Car Empire, Why Do You All Make Small Cars?

Chapter 304 Independently Developed By Baochi Automobile (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 303 Independently developed by Baochi Automobile (for subscription)

Above the official media of Xia Kingdom.

Released the latest video about the H20 and Jingwei class aero engines.

in the video.

It shows the shape and parameters of H20 and Jingwei aero-engine in detail.

It really opened the eyes of Xia Guo's military fans.

It's been a festival.


Just H20 and Jingwei-class aviation engines.

It's not enough to be able to lead Xiaguo Internet.

It really detonated Xia Guo's Internet.

It is the narration background in the video.


He is constantly introducing the parameters of the H20 and Jingwei-class aero-engines.


at the time of introduction.

This aside.

The research and development units of the H20 and Jingwei aero-engines have been disclosed.

"What I see now is H2O independently developed by Baochi Automobile. H20 is an independent strategic bomber of our country..."

"Jingwei-class aero-engine is independently developed by Baochi Automobile, a local company in Xia Country..."

When hearing these two sentences.

In everyone's mind.

All messed up.

The four characters of "Baochi Automobile".

It kept echoing in their minds.

Some people for a while.

Didn't realize that there was something wrong with it.

"Oh, Jingwei-class aero-engine and H20 were originally developed by Baochi Automobile.

"Which military-industrial enterprise with a strong background is this Baochi car?"

"It's amazing, it's amazing, the name of this Baochi car is really similar to the name of the Baochi car that made the car.'

"Hahaha, Baochi is really... I Cao! Baochi?"

do not know who.

He was the first to react.

With a look of disbelief, he watched Xia Guo's official video again.

When the four characters of "Baochi Automobile" were clearly and unmistakably conveyed to their ears.

on all faces.

They all showed disbelief.

Now things are developing as if.

The person who has been with him day and night.

It turned out to be as ridiculous as the richest man in the world.

"A Baochi car? Did I hear you right?"

"I've listened to it five times, and I can't get it wrong."

"What's the situation, why does the name of Baochi appear in the video of Jingwei-class aero-engine and H2O?"

"And what exactly does that R&D mean, the Jingwei-class aero-engine and H2O developed by Baochi Automobile?"

People still don't believe it.

They once again listened to the sentences in Xia Guo's official video word for word.

It is confirmed that the "Baochi car" in it is that Baochi car.

And the word "research and development".

It is R&D in the literal sense.

It means that Jingwei-class aero-engine and H2O have been developed from zero to one.

Rather than just providing some help.

That's it.

A volcano that has been brewing for a long time.

It erupted completely.

"My Cao, the Jingwei-class aero-engine and H20 developed by Baochi Automobile, how is this possible?"

"How can Baochi Automobile, a company that makes things that run on the ground, develop things that fly in the air?"

"I admit that Baochi's technical strength may indeed be very strong. After all, they have produced Gonggong diesel engines and Xingtian-class tanks, but it is too outrageous now. The Jingwei-class aero-engine and H20 are such big killers. Was it also developed by them?"

"My God, this Baochi car is too strong. Not only are they so powerful in the automotive field, but they are also so powerful in the military industry."

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, how could such a thing happen in Xia Kingdom?"

"It's awesome! It's awesome, Baochi is awesome!"

"A company that makes cars suddenly went to make airplanes, and even made the world's most advanced bomber. Shuangwen's novels dare not write like that."

"The Baochi car is so good, their car must be good, brothers, come with me!"


this entry.

In just a few tens of minutes after Xia Guo officially released the video.

It has already been on the top of the bib hot search list.

Huge heat.

It even eclipses Jingwei-class aero engines and H20.

After all, according to this calculation.

Boucher is the father of Jingwei aero engine and H2O.

The son makes way for the father.

It's a very normal thing.

Many people who don't know what's going on.

out of curiosity.

Click on the hot search list.

They want to see it.

The popularity of Baochi cars.

Why is it hotter than the Jingwei aero-engine and H2O.


When they entered the hot search.

They can no longer get out.

at this time.

Everyone's faces were full of horror and shock.

at this moment.

Language is impotent.

Not any language.

It is possible to describe the shock and horror in their hearts at this time.

"My Cao, I just fell asleep, why do I feel like I have time-traveled when I wake up?"

"It's awesome, isn't it awesome, Baochi? How is this possible?"

"Jingwei-class aero-engine and H20 were independently developed by Baochi Automobile. How could there be such an outrageous thing in the world?"

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous, who would have imagined that such an advanced aero engine and strategic bomber would be produced by a private enterprise."

"Baochi is awesome, Baochi is really awesome, I have never seen such an outrageous private enterprise."

"No wonder Ugly Country wants to sanction Baochi. If there is no sanction, in a few years, Baochi will go to the sky and directly build rockets?"

0 looking for flowers...

"The technical strength of Baochi Automobile is so strong, their cars must be very powerful, brother Meng and I will go for it."

"Chong, I have taken a fancy to Baochi IX for a long time, but I have never bought it because of my lack of money. Now Baochi has been sanctioned, but because Baochi is so powerful, the loan has to rush !"

this time.

The official pointed out that it is the Jingwei-class aero-engine and H2O developed by Baochi Automobile.

Before it was completely detonated.

The enthusiasm of car buyers who are still hesitating.

Baochi car.

That is a car company that manufactures both aero engines and strategic bombers.

their car.

Must be military quality.


Now Baochi has been sanctioned again.

It may not be possible to continue building cars soon.


If you don't buy it now.

When you want to buy it later.

You may not even be able to buy a car.

Driven by this idea.

Countless people.

Waving the banknotes in his hand.

They flocked to various 4S stores of Baochi Automobile.

before going through.

After the wave of madness that Bao Chi was sanctioned.

Another wave of madness begins.

All the 4S stores of Baochi cars are overcrowded.

The glass doors of some Baochi 4S stores.

They were all overwhelmed by crazy consumers.

They waved their bank cards.

In order to be able to buy a Baochi car.

People who were not very cold about Baochi cars before.

Also waving the money in his hands.

Bought a new model of a Baochi car.

Such a crazy sales scene.

Let the employees of other car 4s shops.

Looking extremely jealous.

"Fuck, this Baochi car is too ostentatious. Isn't it just a broken engine and an airplane, as for being so ostentatious?"

"That's right, if you show them beauty, the crazier they are now, the more desperate they will be."

"Hmph, I see how long they can sell like this. The sanctions from the ugly country are not fake."

"Yes, the downfall of Baochi is a good thing for the entire Xiaguo auto market.

"Hahaha, I can't wait to see the closing of the Baochi 4S store."

after envy.

in their mouths.

It is a vicious curse.

Now what they most want to see.

It was the Baochi car that fell to the ground under the sanctions of the ugly country.

Then their storefront.

You can receive more consumers.

This is the most urgent thought in their hearts at this moment.


Will Baochi really make them happy?

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