Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 140 Team Encounter

Although this outpost is not particularly large, it has all kinds of facilities.

However, there are more than 3,000 people gathered here at the moment, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Just like at this moment, after the morning game, at noon, Yu Cang could only sit in his seat and eat a boxed lunch.

"Master Yu Cang, how are you? Are you still used to eating?" Wan Quan came over and asked.

"Very good." Yu Cang nodded.

"Well, the conditions for the major armament reform were not so difficult before." Wanquan shook his head, "In previous years, although the venues were all outside the wilderness, they were all held in some large strongholds, which were more than enough to accommodate 3,000 people. There will be a special canteen and dormitory... I don’t know what happened this year. Not only is the canteen gone, but there is no place to sleep at night. I have to take the soldiers back to Yujiang. It's jolted."

"Really." Yu Cang smiled, "It seems that my luck is not very good... However, I think this outpost is very new, it is probably newly built for the entrance of this different space, and the facilities are not complete It's normal."

"I think so too." Wan Quan chuckled, "We're nothing. It's not that we haven't been in a more difficult environment than this, but I'm afraid you won't be used to it, Master."

"That's not the case, I'm not that delicate yet."

"That's good……"

The rest time was not too long, and soon, everyone finished resting.

Fang Pei still had excitement on his face when he was eating.

After all, not everyone can experience the experience of being handed down head-on... Especially, he is only a fourth-level.

Although judging from the final result, it was because Chuan Shi didn't take himself seriously at the beginning, and didn't show its true strength, that gave him the opportunity to injure it... But that also hurt Chuan Shi, it was a real deal record!

In particular, this is still such a record in front of military regions all over the country!

When he was eating, he pricked up his ears deliberately, listening to the discussions in the military area next door. Sure enough, many people were talking about his shot, and the words were mostly surprised and admiring.

What could be better than this!

Now he has even thought about how to greet his comrades in other companies when he returns to the ancient capital in a few days.

"Hey, how do you know that I repelled a handed down one with one shot?"

Thinking of that scene, Fang Pei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and even the cooking speed was much faster.


Soon, it was time for the afternoon game to start.

Squad encounters.

"Oh? We are the second to play this time?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

"...Blame me, this order is not very good." Lin Yunqing frowned slightly.

Just now, she was the one who drew the lottery.

This year's armament overhaul is different from previous years. The content of the project is completely confidential, and no one knows what kind of enemy they will encounter before the fight begins.

Just like the event in the morning, the teams that came out ahead of time rushed into the arena with black eyes, and even the powerful Dragon Bend Sword was killed by the first sight when facing the stealth wild beast .

Yu Cang smiled: "It's okay, there is not much difference... With the information in the morning, it should be much easier to fight in the afternoon. And... there is another imperial capital ahead of us."

That's right, the first one to appear is the imperial capital.

The two strongest teams ranked in the top two, and Yu Cang wondered if this was a bad idea of ​​the association.

Sit down in the seat of the ancient capital, and after a while, the handed down broadcast soul card appeared in front of everyone again.

It was still the dark border of the Dire, but this time there was only one scene - the game in the afternoon was one team at a time.

It seemed to be a valley, with rugged terrain and poor visibility.

With a flash of light, a small team has appeared on the screen.


As soon as he landed, He Qi immediately squeezed out a soul card and put it in his hand.

"Stay alert, execute plan a."

The border of Dire is full of dangers, and the field of vision is blocked. The usual tactical gestures are not easy to use here. In desperation, He Qi can only use the primitive communication method of voice transmission.

However, before entering the Dire border, they had already prepared many sets of backup plans, so there was no need for too much communication at this moment.

A soldier raised his hand and poured soul energy into the crystal of dim light in his hand, and suddenly a ray of light spread out to the surroundings. He Qi glanced over and found no danger.

The light only lasted for a short time before being put away by the soldiers. After all, judging from the experience of the previous project, turning on the lights in the Dire boundary is no different from seeking death.

Therefore, they only planned to activate the Netherlight Crystal to confirm the surrounding environment at the very beginning, and they just went in the dark for the rest of the way.

While He Qi was observing the surroundings, the four fighters each took out a soul card, activated it, and began to inject soul energy into it.

Immediately, two barriers of sacrificial explosion of light rose from the ground, and besides that, a light spear and a light ball were also generated out of thin air.

These are naturally the other two soul cards in the Light and Shadow Sacrifice Deck - Light Sacrifice Spear and Glowing Sphere.

As soon as the Sacrifice Barrier of Light appeared, it was distorted by the surrounding darkness, and the faces of the two soldiers who activated this soul card were also slightly ugly. Obviously, the process of injecting soul energy was not easy.

He Qi frowned slightly.

The dark attribute energy in the Dire border is too abundant. Although this is very convenient for their decks to cast, if there is no preparation in advance, it will become very difficult to inject soul energy into the light attribute soul card in the Dire border.

When the soul energy is injected, the sacrificial barrier will become more and more unstable, and this process will take up a lot of mental pressure on the soldiers. If one is not controlled well, it will easily cause it and the surrounding dark attribute energy to advance. reaction.

Therefore, soldiers must be cautious when injecting soul energy, and there must be no mistakes.


Now it seems that there is no way to make the Sacrificial Explosion Soul Card reach the most suitable critical value here...

Fortunately, the current four weeks should be considered safe, and they still have time to prepare.

Before they set off, they learned that there was an exit from a different space about two kilometers in front of the entrance, and as long as they arrived there, it meant that they had successfully passed the project.

Of course, if you think about it with your feet, you know that this section of the road will definitely not be peaceful, so their plan is to charge the soul card near the entrance first, and then rush over in the dark.

Thankfully, the vicinity of this entrance seems to be a "safe zone" left for them by the association, giving them time to prepare first.

Just as He Qi was thinking this way, his face suddenly changed.

Wait, there is sound!

The squeaking sounds all over the sky resounded in all directions, approaching rapidly from far to near!

Squeak, is it that kind of giant desolate beast?

Without He Qi's order, the formation in the team automatically changed.

The few people who were still injecting soul energy immediately put away their soul cards, leaving only one Light Sacrifice Barrier that expanded in an instant, covering the entire team in it.

next second.

Slap! Slap!

The dense impact sound resounded on the Light Sacrifice Barrier. To He Qi's surprise, this time it was not the giant wild beast, but a group of small bats...

There are a huge number of these wild bat beasts, and each of them is not afraid of death. Although one or two is not a threat, but when the number increases, the Light's Sacrifice Barrier, which is not good at defense, is already crumbling.

He Qi frowned.

The quantity is too much.

"Turn on the lights."


The Nether Light Crystal was activated, and a very penetrating ray of light scattered towards the surroundings. After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, everyone couldn't help but gasped.


The figures of bats and desolate beasts almost filled the entire space, and there was no end in sight at a glance, and new desolate beasts kept rushing towards them. The dense light and shadow even made people feel a little suffocated.

No, not for long!

He Qi immediately made a decision.

"Prepare to break out!"

As soon as an order was given, everyone responded immediately.

I saw that each of them took out a soul card, but nothing happened after activation.

Only the soul card in He Qi's hand was shining brightly, and after being broken, it quickly sank to the ground, drawing a strange pattern on the ground.

March of Light!

A vague connection seemed to be connected together through the soul cards in their hands, and then He Qi ran up and down, followed by the strange lines on the ground.

at this time--


The Sacrifice Barrier of Light was instantly detonated, and a gray light and shadow swelled while absorbing the nearby dark attribute power, and within a few breaths, the desolate beast that had swallowed half of the sky!

Before the explosion was over, a magic circle rushed out of it, and it was He Qi who took the lead.

With the blessing of the Marching Formation of Light, their speed reached a considerable value in a very short period of time, and it seems that the Marching Formation of Light is still devouring the surrounding dark attribute energy in the process of advancing. Continuously increase speed in stages.

However, the explosion just now only wiped out a small number of bats and wild beasts. There were too many of them. With the flapping of their wings, they quickly filled the vacancy with their bodies.

At this time, the second ray of light's sacrificial explosion enchantment was propped up.

Originally, the Sacrifice Barrier of Light could not be moved at will, but now, the Sacrifice Barrier is clearly advancing with the team.

This is exactly one of the functions of the Marching Formation of Light, and the enchantment deployed on it is equivalent to being fixed on the Marching Formation.

But there were too many of these bats, and He Qi opened the Nether Light Crystal several times, but there was no tendency for the herd to dissipate at all.

Helpless, they can only maintain the barrier of sacrificial explosion, detonating it immediately when they are about to reach forward after receiving the attack, so as to buy them time to move forward.


The gray light and shadow spread in an instant, taking away the lives of countless bats and beasts, and then, a magic circle rushed out of the light and shadow and moved forward at a fast speed.

"Huh?" He Qi frowned slightly, "Is the sound different?"

Although the only thing that kept ringing around was the creaking sound, but he still had a sudden shock in his heart.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, He Qi's face changed, and he said quickly: "Open the barrier!"

It's too late.

A thick leg descended from the sky, and slapped the ground with great force. A warrior couldn't dodge in time, and the duel shield was shattered directly, and he was sent out on the spot.

Look at the dense mouths on the feet, isn't it their "old friend".

In the darkness, a mass of thick, twisted limbs crawled out ferociously. It withdrew its legs and wanted to attack again. However, the new sacrificial barrier had already been propped up.


The moment the barrier opened, it was detonated. Although the detonation was hasty, its power should not be underestimated. The leg of the giant desolate beast was engulfed by the explosion on the spot!

squeak! squeak!

A large group of voices immediately became fierce, and the desolate beast was suffering from pain, and its body subconsciously tightened, and at this moment, the marching array of light was fully fired, and it had already rushed out.

They don't have the time to deal with this desolate beast now.

Although with their deck, this desolate beast is not difficult to deal with, but who knows how many dangers are waiting for them ahead, it is undoubtedly a bit worthless to waste time on this desolate beast at this time.

Moreover, after so many fights in the morning, they didn't find any weakness in this desolate beast. Even if they can win now, they have to pay a certain price... Fortunately, its speed is not too fast, so just throw it away.

However, there is also good news. After the appearance of this desolate beast, the number of bat desolate beasts seems to have decreased a lot, which relieved their pressure.

"Prepare the Spear of Sacrifice of Light, be alert to the surroundings, and act immediately if something is wrong!" He Qi said.

Now that this giant desolate beast has appeared, the kind of desolate beast that can be invisible should also be nearby.

This group of sixths is difficult to detect, and their attack power is extremely high, making them a very difficult unit to deal with.

Fortunately, they are relatively soft and afraid of hard things. As long as they stay on guard, they will most likely not dare to make a move.

squeak! squeak!

The angry cries of the giant wild beasts became farther and farther away from He Qi, and the cries of those bat wild beasts seemed to be much thinner.

But everyone didn't relax their vigilance, they just buried their heads forward.

The scene this time seems to be in a valley, the ground is rough, and if you are not careful, you will trip over something. However, everyone in the team is well-trained fighters, so even with the light of the March of Light, running in such a terrain did not encounter too many obstacles.


A shadow beside the enchantment seemed to squirm, something was advancing in the darkness!

This creep is very inconspicuous, but everyone is on high alert at the moment, so it has been discovered just by meeting each other.

A soldier's expression froze, the soul card he had already held in his hand was immediately activated, and a spear made of light shot straight out, piercing the shadow in the blink of an eye!


Immediately after the spear plunged into the darkness, it was detonated, and a mass of much smaller but more solid gray light and shadow exploded in the depths of the darkness!

very good.

He Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment.

The sacrificial explosion barrier on the side suddenly concaved a huge arc, and then, as if a bubble exploded, the sacrificial explosion barrier exploded with a "boo", and a black shadow shot straight in!


A black shadow plunged into the ground, and the figure of a soldier disappeared on the spot.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the duel shield on this warrior has been pierced on the spot!

He Qi's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head to look, only to see a pitch-black spear pierced into the ground, which was turning into a puff of black smoke and dissipating slowly.

Remote attack?

"Someone sneak attack, turn on the light!"

I really didn't expect that I could get stuck in this place (covering my face), let me stroke it first...

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