Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 902: Xu Wu's Greed

"Do you know who I am? How old are you? I have been in charge of the Xu family for more than 20 years and have been famous on the mainland for a long time. What are you?" Xu Wu was full of anger.

The beauty he got flew away, but Xu Ran still didn't give him face.

In his opinion, Xu Ran's grade is a hard injury, no matter how mysterious it is outside, what can he do at such a young age?

He Xu Wu was in the top five in the Star Luo Empire, he was a well-known powerhouse, and he controlled an army of hundreds of thousands. Even if he thinks Xu Ran's future will be great, it's not yet.

"Oh? Rely on the old and sell the old?"

"Patriarch of the Xu family? It's ridiculous to think only about those filthy things at an old age." Xu Ran said coldly.

"Since ancient times, when the king has been defeated, the loser will be punished." Xu Wu did not think he was wrong. The strong eat the weak is the law of the world.

"The weak eat the strong? That's true. But now the relationship between hunter and prey is about to call." Xu Ran raised his eyebrows.

"Hmph. Then let me try your strength!"

Xu Wu became angry.

Xu Ran's calm appearance made him a little panicked and even a little scared, but seeing Xu Ran's young appearance and thinking of Xu Ran's current age, all his worries were dispelled.

He doesn't believe that there are such geniuses in this world.

Less than twenty years old, the strength of a soul saint is already a record-breaking.

Could it be that Xu Ran is really a monster that far exceeds everyone in the history of soul masters in the entire continent?

"Let me debunk you today. You are just a little more famous, and most of you are just blowing it out."

When Xu Wu's words came out, everyone was surprised.

Even the beliefs of the Zhu family who regard Xu Ran as their faith are faintly shaken.

Yes! Seeing that Xu Ran seemed to be younger than them, how could he be a strong generation even if he had amazing talent? There has never been such a situation in the entire history of the continent!

"Haha. I'll just say it. Xu Ran is an ass!"

"Xu Ran is so young, if he is as strong as the rumors say, I'll just stand upside down and shit."

"Haha. Rumors. Those foolish people listen to the wind and rain. Those who believe in those unrealistic rumors will be fools."

"As long as you have a little knowledge of soul masters, you won't think that Xu Ran has such a powerful combat power at a young age."

Countless people laughed.

At this moment, they were already on the opposite side of Xu Ran, and naturally 10,000 people didn't believe that Xu Ran was strong. If Xu Ran was really as strong as the rumors, they would be dead.

Unless, Xu Ran really showed boundless might in front of them.

At this moment, they were looking forward to if Xu Wu could kill Xu Ran. At Xu Ran's age, he shouldn't be stronger than Contra.

Countless people became nervous. The children of the Zhu family had heard of Xu Ran's names, but after all, they had not seen it with their own eyes, so they were still a little worried. Even those elders frowned, they only expected Xu Ran to be really strong. Most of the reason why the Zhu family could survive until this point in this war was due to Xu Ran.

Xu Ran is the belief of the Zhu family.

If Xu Ran was defeated and died in Xu Wu's hands, it was conceivable that this would have an almost devastating blow to the confidence of the Zhu family.

"Xu Qing. If you can kill Xu Ran. I will make the decision. After the Zhu family is destroyed, the position of the Zhu family and the military power they control will all be owned by you, and you can also become my Star Luo Empire, second only to me. The existence of a person is above one person, above ten thousand people." Emperor Dai was also looking forward to it.

He knew that the only suspense in this war was Xu Ran.

If Xu Ran wasn't that strong, then it would be easy for them to destroy the Zhu Family, and the entire Star Luo Empire was still his Dai Family.


"Your Majesty made such a promise. Wouldn't that mean that the Xu family will be equal to the previous Zhu family's status?"

"The empire is about to change, and the Xu family will inherit the title of duke in the future."


Countless people gasped and couldn't help being a little surprised by Emperor Dai's generosity. However, they also understood that after the fall of the Zhu family, the royal family needed a strong family to assist, and this was none other than the Xu family.

"Then I will laugh in advance."

Xu Wu's eyes flashed with greed. Since becoming the head of the Xu family, he has always wanted to lead the family to become stronger. However, the structure of the Star Luo Empire had been stable for thousands of years. If the Dai Zhu family had a stable relationship, then the Xu family's development would have come to an end. And now, it was his chance.

After taking the position of the Zhu family, he will accumulate strength and even have the opportunity to become the uncrowned emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

"Boy. You will die today. You will not lose if you die in my hands, Xu Wu."

Under Xu Wu, two yellow, two purple, four black, and eight spirit rings were circling. The black spirit ring at the very end was bright, and the dark light flickered. The star crown spirit in Xu Wu's hand emitted countless rays of various colors. Shooting at Xu Ran.

War Ray!

This is Xu Wu's most powerful soul skill.

With all his strength, even a Titled Douluo would not dare to compete head-on.

"Haha. I didn't expect the Patriarch to use the strongest soul skill directly. Now Xu Ran is dead."

"As long as Xu Ran is a waste, then this time Xu Ran will die."

"Xu Ran is about the same age as my son. Even if he is talented, he should not surpass the Soul King Soul Emperor. This Soul Douluo with ordinary soul skills will be severely injured in the face of it. This is a large-scale soul skill. There's no way to hide."

"Xu Ran didn't move for such a long time, wouldn't he be frightened."

Xu Ran held Zhu Zhuyun in his arms and looked at the rays coming from his face with disdain.

He didn't move at all, and those rays were blocked when they approached Xu Ran's body at a distance of one meter.

It's just that the distance is too far, UU reading www. Those people on couldn't see Xu Ran's situation clearly.

Zhu Zhuyun was held in Xu Ran's arms, but he clearly saw this scene. It can't even get close to Xu Ran's body, let alone threaten Xu Ran's life.

When Zhu Zhuyun participated in the spirit master competition in Wuhun City, he saw Xu Ran show his mighty power. So she was not worried that Xu Wu would hurt Xu Ran at all. I am afraid that no one here can make Xu Ran feel difficult.

"Pfft, is this the strength of Patriarch Xu?" Zhu Zhuyun's delicate and infinite voice came, breaking the calm of the sky.

Seeing that Xu Wu had released his soul skill for so long, there was still no movement from Xu Ran's side. Those present were not fools and naturally knew exactly what had happened.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Xu Ran, your strength?"

Xu Wu's face changed wildly.

At this moment, he began to panic.

Suddenly, he began to believe that the rumors were true. Xu Ran was really someone he couldn't afford to offend.

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