Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1212: The Soul Palace is furious, hurting muscles and bones

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

The great Tianzun of the Soul Palace, who has broken through the Dou Sheng for many years, can definitely be regarded as the top powerhouse in the entire continent.

The total number of fighting saints in the entire continent will not exceed fifty, and the fall of each fighting saint is enough to bring about great changes in the pattern of the continent.

What's more, it's Soul Palace, the fighting saint of the most powerful force on the mainland...

It was Jiu Tianzun who died before, but now the death of a semi-sacred peak Ertian Zun and a genuine Da Tianzun really hurt the soul hall.

The Soul Temple is a knife of the Soul Clan on the mainland, and now this sharp knife is almost becoming a bare commander.

The most important thing is that from now on, everyone on the mainland will understand a truth, that is, even if it is such a huge force as the Soul Palace, it is not completely without opponents.

"I hope that the Soul Palace can learn to be smarter in the future, or I'm afraid it will be destroyed in my hands before the later stage." Xu Ran smiled lightly. I'm afraid that in the future he will become famous among the big powers in Zhongzhou, just like his reputation in Jia Ma Empire now.

It is not difficult to become famous quickly, as long as you step on the most powerful forces on the mainland, it will be difficult even if you don't want to be famous.

At this moment, the master of the soul hall, Hun Mie, suddenly woke up from his training, and the deputy master was also terrified.

it turns out…

Two more experts died in the Hall of Souls. Three of the six Heavenly Venerates died, and there was also a semi-sacred peak and a real fighting saint.

It can be said that Soul Palace directly lost two Dou Sheng. Because with Er Tianzun's strength, if he brews for a longer period of time, he will be able to break through Dou Sheng sooner or later.

You know, the original Hall of Souls only had two Vice-Hall Masters and three Fighting Saints...

Now the death of Datianzun and Ertianzun has completely cut off the powerhouses of the Dousheng group in the Soul Palace for the next few decades. At least in the next fifty years, it will be difficult for a strong person to appear in the Soul Palace.

"All Dou Sheng has fallen, what's going on? They went to the Black Horn Region, and there are still people who can kill Dou Sheng in places other than Zhongzhou!"

"Damn it! No matter who it is, anyone who kills the person in my Soul Hall will have to pay the price!" Hun Miesheng had endless hostility and killing intent. In a short period of time, three Heavenly Venerates were killed one after another. As the strongest force other than the ancient clan, and the spokesperson of the soul clan on the mainland, they were actually provoked like this.

If the loss continues like this, I'm afraid that the ranking of the number one power in the Soul Palace Continent will be lost!

"Hallmaster, calm down. We don't know the real strength of that Xu Ran. Even the great Tianzun is dead and his soul hasn't escaped. I'm afraid Xu Ran's strength is at least a three-star or four-star fighting saint. In this case, even if we In the past, we couldn’t get anything good. I think we should go to the clan and ask for a few more fighting saints to go with us, so that we can be safe.” An extremely powerful man next to Hun Miesheng suggested. He is a three-star Dou Sheng cultivation base, and in the Hall of Souls, he is only inferior to the Hall Master Soul Miesheng.

"Just a kid, let us go to the clan for help?" Hun Miesheng was very annoyed. But in fact, although he was very angry, he was also very afraid of the strength of Xu Ran, a mysterious strong man.

Xu Ran was unknown in Zhongzhou before, and it was only after killing the Nine Heavens of the Soul Palace that he left some impressions in the minds of many powerful forces.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

The Great Heavenly Venerable died without even escaping his soul, completely disappearing into the heaven and earth.

The lives and deaths of all the strong men in the Soul Palace are clearly recorded in the Soul Palace. If the Soul Lamp goes out, it means that they are completely dead. If the light dimmed, it meant injury.

And the Great Heavenly Lord and the Second Heavenly Lord...

Generally speaking, at the level of Dou Sheng, even if the strength is stronger, it is generally impossible to kill the opponent directly. The strong Dou Sheng has some methods to save their lives. As long as they use those methods, they will be able to escape.


This shows that Xu Ran's strength far exceeds that of the Great Tianzun.

That can only be achieved by Dou Sheng who is at the peak of the late three-star or even four-star or above.

As for Xu Ran's cultivation level, no one knew. It seems unreasonable to provoke a mysterious strong man without intelligence.

"The three Heavenly Venerates who killed our Soul Palace one after another, no matter what their cultivation level is, they will eventually die in the hands of our Soul Palace, otherwise our Soul Palace will become a joke on the mainland. They're all watching our jokes." Hun Miesheng clenched his fists tightly. But thinking about the strength of the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan now, he felt a lot more at ease.

Nowadays, it is impossible for a strong person to challenge the status of the soul clan.

The Black Horn domain has returned to calm.

The sky has returned to blue, and the oppressive feeling in Fengcheng has disappeared. Only the traces of the battle left in the battle can tell that what happened today is not a dream.

"The two Heavenly Venerates just died like this. Didn't you say that that one was the existence of Dou Sheng? Why is Dou Sheng so weak in Xu Ran's hands? He was pinched by Xu Ran's neck like a chicken, and even He died without any resistance." Han Feng felt incomprehensible.

Isn't Dou Sheng the most powerful man in the mainland?

And in so many years, it was the first time he saw a strong Dou Then Dou Sheng died in front of him so lightly, everything was like a dream.

But what happened before them was too real.

This can only mean that Xu Ran is very strong.

"Master..." Han Feng lowered his head, trembling all over. He was afraid that Xu Ran would kill him too.

"I'll help you get rid of those two old guys, and use the strange fire in your hand as my reward. Do you have any objections?" Xu Ran pointed at the void, and Hai Xinyan shot from Han Feng's body. separated.

"It's my honor for Hai Xinyan to be favored by the master. I'm just a dog of the master. I have no objection to what the master wants." Han Feng lowered his posture. If the strange fire is gone, it can be done again, but if the life is gone, it will really be gone.

Hai Xinyan ranked fifteenth on the Alien Fire Ranking, a few places higher than Qinglian Dixinhuo.

The dark blue Hai Xinyan was stripped from Han Feng's body, came to Xu Ran's palm, and soon merged into Xu Ran's body. Although Haixinyan ranks higher, the energy contained in the flame is much lower than Qinglian's Dixinhuo.

Qinglian Earth Heart Fire has been warmed in Xu Ran's body for so many days, and it has evolved a lot, which is very different from the ordinary Qinglian Earth Heart Fire on the mainland. After Hai Xinyan is subdued by Xu Ran, it will be the same.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

"A fighting saint, a half saint, the corpses are waiting for me to study the puppet art sometime." Xu Ran suddenly had an idea. In the original book, Xiao Yan refined the sky demon puppets and the earth demon puppets. Refining a few puppets can always protect Xun'er and the others.


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