Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 150 The Azure Light Rain

After all, Miao Xue's accumulation is still insufficient. Although she has a good idea, she has too little time and can only make a few cards.

If she is given a certain amount of time to make a whole deck around the Mustard Seed Flying Gu, maybe she can really have the ability to wrestle with the ancient capital.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

In the small conference room.

"Huh." Jiang Shan raised his eyebrows, "Miao Yun, if I remember correctly, the person in charge of Miao Du this time seems to be your granddaughter, right?"

A smile appeared on Miao Yun's face: "Yes... well, I was very happy that Miao Xue was so upbeat, but now Lei Wanqing found a little monster from somewhere. My precious granddaughter is being compared."

"Hey, where is it?" Lei Wanqing also laughed and said, "They are all talents from our Yan Kingdom, so there is no comparison."

The two looked at each other and laughed happily.

Jiang Shan curled his lips rather speechlessly.

No one bullies them, right?

Qiu Zhong also smiled helplessly, he thought for a while, and said: "This Mustard Seed Flying Gu is really good, and the World of Suppressing Monuments is a deck with great potential. Although there may not be a good ranking this time, it can be done." Assembled for several special forces."

"That's natural." Miao Yun said.

She looked at the screen on the rebroadcast soul card.

Miaodu's team teleported to the second half in an instant, but it stopped here.

Although they broke through in the opposite direction before teleportation and attracted many desolate beasts away, there are too many desolate beasts here. They have not rushed a few hundred meters after teleportation, and they were reacted by the desolate beasts again. Surrounded.


Among the countless desolate beasts, the silver brilliance lit up from time to time, but this time, the teleportation distance was much shorter.

The flight of mustard seed flying Gu also takes time, and not every Gu worm in the desolate herd can successfully fly out, and not all positions are suitable for teleportation, so even if they send many Gu worms Going out, there are very few targets that can be teleported.

The space where the silver brilliance connects is getting shorter and shorter, until finally, they finally have no place to support the teleportation, and the number of the team is almost exhausted.

The wild beasts swarmed up and sent the last warrior of Miaodu out of the Dire border.

There were still about 600 meters away from the finish line. This result allowed Miaodu to come directly to the fourth place in this event, clinging tightly behind Didu.

Miao Yun nodded, quite satisfied with this result.

It is reasonable for her granddaughter to be able to participate in the major military reform at such a young age. She would be satisfied no matter what, but it is a pity that Yu Cang came out of the ancient capital. In comparison, she felt a little strange.

Yu Cang is younger, and the mechanical system he took out is not like Xueman's Mustard Seed Flying Gu, it has already formed a complete deck!

It can be said that Yu Cang crushed Xueman in all aspects.

Alas... If there was no Yu Cang and no change of topic, Xueman should be the most dazzling genius.

However, it's actually okay.

Miao Yun thought for a while, took out her personal terminal, and sent Miao Xue a message.


Miaodu direction

"Congratulations, little girl, we won the third place in this project." Miao Lei said with a smile.

"Of course~" Miao Xue waved her hand.

She was very happy to see that this project won the third place, but when she thought about the unlucky results of the first two projects...she couldn't be happy at all.

Her current deck has mechanics but no strength, and she can't deal with it after changing the item.

Alas, if she can be given a few more years, these projects will definitely be fine! ...But there is no way, who told her to graduate this year, she still really wanted to achieve the achievement of "participating in major armament reforms before graduation", so she could only come to the competition with this semi-finished product.

Speaking of...

Miao Xue thought of the young man in the ancient capital again.

He also has the resonance of the empty attribute... The resonance of the empty attribute is too rare. She grew up so old, and that person was the first person she met with the same attribute as her peers.

To be able to participate in the major armament reform, and to change grandma's card... This person must be very powerful.

It would be great if I could make a friend. If I could get to know him from the beginning and invite him into my laboratory, then with the combination of their two swords, maybe this time the major armament reform can come up with a complete empty attribute card group up!

At that time, I will definitely not lose to the mechanical department!

Thinking of this, Miao Xue pouted.

Alas, why is such a genius in the team of the ancient capital... Obviously, their mechanical system does not need the resonance of the empty attribute!

This is simply a waste of talent!

No, he had to find an opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding in his heart.

Miao Xue thought for a moment, and seeing that all the teams had finished, she was about to get up and talk to Yu Cang.

At this time, a message came in from the personal terminal.

Miao Xue took it out and saw that it was grandma.


Xiaoxue, did you go to the ancient capital to find a young man to play with yesterday?

Um? Miao Xue was stunned.

How did grandma know... By the way, it must be the old grandpa from yesterday.

Damn it, she slipped away so fast, how could she still be recognized!

She sighed and could only type:-

Yeah... what's the matter grandma? -

That young man is good, you can contact him more to get in touch, grandma supports you this time.

Miao Xue blinked, then her eyes widened involuntarily.

what's the situation? Is this really a message from grandma?

According to what she meant, she wanted to match up... But isn't grandma always very conservative, she is almost graduating from college and doesn't let herself fall in love.

And... He obviously just went to make friends normally, how could he be misunderstood as this!

Miao Xue's face turned red inexplicably.

Damn... what did the old man say to grandma after he went back yesterday!

Grandma, you are so confused, even if he can crack your soul card, I wouldn't be emotionally attached to someone I've only met once.

Miao Xue puffed up her cheeks and typed:-

what the hell! Grandma, you think too much. We just happened to meet outside the venue and chatted for a few words. It doesn't matter later.


Well, grandma understands.

Miao Xue covered her forehead.

Ah, I can't explain it.

never mind.

She simply put away her personal terminal and sat down on her seat.

Her rebellion came up.

Originally, I wanted to talk to that young man, but my grandma said this - I won't go!

If she went again, wouldn't it appear that she really had that idea!

Hmph, it's just one less friend, it doesn't matter!

Hmm... Speaking of grandma's attitude, does she know that young man?

...Forget it, never mind.

Who cares, I don't even know what his name is.


All the teams have been completed, and the remaining teams are no longer impressive.

Gudu took the first place without a doubt, and got full marks. As for the second place, Shendu, it was just a little more than the passing line.

No one felt dissatisfied with such a disparity in the score. Even Hu Chen could only sit in his seat and be furious, but he also knew that the general trend was irreversible... However, after combining the three items, the Imperial Capital still won the second place. Therefore, he was not too desperate.

He still doesn't know that the jury has almost already decided the ancient capital number one by default, so he still has a little fantasy.

As long as you can get three first places and the jury's score is a little higher, it is not impossible to return to the first place!

Soon, the time for lunch was over, and it was afternoon.

Youdu direction

When Lao Bai saw Jin Zhaoshan coming back with a piece of paper, he poked his head out quickly.

"How's it going, is the project in the afternoon released?"

"It's out, take a look."

Lao Bai took the paper, glanced at it, and raised his brows after he saw the content clearly.

"Oh? This..."

"What's the matter, Lao Bai." Jin Zhaoshan sat back on his seat, "There is only one project for us this afternoon, it seems that it will be easier."

"That's what I said, but..." Lao Bai was thoughtful, "These three projects this afternoon... seem to be very suitable for the performance of the ancient capital."

"Ah? Really?"

"Firepower coverage, fixed-point attack, and removal of high-risk targets, aren't these the areas that the ancient capital is good at?"

Jin Zhaoshan was happy: "It's really... It seems that I can have a good time this afternoon."

Now, Jin Zhaoshan is watching the live broadcast of the ancient capital as a sci-fi blockbuster. a way it seems to be so.

Soon, when all the teams were almost ready, the first project "Firepower Coverage" began.

As soon as the list was announced, everyone in the hall couldn't help showing the expressions of "it's true".

I saw that the number one on the list was the ancient capital!

Some people breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad that Chenggong and the ancient capital diverged from one project, which meant that their ranking in one of the other projects would rise one place out of thin air.

Some people were happy, some were worried, and the faces of some people who accidentally chose this project naturally turned ugly.

For example, Hu Chen.

That's right, the first project chosen by the imperial capital is also the firepower coverage!

At this moment, Hu Chen's expression was extremely uncomfortable.

Firepower coverage, they are quite confident in this project. After all, if enough critical state soul cards are prepared in advance, then the explosive power of the Light and Shadow Destruction Deck is definitely unique.

But when they meet the ancient capital...then they have to fight for the second place.

No way, after the project in the morning, everyone present has a very intuitive understanding of the firepower of the ancient capital. In this field, it is impossible for any deck to win the ancient capital.

"No way." Wen Yang sighed, "After all, when I applied for the project, who would have thought that the ancient capital's deck would be such a supermodel?"

Hu Chen: "..."

No matter how reluctant Hu Chen was, the project still started.

The rebroadcast soul card flashed, and the picture within the Dire boundary slowly emerged.


There was a flash of light in the midair, and a figure appeared one after another.

It was a group of ten soldiers.

Most of the optional items require the squad to fight, so next, the first squad will be busy.

Besides them, a figure in military uniform also followed in. As soon as he appeared, he immediately threw out a soul card. This soul card expanded rapidly in mid-air, and the pattern on it also faded, and finally , actually formed a barrier-like thing.

Everyone is standing on this layer of enchantment.

This person is a seventh-level soul card master, and the soul card released just now is a defensive soul card handed down from generation to generation.

To put it bluntly, the project of firepower coverage is only the continuous cleaning ability of the card group. As for other various abilities, it is not within the scope of consideration.

So later, this soul card master will stop all the attacks for Fang Pei and the others, so that they can output as much as they want.

The final score is calculated based on the wild crystals collected.

There was darkness under the feet, making it hard to see how high in the sky it was. The soul card master looked serious and asked, "Are you ready?"

Fang Pei nodded: "It's ready."

"Then I'll start."

The grand master raised his hand and took out a piece of soul energy crystallization. Immediately, abundant light shot out, filling an extremely deep and far-reaching space in an instant!

As a soul card master, his strength is naturally impressive. At this moment, he personally stimulated the crystal of the dark light, and the surroundings seemed to have come to daylight all of a sudden.

Everyone raised their heads and looked down, only then did they see clearly that there was a valley full of ravines under their feet!

Seeing such a wide range of vision in the Dire border all of a sudden, everyone was not used to it for a while.

In itself, the ability of the handed down level can already see through the darkness of the Dire border to a certain extent, and now it is using the crystallization specially used to break the darkness, so it can achieve such an exaggerated effect.


squeak! squeak!

The ground began to vibrate, and patches of smoke approached from a distance. Countless desolate beasts wriggled their bodies and emerged from the hiding corners, opening all their mouths, greedily swallowing the surrounding light.

When this ray of light rises, it is like a sun rising in the dark night. How can these desolate beasts that feed on light resist this temptation.

In addition, this soul card master deliberately restrained his aura. For a while, the desolate beasts tens of kilometers around were startled, wanting to rush up to eat.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers immediately prepared for battle.


The soul cards were opened one by one in the air, and countless phantom parts flew out of them, solidified and assembled on their bodies, forming the appearance of reactive armor. Then, the swarm magazines are inserted in sequence.

Protocol Upgrade: Burst Mode!


The electronic energy-absorbing core on the chest lit up with a blue light, and abundant plasma flowed through the body of the reactive armor, lighting up all the energy muzzles one by one!

In the previous missions, due to the need to carry out many things such as defense and march at the same time, and the battle situation is very fierce, many places are short of manpower, so in fact, there are very few full-time output people. There are ten fighters in a team, almost every Everyone has to work part-time for some other things. When the situation is urgent, you also need to adapt to you and temporarily put out the fire.

Now, there are dedicated people for defense, so they can finally show the maximum output power of this suit of armor!

Ten fighters, each equipped with 20 layers of energy-enhancing protocol attributes, what kind of terrifying scene will they bring?

Fang Pei gave the answer.

The light lit up in the sky, and after a brief pause, it turned into a high-energy beam and descended from the sky!

A desolate beast raised its head, and when it saw the beam of light, it opened its mouth subconsciously, allowing the beam of light to fall into its mouth.

squeak! ... so hot!

The beam pierced its body, charring a large chunk of flesh.

But at the same time, its head suddenly became a little excited.

It's a taste I haven't eaten before! tasty!

If you just sacrifice some flesh, you can accept... delicious light, eat...

It raised its head, trying to find out where the light came from. It found it, but the sight that entered its field of view made its appetite disappear in an instant!

Light! Countless lights!

Dense rays of light flickered in the sky, and in the next second, countless beams of light instantly connected the sky with the earth, and in the valley, a burst of blue light rained down!


Before the desolate beast could react, its body was already penetrated by countless light beams. The delicious touch only lasted for a short time, and its perception was overwhelmed by the pain like a tide.

squeak! squeak!

It wants to grow quickly, but the light rain is too dense and fierce, and its self-healing ability can't keep up with the damage the light rain has done to its body. In just a few breaths, its body, together with a small amount of thinking, is in the light rain. Melting in the rain.

Farther away, the desolate beast rushing here became even more excited.

In the sky, what to eat below!


Countless desolate beasts rushed into the valley one after another, but only had time to let out a few screams before melting away, and more desolate beasts also found a few warriors standing in the sky at this time, and immediately, countless grotesque wild beasts soared into the sky And rise.

There, is the source of light!

Must be the tastiest place!

They are destined not to fly to the source of light.

Those who dare to step into this light and rain have only a dead end!

In just a few tens of seconds, the desolate beasts in the valley were evaporated!

The rain has eased slightly.

Fang Pei took out the desolate crystal from the lock of absolute pressure, then exhaled a long breath, and replaced it with a new desolate crystal.


This feeling of pouring out firepower without any scruples is so cool!


The desolate beasts kept rushing towards this field of light from afar.

They are all very hungry.

In the border of Dire, it is impossible for any desolate beasts to dare to emit light, and some places where dim light crystals are produced have long been occupied by powerful groups. On weekdays, they can eat very little light.

There is such a large area of ​​light today, and even the sky is still raining light, who would not be tempted to come here!

Moreover, the desolate beasts who went in first just barked a few times and then stopped moving... Obviously they were already concentrating on eating, and they didn't even have a mouth to bark a few times!

What are you waiting for!


The IQ of the desolate beast is not much, and it is easy to be dominated by some low-level desires.

Therefore, at this moment, they rushed towards death one after another.

I don't know how long it has been.

A desolate beast stepped into the valley. It was lucky that it was not penetrated by the light beam immediately, but it stepped on some sticky things.

This is... a corpse of the same kind?

Is there a kind that died in the light?

But, it shouldn't be... wait, the smell in the air... the same kind, a lot of the same kind...

The desolate beast finally felt the fear.

It turned around and left, but in the next second, countless beams of light descended from the sky, melting its body instantly.

The light rain gradually couldn't hide the taste of death, and soon, fear gradually spread among this group of wild beasts, and the number of wild beasts rushing towards them became less and less, until finally, the wild beasts were already sparse, and some wild beasts were even fleeing range of light.

In the Dire Borderlands, not all beings would die if exposed to the light.

Just like the huge silhouette handed down from generation to generation, its eyes are always shining with scarlet light, but no desolate beast dares to pounce on this gaze.

Because of fear.

In the valley, the light and rain gradually thinned out until they disappeared.

It's not because it can't last anymore, but because there are no more wild beasts in the valley.

All the desolate beasts have already escaped, and they dare not step into this area of ​​light again.

The soul card master frowned slightly. He secretly injected soul energy into the luminous crystal, expanding the range covered by the light. Immediately, some desolate beasts appeared, but when the light shone on them, they didn't feel that Excited, on the contrary, they tightly closed all their mouths, squirmed quickly, and rushed into the darkness.

It seems that these ordinary lights possess some kind of poison.

Seeing this situation, the Grandmaster remained silent for a while.

It actually caused the desolate beast that feeds on light... to have the fear of light...

He couldn't help but look at the few soldiers beside him.

The energy muzzles of their reactive armor have turned red, apparently overloaded for a long time.

However, just paying such an easy price, it set off that level of light rain...

Grandmaster clicked his tongue.

Fang Pei's eyes scanned the valley... Oh, maybe it can't be called a valley anymore. Under the violent bombardment, the valley has become a basin.

A basin where blood flows like rivers.

However, the soldiers had never seen any scenes before, and this bit of blood didn't feel uncomfortable to them.

Fang Pei frowned slightly, and after a while, he turned his head and asked, "Sir, it seems that there are no more wild beasts, this..."

The time should not be up yet, but there are no desolate beasts to kill... What should I do.

The Grandmaster didn't seem to have expected this situation either, he was silent for a moment, and said: "In that case, let's end this project early."

"But..." Fang Pei was a little anxious.

"Why, you're still worried that other teams won't be able to outperform you." Grandmaster couldn't help but laugh, "There's no such possibility. Besides, it's you who scare the desolate beast. It's your improper operation, so you can't blame others."

Seeing this, Fang Pei pursed his lips and could only give up.

"All right."

Grandmaster nodded, then turned around and threw out a soul card.

The soul card shattered, and a spot of light kept collapsing in place. Immediately, the piles of flesh and blood in the valley surged, and then countless wild crystals flew out of it, flashing one after another of crystal light, sinking into the light like a meteor. among the points.

This is a soul card specially used to pick up wild crystals. The quality is not high, but it is very easy to use... especially in the current situation.

"Okay, we will finish the statistics later and inform you of the specific number. Go out first."




Seeing that the meeting was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed their eyes.

For this competition in the ancient capital, their evaluations are quite uniform: the light pollution is too heavy!

However, it should be said that it is an ancient capital.

Even in the previous rounds, when most of the rare wild beasts were used, they had never heard of a team that had achieved the feat of killing wild beasts without daring to enter the attack range.

There are also projects that end early... but that is usually because the soul energy consumption and mental pressure of the deck is too high, and the soul card master cannot survive.

But when it came to you, it turned out that the desolate beast couldn't hold on anymore!


The key point is that after Fang Pei finished doing this, why did you still look aggrieved... What, do you think that without this little time, others can catch up with you.

But I think highly of them.

The broadcast screen was temporarily turned off, and it took a long time before it resumed.

It was still the same valley, but the corpses that were almost like meat paste had been cleaned up, exposing the riddled ground below.

The second one to appear is the imperial capital.

This time, the people in the hall were not so looking forward to it. Some people had already started whispering, not knowing what they were discussing.

Seeing this, Hu Chen became impotent and furious again.

Damn it, when the ancient capital played just now, you didn't have this attitude!

At that time, all of you held your breath and focused your eyes full of anticipation. No one in the hall was discussing, but you were all staring at the broadcast screen...

Originally, this should be the treatment of our imperial capital...

Damn, originally their card group should be more than enough to crush other groups, but now their reaction to themselves is almost the same as that of other groups!

After all, with a monster like the ancient capital in front, it seemed like everyone's decks were pretty much the same.


The imperial capital's style of play is still so desperate.

The explosion in the early stage was very fierce, and black and white attacks kept falling, blasting those desolate beasts into a mess.

However, except for a little accident.

Although the association found some new wild beasts from far away during the interval when the broadcast was stopped just now, and carefully eliminated the smell of the dead wild beasts in the valley, there are still many wild beasts who hesitated. Step into the valley.

It's better to wait until the project is almost done, and those desolate beasts find that the valley doesn't seem so scary anymore, and the situation will improve a lot.

But what is more pitiful is that the Light and Shadow Sacrifice Explosion deck was strong in the early stage, but now the one with the highest density of wild beasts is actually in the second half... Perfectly missed their strong period.

In addition, a large area is now supported by the Grandmaster, and the dark attribute energy in the environment they can borrow is much less, so their results are not particularly good in the end.

And even so, when they came out of the Dire border, the soldiers of the imperial capital seemed to have overused their soul power. Although they would not faint on the spot, they could tell that they were already very tired.

Seeing this, there were bursts of sighs in the hall.

These sighs were extremely conspicuous in Hu Chen's ears, which made him even more annoyed.

Damn it, damn it!

What kind of bad taste does the association have, they have to put their imperial capital behind the ancient capital!

They all admit that they can't compare, so can't we let them stay away from that ancient capital!

Now every game has to be side by side, and every game has to be compared... The key is that the ancient capital scared those wild beasts during the game, why should they bear the bad consequences!

Damn it!

Hu Chen clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he was panting heavily on the seat.

"Calm down, calm down." Wen Yang could only comfort him, "It's not worth it to be angry..."

Hu Chen glanced at Wen Yang.

Damn, that's right.

After I go back, I will be slaughtered by this guy for three meals.

ah! Even more angry!

Seeing Hu Chen whose eyes suddenly became dangerous, Wen Yang quickly raised his hand and laughed awkwardly.


The standard time for this project was twenty minutes, but it went very quickly, and it ended in less than two hours.

Because there are not many people applying for this project... Everyone knows that those who are confident in their achievements and have strong achievements will definitely come to this project.

Therefore, this project must be the most competitive. Those teams with mediocre results will naturally avoid it actively. Only teams that really have no other advantages will bite the bullet and report.

Soon, the final result came out.

The first is undoubtedly in the hands of the ancient capital.

The total number of wild crystals that fell was a terrifying 3,510... Due to the interruption halfway, the actual battle time in the ancient capital was more than ten minutes, which meant that they had to kill six epic wild beasts within one second.

This is not some trash, but an epic beast! They are all epics who are good at self-healing.

Moreover, there are not only epic-level desolate beasts in that valley, but also many rare desolate beasts. They generally do not produce desolate crystals, and these kills are not counted.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a meat grinder.

As for the second place... is the imperial capital, with 210 coins.'s actually quite strong. Ten of them are killed every minute.

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