Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1210: Chaos in Noire

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"Be careful, this kid's strength should not be underestimated. There are many things about him that even I can't see through." Da Tianzun frowned.

He didn't know why Xu Ran was so arrogant. Could it be that the two of them couldn't do anything to Xu Ran? it's out of the question.

In Soul Hall, his strength is enough to rank among the top three. Apart from the two supreme hall masters, his strength is the strongest. And he is actually the controller of the Human Palace in the Soul Palace.

On the mainland, there are only a handful of people who can rival him.

In the whole world, almost all the strong people come from the imperial clan and the powerful monster clan.

But he seems to have never heard about the Xu family. Moreover, Xu Ran seemed to appear out of nowhere, and there was no news about Xu Ran before he came to the Jia Ma Empire.

If Xu Ran had been to Zhongzhou before, at least there would be traces of Xu Ran in Zhongzhou.

However, even with the information network of Soul Palace, Xu Ran is still a mysterious existence.

Even though he was very confident in his own strength, he was a little shaken when he saw Xu Ran. Although Xu Ran didn't seem to have any aura of a strong man, he was very ordinary, but Xu Ran gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Why is there always a sense of danger? Is it possible that even I will encounter danger in this place?" Da Tianzun laughed at himself. If he, the Dou Sheng, falls here, the Hall of Souls will really be shaken, and all the forces in the continent will come to see the jokes of the Hall of Souls, and even the Soul Race will be affected.

This is potential.

If the Soul Palace is in trouble, those strong people who are attached to the Soul Palace will definitely waver again, and if things go on like this, it will definitely be a big blow to the prestige of the Soul Clan.

You must know that the Heavenly Venerable of the Soul Palace is a top-notch fighter. If one of these people dies, all the big forces need to be injured.

However, this possibility does not exist, and it is impossible for the Tianzun of the Soul Palace to repeat the same mistakes.

The two strongest of them were dispatched, which was enough to solve the problem.

You can't just show up with a random challenger, you need the hall masters to come out to solve it, so wouldn't the soul clan be ridiculed that there is no one in the soul hall?

There must be an unspeakable secret of life in Xu Ran, and when Xu Ran is defeated, maybe he can find a lot of good things from Xu Ran. Thinking of this, a bit of greed arose in Da Tianzun's plain eyes.

"Boss, don't worry, I'm not comparable to Jiutianzun. I'm a semi-sage peak, and I'm only one step away from becoming a fighting saint. I hope he can be stronger, so maybe he can help me Find an opportunity to break through the Dou Sheng." Gu You's voice was so cold that everyone who smelled it could feel a chilly air.

That breath seemed to come out of hell.

"The aura of the people in the Soul Hall is so annoying." Xu Ran lazily stretched his waist.

"Hmph. Hate? You really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. No matter how talented you are in alchemy, you are nothing but an ant in front of me." The endless energy of the world is constantly twitching, the color of the sky and the earth is changing, dark clouds are dense, and the whole black The fighting energy in the air of Jiaoyu seemed to be thinned at this moment because of Gu You's wanton traction.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

The entire Black Horn Region became gloomy.

At this moment, the strong natives in the Black Horn Region felt a strong sense of oppression, and looked towards Fengcheng.

The original Maple City was well known in the Heijiao Region because of Han Feng's existence, but now it has gathered the eyes of all the strong people.

"Soul Hall, that's the breath of the strong in the Soul Hall. Hahaha Han Feng bought enough skills and fighting skills from the Soul Hall, and now the Soul Hall is coming to you. More importantly, the Soul Hall is here. A powerful man must want to do something to Xu Ran. Xu Ran killed the person in the Soul Palace, that person's status is not low, and it is very likely that he is a celestial being."

"Only the death of the Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace will make the Soul Palace so angry and send out such a terrifying powerhouse. That kind of breath has a "holy" taste. That is a state that I have not reached before. It should be Half-holy. In the Hall of Souls, at least those are the top three Celestials. This time Xu Ran is probably threatening." Yao Lao murmured.

At this moment, he was in a complicated mood.

Han Feng was his disciple and was adopted by him. For Han Feng, he exhausted countless efforts.

Even though he hated Han Feng, he still hoped that Han Feng would die in his hands. But now that the people from Soul Palace are here, it is impossible for Han Feng to survive. The cruelty of the Soul Palace to the soul body is clear to all forces.

As a sixth-rank peak pharmacist, Han Feng violated another taboo, and no one dared to say anything even if he was killed by the Soul Palace.

However, if Xu Ran died in the hands of a super strong man in the Soul Palace, there would be one less serious worry.

"It's good news. I hope Xu Ran can die there and don't show up again." Yao Lao looked into the distance, feeling a little unconfident in his heart. Even after analyzing so much, he felt that it was impossible for Xu Ran to survive, but Xu Ran's omnipotent mythological emphasis in the past made him unable to develop any confidence.

Even he was ashamed to be hit by Xu Ran, let alone Shi Xiaoyan.

Soul Temple Saint, even Fighting Saint...Can they really kill Xu Ran?

What kind of cultivation is Xu Ran?

He used to think that Xu Ran was Dou Ling, Dou Huang, Dou Zong... But it seemed that Xu Ran's strength was much stronger than he expected every time.

Now, can Xu Ran continue to create miracles?

That's the Soul Palace, the strongest subordinate of the Soul Clan, and the strongest in Zhongzhou besides the major imperial clans.

Faced with such a behemoth, will Xu Ran still be alive?

The premonition in Yaochen's heart told him that maybe the people from Soul Hall would die in the end, even though it sounds absurd.

"Teacher, don't worry. If it's really the strong man who came and Xu Ran didn't die, I'll just stand on my head and **** in the academy." Xiao Yan looked at the sky, which seemed to be a bit darker than the originally clear sky . Canaan College is far away from Fengcheng, and it has been affected. The place that is at the center of the battle is probably already in a mess.

"Since Xu Ran is doomed now, let's take this opportunity to get Xun'er again, and... Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei, who followed Xu Ran to betray the family, must not make them feel better, just use their beauty Let me win more allies with my body." Xiao Yan's expression was so evil that it was almost distorted. Witnessing his two older brothers die in front of his eyes from Stone Desert City, he was even slandered by his brother-killing enemies for killing his brothers. From that moment on, Xiao Yan's heart began to degenerate.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

In his eyes, Xiao Mei and Xiao Yu are traitors, traitors of the family, and even enemies of the family.

He will not be merciful to his enemies.

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