Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 1290: fluttering heartstrings

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"Are you kidding me? I'm going to be far worse than the people around you with Xiaoxue." Han Yue whispered. If it can be seen by Xu Ran, it is not a tiger's den, it should be, yes, heaven?

Who doesn't know that as long as he follows Xu Ran, even if he gets some small rewards, he may become a strong man. And the woman associated with Xu Ran became a super genius all of a sudden because of Xu Ran.

No one else knows about this, but Han Yue and Xin Lan are very clear.

If it wasn't the guy from the Hong family who forced them, but Xu Ran, they wouldn't object even if they were forced.

Han Yue glanced at Xu Ran, and her face suddenly turned red.

Even without looking at Xu Ran's strength, Xu Ran Junyi's appearance is still very dazzling, and the warm aura on his body makes people want to get close to him. .

"Who said I'm not interested anymore? Are there any men who aren't interested in that kind of thing?" Xu Ran joked.

"But, but..."

Han Yue stammered. She really didn't understand what Xu Ran meant? Could it be possible, Lord Xu Ran thought...

She didn't dare to dream of something like that. Does someone like Xu Ran like her? She didn't even dare to have this plan. But now Xu Ran's words aroused some thoughts in her.

With such a good man in front of her, it is a lie that she is not interested.

Although there are too many women around Xu Ran, his strengths are enough to cover up his weaknesses.

Having a relationship with someone like Xu Ran can make a force rise in an instant, let alone an individual.

"But what?"

"Could it be that you don't want to be with me?"

Xu Ran's fingers stroked Han Yue's neck and the slightly exposed collarbone skin, and the delicate skin felt excellent. And as Xu Ran's finger slid, the skin that was scratched by Xu Ran's finger instantly turned white and red. Xu Ran's fingers were like paintbrushes, making Xu Ran playful.

"Master Xu Ran..."

Han Yue closed her eyes and couldn't even speak.

The whole body trembled uncontrollably, and it was very uncomfortable to be touched by Xu Ran's fingers. But she didn't dare to resist Xu Ran, so she could only close her eyes and let Xu Ran do whatever she wanted.

At this time, she realized that she was not unattractive to Xu Ran.

The strange touch on her body, as well as the secret joy and excitement in her heart intertwined, she closed her eyes and hummed softly.

Xin Lan was stunned for a long time, but she knew about Xu Ran's romantic deeds. But she never worried whether Xu Ran would take action on her. If it was Xu Ran, she would not refuse even if it was true.

Xu Ran's alchemy skills far surpassed hers. If she could be with her, she believed that the family would be very happy.

She wanted Xu Ran to help her change the crisis of the family, but Xu Ran was an outsider after all, not a member of her own family, and her superb alchemy skills could not change the family's loneliness. But if Xu Ran was her husband, it would be different. So her original intention was to make Xu Ran pretend to be her fiancé.

But if...

Looking at Xu Ran's frivolous behavior on Han Yue, Xin Lan covered her hands and closed her eyes. But even though she was ashamed, she couldn't help looking at Xu Ran and Han Yue through her fingers.

Xu Ran's fingers slid on Han Yue's body, but Xin Lan felt the same way and turned into a steam princess.

"Mr. Xu Ran, no, no." Han Yue was already soaked, and her whole body was soaked with sweat.

These few minutes were more tiring for her than a whole day of practice. Especially when my heart is pounding.

Why didn't she know before that it turned out to be such a tiring thing?

Obviously Xu Ran didn't do anything, and she didn't even kiss her, she had the idea of ​​running away.

"What doesn't work?" Xu Ran looked at Han Yue with a funny look.

Han Yue squeezed tightly on the armrest of the chair with both hands, and when she tried so hard, her fingers turned white.

Han Yue is still a virgin, and usually behaves in a well-behaved manner. Thinking about it, she has never experienced such a situation of being teased, so naturally she can't stand it.

"It's still outside now, it would be bad if someone saw it." Han Yue said tremblingly, she still closed her eyes tightly, and her mind went blank.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Capturing the Goddess from Douluo" by the great **** Qimu!

The first thousand two hundred and ninety chapters of the heartstrings are free to read: https://,!

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If Xu Ran is now...

She couldn't resist at all, but she didn't want that.

Even if Xu Ran really wanted something, he had to go to the room.


It turned out that Han Yue was worried that he would do bad things to her here.

Indeed, he did have this idea just now, but soon that evil idea was suppressed.

Even if he can guarantee that other people will not notice it at all, Han Yue and the others have limited ability to bear it. Xu Ran didn't want to leave any shadows in their hearts.

"Sister Han Yue, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Xu Ran stopped his movements. Delicious, you have to taste it slowly, not like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. I ate it so fast that I forgot what it tasted like.


As Xu Ran stopped moving, Han Yue quickly recovered. Seeing Xu Ran pretending to be pure, Han Yue was ashamed and annoyed. Did you just misunderstand yourself?

Because of her shame, Han Yue felt wronged and wanted to cry.

If he had misunderstood what Xu Ran meant just now, then he would be truly embarrassed.

"Don't cry. It's a big deal. I'll go to your head office at night." Xu Ran was the most embarrassed woman to cry. Seeing Han Yue cry, Xu Ran realized that his joke seemed to have gone too far. Han Yue and the others are different from Xun'er and the others. After all, the latter often fights with Xu Ran and doesn't care about Xu Ran's many jokes. But Han Yue and the others are different. Any words or actions of her own may cause them to feel uneasy.

"Who asked you to find me?"

"As if I was rushing to beg you!"

Han Yue was overjoyed by Xu Ran's shameless But she didn't expect that Xu Ran was telling the truth.

"Isn't it? Without me? Who can save you, and your family?" Xu Ran said lazily, feeling rather brazen.

Xin Lan couldn't look past it either. How could Master Xu Ran, whom he respected and admired, be so shameless? Taking this opportunity to threaten the girl? But seeing Xu Ran and Han Yue flirting, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"You, shameless!!" Han Yue scolded lightly with a blushing face. She did not expect that Xu Ran had such a shameless side. Although she knew that Xu Ran was joking, Xu Ran's cynical appearance was completely different from his powerful and invincible image.

No wonder there are so many people who follow him with all their hearts. Who doesn't like a strong and interesting person? Xu Ran is also a very interesting person.

Provide you with the fastest update of "Capturing the Goddess from Douluo" by the great **** Qimu!

The first thousand two hundred and ninety chapters of the heartstrings are free to read: https://,!


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