Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 101: The Wind Pressures the Blue Sky Horse!


The grenade flew out with a tail flame. Gu Luo operated it with one hand. After shooting, one of them lost his footing and fell to the ground directly due to the recoil. His face was covered with cold sweat, but his expression was ferocious and excited.

"Die, die! Are you still alive?"

Pain and fear kept eroding his nerves, and only by making such exaggerated expressions and movements could he feel a little better.


The two long whips of the Dragonborn Lasher stretched straight at the same time, and were broken by an inexplicable force at the moment of the explosion. It staggered back a few steps, and behind it, a flame rose like a sea wave.


Scorching Earth Dadu moved its huge body, raised the giant saber high, and fell from the sky, turning into a pillar of flames that pierced through the explosion of the grenade!

All of a sudden, continuous explosions and roars continued to sound, and as soon as the smoke and dust rose, they were pushed by the waves of high temperature and rolled around.

Most of the scorching ground kept exerting force, and even the ground could not stop it from advancing. The saber, like a red-hot iron hitting cheese, plunged into the ground unstoppably, and splashed on the nearby ground. Huge waves of fire!

After the blow, Qiu Ding couldn't bear the pressure of Dadutong anymore, and coughed up another mouthful of blood, and Dadutong's figure was distorted into a sky full of soul card fragments.

The dust gradually subsided, and the sight was restored. The open space in front of him had turned into scorched earth at this time. A pitch-black crack spread across the ground, and there were some red-hot stones and soil at the edge. It seemed that it would take a long time to cool down.

The blood-red rain no longer had the momentum it had intensified before, and disappeared into the air as the sound of the wind faded away.

Yu Cang glanced around, and in the electronic hypervision barrier, he could no longer find the blood-red figure, and even the faint uneasiness in his heart had disappeared. It seemed that he had indeed won this time.

Yu Cang quickly turned his gaze back to the bone tool dog. Sure enough, he only saw Mrs. Yu's hand movements seemed to pause, and then looked here, her lips moved slightly, as if she had said a word of admiration.

Seeing Madam Yu's attitude, Yu Cang's eyes flashed with thought.

So, really killed the eldest son?

The skeleton mechanical dog does not have the ability to transmit sound, so he can only rely on guessing.

I was slightly relieved, but Yu Cang was not too happy.

In the final analysis, this eldest son... is probably just one of the forbidden cards in Mrs. Yu's hands. Even if he is killed here, the possibility of Mrs. Yu's resummoning cannot be ruled out.

Besides, Mrs. Yu must have more cards in her hand!

In short, relying on the three of us, we can't beat Mrs. Yu, not to mention Gu Luo's wounded here, I feel that if we don't rush him to the hospital, he will lose too much blood and fall directly to the ground.

Therefore, the best choice now is to take the opportunity to hurry down the mountain.

But looking at the picture from the shared screen, Yu Cang frowned.

Just watching the girl get hurt like this is something he can't do... Judging from his own feeling, Mrs. Yu's ceremony seems to be completed at any time, and the time is very urgent.

But how can I stop Mrs. Yu?

Yu Cang recalled the situation of summoning Ye Lai in the snow mountain... If it could be replicated, maybe it would work.

But the success rate of directly implanting the handed down entry is too low... No matter, let's save dragon scales first.

When I was in the snow mountain, I prepared a full twenty dragon scales, and only then through fusion summoned a carrier that could carry the entry of [Dawn and Dusk].

But in the battle just now, the giant plague scale beast died too quickly, without contributing a single dragon scale, and it entered the death cooldown by itself. In addition, there are not as many desolate beasts here as in the snow mountain, so the whip of the Dragonborn Lasher was interrupted in the previous battle...

In other words, he can only obtain dragon scales by summoning the dragonborn himself and mobilizing the Sword of Judgment to harvest... In this way, limited by the death cooldown, the efficiency will undoubtedly be very slow. Longlin, maybe the death cooldown of the eldest son has been improved...

But Yu Cang had no other choice.

"Qiu Ding, take Gu Luo down the mountain first." Yu Cang said.

Qiu Ding had already helped Gu Luo up, heard the words, but said: "What do you mean? Aren't you going with us?"

"I'll wait a little see if there is any chance to save someone." Yu Cang's condition is not bad now, and Li Anjiu should arrive soon, and his dragon will be almost ready by then, so he can play support no matter how bad he is. .

"Save someone? Save that little girl at noon?" Seeing Yu Cang's expression, Qiu Ding seemed to have reacted, and he cursed secretly, "Damn...that's because we didn't take it to heart at the time. , let her fall into danger... I will stay too!"

Yu Cang shook his head: "You take Gu Luo away, he needs someone to take care of him. And you can't summon the Great Commander of Burning Land for the time being, even if you stay, it won't help you."

"But this matter has something to do with me, how could I just pat my ass and leave like this?" Qiu Ding gritted his teeth, with a bloody look on his face.

Gu Luo stood aside with a pale face, looking at Qiu Ding like this, a look like he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

I said, big brother... I was also there at noon. At that time, the three of us didn't know what happened, and it was normal to ignore the little girl. How could I blame myself!

Your sense of responsibility is too strong!

Let's hurry down...

Although the bleeding eldest son has been temporarily killed, Gu Luo still feels that this place is getting more and more evil. If he didn't follow his own words, he really didn't dare to leave alone.

Who knows if there are "second sons" and "third sons" waiting for me in front of me!

Although Gu Luo was already complaining in his heart, but on the surface he looked at Qiu Ding's blood surging, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only signal Yu Cang with his eyes, hoping he could persuade him more.

Yu Cang also frowned. While summoning two gray and white dragon descendants, he was thinking about how to persuade them.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew from the sky!



It was as if a cyan lightning had descended from the sky, and the light flashed by. Yu Cang could only hear the neighing sound of a slow-moving steed in front of him. After the light disappeared, a figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Yu Cang looked a little relaxed when he saw the visitor.

It's Li Anjiu!

At this time, Li Anjiu was straddling a vigorous blue horse, with a lush green beard extending from the horse's head to its back, looking heroic and extraordinary.

Epic-level soul card: Wind pressure blue sky horse!

"Finally found you, Yu Cang." Li Anjiu stepped off his horse, and a gust of wind blew away along with his movements, "This place is really big... I heard the explosion just now, so I came here to have a look. At this."

Yu Cang nodded, and said, "I've found Mrs. Yu's location, shall we go directly there now?"

"Wait a seems like you guys just fought a tough battle." Li Anjiu noticed Gu Luo with a broken arm, immediately reached into his arms, and took out a soul card, "I activate the spell card: emergency hemostasis !"


A piece of soul card fragments turned into light and shadow and fell on Gu Luo's arm. He let out a muffled snort, only felt the wound itch, and then he didn't feel too uncomfortable.

"Stay with us later, try not to move around, if the wound bursts again, emergency hemostasis will be useless." Li Anjiu said.

"Okay, okay... Thank you, sir." Gu Luo nodded quickly.

He still doesn't know that Li Anjiu is a security officer, after all, he is still wearing plain clothes now.

But Yu Cang frowned when he heard this: "What do you mean, don't you send him away first?"

Such a wounded person, if there is a fight later, it will only delay him, why let him stay by his side?

Li Anjiu shook his head: "It's impossible to get out here... When I came in, I found that the entire mountain had been covered by a large field card, and no one inside could go out without the user's permission." .”

"Ah? Isn't that..." Gu Luo's expression that had just relaxed suddenly collapsed again.

"Because the incident happened suddenly, I don't have many people here, and the club is very vigilant. It seems that we have already discovered us. Several of my colleagues are dealing with their people. For the time being, I can only rely on me here." Li Anjiu said seriously, "Yu Cang, how is the situation now? What is Mrs. Yu doing? If there is still time, my suggestion is to wait for reinforcements first."

"...I'm afraid that time is not enough." Yu Cang looked at the visual sharing of the skeleton mechanical dog, "Mrs. Yu is using her daughter's body as the medium to make a forbidden card. Judging from the breath, I am afraid that it may be completed at any time. By then ...Yu Qier should die."

"Then set off and stop her." Li Anjiu immediately said, "Lead the way."



stone platform

Mrs. Yu stopped what she was doing.

She gently lifted Yu Qier's hand, stroked her immature skin, saw the purple lines gradually spreading and deepening on it, and the smile on her face became more and more satisfied.

"Qi'er, do you like this outfit?"

"...I like it." Qi'er bit her lip and said in a low voice.


"No chess." The girl's body trembled violently.

Madam Yu smiled lightly, touched the girl's head, and showed a smile that a normal mother should have.

"Qi'er, do you like the brother you met at noon?"


"Qi'er is lying again... what are you afraid of, you are my child."


Looking at the silent girl, the smile on Mrs. Yu's face subsided slightly, and after a while, she said, "Father or brother, which one do you prefer?"

Qi'er's body trembled, and after a while, he said: "I, I haven't seen my father..."

"Yeah, you haven't seen him yet." Mrs. Yu stroked Qi'er's head, but her eyes had already passed her and looked into the distance, "I thought about it, it seems that today is indeed not a good day to write... Tsk , came quickly."


In the woodland, a blue wind suddenly rose!

It was as if a substantial wind pressure rose from the sky. Although she couldn't see anything through the forest, Madam Yu was sure that a certain existence was rushing towards her at an exaggerated speed!

some moment.

A blurry figure suddenly appeared in the distance, and in the blink of an eye, it instantly magnified in the field of vision, carrying heavy winds and stepping towards the ground!

But Mrs. Yu didn't panic too much, she knew that even if she didn't do anything, this attack wouldn't hurt herself, after all, Yu Qier was by her side.

So, she flipped over and slipped a soul card from her palm:

"I launch: Convective Iron Wall."


Sigh! ! !

The neighing sound of the blue celestial horse exploded in front of my eyes, and the rushing celestial horse stepped out, but could no longer enter. In front of it, the air that should have been invisible suddenly seemed to become the hardest substance in the world. No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to pass!

In front of Pegasus's hooves, the blue wind and a colorless airflow intertwined together, the violent force collision made the air blurred, after a few seconds of stalemate, the Pegasus who had lost speed could only step hard, far away Jump away.

In front of him, Mrs. Yu was still sitting on the same spot, even her expression didn't change much. Qi'er leaned beside her, covering her ears with both hands, as if she was very scared.

"Yu Wanqing, I suspect that you are suspected of being involved in a card ban case, immediately give up resistance and come with us!" Li Anjiu appeared from the forest.

"Oh it's a police officer." Madam Yu covered her mouth and smiled, "Then what if I refuse?"

"Our people have already surrounded this place, and you have no room to refuse." Li Anjiu played out a soul card, and Qingtianma's body immediately rose like a real wind pressure. The strong wind faintly formed wings, and it stared at it. Mrs. Yu, ready to go.

"Really...then let's try it." Madam Yu pulled the chess piece into her arms, got up, and retreated unhurriedly, "The wind presses the Qingtian horse...the speed can be increased almost infinitely in a windy place... It's a pity that my card group restrains you a little bit."

Mrs. Yu threw down another soul card, and suddenly, the sound of fine iron and steel rubbing rose from the ground, and cracks separated the forest land. What was revealed under the ground turned out to be countless non-stop swimming creatures made of energy. The iron chain phantom!

"I activate the field card: The Iron Room of the Poor Lock!"


The phantom of the chains broke through the ground and filled the entire space in the blink of an eye. Li Anjiu subconsciously avoided it, but when the phantoms of the chains passed by, they didn't make any contact with him, as if they were really just phantoms.

Li Anjiu was vigilant in his heart, but without changing his face, he immediately said: "I activate the spell cards: blue wind wings, blue sky horse, attack!"

The wind pressure Qingtian horseman who had been preparing for a long time stood up, and behind him, the wings formed by the strong wind spread to the maximum in an instant, and in the next second, it galloped out!



Those chains that were originally untouchable solidified at this moment, forming a huge steel net in front of Qingtianma, it couldn't dodge in time, and plunged into it.


The chain was tight, and the Qingtian horse neighed vigorously, but it got deeper and deeper, and it couldn't break free even after exhausting its strength.

Li Anjiu frowned slightly, and then realized something: "The faster the speed, the greater the bondage of the iron chain?... I know, including the 'convective iron wall' you used just now, it is also based on the target. The speed determines the effect, right?"

"Precise guess, officer." Mrs. Yu smiled, "Then, what else would you do?"

"What I want to do has never changed." Li Anjiu tapped the card box, and a soul card was activated from his hand, "I activated the spell card, the second wind wing: Jue Pei!"


Qingtian roared immediately, the second pair of wings spread out, and the wind blew violently!

"Just increasing the speed blindly, but it won't work." Mrs. Yu seemed to sigh.

"Really?" Li Anjiu took out another soul card, "I activate the spell card, Triple Wings of the Wind: Imminent!"


Another pair of wings spread out behind the Pegasus, and the surrounding wind blew the mountains and forests upside down. The wind seemed to gain weight in this space, falling from the sky, crushing the floor until it creaked!

However, the stronger the wind, the more solid the chains around the Qingtian horse became. The iron chains protruded from the void, binding it tightly layer by layer. The faster the speed of the Tianma, the tighter and tighter the bondage tight!

And Li Anjiu seemed to be completely indifferent, still frantically increasing the speed of Qingtianma!


The churning sound of the iron chain was dense, mixed with the sound of the wind, and the hairs on the ears were terrified.

Madam Yu's complexion changed slightly. Although she didn't know what Li Anjiu was doing, she suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong when she saw the scene in front of her. Subconsciously, she put her hand on the card box and took out a few Zhang soul card:

To be on the safe side, Mrs. Yu activated two convective iron walls to protect her side, and then she was a little relieved.

On the opposite side, the wind pressure on Qing Tianma finally reached its peak at this moment——

Li Anjiu took out another card: "I activate the spell card, Tianma: Wind Stop Domain!"


Very abruptly, the gust of wind on Qing Tianma's body stopped in an instant, and the three pairs of wide wind wings were still stirring the gust of wind for a second, but in this second, it has calmed down, like a jellyfish floating with the sea, behind Tian Ma Flowing gently in the air.

The speed that Qing Tianma had been maintaining disappeared in an instant, and the chains covering his body also disappeared, but at this moment, the power of Tianma has reached its peak!

Because, although the wind has stopped, the feeling as if the air had weight when the wind howled just now did not disappear, but became more intense. As long as you stand beside Tianma, you can always feel the air pressing down like a mountain. The body feels like suffocation!

Li Anjiu smiled.

The ordinary wind pressure Qingtian horse naturally only has the core attribute of the greater the wind, the faster the speed.

But his Qing Tianma, as the core soul card of a whole deck, naturally couldn't be so thin. It had already been upgraded countless times by a soul card master.

In his hands, the Qingtian Horse is divided into two states: "Extremely Dynamic" and "Extremely Quiet". Needless to say, it is extremely dynamic. Li Anjiu would put Qing Tianma into a state of "extreme tranquility".

In the extremely quiet state, the speed of Tianma's body will be completely hidden, and a "wind stop field" will be generated according to the speed when entering the extremely quiet state. The wind stop field will oppress the surrounding space, greatly increasing the air density and pressure, forcing The opponent can't move fast, and every step he moves feels like he is in a quagmire!

If the extremely dynamic state is crushed by violent speed, then the extremely static state is absolute field control!

To a certain extent, the effect of this Wind Stop Domain is similar to Mrs. Yu's "Poor Locked Iron Room", but the difference is that in the Wind Stop Domain, Tianma's "extreme tranquility" is actually just an illusion , in fact, the endless gust of wind is still constantly increasing the speed at which Tianma converges in the dark.

When Tianma wants to run again, all his restrained speed will explode in an instant, producing a terrifying explosive force in the process of changing from extreme static to extreme motion!

But at this time, Tianma's speed was exhausted, and he slowly approached Mrs. Yu with unhurried steps. At this speed, Qiongsuo Zhitie Jian couldn't respond at all, because it was too slow.

But looking at the three pairs of transparent wind wings fluttering slowly like jellyfish behind Tianma, Madam Yu's face still changed again and again.

Something is wrong!

Although I don't know what Li Anjiu did, but something is wrong!

Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate any longer, and with a clap of her hand, she was about to activate other soul cards, but the Pegasus who came close had already launched an attack!

There was no gap in acceleration, and in just a split second, the speed of Tianma's body rose to a terrifying level. The poor lock iron responded immediately, but it was too late. In the gust of wind, his figure blurred into a long and narrow cyan light shadow, and a heavy horseshoe was imprinted on his head!

collapse! collapse! collapse!

Countless iron chains broke behind Tianma, and in the air in front of Mrs. Yu, two spherical iron curtains of air rose up, resisting Tianma's speed, but the speed of Tianma's kick was too terrifying, and the convective iron wall was pierced. There was a very deep depression, although it took effect, it couldn't stop Tianma's progress at all!

Madam Yu's soul card needs a certain amount of space and time to counter high-speed units, but the acceleration process of Tianma's attack is too short, so short that it doesn't even take a blink of an eye. Madam Yu's soul card has not yet Before it could fully function, the iron wall of convection had not yet changed from soft to hard, and it had already been attacked to the front!

Your soul card is aimed at speed, that's right, but as long as I'm so fast that your soul card can't react, then you are the weak one!

The real speed is unrestricted!

Boom! !

The earth trembled!

Li Anjiu did not show mercy at all with this blow, his purpose was to kill Mrs. Yu quickly!

Against the Card Forbidden Master, he didn't need to have any worries at all. Anyway, it was impossible to make a wrong kill.

However... the blow still had no effect.

A hoof of the Qingtian horse fell, and a large cloud of dust rose from the front. The ground in a huge area was crushed in an instant, and the stone debris turned into waves and spread continuously towards the surroundings.

The entire stone platform was almost crushed into powder, and a huge deep pit appeared in it. Deeper, more cracks were still spreading along the ground. The power of this blow is not exaggerated.

But... was stopped.

I saw that a coffin appeared out of thin air in front of Mrs. Yu's eyes, the coffin's face had been crushed by Qing Tianma's foot, but I don't know what kind of material it was made of, and the coffin's appearance could still be seen roughly.

Inside the coffin was a thick shadow, Li Anjiu frowned, feeling a little ominous in his heart.

While he was guessing, he only heard Mrs. Yu's faint voice coming from behind the coffin.

"Ah... let me introduce you, he... is my long-lost husband."

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