Capture the BOSS template at the beginning

Chapter 76 Fight until the server is stopped

[You killed 8916 players, and the experience value is +89160. 】

[You killed 8846 players, and the experience value is +88460. 】

[You killed 8784 players, and the experience value is +87840. 】

[You have been upgraded, your level reaches 42. 】

The power in Bai Bian's body is getting stronger and stronger. Looking at the players whose eyes are full of anger and hatred, but still rushing over quickly, Bai Bian's sunglasses can no longer suppress the scarlet light.

The players were obviously eager to be killed. In addition, the current level was level one, which was considered free of charge. Furthermore, White Plague deliberately placed the equipment within a kilometer away from the communication device at the foot of the mountain, which resulted in the current situation.

Although some players quit every time a team is wiped out, there are no large-scale quits. After all, they are all here. If they cannot complete this task, they will really lose money.

It's like a gambler's mentality, always thinking that he can make a comeback next time.

As for the opportunity to soar into the sky, Bai Bian will certainly not give up. Players can play as long as they want. Now he has been promoted to five levels in a row. He can break through the gold here. As for the negative status of the dark side, he There are also nine soul crystal cores (small), and if one is in the middle, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Everyone wonders." Bai Bian's voice was hoarse and he wanted to say something, but suddenly, all the players in the field suddenly stopped.

Their bodies began to have ripples, and they felt like an old radio suddenly had a bad signal.

The next moment, the players disappeared collectively, leaving no trace.

The scarlet eyes behind Bai Bie's sunglasses were a little dazed. He looked around subconsciously, and when he thought of something, he opened the player forum.

His forum was originally gray, but now it has turned into gray and white. At the top of the forum, a line of large characters is very conspicuous.

[The Daybreak server is abnormal and three servers are out of service for updates. The estimated update time is 19 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.]

Bai Bian was stunned. Was he killed by himself until he stopped taking it?

At the same time, the two million gold coins that turned red on the panel also turned back to black, which means that the player's mission has failed, and the reward naturally does not need to be issued.

Bai Bian walked back to the wooden house silently, an aura of absolute malice rising from his body. His physical fitness increased rapidly, and in an instant he turned into Bai Bian with evil thoughts.

The teleportation array was activated, and a slight feeling of dizziness came. Suddenly, he arrived at the foot of the Tomb of the Undead.

About a kilometer away, equipment was scattered on the ground. Those were players' equipment and things they brought from the cemetery.

On the black mountains, there are reflections everywhere, embellishing the barren mountains like a treasure mountain.

Bai Bian calmed down his murderous intent, put all the valuable items into the storage ring, and then looked at the players' equipment. He originally wanted to repaint or repair these equipment, and then give them to the players as benefits. They have a good impression.

And now it seems that it is no longer needed.

Collecting these things, he was a little embarrassed by the more than 5,000 pieces of equipment. The space ring was only 100 cubic meters in size, and now the equipment was piled into a hill, and it couldn't fit at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Bian picked and put all the high-grade equipment into the space ring. If the value was too low, he left it alone, but Sabo would probably like it.

Feeling some extremely malicious temptations in his mind, they seemed to want to lure his soul into evil thoughts, and this temptation was getting stronger.

Bai Bian silently estimated that with his current soul strength, two hours of high-intensity combat on the dark side would reach the current peak, and he would need to switch to another state and rest for at least three days before he could completely recover.

He thought for a while and took out a [Soul Crystal Core (Small)] from the space ring.


Bai Bian took a bite of the soul crystal core, and immediately a sense of soul sublimation appeared. The thing in his hand was no longer an extremely precious material, but became the most delicious treasure in the world.

After finishing the soul crystal core in three or two mouthfuls, his scarlet eyes suddenly dimmed and returned to their restrained red color.

[You swallow the soul crystal core, your soul will be slightly improved, and your mental attributes will be +20. 】

The voices in Bai Bian's mind that tried to lure him into falling into the abyss disappeared, and the power of the soul once again overwhelmed the transformation.

And the same soul crystal core, which was increased by 40 points last time, was directly weakened by twice this time.

This white plague is not unexpected. The proportion of the same liter of water poured into a cup and poured into a basin is also different.

The soul is still enhanced so much, but the stronger the mental power is, there will definitely be a gap in the attribute points expressed by the same enhancement.

After taking a look at the top of the mountain, Bai Bian walked towards the teleportation array at the bottom of the mountain.

He had to discuss the bone dragon matter with Sabo. With his contract level, it was a bit difficult to get things done on such an already drawn up contract. He had to find a way to trick out Sabo's inheritance of the contract.

This technology is really useful, and there is nothing so profound in the palace of knowledge.

The teleportation array was activated, and Bai Bian returned to the cabin, took back some teleportation arrays, and Bai Bian's form returned to its original shape, and then activated the teleportation array leading to the store.

As his consciousness became dizzy, Bai Bian shook his head and drank a bottle of mental recovery potion.

After checking the new title, Bai Ying still felt very satisfied.

[Name: Hunter.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★.

Wearing effect: You can lock a target and accurately locate it within one natural day. After entering hunting mode, your breath will be covered, making it more difficult for prey to detect your presence.

Wearing requirements: None.

Introduction: When it’s time to hunt, who is the prey? Who is the hunter? 】

The identities of the light and dark sides are cut apart, and now the light side is the future star with a bright future, while the dark side is the dark boss with terrifying combat power. The two complement each other.

The five-star title is already considered a high-star title, and Bai Yie is very satisfied with the results. Tracking and stealth are the attributes he needs.

At this time, the white plague's panel also had some changes.

[Host: White Plague.

Race: human.

Template: Alchemist.

Occupation: Alchemist.

Position: Hero of Glory.

Level: 42 (61200/280000).

Experience: 215124.

Gold coins: 2070011.

Personal attributes: Strength 10 (365), Agility 10 (400), Endurance 10 (300), Intelligence 163 (60), Spirit 480, Charisma 9 (-3), Luck 1.

Free attribute points: 0.

Legend: 79 (A super genius well-known in the Federation.)

Rank: Silver middle.

Title: Future Star: ★★★ (only the light side can be worn), Hunter: ★★★★★

Skills: Intermediate Alchemy and Pharmacy (3726/5000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemy Technology (4811/5000) (expand), Intermediate Alchemical Transformation (1205/5000) (expand), Spirituality (expand).

Skill points: 4.

Personal expertise: Highly focused, profiteer.

Boss template expertise: Alchemy Demon, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Defense, Soul Gourmet, Light and Darkness (only).

Boss growth: You can choose a boss specialty every ten levels. Now the number of feats you can choose is: 1.

Evaluation: Am I a good person? Am I a bad person? Can't it be all me? 】

There was a choice of specialties, but Bai Bian was not in a hurry to choose specialties. Instead, Bai Bian was a little surprised by the stability of the dark side.

There are several ways to grow evil thoughts. There is no difference in levels anymore. Killing, absorbing evil thoughts, and adding negative materials can all make it grow.

But just now he killed players at least ten times, that is, more than 100,000 players, but he didn't make the dark side grow at all.

Is it because all players have become experience points added to the light surface, or is it because players have no souls, so malice does not exist in the player's body?

However, Bai Bian keenly noticed that his light side had a little more charm and seemed to be more handsome, while his dark side had reached an outrageous -3 charm.

He doesn't understand the criteria for judging charm attributes. Is it based on people?

The most the dark side can do is explode some tentacles on the body.

However, mental power has completely entered the realm of gold, which is very important for the alchemist, and it is time for him to learn more advanced mental attack methods.

After taking a look at a worker bee on the table, there was the soul of the scarlet priest inside. In order not to waste it, Bai Bing still wanted to wait for the arrival of the soul lantern.

Bai Bian stood up, put on a headset, and connected to Saab: "Mr. Saab, I need your help."

"My friend, I'm at the City Lord's Mansion now. I'll find you later." Sabo's voice was a little low, and there must be someone next to him.


White Plague cut off communications and opened the player forum.

The forum has now exploded. Almost all the players in Tobu City have gone online to open the mic, madly complaining and complaining about this game. Players in other cities and the federation have been stunned by the reports one by one.

After learning about their experiences, they all gloated about their misfortune and wanted to complain. Can't there be an online update?

They are still on a mission. Based on the nature of this game, in twenty days, all their missions will probably fail.

While the public was raging, only an hour later, the game company issued another announcement, which was more frequent than the announcements made in a year when Bai Bing was playing.

[Update announcement, and updated content. 】

Bai Bian clicked on the post and looked at it carefully, and then became speechless. What he basically said was that the task could not be completed by current players, and it was a game bug.

In subsequent updates, players will no longer have a fixed resurrection time of ten seconds, but the resurrection time will be extended after each death. For those who die more than ten times a month, the resurrection time will be as long as twelve hours.

In addition, the game company will restore the data of all players whose levels have dropped due to this bug, and provide fifty silver coins and three hundred experience points as compensation.

Bai Ying was a little speechless. Is this a target? It's definitely aimed at him, right?

However, Bai Bian noticed a rule. It seems that the anti-addiction system in his previous life was not online! Is it going to be launched in public beta, or is this system simply gone?

After thinking about it, Bai Bian looked at the comments and saw that the number of people complaining still did not decrease, with many people shouting about quitting travel.

But Bai Bian is certain that some of the 10,000 people will indeed quit the game, but they will come back as the game continues to become more popular.

After playing a fully virtual game with 97% realism, playing other games is simply torture.

After continuing to browse the forum for a while, Bai Yi took the books on alchemical transformation and studied them carefully. If he wanted to develop in an all-round way, he could not let go of any books on alchemical knowledge.

Didi didi

The sound of the communication device rang. Bai Bian looked at the time. Two hours had passed. When he connected it, Luo Ning's voice rang.

"Boss, Mr. Sabo is here."

Bai Bian's eyes were filled with joy, he immediately stood up and walked out.

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