Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 68 A bewildering spectacle


Clear footsteps came, and a shadow was cast. Wei Brigade, who couldn't move his eyes, became even more panicked.

what's the situation? Isn't it cg? Why is it different from other games?

Not only was he at a loss, but more and more people in the live broadcast room were also in a situation where people were flying all over the place, because the people in the game were from the first perspective, but the live broadcast was from the third perspective.

They can clearly see what's going on around them.

Before the audience could remind him, a familiar voice appeared.

"Wizard, what do I call you?"

Bai Bian knelt down, smiling, looking at the night elf who was only wearing ordinary coarse linen clothes, and asked in a gentle tone.

Wei Lu's mind was empty. He had never thought that the opening scene of the game would be like this. His brain was thinking rapidly, trying to answer something, but he couldn't answer it.

"Uh, okay, you seem to be speechless."

Bai Bian said to himself, dragging him up and letting him lean against the door.

Bai Bian said softly: "You are very interesting. The wonders of the world, the outsiders who can tear the sky apart in the prophecy, but now they don't seem to be as powerful as imagined."

Wei Lu's mind became crazy and active. Bai Bian's words gave too much information. He couldn't speak, but he could understand many things.

In the eyes of the NPC, they were outsiders, or outsiders who tore the sky apart and broke in. The NPC knew that they were coming and captured them at the point of arrival in advance.

Wonder, perhaps is what the NPC calls them.

He wanted to say something, because he suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity to take on the task, but he was unable to speak because of the negative attributes of hundreds.

The live broadcast room was also very lively at this time. There were 50,000 people in each federation, and among the fifteen cities in the three federations, they were the only ones with special plots happening here.

They were arguing over whether this was a bug, a special plot, or a necessary plot.

There was a bottle of dark green potion in Bai Bian's hand. When he opened it, the disgusting smell began to waft away.

Bai Bian gestured to the thing in his hand and said with a smile: "After drinking this, you can speak. You can answer whatever I ask. Otherwise, even if the wonder cannot be destroyed, you will lie here forever."

As he spoke, a bottle of sticky stuff was fed into Wei Lu's mouth.

As the liquid passed through his throat, Wei Lu felt that his head could move, but only his head. At the same time, the panel prompts also sounded.

[You drink the special filth potion to temporarily remove some of the negative states. 】

The Wei Brigade tried it: "Dear Mr. White Epidemic"

"you know me?"

Bai Bing interrupted Wei Brigade's words, raised his leather-gloved fingers, and thirty modified worker bees flew out. Countless small mechanical parts were scattered and assembled into a mechanical throne with the dance of his fingertips.

Bai Bian sat down and looked at Wei Brigade expressionlessly.

Wei Lu was shocked. This kind of science fiction thing, combined with the surrounding wooden houses, gave him an unreal feeling.

The barrage of debates at this moment was silent for a moment, followed by a series of comments asking what kind of profession Bai Bian was and how he could be so handsome.

Bai Bian glanced at it. If there were more alchemists, it wouldn't be impossible to open two assembly lines.

Use the money you spend to make screws in real life to buy a game warehouse, and then run the game to make screws. Gee, it seems a bit fun.

Wei Lu swallowed his saliva and said: "Dear Mr. Bai Bian, you are very famous. Everyone knows you by the 'wonders' you mentioned."

Thoughts appeared in Bai Bian's eyes: "In other words, there are unexplorable channels between your wonders to obtain information about the Dawn Federation? Is it similar to the Internet?"

The Wei Brigade was shocked, and the barrage erupted again. Damn it, it seemed that they did not expect that this NPC's thinking was so sharp.

Thinking of the desktop computers in Internet cafes, more and more people said that Rise of Dawn is alien technology. After all, although technology has exploded, it is still incredible to explode from zero to this level.

"It's almost the same." Wei Lu couldn't help but swallowed again. This inexplicable plot made this game expert slightly collapsed.

Bai Bian put on a smile again and asked: "Once Qi Ke is conscious, he should know what he is going to do, right? Can you tell me something?"

Wei Brigade was a little confused. He thought about the background of the game [Rise of Dawn], collected his thoughts, and said calmly: "I don't know. I only know that I want to integrate into the Federation and help the Federation. I don't know much about the rest."

"Help?" Bai Bian thought for a while and asked, "How to help?"

Wei Lu felt that he was despised by the NPC, but looking at the growing popularity of the live broadcast room, he still calmed down some of his dissatisfaction with the game.

Calmly explained: "It's my hunch."


A soft sound rang out, and wild laughter interrupted Wei Brigade's narration.

"Hahahaha. **game, hahahaha. Why can Mader only block the pain? I** you**** hahahaha"

It was a human player who was laughing so hard that he banged his head on the ground. In a burst of hilarious curses, his body gradually disappeared and magically turned into particles.

Sabo's shrill voice sounded: "My friends, they call themselves players. They say that our world is a game. They say that they will become stronger by accepting missions and killing us. They also say their bank card passwords and so on. In the end, that's it. .”

After Bai Yi paused, he was a little speechless. He had forgotten that the realism of this game, except that it can block all pain and feelings when dying, can block up to 90% of the pain when injured, but other feelings are 100%.

"What did you do?" Bai Bian asked helplessly.

"Well, he scolded me and said I was just data. I wanted to punish them, but I found that they were not afraid of pain and were quite upright, so I fed them some itch powder."

Sabo spread his hands: "You know, they didn't resist at all, and that's it. The information just now was said by the people next to them."


The clear sound of swallowing was heard, and Bai Bian and Sabo turned their gazes at the same time. Suddenly, Wei Brigade's hair stood on end. If he hadn't been unable to move, he would have run away.

If it weren't for the fact that the number of people in the live broadcast room was close to 20 million, he would have just quit the game.

"Well... I am a good citizen and I never curse anyone!" Wei Lu, one of the top ten national servers in every game, looked pitiful and weak at this moment.

Bai Bian was speechless: "Look, you scared others."

He said softly and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I just want to get to know you and do some experiments.

After all, the spectacle is somewhat special, and this is the first time in the long history of an intelligent spectacle. I must ensure that you do not harm our residents. "

"Understood, understood." Wei Brigade nodded repeatedly, and at the same time a task popped up on his panel.

[Task: Experiment on white plague.

Mission characteristics: special mission.

Task description: The arrival of the player is understood by the NPC as a spectacle. For the stability of the city, please cooperate with the experiment of the white plague.

Mission reward: White Plague favorability +10, player curse disappears, skill point +1, gold coin +35, experience value +210.

Failure penalty: White Plague favorability -10. 】

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