Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 142 Chariots and Towers, Rampage!

Three of the Imperial Capital's team were injured, and the others were also very tired. As soon as they came out, they were taken away by the association's doctors.

Thinking back to the performance of the Imperial Capital team just now, everyone in the hall couldn't help discussing in low voices.

"The imperial capital is still fierce." Jin Zhaoshan tutted his tongue, "Old Bai, this project seems to be more difficult than this morning... Sigh, we don't want to compete for the first place. Tell me, what is the achievement of the ancient capital? "

"...Don't talk about those frustrating words, I think, at least we can compete for this project." Lao Bai rolled his eyes, "But the ancient capital... I think that although the ancient capital's card group is also very monster, but There is a high probability that this project is no better than God."

Although in the morning project, Fang Peiyi shot through the soles of the handed down wild beasts and forced them back, the record was very visually impressive, but now that I think about it, it's actually not bad.

After all... that desolate beast didn't take the enemy seriously at the time, did it.

Moreover, looking at the way the imperial capital played just now, the broken warrior also encountered the handed down beast head-on. Although the final result was a bit miserable, the explosion caused half of the desolate beast's calf to be blown off.

Of course, this was also when the wild beast was not serious, and this time they clearly saw that after the wild beast was injured, the dark energy around it surged towards the gap in its body, but in the blink of an eye, The desolate beast's calf grew back again.

It takes only a few seconds at most from the calf being blown off to regrowing. Although this time is a bit long for a handed down class, you must know that this desolate beast is hundreds of meters in size, and such a huge body can In such a short period of time to re-grow to the same as the original, it can be seen that its regenerative ability is strong.

It can also be seen from here that this desolate beast should not be a type that is good at defense, but has a strong regenerative ability.

After all... None of their teams have seen this desolate beast, and they don't know how strong this desolate beast is. Anyway, the two teams that have seen this desolate beast can cause damage, and they can only So compare.

In their view, even if the results of the ancient capital and the imperial capital are indeed a little stronger than theirs, they are not so much stronger, right?

If, that is to say, if they meet this handed down... they can also get hurt.

After all, if you think about it carefully, it is impossible for the association to really take out a guy who can't deal with it and put it in the major armament reform, right?

Therefore, Fang Pei's record of forcing retreat by himself was weakened a little.

In addition, the rules of this project prohibit preparation in advance. Compared with the imperial capital, the mechanical department of the ancient capital obviously relies more on preparation in advance. Therefore, in their opinion, the ancient capital is likely to miss this time due to the unfavorable rules.

What's more, they can all see that that set of individual reactive armor is an epic set. With such equipment, there is a Fang Pei who can use it at level 4. Everyone can understand that he is talented, but if you say that a team's All soul card masters can use it at level four...unrealistic.

Moreover, the most important point is that this time the imperial capital passed too miserably. All the staff desperately lost more than half of the people. Even the captain He Qi was "sent", and after he came out, he fainted three times... Make them feel a little more in their favor.

"Really." Jin Zhaoshan blinked, "When you say that, I think..."

"...I suggest you don't think about it." The corners of Lao Bai's mouth twitched.


Seeing that the team passed the checkpoint smoothly, Hu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, it should be stable this time." He leaned back on the chair and said with a smile, "What, I was shocked, I thought how strong that handed down is... Now it seems that the pure It was the first time that He Qi had no experience, otherwise he would have been able to achieve Fang Pei's level if he had just opened the critical mass at that time."

Wen Yang's expression was very calm: "If the critical mass was turned on at that time, Captain He Qi would not be able to participate in the afternoon project."

"Ah, that's true." Hu Chen smiled, "But, it doesn't matter anymore. Without the time to prepare in advance, the combat power of the mechanical system in the ancient capital will be much lower. This project, we can definitely win the score back!"



While everyone was whispering, the team from the ancient capital had already entered the border of Dire.

This time, the soldiers' equipment is already very complete.

A team of ten people, each equipped with a set of individual reactive armor that flickered with electric light, lined up, slowly slid out of the space passage, and landed lightly.

Their movements were not fast, and there was plenty of electric light flowing slowly in the angular mechanical structure, and the light flowed on the visor, scanning around, looking full of oppression.

Stab it!

The soldiers on both sides stretched out their hands at the same time, and suddenly, the blue electronic buffer barrier was stretched, covering the entire team together.

Outside the field, seeing this way of appearance, everyone's eyes widened slightly.

Let alone the intensity, this really handsome!

Calm, powerful and oppressive, who can resist the temptation of this mecha? !

"Cut." Hu Chen curled his lips, "It's flashy... What's the use of being so handsome now, when there will be a fight, it will only make them more embarrassed."

In fact, this is also the thinking of most people in the hall.

However, they didn't show it like Hu Chen, after all... they are really handsome now!

And their own deck doesn't have the strength of others, so I'm too embarrassed to say that.


Someone was stunned, and found something wrong.

Everyone in this team is level four... can all members use epic cards at level four?


Not only did the ancient capital have strong results this time, how did they find the people who participated in the competition to be so strong?


squeak! squeak!

Dense screams have been heard from all directions, and countless black shadows spread up, hitting the electronic buffer barrier, splashing circles of arcs, just like raindrops falling on the lake.


This was the first impression of the barrier for everyone present.

While most of these bats are rare or even common, there are a lot of them.

With so many numbers adding up and constantly impacting, the power should not be underestimated. If you didn’t see the Light Sacrifice Barrier in the last game, you couldn’t hold it at all, and the durability dropped quickly. Can you just explode yourself every once in a while to save your life?

But the electronic buffer barrier is different. As long as the soul energy is enough, the attack below the epic level can be taken casually, and the durability will not be dropped for you, and it will always be full.

The attacks of these bats looked a little scary, but in fact they couldn't deal any damage at all. Except for a little ripple on the electronic buffer barrier, it had no effect at all.

Fang Pei glanced around for a week, already confirming the threat of these desolate beasts in his heart.

"Bats and beasts are not a threat, keep the original plan and advance quickly——Xiong Yi."

"Yes!" Xiong Yi smiled, raised his hand, and pulled out a soul card.

Armed ordnance tanks!

Click, click...

Then the huge soul card was flipped open on the side, countless parts flew out of it, assembled and snapped together in front of it, and in the blink of an eye, a huge armored vehicle appeared!

Xiong Yi's mental pressure was a bit high when a scene was taken, but his face remained unchanged. After getting into the driver's cab, he wiped his chest——


The blue light overflowed from the chest, and the electronic energy-absorbing core and the absolute pressure chain together with the visor flew out as phantoms, and then several green halos shrank from infinity, encircling these phantoms. together.

Synchro Summon: Electron Drain Tower!


The phantom spread and solidified, and a huge square tower suddenly appeared in the rear compartment of the armored vehicle, with mysterious lines all over it, and abundant electric light flowing in it.

Stab it!

Electric light spewed out from the tower of electron energy absorption, and the soul energy stored in it was continuously transformed into terrifying arcs, which spread towards the surroundings. Wherever they passed, without exception, those bats were all turned into coke by electricity.

Seeing the two big guys appearing all of a sudden, everyone on the field looked at each other in blank dismay.

what is this?

Why are there so many new things in your deck.

Generally speaking, there will not be too many types of soul cards in the decks participating in the armament overhaul. After all, there must be room for some general-purpose soul cards.

You have so many new things, it's impossible for everything to be as strong as your reactive armor... That's unrealistic, and as long as the strength can't keep up with the upper limit, it's equivalent to a waste piece.

And... they just realized that the number of epic soul cards in this mechanical deck is a bit too much.

The main target group for the armament overhaul is the third-level and fourth-level soul card masters. At this level, you put so many epics in their decks... Can this work?

And, let's not mention that first.

That warrior named Xiong Yi can maintain two epic soul cards and a rare field card at the same time?

What kind of superman is this?

Even those fifth-level soul card masters who are proficient in using superior summons can't do it so easily without certain training, right?

Moreover, what is your launch speed.

A rare field card that can be pulled with just a lift of the hand? Is there no pre-launch condition? What about that epic card? Just one sacrifice? ... Oh no, it's two... That's outrageous, okay!

Not to mention the individual reactive armor you have been wearing all the time. No one saw how they summoned them, they summoned them one by one, put them on, and combined them together, bang, it became an epic.

Isn't it a bit outrageous.

Judging from this performance alone, everyone became a little dizzy after a little calculation in their heads.

This level of combination, the mental it really something a fourth-level soul card master can bear?

Really won't be overwhelmed all of a sudden!

"...No." Yun Yan noticed something was wrong, "That soldier canceled the face armor of the individual reactive armor, so now, this suit of armor is no longer an epic... Such a flexible soul card, but it's not right, even if That's right, an epic plus a rare field, this kind of mental pressure is not something normal people can bear..."

"Indeed." Zhong Lin showed embarrassment, "At least I can't hold on."

"Could it be..." Yun Yan was lost in thought.

He could tell that the race of the epic card that Xiong Yixin summoned was a creation. This race, like the mechanical department, is a typical example of low mental stress.

How low is the mental stress of these two races?

He only knew that their mental stress was low, but he hadn't studied the machine race and the creator race in depth, and never thought that the mental stress could be so low.

... After going back, I should also look for some materials related to the machine family.

Looking at this posture, after Yu Cang solved the shortcomings of the mechanical system, it is estimated that there will be a wave of mechanical fever in Yan Kingdom soon... This is a blank field with a lot of undiscovered results. No one has studied it before. Now's a good time to start researching.

After all, this should be the first appearance of the mechanical system, and not many people know about this hidden system.

On the field, many card creators had twinkling eyes, obviously holding this idea.


At this time, the direction of Youdu

Jin Zhaoshan and Lao Bai looked at each other.

"Old Bai." Jin Zhaoshan couldn't help but said, "No, I didn't feel anything when they used individual armor to kill randomly, but now...they use the epic cards of the Creator Race to kill randomly, I feel a little weird ah."

I specialize in creation, I can't even kill randomly, you can use creation to kill randomly, this is not a kind of ntr.

"... What can I do?" Lao Bai frowned, his face was not very good-looking, "No, the high-level summoning of the creator race is a little more difficult than other races, how could they be so easy..."

"Old Bai." Jin Zhaoshan tentatively asked, "Is it possible that they have found a way to make the summoning of the creators easier."

"Impossible." Lao Bai said resolutely, "It will become difficult for the creation race to summon higher ranks. This is the racial characteristic of this race. As long as he is still a superior summoner, it is impossible to break this rule!"

"Then, is it possible?" Jin Zhaoshan rubbed his chin, "Didn't they use the high-level summon?"

"Are you kidding me?" Lao Bai Yile said, "What else can it be if it's not a high-ranking summon, an ordinary summon? Don't tell me, you think they invented a new way of summoning."

"That's all I'm saying... I don't know anything about card making either."

Lao Bai rolled his eyes, ignored Jin Zhaoshan, and began to think silently.

So, why exactly is this...


Leaving aside the hustle and bustle in the hall, in the Dire border, the battle of Fang Pei's team has reached a fever pitch.

Armed ordnance chariots rampaged, even in the complex mountainous terrain, a soldier stood at the front of the vehicle, holding an electronic buffer barrier to stop all the oncoming wild beasts. Between the barrier absorption and the lightning flashes, the speed of the ordnance chariot was not affected at all.

Several other fighters are scattered in various parts of the station car, some stand at the rear of the car to guard against the offensive from the rear, some hang on the side of the car, the palm energy cannon is ready to fire at any time, and some people are inside the car, debugging and using it for a while Araki who arrived.

Fang Pei was fully armed and stood on the top of the electronic energy-draining tower. The electric light flowed between the reactive armor and the energy-draining tower, as if connecting them into a whole.

As Fang Pei waved his hands, electric arcs extended from his palms, and he kept waving them like long whips. For a while, those bats and beasts couldn't get close at all.

This is using the energy-draining core to release the electronic pulse, but it has cooperated with Xiong Yi, so that he can use the power of the energy-draining tower to increase the attack quality of the electronic pulse to the epic level.


There was a lot of squeaking in front of it, and a soldier immediately noticed something was wrong, drove the magnetic field to slide to the front of the car, and opened the twilight crystal.

Immediately, a very penetrating light radiated out, piercing through the darkness ahead, illuminating the figure of a behemoth not far away.

Familiar limbs, familiar body is full of mouths.

Seeing this, Fang Pei seemed to smile: "It finally came out...According to the original plan."


A few echoes with electronic sounds sounded, and the soldier hanging outside the carriage thought about it, and a few soul cards were flipped open out of thin air, and the huge cannon barrel of Lei Tie Roar was summoned, and then launched the [external embedded Combined components], turned into a gun barrel and connected to the back of the reactive armor.


The swarm magazines flew back and forth between the ordnance tank and the reactive armor. While transporting the ammunition, it also changed the protocol attributes of the armor at this moment.

The most layers of energy output!

Although the power of the energy bombardment is very powerful, after all, there are restrictions on the need to store power and occupy multiple muzzles, and when assembling the string mode, it is necessary to implant ten layers of protocol attributes to increase the range, so there is no way to increase the power to the maximum.

In contrast, after Thunder Iron Roar and the individual reactive armor are combined, you can enjoy the protocol attributes of the reactive armor. In this way, you can turn the protocol attributes of the reactive armor into "increased energy output" as much as possible ...In the case of multiple shots, the power is not inferior!


call out!

The whistling scream penetrated the air in an instant, and several black shadows rushed out of the electronic buffer barrier with a string of white smoke, causing ripples on it.

After several days of transformation, the current electronic buffer barrier has added an attribute that allows attacks to pass through individually. In this way, fighters can safely output behind the buffer barrier, instead of having to wait for the buffer barrier to be canceled before they can fight back .

Seeing Fang Pei's decision, everyone in the hall couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Wait, so close? !

They clearly saw that facing the giant desolate beast, the armed ordnance chariot did not intend to slow down at all, but charged forward? !

Even, he accelerated!

No, even if your firepower is fierce, you can't be so reckless, right?

It's also a deck that uses explosions. You've seen how cautious the Imperial Capital deck is in the morning... When manipulating some self-exploding soul cards, they always put the attack far away, for fear of affecting themselves, even the Sacrifice of Light Explosive enchantment is also layered layer by layer, full of safety awareness.

Sometimes, in order to avoid the trajectory of the explosion, the imperial capital's team even had to make a large circle.

After all, among the abilities of the soul card, the explosion is the effect that is most likely to get out of control. It has a wide range and does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself, or even die together.

Just like the current situation of Fang Pei and the others... rushing so fiercely, it is estimated that when the Lei Tie Roar shell hit and exploded, the ordnance chariot almost rushed into the core area of ​​the explosion... How fierce is the firepower of Lei Tie Roar? I've seen it before, rushing into the center of the explosion at close range, isn't this really the same death?

And you should be able to see how tenacious the vitality of that giant desolate beast is. If a face-to-face encounter doesn't kill it, or blow it to pieces, doesn't it mean that your chariot will be destroyed? Are you going to bump into this wild beast?

That was a car accident!

No, the emperor is miserable in the morning, but you don't need to deliberately use such a heroic style of play to compare yourself...

As the howling sound of shells penetrated the battlefield, the breath of everyone present couldn't help holding their breath.

"Stupid." Hu Chen snorted.

next second——


The flames and smoke spread violently, and the huge fire burst out in an instant, as if breaking through the restriction of the night at this instant, covering a large area!


The roar of the engine intensified suddenly. First, a few flashes of lightning splashed out in the thick smoke, and then, a chariot came out through the fog. The ripples on the azure shield were constant but as stable as Mount Tai, and it took all the damage steadily!

As for that desolate has already scattered all over the place.


The ordnance chariot passed by quickly, and the soldiers on it remained vigilant without turning their heads, as if it was only a matter of course to kill this wild beast for a second, and then cross the explosion zone immediately.


For a while, the sound of gasping for air came and went in the hall.

No, are you so relaxed?

Even if the information was obtained in advance, isn't it too exaggerated to be so easy?

Also, isn't the defense of that shield a little too outrageous?

As we all know, shield-type soul cards have an upper limit, but this electronic buffer barrier... has not changed at all, at most, the arc on it has flickered. Don't tell me your shield has no durability value? ?

During the project in the morning, everyone was watching how Fang Pei dealt with the desolate beasts, but ignored the electronic buffer barrier he threw on the tower. After all, no one really attacked that barrier.

But now it seems... the most perverted thing is here!

Laobai's eyes widened: "No way... No, that day in the arena, didn't Zhong Lin's attack successfully destroy his shield? The explosion this time was much stronger than that one. Unharmed?"

Lao Bai's brain was overloaded for a while.

Of course he doesn't know what the electronic buffer barrier with sufficient soul energy means.

It means that as long as the attack does not exceed the one-hit line, it can be maintained indefinitely.

That time in the arena... It was purely because of insufficient soul energy, not because Zhong Lin's damage was too high.

The direction of the imperial capital.

Hu Chen's face froze in place.


He just said something stupid with disdain, and it hasn't been a few seconds before the face slap comes?

Doesn't it seem that he is the one who is stupid!

Wen Yang glanced at him and sighed imperceptibly.

"Damn it!" Hu Chen patted the armrest of the chair, "How did they live so easily?"

Everything is afraid of comparison.

Their imperial team also played explosions, they also had shields, and they also chose to charge directly, but their results were disastrous... they almost lost everyone after the trip, and they had to rely on the queens one by one to pass the level smoothly , while looking at the ancient capital...

You have been accelerating, you have not stopped!

Is it really that easy?

"No...they won't be so easy in the future." Hu Chen clenched his teeth, "The wild beasts that attack from a long range have extremely strong attack penetration, and they specialize in this type of shield-type soul card." ...Hehe, their luminous crystals are only able to maintain the illumination of 500 meters, and they can't even find it at this distance, so they will definitely suffer here!"

Wen Yang shook his head, but didn't answer.

Although I didn't think of any solution to the ancient capital, but the ancient capital dared to play like this... it means that there should be no problem.

"Have you noticed?" Wen Yang said, "It was originally a team of ten people, but seems that there are only nine people in the car, and one of them left the team quietly, and those of us watching did not notice when he Leaving the team!"

"Huh?" Hu Chen raised his eyebrows, and he quickly scanned around.

Sure enough, one was missing!

Where did it go...


The air next to the electronic buffer barrier twisted for a while, and a figure flickering with lightning slowly emerged from the darkness and flew in the air.

No warning! Appear out of thin air!

"Squad leader, the remote target has been cleaned up."

Fang Pei nodded.


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