Car Empire, Why Do You All Make Small Cars?

Chapter 311 Shocked! Ugly Country's Zeus-Class Armor Will Participate In The Defense Exhibition

Chapter 311 Shocked! Ugly Country's Zeus-Class Armor Will Participate in the Defense Exhibition (please subscribe)

Among the 007 institutes.

It was already evening.

But in Institute 007.

It was still a brightly lit scene.

For the development of exoskeleton armor.

It has entered the final public relations stage.

In this stage.

No one offered a break.

Because they know.

What exactly does exoskeleton armor mean to Xia Guo.

This may reduce the combat effectiveness of the Xia Kingdom Army.

A qualitative leap.

Just imagine.

in the future.

Xia Guo's soldiers wore exoskeleton armor.

In the battlefield, one by one became a superman-like existence.

This is no matter for the execution of tactics.

Or improve the survival rate on the battlefield.

are of great help.

This is why everyone in the 007 Institute is so excited.

"Boss, it's already three o'clock in the morning."

"You should go to rest."

An assistant standing beside Tian Weiguo.

He looked at Tian Weiguo worriedly.

Tian Weiguo is now in his eighties.

Although well maintained.

There is also a special medical team beside me.


Young people can't stand such a toss. 30 not to mention an old man in his eighties.

"Yes, Tiansuo."

"Go and rest."

"You are the precious wealth of our country."

The medical staff standing beside Tian Weiguo.

He also said anxiously.

It's been over a month.

Tian Weiguo sleeps no more than four hours a day.

Often he goes to bed at two or three o'clock in the morning.

Then get up at six o'clock in the morning.

Although the sleep time of the elderly is generally very short.

But now Tian Weiguo's sleep time.

It's so abnormal.

Although Tian Weiguo's physical signs are completely fine now.

At that time, they were really afraid that something might happen to Tian Weiguo's body.

at this time.

in their eyes.

Tian Weiguo is like a waning sun.

It is exuding its last light and heat.

"I'm fine."

Tian Weiguo shook his head.

"Our Xia Kingdom's independent research and development of exoskeleton armor must be accelerated.

"We don't know the progress of the research and development of the exoskeleton armor in Ugly Country yet."

"But relying on my understanding of Hu Yongxiang.

"He must be holding his breath."

"Develop their exoskeleton armor."

"And not surprisingly.,

"Their armor will be on display at one of the defense exhibitions.

"The closest to us."

"It's the oil and defense exhibition in six months."

"So we don't have much time left."


"We're also ahead of the oil defense show."

"Develop the exoskeleton armor of our Xia Kingdom.

Tian Weiguo said with a sigh.

For this disciple of oneself.

Tian Weiguo is very clear.

Small belly chicken intestines.


Now Hu Yongxiang has arrived in the ugly country.

What he needs most now.

It is to step on his original motherland, Xia Guo.

Become his political capital in the ugly country.


This time, nothing Tian Weiguo said would make him succeed.

"Tian Lao, but you also need to rest."

"Look, our medical staff are all so tired."

"You should go to bed early tonight.

Standing next to Tian Weiguo.

Said in a low voice.

Look at the blood in everyone's eyes.

Tian Weiguo sighed.

"Okay, rest now."

"But everything depends on tomorrow's progress."

"If it's slow."

"Don't blame me for not understanding you."

Tian Weiguo made a rare joke.

Watching Tian Weiguo finally go to sleep obediently.

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

Now Tian Weiguo's status in Xia Kingdom.

But like a national treasure.

If something really happened to Tian Weiguo.

That was a loss to Xia Guo.

Absolutely huge.

Think here.

Tian Weiguo's assistant couldn't help but look at the researchers who were rushing to public relations.

Hope things go well tomorrow.

Let the superintendent be able to rest for a period of time.

Time passed day by day.

Three units that research and develop exoskeleton armor.

There has been tremendous progress.

Baochi is still finalizing the electronic components and armor.

The writing of the control system unit of Xia Guo's exoskeleton armor is almost complete.

The full version of the exoskeleton armor is about to meet the world.

Ugly country's Zeus-class exoskeleton armor.

It is also similar to Xia Guo's progress.


The difference is.

Ugly country.

News has been posted on the Internet.

they said.

Ugly country's Zeus-class exoskeleton armor.

It will be exhibited at the Oil Defense Defense Exhibition.

As soon as such news comes out.

Immediately triggered a huge earthquake on the Internet worldwide.

After countless people saw Ugly Country's statement.

They glanced at the date in disbelief.

Exoskeleton armor?

Now is there really a country that has developed exoskeleton armor?

Isn't today really April Fool's Day?

After the initial shock.


All made a huge exclamation.

On the famous social platform of the extranet.

Countless people are talking crazily about this time.

Ugly country statement.

"My God, is Ugly China really developing exoskeleton armor now? Don't such armor exist in science fiction movies, can it really be developed in reality?"

"Ugly country announced before that it is researching and developing exoskeleton armor, but I didn't expect it to be true.

"Uggo has really made a huge breakthrough in the battery field."

"After our country has exoskeleton armor, we can certainly continue to maintain our international position."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. This fully demonstrates the advantages of our ugly country. The development of such sci-fi things as exoskeleton armor shows that the institutional advantages of our five countries are incomparable."

"Now Xia Guo and Mao Xiong Guo must be looking at our statement with trembling, the Blue Star First Army is about to appear again.

on the extranet.

Netizens are frantically discussing this ugly country's statement.

And in Xia Guo.

About the popularity of Uggo's life this time.

The same remains high.

on the bib.

#Ugly country Zeus-level exoskeleton armor.

This entry is in just one hour.

It successfully climbed to the top of the scarf hot search list.

Netizens who don't know where they are.

Out of curiosity, it entered the hot search.

Then they can't get out anymore.

"My god, Zeus-level exoskeleton armor? Ugly country is really powerful, and such things have been produced."

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable. I thought they were bragging when I saw Ugly said they had started research and development of exoskeleton armor, but now they are going to participate in the defense exhibition, which means they said before All are right.

"The Ugly Kingdom has already developed such a sci-fi thing as exoskeleton armor, but what about our Xia Kingdom, what does our Xia Kingdom have now."

"Really, if Ugly Nation's exoskeleton armor is really advanced, how should our Xia Nation deal with it?"

"Before, I underestimated Ugly Country."

"Hey, our country of Xia still has a long way to go to catch up. Although the Jingwei-class aero-engine and 20 gave everyone a shot in the arm, we still need to catch up.

Too much. "

"The Baochi car should not be able to keep up now."

"Baochi Automobile is now suffering from internal and external troubles, how can it keep up with it?"

"It's really a pity for Baochi Automobile, such a promising car company."

"That is, a few days ago, I went to buy a car at the 4S store of Baochi Automobile, but found that there was no car in sight. If I want to wait for the car, it will take at least three months.

"Yeah, me too, so I bought a Lushen."

Now on the Chinese Internet.

News about the Zeus-class exoskeleton armor.

It has become the hottest news.


The emergence of a new generation of bomber 20.

Let Xia Guo catch up with the advanced level of strategic bombers.


It hasn't been long.

Ugly countries announced that their exoskeleton armor will soon appear in the oil country's defense exhibition.

Such a thrill.

It's really huge.

Xia Guo has just caught up with Chou Guo in terms of weapons and equipment.


There is another huge gap.

This is something that all Xia Guo netizens feel aggrieved about. .

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