Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1279: The Three Immortals of the Ancient Clan, Xu Ran's Horror

【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Failure is the mother of success.

If a person is in a state of success for a long time, this is not necessarily a good thing, because when he falls down, it may be lost.

Therefore, receiving some setbacks appropriately is very meaningful for sharpening the xinxing.

"Brother Xu Ran, this is the Great Nirvana Technique, a heaven-level fighting skill of the ancient clan, and it possesses the terrifying power to annihilate all life." Gu Xun'er reminded. She had arrived early, but she was too embarrassed to come to Xu Ran. After all, these women who have a close relationship with Xu Ran are all so outstanding, so she was also hit hard.

"The Great Nirvana Technique? I know. But don't worry, this power is still a lot weaker in my heart." Xu Ran knows the Great Nirvana Technique. In the original book, when Xiao Yan was fighting against the ancient demon, the strong man of the ancient clan, the opponent used the Great Nirvana Technique.

"Hasn't he been making a move? It's exactly what I want."

Gu Qingyang didn't expect that Xu Ran didn't attack him when he was performing a heavenly fighting skill. Although it will not prevent the implementation of the Great Nirvana Technique, if Xu Ran attacks him at this time, he will definitely not be able to use the Great Nirvana Technique with all his strength, and the power of the Heaven Rank Fighting Technique will naturally be damaged.

But if Xu Ran doesn't stop him, he can use this fighting skill to the extreme.

The combat power of the sky-level fighting skills brought out to the extreme is not the same as those unprepared.

Gu Qingyang also did not expect Xu Ran to be so arrogant. You know, he only needs to survive one move, that is to say, even if he pays a lot of money to activate the Great Silence Technique, it will be fine.

As long as Xu Ran can't accept this trick, he will naturally win Xu Ran.

"I still have cards."

Gu Qingyang's eyes became crazy, urging the blood of the ancient emperor.

Among the ancient clan, apart from Xun'er, a rare genius who was once in a millennium, the purity of Emperor Dou's blood was the highest.

In fact, apart from this era, even if it was pushed back a few hundred years, the geniuses of the ancient race in those eras might not be comparable to Gu Qingyang in terms of Emperor Dou's bloodline.

The aura on Gu Qingyang's body surged again, and the aura of the Great Nirvana Technique increased a little again.

The use of this secret technique also means that this is Gu Qingyang's last trump card.

"The Great Nirvana Finger!"

As Gu Qingyang stretched out his index finger and landed in mid-air, countless extinction-like energies gushed out at this moment. And in the sky, a pitch-black hand with a length of one hundred feet fell down at this moment.

As a peerless genius of the ancient clan, Gu Qingyang's talent is indeed good. You must know that Gu Qingyang has just been promoted to Dou Sheng, and he has already displayed such strength in this fighting skill.


Just when the huge finger of more than one hundred feet was about to land on Xu Ran's body, he slowly stretched out his index finger without any unnecessary movements.

Xu Ran's finger and the big Nirvana finger, which is more than a hundred feet long, have countless times of difference in size.

No one can easily accept this level of power.

Even if this level of fighting skills falls directly on Canaan Academy, Canaan Academy will be turned into ruins.

This is the power of the Heaven Rank Fighting Skill.

But by Xu Ran's side, they were not worried that Xu Ran would get hurt at all.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Under everyone's astonished eyes, the big Nirvana finger stopped unexpectedly, no, it was blocked.

Even though Xu Ran's fleshy finger looked fragile, the Great Nirvana Finger didn't do any harm to it at all.


Xu Ran said lightly.

The Great Nirvana Finger with infinite power exploded at this moment, and countless Nirvana breaths dissipated at this moment.


Gu Qingyang's aura became extremely weak at this moment, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and the originally powerful Dou Sheng aura was also weakened to the extreme at this moment.

In order to win Xu Ran, Gu Qingyang even used his own blood of Emperor Dou, and he didn't even care about the damage to his body caused by this method, just for the sake of shame. As a member of the ancient race, he would absolutely not allow himself to lose again. Not only losing face, but also losing face of the ancient clan.

But in the end, he still lost, and the loss was miserable.

Xu Ran was very relaxed, as if he was bullying a child, he smashed the sky-level fighting skills he had used with all his strength.

It's so easy.

He couldn't imagine that his sky-level fighting skills would be as fragile as the yellow-level fighting skills in front of Xu Ran.

The Great Nirvana Technique is considered to be a good existence among the heavenly rank fighting skills of the ancient clan.

What the **** is going on in this world? Is it really that I am too arrogant?

"Qingyang. There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky. Your Excellency Xu Ran is indeed very strong, even I am no match for you. Therefore, you will not lose if you lose to him."

"Elder Supreme, with your strength, will you be his opponent?" Gu Qingyang, who was depressed and even desperate, looked at the old man with white hair and beard in disbelief. Holy Seven Star powerhouse.

"Didn't you realize that you have limited destructive power to the surroundings when you perform two consecutive sky-level fighting skills? With your strength, it should be understandable." Gu Dao sighed.

If it was in the ancient world, under such a special environment, and with the protection of many strong men, even if two battle saints attack with all their strength, it will not cause too much damage.

But this is Canaan College.

Under normal circumstances, the destructive power of Dou Sheng level is enough to cause absolute destructive power to Canaan Academy and the surrounding area.

However, the fact is not the case.

The entire Canaan Academy is well This is enough to show that there are peerless experts who forcibly dissipated the battle energy of the Fighting Saint level. And this point, even the ancient road is not ashamed. He even felt that even if the patriarch came in person, he would not be able to do this.

After all, the aftermath of the battle was resolved with all efforts, so that it did not damage the surrounding buildings at all, and even the walls of those buildings did not show the slightest crack. this…

After all, it is a completely uncontrollable energy, who can destroy it at an extremely fast speed before the aftermath of the battle begins to spread?

It can only be said that it is so powerful that people feel scared.

The rumored Xu Ran is untrue, because the real Xu Ran is far stronger than the rumored one, and has even reached the top level in the world.

So now, it seemed understandable that Zhu Kun would put his precious daughter by Xu Ran's side.

Everything stems from Xu Ran's strength.

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【Capturing the Goddess from Douluo】【】

Xu Ran has great strength, so it is only natural to have these special treatment.

After hearing Gu Dao's understanding, everyone present recalled it at this moment.

That's right, even though the powerhouses of that level were fighting with all their strength, they were not affected at all, and they didn't even feel the slightest coercion or uncomfortable breath.

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