Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 144 I'm going to catch a high-ranking handed down

Fang Pei still had time to glance back.

The handed down desolate beast had already escaped the control of the electronic pulse burst, and was rushing towards them angrily, but it was too late. At this moment, they were already standing at the entrance of a different space. Can't keep up with them.

It stands to reason that epic-level soul cards cannot control one handed down for such a long time, but their deck is very strong at this point-the soul is full of energy.

If it is operated normally, this soul card can't actually store much soul energy, but just like the electronic energy-draining core forcibly absorbs the energy of four wild crystals, the energy-draining tower can also perform such operations.

Moreover, the energy-draining tower absorbs all units within the range at the same time. In this case, as long as there are enough units within the range that can be absorbed, then a rather exaggerated amount of soul energy can be accumulated in one wave.

With so much soul energy, the electronic pulse burst that is enough to support the energy-draining tower affects this ordinary handed down desolate beast... But now it seems that it is still very difficult to kill it.

Taking a last look at the desolate beast, Fang Pei turned around and stepped into the exit of the different space passage.


The roaring cannons had stopped for a long time, but there was still silence in the hall.

Everyone's brains are overloaded at this time.

Why is your team's painting style... a bit different from ours?

The big guys are here to fight to the death for the competition, why are you... racing in a different space?

They thought of the imperial capital team that had just completed the project.

Rolling and crawling in a different space, fleeing in embarrassment, and not even daring to fight the handed down desolate beasts, so they can only use the method of keeping people behind to lure the desolate beasts away, and sneak away by themselves. In the end, there were countless losses, and I didn't dare to turn my head back, so I plunged into the entrance and exit, for fear that I would be caught up if I was too slow, and even the captain "sacrificed".

what about you.

The floor is oily at the beginning of the game, rampant, whoever comes and who dies, countless wild beasts are killed on the road, first blow up when encountering obstacles, and go straight through if they are smashed, and throw mines and run away if they are not broken.

What? A handed down desolate beast is blocking the way?

It is the greatest respect for me to slow down.

In the end, all the members were unharmed, and even when they finally passed the level, they still had the heart to look back. What stood out was the calmness and confidence.

Think about the performance of the ancient capital, and then think about the performance of their team in the morning.

Is it really a competition that we came to participate in... Didn't we promise that the events this time are particularly difficult!

Where is this difficulty reflected here? Hey!


Youdu direction.

Lao Bai opened his mouth, as if he had something to say, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Scared, scared.

He has discovered that as long as it is related to the ancient capital in the past two days, he has not hit a single point in what he said!

However, how could he be blamed for this, who would have thought that the performance of the ancient capital would be so outrageous...

What? Did you change the rules? Changed venue?

It's alright.

The ancient capital proves with its strength that the true strength cannot be limited by the version.

This time all the events are more difficult than usual. It was originally a challenge for all the teams, but the ancient capital... everyone is here to break through the barriers and suffer, only you are here to compete, right?

However, the previous ancient capital was not so strong... This year, who is the person in charge of the ancient capital who can make this kind of card group...

Lao Bai couldn't help thinking about the famous card maker in the ancient capital, but he didn't have a clue.

At this time, Jin Zhaoshan came up together: "Hey, Lao Bai, it seems that there is no suspense in this scene, why don't you...can you predict tomorrow's project?"

Hearing this, Lao Bai almost choked on his own breath.

"roll roll roll."

"Hey, don't be so aggressive, Lao Bai." Jin Zhaoshan said with a chuckle, "I found out, your opinion is quite accurate... As long as I understand it backwards, the correct rate is 100%!"

"..." Lao Bai was a little silent, but after a moment's pause, he couldn't help but said, "That's not the case... After all, I also denied some of your outrageous guesses. Really..."

"That's true." Jin Zhaoshan nodded.

For example, the ancient capital has created a new method of summoning, and the person in charge of the ancient capital is actually very young... and so on.

The performance of the ancient capital can also be explained by luck, so these few items are a bit of a test of imagination.

Really unlikely to happen.

"It doesn't matter, that's amazing." Jin Zhaoshan patted Lao Bai's shoulder, "I recognize your poisonous milk ability."



Miaodu direction

Seeing that the screen on the rebroadcast soul card had ended, Miao Lei immediately turned around and comforted Miao Xue: "It's okay, little girl, we don't need to compare ourselves with others, we are still young, so it is no problem to produce such results in the future... ..."

On the side, Miao Xue crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "...No, brother, you don't think I will be hit, do you?"

"That's right." Miao Feng said with a playful smile on the side, "My little sister will definitely not compare with those old men in charge... Besides, even if you are hit, the pale consolation of your elder brother is useless."

"Shut up." Miao Xue glared, "Why can't I compare with them... Big Brother will comfort me anyway, you know you are laughing here!"

"Eh..." Miao Feng swallowed, "Hey, hey..."


The little girl was really hit.

It shouldn't be... Xiaomei is such a confident person.

The little girl has been smart since she was a child. No matter how complicated the achievements are, she can get a general idea at a glance, and find the direction no matter how bad she is. Man, sooner or later she's going to make something better than that.

Who made her young.

but now……

Miao Feng's eyes widened slightly.

Could it be that the younger sister feels that she will not be able to achieve this achievement in the future...Impossible.

For his little sister, he may have more confidence than the little sister herself.

Miao Feng opened his mouth, just about to speak.

Miao Xue interrupted him: "Okay, I know what you want to say... I just don't understand it for the time being, as long as I take a closer look, I will definitely find the way."

"Why don't you?" Miao Lei said, "I'll go talk to the ancient capital, maybe we can communicate with each other in the future?"

"No need." Miao Xue rolled her eyes, "I'll go and ask myself."

She thought of the two young men.

Although they are not project leaders, as members of the project team, they must have some understanding of the project.

It doesn't take much to ask them, you just need to ask a little peripheral information, and then you can go back and deduce it yourself.

Moreover, we are all young people of the same age, so it is convenient to communicate with each other.

Having made up her mind, Miao Xue nodded and stood up.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm going out for a walk."


imperial capital

There was silence.

Hu Chen's eyes widened, his teeth were clenched, and his palms were firmly pinched on the armrests of the chair. is this possible!

That is a handed down desolate beast!

With just a team of fourth-level soul card masters, how could it be possible to break through head-on? And suppressed this desolate beast for so long with head-to-head methods!

"...I got it, I got it!" Hu Chen stood up all of a sudden, "Wen Yang, that handed down must be a sham! I said, it is impossible for the association to put such an unsolvable beast in this kind of competition." ...Wen Yang, that desolate beast is definitely very weak, so I'll go and tell He Qi and them that next time I meet this desolate beast, I just have to face it head-on, there is no need to back down!"

"You're crazy." Wen Yang frowned, "You can't understand the strength of the ancient capital, can't you understand the strength of our deck? Only one calf can be replaced by turning on the critical mass, and it is only used by it." It recovered in a few seconds, this kind of desolate beast, you let the soldiers head-on? Do you really think that mental trauma is so easy to recover?"

"Otherwise, there is no explanation. How could their ancient capital be so much stronger than us!" Hu Chen's eyes were red, "I'm going to find He Qi..."

"Come back!" Wen Yang dragged Hu Chen onto the chair, "Be sober, He Qi, they are professional fighters, you, a card maker, still want to command them to fight... and now He Qi, they are still You're in a coma, and you can't see them."

After hearing the last sentence, Hu Chen calmed down a little.

"But... that's not the way to go." Hu Chen patted the armrest, "Teacher, he's coming the day after tomorrow... If he sees our ranking as soon as he arrives, he will definitely blame us..."

"Not at all." Wen Yang let go of his hand, "There will be videos of these projects. Show him to him when the time comes, and he will naturally know that it is a non-war crime."

This time, the two of them are naturally not the only ones involved in the project of the imperial capital. For such an important project as the overhaul of armaments, their mentors will also come over.

However, it may be that he is too confident about the results this time. Wu Chutai felt that there was no need to look at the previous projects, so he did not follow the first day. Instead, he chose to wait until all the projects were completed and began to introduce on stage. Time to come again.

It's purely a formality.

And, more importantly.

The person in charge of this not Wu Chutai either.

It was one of Wu Chutai's students, their younger brother - Duan Feng.

Although this achievement was something that Wu Chutai worked on for several years, but now he has given up this achievement after all. It is not a matter of face, so if it is not necessary, he does not even want to go through the last cutscene.

Why do you say "if not necessary".

Because of the whole game, Duan Feng, the nominal person in charge, didn't even want to come.

Isn't it funny, as the project leader, he didn't participate in this project at all, and he wasn't even present when the final results were presented.

No way, people have this ability.

So Wu Chutai had to come, if he didn't come, the Imperial Capital team would be a real joke.

Hu Chen gritted his teeth, apparently still unwilling.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"That's right!" He stood up all of a sudden, "The rules of this project obviously do not allow preparation in advance... But judging by their appearance, it is obvious that they have prepared in advance, which is cheating!"

Thinking of this, he rushed out: "I'm going to report it!"

"Hey." Wen Yang stretched out his hand, but this time, he didn't hold back.

In desperation, he could only follow Hu Chen to the staff's place.

"Report?" A soldier in military uniform raised his head, "What evidence do you have?"

"Evidence? Isn't that conspicuous enough?" Hu Chen said loudly, "Aren't the rules of this project not allowed to prepare in advance? They obviously didn't abide by this rule in the ancient capital!"

Hu Chen's voice was a little loud, and half of the people in the hall noticed it and cast their gazes.

Some people couldn't help showing thoughtful expressions when they heard Hu Chen's voice.

Facing Hu Chen's question, the soldier's expression remained unchanged, and he just said, "Sir, I want to remind you that the rule of this project is that the soul card cannot be activated four hours before the start of the project, and there is no saying that you cannot prepare it in advance." .”

"But there are so many soul energy reserves in their soul cards, how could they not activate the soul cards?"

"About this, we have already confirmed it." The soldier turned his head, glanced at the people who cast their gazes, and knew that he could only explain now, "The mechanical card group of the ancient capital can still be stored when the soul card is not activated. Ammunition, and the ammunition stored in it does not create additional mental stress, which is to say - it is all compliant."

"What?" Hu Chen was stunned.

Can you still store ammo and soul energy when not activated? is this possible!

Their decks also have relevant abilities, so he naturally knows how difficult it is to achieve this.

Almost all the cards in the Light and Shadow Explosion Deck can obtain stronger bursts by continuously injecting soul energy, and can temporarily cancel the summoning when the injected soul energy reaches a critical point without entering the death cooldown. Pre-storage and utilization of soul energy.

But to do that, the constraints are too great.

First of all, if you want to inject soul energy, you must first activate the soul card, which is very inconvenient in some specific scenes. Secondly, after reaching the critical point, even if you cancel the summoning, the mental pressure brought by the huge soul energy will be reduced. It will not disappear completely, and part of it will always exist, which makes this state impossible to maintain for a long time.

Their laboratory has made many attempts to improve this shortcoming, but unfortunately, with little success.

But you tell me now that the Mechanical Department has done this perfectly?

Soul energy can still be stored when it is not activated, and it does not take up mental pressure?

How could it be possible, wouldn't his Light and Shadow Destruction Deck become a pure clown!

Behind Hu Chen, Wen Yang slapped his forehead.

He just knew it.

However, the results of the ancient capital this time... are really terrifying.

Their Light and Shadow Sacrifice deck is already very powerful, and their main focus is a high burst and comprehensive functions.

Defense, assault, marching, long-range killing, and explosion are all available, and it can even provide the ability to die together in desperate situations.

But once compared with the ancient capital... then there is really nothing left.

defense? Others' electronic buffer barriers are single-handed down. Attack? Are you afraid of the firepower passed down from generation to generation?

Marching... Whether it is the flight of individual reactive armor or the hurricane of ordnance tanks, they are all very good.

Naturally, Wen Yang could also find out that the ordnance chariot looks like a summoning card, but in fact, this is a field!

He has never seen a field that can move and move so fast.

Because it is a field card, it can actually ignore many complex terrains to a certain extent, just like the project just now, the terrain in the valley is so rugged, if you drive a real tank in it, it will definitely not Might be able to speed it up so fast.

But the ordnance chariot was racing like walking on flat ground, and it was the attack handed down that made a deep hole directly, which made them a little bit embarrassed.

The field cards all have the ability to temporarily change the environment. Naturally, the ordnance chariot also has this ability. It can make the surrounding ground as smooth as possible when moving. The act of drifting in the mountains.

Wen Yang even felt that this card could directly replace the physical military vehicles in the army in the future... It is estimated that those who study the art of soul energy equipment will also be scolded.

As for the outbreak... Forget it, let's not mention it.

That is even more incomparable.

Before he came here, he would never have imagined that he would encounter a deck that would overwhelm them in all directions during the major armament reform... Isn't this really their top deck?

At this time, Wen Yang thought of that little junior brother Yu Cang... Oh no, he is not a junior brother now.

Originally, when he knew that the younger brother was expelled from school, he still felt a little regretful. After all, he recognized the talent of this younger brother, and if he made friends with him, he would definitely get a lot of benefits in the future. It's a pity that before he got on good terms with him, he hadn't seen anyone.

But now it seems that after returning to the ancient capital, he has gotten better and better, and he has landed such an amazing project...

As for the possibility of this project being made by Yu Cang himself... He never thought about it.

After all, apart from other things, Yu Cang's resonance is a light and dark attribute, no matter how much you talk about it, it is impossible to make something like a mechanical system... Although in theory, this kind of deck with all rare cards is possible. It was made, but firstly, it is impossible for a card maker to waste time doing things that have nothing to do with his resonance, and secondly, it is impossible for Yu Cang to have such knowledge at such a young age.

Shaking his head, Wen Yang could only lament the impermanence of the world.

"But..." Hu Chen wanted to say something, but Wen Yang had already stopped him.

"Forget it, people have already said that it's okay, don't humiliate yourself, let's go first."


Shendu direction

Yun Yan also took a breath.

Can you store soul energy without activating it? No price yet? ,

Wouldn't it be better to put this skill in other decks... After all, the mechanical system is notorious for its low energy utilization rate.

Yun Yan was silent for a moment.


What I can think of, the ancient capital must also think of.

It is estimated that the soul energy stored in this way can only be used for the mechanical family.

Damn, so jealous.

Looking at his own card group, it is obvious that they all need to be prepared in advance, but the restrictions are even greater than those of the imperial capital.

It can only be used by summoning in advance and then entering the death cooldown. He has tried his best to choose some dragon soul cards with a long cooldown, but it is still very inflexible to use.

It would be nice if there was a chance to prepare in advance, but if not, it would be foolish to cancel the summon after summoning it now.

It's okay, after all, these dragon summoned beasts also have fighting power.

"Well, I don't know if this project will pass."

After seeing the performance of the first two teams, Yun Yan is really uncertain now.

If they summoned dragons to fight step by step, their decks would be no different from ordinary decks, and this project is so difficult...the future is worrisome.

Moreover, he saw that the imperial capital was almost being compared to the lower deck by the ancient capital. Although he was very happy, his own deck was not very strong, and even worse.

If he comes out later, maybe he will be directly inferior to the Imperial Capital after a comparison.

After all, he is also the type to prepare in advance.


When can I discover a system that provides extra soul energy to my family... In that case, it must be much easier.

Yu Cang didn't notice the farce here.

After the project in the ancient capital was over, he already knew the results of this time.

It can be seen from the dignified and even bad expressions of the people next to him.

So, he simply slipped out of the venue, intending to take a stroll around the outpost. He didn't see the scene where Hu Chen reported him just now.


a certain room

"Hey, Fang Pei, that brat." Lei Wanqing laughed loudly, "It's already at the exit, and I still look back... It's too disrespectful to the game and that handed down wild beast. I have to talk about him when I go back."

Although he was accusing, the corners of his mouth almost reached the ears, obviously very happy.

On the side, Jiang Shan took a sip from his teacup, glanced in Lei Wanqing's direction, and said nothing.

Hmph, this old boy...doesn't he just want to hear others praise you?

Don't boast.

With a smile in his eyes, Qiu Zhong just pointed to Lei Wanqing, but didn't speak to him.

Miao Yun did indeed smile, and said, "Old Lei, no wonder you were so confident just now, it seems that you came prepared."

"Haha, it's so-so." Lei Wanqing laughed and said, "Hey, you old guys, don't hold back anymore, you can boast if you want, it's not ashamed."

"Who wants to praise you?" Jiang Shan curled his lips disdainfully, "If you want to praise, you have to praise Yu Cang. What does it have to do with you?"

"Just envy you."

"Okay, stop talking to me." Jiang Shan put down his teacup, "Old Lei... Well, we have something to discuss temporarily, why don't you go out for a while first."

"Huh? Why, Yan Kingdom still has something I can't hear?" Lei Wanqing raised his brows, and his smile was slightly restrained, "Are you holding back something bad and want to target our ancient capital?"

"No way, how is it possible." Jiang Shan's mouth twitched, "Can you get out?"

Lei Wanqing turned his head and glanced at the others, seeing that they didn't respond, he immediately said, "Don't go out."

"Okay, let's go out then." Jiang Shan glared, got up and left.

In the seats, the others smiled apologetically at Lei Wanqing, and followed Jiang Shan out of the room.

"Huh?" Lei Wanqing was taken aback, "Is it really aimed at the ancient capital?"


After going out.

Six high-ranking old guys found a corner and formed a circle.

"What should I do." Jiang Shan squatted on the ground with a solemn expression, "Look at this posture... this handed down desolate beast probably won't survive the third mandatory item, so is there any point in arranging that 'surprise' at the end? "

"...It's a little troublesome." Qiu Zhong squatted beside him, his eyes narrowed, "Why don't we just inform Gudu so that they don't make a move at the end."

"No!" Jiang Shan glared, "This is our competition process, we are the judges, how can the judges help to cheat?"

"Then what should we do?" Qiu Zhong clicked his tongue, turned his head to look aside, "Miao Yun, what do you think?"

"...I won't mention this in advance." Miao Yun helplessly supported her forehead: "Can you two stand up from the ground first? It's not embarrassing enough..."

"Hey, I'm quite old, and I don't care what other people look at."

"That's right!" Jiang Shan gritted his teeth, "Forget it...the last level, let's grab a high-ranking heirloom and bring it in. We can't cancel it like this? Let Lei Wanqing know when it's time, and he must laugh at us!"

"..." Miao Yun sighed, "You catch it yourself."

"I'll go, I'll go!"

Thanks for the reward of 20220701210007899!

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