As soon as Lin Yunqing stood up, Wu Chutai was stunned.

He would never have thought that this Lin Yunqing was so young!

Moreover, according to her address, she is called Yu Cang "senior", that is to say, she should be younger than Yu Cang... If Yu Cang can't make this kind of deck, then wouldn't it be better for Lin Yunqing to be able to do it? It is unacceptable.

But, but...

He turned his head in a daze, and there was no third name on the big screen.

A project team composed of two young people... come up with this kind of results?

After thinking about this point, Wu Chutai couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

You know, this is a very complete deck and a new system. This kind of achievement cannot be achieved by a simple "burst of inspiration". In addition to inspiration, there are also high requirements for the knowledge of the person in charge!

How could it be possible with just two young people!

However, Wu Chutai really couldn't find a third person... Even if he gave up his achievements, it would be impossible to be so selfless, even if the project was named, and this is not an ordinary thing that can be given away casually. results.

Who will give up the Nobel Prize!

Wu Chutai asked himself, he gave up the Light and Shadow Sacrifice deck to Duan Feng, it was enough to make him feel distressed for a long time, if he wants to lose his name...don't even think about it! No matter how powerful it is!

Now, Wu Chutai's heart is very complicated.

If Yu Cang took someone else's achievement, then it doesn't make sense logically; if Yu Cang did it by himself... then it doesn't make sense emotionally and common sense!

How could it be like this!

"You..." Wu Chutai opened his mouth for a while, but he still didn't say a complete sentence.

Not only Wu Chutai, but everyone else in the hall couldn't help but gasped.

Are these young people so fierce now?

Is this a big change in armaments as a social practice?

"Yu Cang..."

Some people chewed on the name and fell into thought.

Hearing what Wu Chutai said just now... This Yu Cang used to be his student?

And it seems that there should be some contradictions.

Otherwise, how could Wu Chutai make such a move.

Thinking in this way, they started to open their personal terminals, trying to inquire about the information between Yu Cang and Wu Chutai, but they found nothing.

However, the identities of the people present are everywhere, and there are many people who are related, so they immediately asked many people, and many people really got some news.

"Huh? Academic plagiarism?" A certain card maker raised his eyebrows.

After being caught, he dropped out of school... This must be quite a serious situation.

The application for dropping out of school can be approved, it shouldn't be something groundless, right?

Could it be that Yu Cang's achievement now is also... no, it may also be planted.

The man's eyes fell on Wu Chutai, seeing his blank look, he frowned slightly.

The water in the imperial capital has always been very muddy, so he is not surprised when anything happens. He is not familiar with Wu Chutai and Yu Cang, and he cannot make an accurate judgment on what kind of people they are based on the existing materials.

Or take another look.

The man temporarily put away his thoughts.


Up to now, most of the people who stood up sat back down, but their expressions were still blank, obviously they didn't fully react.

The direction of Miaodu.

Miao Xue sat back in her seat, her eyes widened slightly after hearing Wu Chutai's words.

"He still has the resonance of light and dark attributes?"

My God, is this man omnipotent?

Space, thunder, light, darkness... are all rare attributes!

Suddenly, her expression changed, as if she realized something.

Could it be...

Miao Xue leaned back a little and took a deep breath.

Have a new resonance method? !

This guess is somewhat untrue. After all, the last resonance method was created nearly a thousand years ago, and it has been quite perfect. In Miao Xue's impression, such a thing as creating a resonance method was completely a historical event, and she would never have thought that it would happen so suddenly by her side.

However, it seems that only this possibility can explain Yu Cang's outrageous achievement.


Miao Xue blinked her big eyes, then suddenly lowered her head, took out her personal terminal, and found Miao Yun's contact information-


After waiting for a while, a message came back:-

What's wrong.


Can you give me Yu Cang's contact information?

Miao Xue sent this message, but there was no response from the other side.

She was holding a personal terminal, and her two thumbs kept touching the top of the screen. For some reason, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

Hell, it's really strange to ask an elder for such a thing!

Moreover, with grandma's character, would she really agree to her request... She wished she could be alone for the rest of her life because of the rules of the village.

At this moment, Miao Xue only felt that the few seconds of waiting for the news were extraordinarily long.

Finally, the personal terminal shook, and a message was sent:-

You don't have anyone's contact information yet?


This sentence made Miao Xue silent.

This, this how should she answer.

Fortunately, Miao Yun didn't need Miao Xue's reply. In the next second, a mysterious document had already been sent.

Then messaged:


These are some hobbies and information of Xiao Yu. It was said by a friend, but there is no private information. Please take a good look.


hurry up.

Miao Xue: ...

Good guy.

If Miao Yun's personal terminal number hadn't been encrypted by the association, she would wonder if someone stole her grandma's account at this moment.

Is this really something grandma would say?

Before, I wished I could die of old age alone, but now...why are you in such a rush to marry yourself off?


With a curl of her lips, Miao Xue still clicked on the document and began to read it carefully.

As a result, I couldn't hold back until I saw the first line.

"Your junior year?" Miao Xue hissed.

Isn't this younger than her?

Before Miao Xue could finish her shock, her eyes had already glanced at the next line.

"Just skipped a grade to sophomore?"

Miao Xue patted her forehead.

have to.

I thought that although Yu Cang looked the same age, Yu Cang's achievements should have started as a researcher. After a long could he be a younger brother.

When she thought that she was going to graduate soon, and Yu Cangcai was just a student... Although she should be only one or two years younger at most, she still felt like she was a generation away.

For the first time in her life, Miao Xue, who was smart since she was a child, felt that she might not be young anymore.

"...The younger brother is the younger brother, whoever is afraid of whom."


on stage

Yu Cang looked at Wu Chutai who was stunned in place, already speechless, and seemed to have a smile on his face.

He said, "Sir, do you have any doubts?"

"I..." Wu Chutai opened his mouth, really wanting to say something that could reveal his flaws, but he couldn't say a word.

Just when he didn't know what to say, a voice suddenly came from the judges' seat.

"Your name is Wu Chutai, right?" Jiang Shan said casually, "When people speak, they have to give evidence. If there is no evidence, go back to your seat and sit down."

These words sounded random, but when it fell into Wu Chutai's ear, it was like a heavy hammer, pulling him back from his thoughts.

Gritting his teeth, he also knew that there might be nothing he could do about Yu Cang, so he could only sit back without saying a word.

"Teacher, you drink water." Wen Yang quickly handed over the thermos.


Seeing Wu Chutai's unbelievable face, Wen Yang sighed silently in his heart.

He turned around, looked at Yu Cang on the stage, and suddenly fell silent.

That junior with little potential back then is now able to stand on this kind of podium...

There seemed to be a flash of envy in Wen Yang's eyes, but only for a moment.

I am too aware of the character of my mentor, just now Wu Chutai lost his composure in front of so many people, and after he returns, he will definitely blame Cang for all his faults, and by then, there will probably be a lot of nonsense.

If it is said that he and Yu Cang could still chat for a few words when they met in Yujiang before, but now, it is probably impossible.

It's a pity that I can't be friends with someone like Yu Cang, but I am a teacher's student after all, so I can't favor outsiders.

To be honest, he was very annoyed that something like this that might affect his future happened, but... Anyway, he can't be blamed.

Seeing Wu Chutai obediently returning to his seat, Jiang Shan seemed to snort, but it was not obvious, and he covered it up by drinking tea.

Qiu Zhong said with a smile: "Okay everyone, Yu Cang's deck was indeed created by himself. We have already verified this point. Okay, Yu Cang, let's continue."

on stage

Yu Cang nodded


With a wave of his hand, the ppt on the big screen suddenly switched.

"Next, I will give you a detailed explanation of the basic principles and construction ideas of this achievement. First of all, it is..."


off stage, somewhere

Several card makers were sitting in this place. They were all in military uniform, with many wrinkles on their faces, but their eyes were piercing.

They are all card makers with a high status in the military, and they came here specially to watch the overhaul of the military equipment.

Originally, there was no need for so many people to be present at the same time for the major armament reform, but the exaggerated record of the machine clan has been spread in the past few days, causing many people who are temporarily free to fly here, wanting to see this deck Who the hell is it that can make a sixth-level soul card master instantly kill the high-ranking handed down.

"Hmm... the mechanism of the ammunition. Although I have guessed it for a long time, it is still eye-catching to hear it with my own ears." A middle-aged man with gray hair nodded, "Pre-stored soul energy, this can indeed maximize the To maximize the advantages of the army, but there are advantages and disadvantages. This set of soul cards will occupy the meditation time of the soldiers, and lower the upper limit of the soldiers' soul energy level in a disguised form... Moreover, the soul energy ammunition can only be replenished and used by oneself. Going into war, there may not be enough time to store ammunition."

"But aside from this, the ability of this set of soul cards is excellent."

"That's right, in the face of the power of this soul card, these costs are simply not worth mentioning... and this is just a new system, the problems you mentioned may all be solved in the future."

The middle-aged man nodded and said nothing.

He also felt in his heart that this set of soul cards was very suitable for the army, and finding faults was just subconsciously doing it.

"The improvement direction of this set of soul cards is quite obvious." A person said while making records in a notebook, "Just make a card that can store a large amount of soul energy for turnover, and then improve this soul card. The mixed energy storage method of the card, then it will..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

On the stage, Yu Cang had turned over a ppt, and said calmly: "The following card is the core field card of this deck: Armed Weapon Array Chariot, its ammunition capacity is tens of thousands, and it stores The ammunition in it can ignore the repulsion of soul energy."


The eloquent card maker suddenly stopped. He looked up at the screen carefully, thought for a moment, then lowered his head, tore off the page he was writing from the notebook, and put it in his pocket.

"forget it."


The man continued to write and draw in the notebook, and said: "A movable field... This soul card is indeed interesting, but the method of replenishing ammunition for soldiers is still inflexible. If there is such a soul card ..."

The voice did not fall.

Yu Cang on the stage had turned over another ppt, and said:

"The next card is called 'Bee Swarm Magazine'. It can transport ammunition on the battlefield at a very low cost, and it can also change the protocol attribute very conveniently. Please remember this ability, and it will be mentioned later. arrive……"


The man froze.

After a while, he lowered his head and glanced at the notebook in his hand.

Then he quickly tore off a page that hadn't written a few words on it.

"forget it."

After hesitating for a moment, the man raised his head and said tentatively: "Then, if there is another card that can directly infuse soul energy into the soul energy well of teammates..."

"I said Lao Ye, you are outrageous." The person next to him said with a smile, "Your request is almost irrelevant to the machine race. If you say it so hard, it is impossible to do it." .”


"The next two cards I'm going to introduce are the Electronic Energy Drain Core and the Electronic Energy Drain Tower. These two cards are Creator Summoning Cards that I specially made to complete the deck. Their functions are..."


The man and the people next to him suddenly fell silent.

After a while.

The person next to him blinked, then turned his head and said, "Why don't you say a few more words?"

"...Stop making trouble." Ye Chengming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you think this is a wishing machine? Things that are too outrageous can't be done after all. For example, I want this mechanical clan to be able to escape directly from the soul of the soul card master himself. Nengjing can be used without soul energy injection, is it possible?"


"Okay, next, I will introduce to you: the lock of absolute pressure. Maybe you have not noticed this little thing these days, but in fact, this soul card is the well-deserved core of our deck. It can What's the use of forcibly increasing the mental pressure of locking the unit? This is about the nature of a waste crystal I discovered..."


Ye Chengming: "..."

No, is it really a wishing machine?

He only wanted to come over to take a look after hearing that there was a sixth-level soul card master who passed down a high-level handed down in this major armament reform. As for what exactly happened in the armament major reform, he didn't know at all.

Originally, it would be outrageous to have a high-level handed down from the major military equipment reform, and there is a sixth-level soul card master who gave him a second. Who is not curious about this?

What he didn't expect was that this appetizer turned out to be so explosive.

Originally, he thought that once this new system was introduced, there would definitely be many areas that could not be perfected in time. He originally wanted to use his own knowledge to find more research directions for this system, but now it seems.

Although this system has just been born, it has already been perfected. At least at the moment when he first heard it, he couldn't come up with a few constructive opinions.


The direction of God.

Yun Yan listened carefully to Yu Cang's explanation, with thoughtful eyes.

"Pressing the wild crystal can absorb the energy in it? It turned out to be this principle... What a genius idea! How did you come up with this..."

Yun Yan couldn't help admiring.

But it's a pity that this electronic energy-absorbing tower that extracts energy has a self-sustaining power. Otherwise, other soul cards cannot be used, or the soul energy must be used for [electronic] series soul cards, which greatly limits the practicality of this achievement.

Although it seems that this self-sufficiency is difficult to crack, Yun Yan knows that after tonight, at least half of the laboratories in Yan Kingdom will have to focus on Huangjing.

There is no way, this possibility of being able to replenish soul energy at any time is too tempting, he believes that no one will be able to bear it!

Even he himself wanted to study it a little bit.


on stage.

Yu Cang slowly introduced all the decks of the machine clan, then walked to the front of the stage and bowed slightly.

"Okay, that's all I want to introduce, thank you for listening."

The overhaul of armaments does not require too detailed explanation, just a general introduction to the ability of the soul card is enough, which is an explanation of the content of the game a few days ago.

More detailed things are not suitable for explaining on this occasion.

For example, the specific texture structure, or the handed down soul card: Forbidden Engine.

Seeing that Yu Cang did not mention the taboo engine, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but they didn't say anything. This time, they all stood up like they did when they appeared on the stage, and gave Yu Cang warm applause.

In the crowd, Wu Chutai's face was flushed with anger, but when everyone stood up, he had no choice but to stand up and clapped his hands every now and then.


As soon as he remembered that the standing ovation was led by himself, he had the urge to bump his head to death.


Looking at Yu Cang who was standing in front of the stage and calmly accepting all the gazes and applause, his expression suddenly became a little dazed.

Damn, the gap is too big.

My student Duan Feng, whom I haven't met a few times, has achieved so much since becoming my student... Look at Yu Cang, he can produce such achievements by himself!

For a moment, he couldn't help but recall the time when he asked Yu Cang to give up his first work, and when Yu Cang agreed to him.

If... If Yu Cang hadn't left his laboratory, then today, Yu Cang might have given up the first work of this project to himself.

Wu Chutai's complexion kept changing.

...Shame on me!

What are you doing, do you regret it?

Just giving up some insignificant results to Duan Feng, you can get a lot of resources, which is very cost-effective, isn't it?

What's the use of having such achievements as a machine family? Tonight, Yu Cang put himself on the cusp of the storm, and whether he can keep this achievement in the future is open to question!

Wu Chutai persuaded himself over and over again in his heart, but that sense of remorse did not give him a chance to speak hard at all, and arbitrarily and unreasonably grew in his heart.

In a daze, Yu Cang had already stepped down and was replaced by the second place, and the person in charge of Youdu appeared on the stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm the person in charge of Youdu, Lao Bai." Lao Bai grinned, "That's right, my surname is Lao, and my first name is Bai..."


In the background, Miao Xue was breathing a little short of breath as she listened to the movement outside.

It was almost time for her to play, and she was actually very nervous.

But at the same time, very speechless.

Originally, she was the only college student in the major armament reform, which was quite a face-off!

She could have already imagined it, but when she appeared on the stage, everyone in the audience was surprised.

But now, there is Yu Cang, who is not only younger than her, but also ranked higher than her, playing in front of her... In this way, no one can be surprised at all!

Oops, so annoying!

Thanks to Yu Xiaobin, Hungry Clown, book friends 20220701210007899 for their rewards!

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