Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 966: Nalan Yanran blushed, a womanizer

The breath of third-order monsters and second-order monsters came from the depths of the forest.

Although this forest of monsters is obviously some powerful monsters. But on weekdays, nothing happened. But the vision caused by Xu Ran's appearance obviously made them anxious.

Xu Ran has the blood of countless orcs on his body, and he is also a powerful orc powerhouse. Xu Ran appeared, and the pure aura leaked from his body even sensed the opportunity for those powerful monsters to become stronger.

"not good."

Nalan Yanran's pretty face changed slightly, and her face instantly paled a bit.

He obviously did not expect that this normally very peaceful forest of monsters would suddenly become restless. Under the influence of powerful monsters, those weak monsters were also rushing.


A Yunlan Sect disciple was suddenly attacked and screamed.

"Miss, what should I do? The monsters here seem to be a little different. And there's a strong aura of monsters."

"That's at least the breath of third-order monsters, second-order monsters. If we are targeted by those monsters, we will die."

"Miss, let's go, let the elders come over."

Many disciples said, surrounding Nalan Yanran.

The disciples living in the ivory tower were so scared that their legs were weak. The countless monsters around exude a vicious aura, as if they were going mad.

This scene, even Xu Ran was a little surprised.

But thinking of his own uniqueness is relieved.

Landing on the Dou Qi Continent by oneself, attracting attention is quite normal.

Butterfly effect, if he didn't take action, Nalan Yanran would probably fall here.

"Can't go."

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly, and two powerful monsters rushed out. These were two devil wolves, one was a Tier 2 monster, and the other was a Tier 3 monster.

The appearance of the two monsters made everyone's face extremely pale, and cold sweat broke out on their bodies.

If it were a more advanced powerful beast, if they knew the identity of their Yunlanzong disciples, they might still be afraid.

But this level of Warcraft may not be afraid of their identities.

The two demon wolves looked at Nalan Yanran, and strong fluctuations of fighting spirit emerged from their bodies, rushing towards Nalan Yanran.

They were also alarmed by the vision, and after searching to no avail, they obviously thought that Nalan Yanran and the others had stolen it.

"How can it be such a powerful monster..."

Nalan Yanran's delicate body trembled. Even if she was the daughter of the Yunlan Sect, she could not possibly be an opponent of such a powerful beast. The third-order Warcraft can already be comparable to the Great Fighter.

"You go first, I'll stop later."

"Xuan-level mid-level fighting skills: Wind Spirit Fractal Sword!"

The long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand suddenly trembled rapidly, and then moved slowly, and every time the long sword moved one point, it would leave a substantial sword-shaped afterimage.


The long sword stabbed the demon wolf, and the two demon beasts were not injured at all. Nalan Yanran's cultivation level is still too low, even if she has Xuan-level fighting skills, she cannot show the strength of fighting skills.

The two demon wolves were also enraged by Nalan Yanran, and the huge wolf claws grabbed towards Nalan Yanran's face.

If caught, Nalan Yanran will be disfigured even if she doesn't die.

Nalan Yanran was obviously aware of this, and tried her best to dodge.

She can allow herself to die, but she must not allow her appearance to be destroyed.

As long as she is a woman, she will care about her appearance, not to mention that Nalan Yanran is still a virgin who has not yet married?

"Is this the fate of my Nalan Yanran?"

"Never mind. Even if you're alive, what's the point of marrying someone who doesn't know her but has a low cultivation base?" Nalan Yanran closed her eyes in despair.

Originally, she thought that if she could find the source of the vision in the forest of beasts, she would be able to show it in front of the elders and masters of the sect. But she was still too young.

At this time, Xu Ran shot, and he came to Nalan Yanran's side like a phantom and took the soft body into his arms.

At this time, Xu Ran naturally pretended to be a force at a critical moment and took the opportunity to capture Nalan Yanran's heart.

Such a good time, how can you not perform well?

"Xiao Huohuo, your fiancée feels good." Xu Ran thought with some wickedness. When he thought that this was Xiao Yan's fiancee, he couldn't help but get excited.

This is an old bug.

It used to be Tang San, now it's Xiao Huohuo.

Xiao Yan of the dog days, you can't hold such a good fiancee, let me come!

"This is……"

Nalan Yanran closed her eyes and waited for death to come, and she could feel her waist being hugged.

She opened her beautiful eyes instantly.

In an instant, there was a kind of joy in the rest of his life.

After slowing down, her face turned red. Because she noticed that the hand around her waist was rubbing gently on her lower abdomen, and the numb feeling made her feel ashamed and angry.

In Yunlanzong, who would dare to treat her like this?

Damn it!

Not even if you save her!

"Don't move!" Seeing Nalan Yanran swaying in her arms, Xu Ran scolded, and the hand that embraced Nalan Yanran became even harder.

Sure enough, beauty can be different in different parts of a world, let alone two different worlds.

"Who are you?"

Nalan Yanran was so scolded by Xu Ran that she didn't dare to move, but then she realized that there was a frivolous disciple in front of her, and she twisted even more violently. At the same time, she was stunned when she saw Xu Ran's face.

Obviously, she has never seen such a good-looking man in Yunlanzong for so many years.

Compared with the man in front of him, it seems that the other people he has seen before are nothing.

But Nalan Yanran is not the kind of person who only judges people by their appearance.

"What about me? The one who saved you." The corners of Xu Ran's mouth turned up, Nalan Yanran was really young, and being so twisted in a man's arms could only arouse a man's interest!

"Let me go! Erotic!" Nalan Yanran said with a blushing face. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't lift the sword at all when she was being held, otherwise she would definitely stab the disciple in front of her with a sword.

"Hey. I saved you, this is just a normal payment. I can't save you in vain."

"And are you sure you want me to let you go now?"

Xu Ran raised his eyebrows and motioned Nalan Yanran to look down.

Nalan Yanran glanced at, startled, and quickly hugged Xu Ran.

At this moment, the two of them were dozens of meters above the ground, and Nalan Yanran was naturally frightened inadvertently.

If Xu Ran really let go, then Nalan Yanran's cultivation base would definitely die if she fell down.

"I'd rather die than be taken lightly by you, let go." Nalan Yanran said with a blushing face. The girl was scared but couldn't save face. And she felt that since the man in front of her was lustful, it was impossible for her to really let her go because of her words.

A decent gentleman would definitely not bully a weak woman like that. A womanizer will never let go.

Nalan Yanran thought to herself.

But the next moment, Xu Ran let go.

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