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Chapter 60 Alchemy Magic Network

As the helicopter appeared on the big screen and various capabilities were demonstrated, there was finally some movement in the field.

Diane originally wanted to continue bidding and skip these uninteresting items, but was stopped by the gold man.

The Tifeng family is indeed rich, but they cannot be unscrupulous. The people who came and were connected this time were wealthy businessmen from various cities and the same family of congressmen.

Those potions don't matter, the profit is not big, and they are happy to speed up the progress, but if they keep doing this, it will offend people.

Diane curled her lips and sat back in her seat to watch silently.

When the helicopter effect is finished playing.

A black-robed figure in the field directly gave the price: "Eighty thousand."

Before he finished speaking, the second price appeared: "Be happy, two hundred thousand."

"Twenty-one thousand."

"Two hundred and twenty thousand."

After the price reached 200,000 yuan, it became a bit slow, because there was no shortage of wealthy businessmen in aircraft, and they valued the commercial value.

The performance of this thing is too poor compared to other aircraft. The only advantage is that it is cheap. Although the market is huge, it cannot stand up to the followers.

Therefore, the helicopter may be widely circulated, but the auction price of the technology will not be too high.

"Two hundred and thirty thousand."

"Two hundred and forty thousand."

"Two hundred and fifty thousand."

The bidding gradually came to a deadlock, and Bai Bian smiled and said: "Two hundred and fifty thousand a time, is there anyone who wants to increase the price? This helicopter, like the steam train, can be manufactured, controlled, and transported by non-professionals."

Bai Bian looked around: "Two hundred and fifty thousand times."

"Two hundred and sixty thousand!"

Bai Bian looked at the source and raised his eyebrows. It was the wealthy businessman who bought the steam train again.

Those who have iron ore at home just can't let go of such cheap things. After all, this is the rule of the world.

The mages have transformed agriculture. The output of a staple food they developed is extremely exaggerated. Only one food base is needed, and the food production capacity can easily supply the entire city.

Even for three to four months in a year, the land in the food base is used to grow some agricultural products that mainly taste delicious. The profit of those plants with low yield is more than the food for the three million people in the city. Even higher.

Because it is clearly stated in federal law that the price of civilian food cannot exceed 2 copper coins per pound.

This eliminates the risk of civilians starving to death or even starvation.

Correspondingly, their labor force will be quite cheap, and the monthly salary of an ordinary person, no matter how good he is, will not exceed ten silver coins.

The federation wants ordinary people to live easily, but if they don't live well, they can only look at the rich and envy them, and turn this envy into the motivation to become extraordinary.

Therefore, this boss can hire ordinary people at a small price to lay railways throughout the federation, and can also easily set up countless helicopter production lines. This is all money.

"Two hundred and seventy thousand."

The fat man turned to look at the person next to him, thought for a while and continued to increase the price: "Two hundred and eighty thousand!"

After this price appeared, the market fell into an eerie silence.

"Two hundred and eighty thousand a year, Boss Luo's cash flow seems to be very abundant." Bai Bian smiled and said, "Is there anything higher?"

The wealthy businessmen in the field were silent. It was obvious that the price had reached the limit.

"Twice for 280,000 yuan, the transaction was completed for 280,000 yuan. Congratulations to Boss Luo!"

Bai Bian said with a smile, sent the helicopter manufacturing process over with worker bees, and brought back a Dawn Badge from there.

White Epidemic's next few auctions all received mediocre responses. Although some people bought them, the prices were not too high.

For example, motorcycles, jet solo aircraft, steam trucks, and other cheap items that have little effect but some effect.

During this period, none of the members of the congressman family opened a bid, and Diane looked at Bai Bing impatiently. Many times, he wanted to bid and skip these trivial matters.

But he was persuaded by the people around him. Everyone knew that these things were actually for remote connections and people present, and the members of the Congressman family were waiting for the last things.

As the items went up one by one, and nearly one million gold coins arrived, Bai Bian waved and a glass of milk was brought over by a worker bee. He took a sip and began to introduce the next item: "General technology has been auctioned off. , next is extraordinary technology, as usual, let’s start with the one that everyone is interested in, the Alchemy Magic Network.”

"I have introduced this thing before, so there is no need to introduce it further. The starting price is still one gold coin."

Bai Bian smiled: "It's just that this thing is different from other auction items. I need two conditions for the appearance of this thing. First, 20% of the shares, and second, Mr. Sonu will be the supervisor."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the venue immediately frowned, including the Congressman family. Everyone knew how valuable this thing was, but didn't the second condition have to be something from the Corman family?

Bai Bian also knew what this would bring, so he said calmly: "Of course I have already discussed the second point. Mr. Sonu will open a Magic Network company and serve as the boss of this company. Who took the Magic Network , then I can get 70% of the company’s income, 20% of which is mine and 10% is Sonu’s.”

As soon as the words fell, those questioning eyes suddenly became meaningful. Sonu was born as a civilian genius. If he established his own company, it would be tantamount to becoming independent from the Corman family.

And this seems to mean that there is a chance to win a gold-level alchemy technician.

Of course, the relationship is somewhat complicated, and they need to think about it carefully.

On the other hand, the Coleman family has nothing to worry about. As a leading family, although it is not as wealthy as the Tifeng family, it is not a problem to win a lot.

As for Sonu, he was angry with the Koman family in advance. The Koman family also knew that there would be a bloodletting today. Although it was a bit painful, the subsequent income from this thing was ridiculously high.

For example, the Internet will be free for a year first, and after the content in it has completely attracted the extraordinary people, the Internet fee will be charged decisively. Even if it is one silver coin a month, then the federal population base and the extraordinary base will be huge.

This income is enough to support the Koeman family to the next level.

They never thought they would lose, so they had nothing to worry about Sonu's independence.

As for dividing the white epidemic into 20%, no one cares about this. An SS-level alchemy technology genius is a talent that will definitely reach the top of gold as long as he doesn't die. It's always good to make friends with geniuses of this level.

"It seems that everyone does not object to these two conditions, so let the auction begin!"

Bai Bian smiled and said, this thing is long-term income, and anyone can take the photo. If he brings this into reality, it can be regarded as occupying 20% ​​of Penguin's shares, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, the place immediately became lively, and the price soared to one million without even needing help arranged by Saab.

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