands and jewels all over his body raised the price mockingly.

The members of the councilor family upstairs did not move. This thing is indeed valuable, but they can still use it when others make it, so it is a waste of time to fight over it.

Even if they want their own steam train, they can build it themselves. There is no copyright in the Federation.

Those who can imitate and become strong are still strong.

Bai Bian answered with a smile: "Once a hundred thousand, are there more? I have calculated it. It will take at least three months for other alchemists to come up with a steam train. These three months are the time to seize the market." , the more roads you pave, the more you can earn.”

"Twice a hundred thousand."

"One hundred and fifty thousand"

In the corner, the metal mechanical sound sounded again, and 50,000 was added directly.

The fat man exploded immediately: "Go and find out, I own the largest iron ore resource in the entire federation. Why don't you go to me to get the goods after you bought it? Don't add 200,000 more!"

Bai Bian was not angry at this guy's threat. He still smiled and asked, "Two hundred thousand times, yes."

"Five hundred thousand, fat man, if you don't have any money, go down and don't beep so much." The figure in black robe said with a smile, and the mechanical voice was full of ridicule.

There was some noise around, three months of head start, half a million gold coins, this is indeed a big deal.

Not everyone has the family background of a congressman. It’s scary to have such a huge amount of cash flow. You know, the wealthy businessmen Orr looted some time ago only had a cash flow of 350,000 yuan. Even if there are some missing ones, they are But a cash flow of half a million.

And most of those wealthy businessmen are in places like casinos, and the number has reached more than twenty.

What I am buying now is only a three-month head start, and it may not even have a three-month head start, because the benefits of the steam train are still displayed on the big screen, and the appearance and railway have been exposed.

There was hesitation in Fatty's eyes. Although he had mines at home, because those mines were ordinary iron ores, the cash flow was not as much as expected.

It's just that the compatibility between iron ore and steam trains is too high, so he wanted this thing. Even half a month ago, when he saw the blurry steam train, he was already smelting iron ore and was fully prepared.

Although the current price exceeds his expectations, he still doesn't want to give up.

After thinking for a while, he said hesitantly: "Fifty-one million, no more."

The mechanical voice in the corner sounded again: "Really? Okay, five hundred and eighty thousand. Boss Luo must keep his word. This is mine."

Boss Luo hesitated for a moment, but Bai Ying had already begun to confirm: "Five hundred and eighty thousand for the first time. Five hundred and eighty thousand for the second time."


At this time, a slight sound came from the outside, and everyone present paused and looked outside.

The White Plague is not in charge, Night Rose will not give up the ancient god's flesh and blood, and the Will family members are also prepared. There will be some commotion between the two sides, but it will not be too big.

He glanced in the direction of Saab, and his tone did not change: "580,000 percent."

"Six hundred thousand!" Boss Luo gritted his teeth and shouted again.

Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief. Sabo almost lost it, but it was okay.

He still waited for three seconds, then smiled and said: "Six hundred thousand for the first time, six hundred thousand for the second time, are there any more?"

After waiting for a moment and seeing no one speaking, he gently lowered his hammer: "Six hundred thousand, deal!"

As the worker bees flew out, carrying a pamphlet and bringing back another Dawn Badge, White Plague happily started the next one:

"The next lot is a set of gold-level mage equipment. There are three pieces in total, including a necklace, a staff and a robe."

"I put their effects on the big screen. The origin is still the sacrifice of the Scarlet Sect. The staff can increase the casting speed by 20% and the adaptability of blood magic by 20%, and it also has the gold-level solidification spell 'blood' on it. draw'."

"The bidding starts at 50,000 gold coins, and each bid must not be less than 10,000 gold coins."

"Calling the price, let's start!"

After Bai Bian finished speaking, the reaction on the scene was mediocre. In the new era auction, everyone came mainly for the technology, and did not react much to other things. Unless it was something legendary or divine, otherwise, given their status, they would really I don't like these things.

After waiting for about a minute, Bai Bian still had a smile on his face. He originally only wanted to sell it for 60,000 gold coins.

"Stop wasting your time Bai Yi, I'll give you 100,000. You can use this thing to play with yourself, continue to learn about technology, and just put the other things in the store to look at."

On the sixth floor, Diane said nonchalantly and dropped a Dawn Badge directly from above.

Bai Bian's expression didn't change. The worker bee flew out and picked up the badge. He had a new concept of the richest man in the federation. One hundred thousand gold coins, he just lost it.

It's a pleasure to pick up a hundred thousand for nothing.

"Since no one is interested, let's move on to the next one." Bai Bian took back the three pieces of golden equipment and silently marked some items off the auction list.

Smiling, he continued: "The soul growth potion formula is currently not available in the Hall of Knowledge. I obtained it from a ruins. It can permanently strengthen the soul. It is just a magic potion that can only be made by a mage. Starting price."

Before Bai Bian finished his introduction, Diane, who had just sat down, stood up: "Five hundred thousand!"

Bai Bian's mouth twitched and he looked at Diane, isn't the money money? Five hundred thousand for a potion formula? Is this crazy?

Others also looked at each other in confusion, and even the mouth corners of the members of the congressman's family twitched a little. Ah, this is indeed the richest man in the federation.

"Miss." The golden man next to Diane felt helpless and reminded in a low voice: "The formula is not worth half a million."

"Shut up, at worst, it will be deducted from my pocket money next month. The auction is too slow. I will speed up the process." Diane said impatiently.

"Half a million once, is there anything higher? Five hundred thousand twice, half a million is a deal!" Bai Bian took out a pamphlet and flew up with a worker bee.

And Diane didn't even wait for the worker bee to catch the Dawn Badge before throwing it down, and bang, five hundred thousand fell to the ground.

Bai Ying: The feeling of being humiliated by money seems pretty good.

He calmed his mind and said, "The next lot is still the mage potion, and the source is also the ruins."

Diane: "Fifty million! Next one!"

The golden powerhouse of the Tifeng family: "Miss."

Diane: "Shut up, it will be deducted from my pocket money next month!"


White plague:.

Humiliated again!

He quickly asked around if anyone had increased the price, and then made a decisive deal.

Although he was a little unhappy at having his rhythm interrupted, the corners of his mouth were still raised crazily, and his smile was extremely sincere.

No wonder the original body just stared at her and lied to her, this is really brave!

"The next auction item is a helicopter. This is an aircraft that is like a steam train. It does not require any extraordinary materials to be manufactured, and each helicopter has a load capacity of five tons!"

“The starting price is still one gold coin!”

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