Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 166 Instructor, Card Master Certificate

All along, the phantom pain at the broken arm finally disappeared at this moment.

Under the empty sleeve of his right arm, it has now been refilled. Gu Luo suppressed his excitement and tentatively grabbed a teacup from the table...

It's very stable, and it doesn't consume any soul energy!

This kind of movement is completely activated by the muscles in the shoulders, so when used, it is no different from a real arm. Gu Luo just got used to it, and he has fully mastered it.

Moreover, after activating [Conductive Momentum], the mental stress required to maintain this mechanical arm is ridiculously low, even at Gu Luo's level, it can easily be maintained for a long time.

Even if you can't hold it anymore, just take the initiative to cancel the summoning and rest for a period of time. Anyway, this soul card has no death cooldown when you take the initiative to cancel it.

"This, this..." Gu Luo's eyes turned red involuntarily, and his voice suddenly choked up at this moment, "Is this really... for me?"

Seeing Gu Luo's reaction, Qiu Ding also showed a smile on his face. For some reason, seeing a big man burst into tears because of a soul card, his heart was suddenly touched.

Perhaps, this is what the soul card should do.

Qiu Ding nodded: "Master Yucang who came with me last time, do you still remember? This soul card was specially made by him and asked me to give it to you."

"That." Gu Luo barely calmed down, grabbed his pants, and said nervously, "Then, how much does this soul card cost?"

Qiu Ding waved his hand: "No money is needed, it's free."

"Ah? But... this kind of soul card must be very expensive..." Gu Luo became more nervous.

After he came back, he also inquired about the cost of the rebirth treatment of the broken arm, but basically it cost several million, which he could not afford at all.

"What are you thinking about?" Qiu Ding took a sip of his tea, "This is just an ordinary card. Master Yu Cang can make many cards like this at will. I'll just give it to you. Why talk so much?"

"Then... where is Master Yu Cang now? I will personally thank him..."

"No need." Qiu Ding shook his head, "Since Master Yu Cang didn't come over today, it means he doesn't care about these things, and your rash visit will only make him uncomfortable, so you just accept this soul card honestly. gone."

What Qiu Ding said is right, this is exactly what Yu Cang meant.

"That's good...thank you, thank you..." Gu Luo's face was still full of unstoppable excitement, "Then, Boss Qiu must convey my gratitude to Master Yu Cang for me..."

"Yes, I will." Qiu Ding waved his hand, stood up immediately, and left.

He came by taxi, and the driver is still waiting outside... There is also a charge at this time!

After Qiu Ding left, Gu Luo kept moving his arms, unable to control himself for a long time.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"Dad, your hand..."

Gu Luo turned his head and saw his surprised son. He quickly held back his tears and said with a smile, "Ah, an old friend of my father came to help me heal... Why are you here? Have you finished your homework?"

Just as his son was about to speak, he was held back by Gu Luo's words.

"Know it."

After calling his son back, Gu Luo sat down on the chair.

That's great...Master Yu Cang, he is really a good person.

By the way, Master Yu Cang is a card maker... Then does he have any works that he can buy to support himself.

The master is so young, the sales should not be very good.

Opening his personal terminal, Gu Luo awkwardly searched for Yu Cang's name on the official website, and raised his eyebrows when he saw the "Yingcao Card Group" under his name.

"Yingcao... isn't this deck too strong?" After thinking for a while, Gu Luo shook his head, "Forget it, it's not expensive anyway, please support me, it happens that my son is about to take the college entrance examination, let him learn more about a new card deck. The deck is also good."


Probably because he was a little tired from the major armament reform these days, but Yu Cang got up late the next day.

By the time Yu Cang woke up from his sleep, it was already noon.

"Sleeping for so long?"

Yu Cang rubbed his head and hissed.

Broken, too much sleep and a bit of a headache.

... Let's get up first.

Yu Cang stretched out his hand to touch the side, but he didn't touch the phone.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a small head lying on the side of the bed, with big eyes looking at Yu Cang without blinking.

Who else can it be if it's not chess.

Although Yu Cang is still a little confused now, he still showed a smile and said, "It's a chess player. I'm sorry, my brother slept...why didn't you call me?"

"It's okay! Because Qi'er also wants my brother to rest for a while!"

Yu Cang propped up his body from the bed, and the girl's eyes moved following Yu Cang's getting up, and her eyes always fell on Cang's face.

"But Qi'er didn't eat breakfast, wouldn't he feel hungry... By the way, you wouldn't just stare at me like this all morning, right?"

"Yes! The chess pieces are always there!" The girl got off the edge of the bed and put her hands on her hips, seeming quite proud.

Then regardless, kicked off the slippers, jumped onto the bed with a small jump, and grabbed Yu Cang's arm impatiently.

"Today we can hold hands!"

"Good~" Yu Cang rubbed the girl's little head.

"Also, Qi'er has already had breakfast. Sister Shuang came here this morning. She brought me steamed buns, and Qi'er ate a whole one!"

"Is that so?" Yu Cang breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately, he seemed to find something wrong.


He looked at the personal terminal that had obviously been moved, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart. He quickly grabbed the terminal and opened it... Sure enough, as soon as the screen was turned on, it was the chat interface with Gu Jieshuang.

But at this time, Yu Cang casually swiped on the interface, and it was full of photos of Yu Cang himself in various sleeping positions at the moment!

Yu Cang couldn't help but gasped.

So many shots? !

It seems that every time I change my sleeping position, Qier has to take several pictures from different angles, and then send them all out.

But it's okay...Qi'er may value Yu Cang's image even more than Yu Cang himself, so the angles he chooses are okay, there is no angle that is too deadly.

There are even a few that look pretty cool.

Yu Cang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Qi'er, Jie Shuang asked you to take this picture?"

"Yeah!" The girl nodded vigorously.

"Oh... okay." Yu Cang shook his head.

It's nothing... After all, it was Jie Shuang who he personally agreed to yesterday, saying that he could ask him for a photo.

"Okay, okay, give way first, brother is going to wake up~"

Gu Jieshuang seemed to be busy and did not come to see Yu Cang at noon. Yu Cang then cooked two bowls of noodles in the card making room, and had lunch with Qi'er.

After a short rest, Yu Cang locked the door of the card making room and went out with Qier.

In the afternoon, I have to go to the laboratory.


Card Creator Association, Ancient Capital Branch.

Two people hurried out of the office, one of them still had a folder in his hand, and he didn't know what was in it.

On the way, a person asked curiously: "Hey, tell me... who the hell is this Yu Cang? A certificate from a master card maker was directly airborne from above... Could it be because of a relationship?"

"Don't talk nonsense." The other person was obviously older, and he said with a serious face, "This Yu Cang not only has a master's certificate, but also a master's certificate that is still in the formalities. Remember, the master's certificate may go through the back door, but The Grandmaster can never fake it."

"Hiss." The young man took a deep breath, "Grandmaster? Obedient... From the photo, this Yu Cang is also a student... Can he make a handed down soul card at such a young age?"

"It may also be due to extraordinary talent. The association made an exception... who knows, anyway, don't talk nonsense."

After the older man finished speaking, he stopped talking. Instead, he opened his personal terminal and dialed a number.

"Hi, hello, is this Mr. Yu Cang?"

"It's like this. We are the Card Creator Association. We have obtained the Master Card Creator certificate for you. When you are free, we will send it to you."

"You're joking, how could we be lying..."


The phone was hung up.

The older man put the personal terminal away from his ear with a blank expression.

What the hell.

The association issues certificates for others, and the co-authors don't know about it, do they?

He dialed again, only to find that he had been blocked.

The young man asked cautiously, "Then... what shall we do?"

"What else can I do." The older man sighed, "Let's go, I must hand over this certificate to Yu Cang today. Let's go find it... Yu Cang should be in the card making room or laboratory, If you can’t find it, give the certificate to Ren Zhenguo.”

"Okay..." The young man also sighed.

Running errands again.


Yu Cang returned to the laboratory, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Yunqing processing data in front of the computer.

The wall next to it was covered with post-it notes of various colors.

Before the deck of the machine family, there are still some data related to the synchronous summoning that have not been processed, and Lin Yunqing is dealing with these things at the moment.

Yu Cang didn't bother Lin Yunqing, but walked directly to the wall covered with post-it notes, his eyes swept over.

Hmm... There are not many questions that need to be answered on these post-it notes, but more are some small thoughts and discoveries recorded by Lin Yunqing.

It seems that Lin Yunqing has developed the habit of recording these things with post-it notes.

Not bad.

After reading them one by one, Yu Cang picked up a pen and answered a few questions on the sticky notes.

At this time, Lin Yunqing seemed to have discovered Yu Cang's arrival.

She turned her head and said, "Senior... what project do we need to do next?"

"Let's continue to improve the star level of the soul card first, there is still a lot of data to be collected." Yu Cang said, "I'll go to the room to be quiet, and call me if there is something else."


Ye Lai had already played with Qi'er, and unlike before, this time, there was another weeping girl playing with Qi'er.

It has to be said that Crying Girl's ability to freely shuttle in the soul card is very convenient. Now in daily life, Yu Cang will stuff a few summoning soul cards of the Creator Race in the deck for Crying Girl to use.

Anyway, a few common-level creations don't take up much mental pressure, and Yu Cang, a fourth-level soul card master, can easily bear this kind of pressure.

Weeping Girl obviously likes this ability very much, and now she has almost been using these toy-like bodies to move around outside, doing some chores for Yu Cang to serve tea... At the same time, she is playing chess with Yu Cang and Ye Lai. relation.

Regarding this point, Crying Girl is quite self-conscious.

As for Yu Cang himself, he took out a bunch of blank soul cards and began to try to insert entries into DIY.

If you want to perfect the Synchro Summoning, you first need to perfect the star system, which requires a lot of data, and it should not be completed in a short time.

And the deadline for the combat club's admission assessment is imminent. If you want to quickly improve your combat power, in addition to improving the level of the soul card master, you can only start with fusion summoning.

Perfect fusion summoning... It's difficult to say, easy to say, just need a fusion without attribute requirements, and Yu Cang is sure to understand the principle of this fusion.

But it was not easy to do it. Although there were many entries in the entry library, Yu Cang tried many times, but still couldn't find the soul card he wanted.

"Oh, it's a bit difficult..."

Just at this time.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the laboratory.

Yu Cang was stunned.

Someone coming to the lab? Who is knocking on the door.

If it was Jianglou and the others, it would be fine to come in directly, and the door was unlocked.

He stood up and walked towards the door. At this time, Crying Girl had already manipulated her little toy body and jumped off the table. With short legs, she rushed to the door and opened the door for Yu Cang. door.

"Huh?" Yu Cang saw the person coming, "Teacher Guan? Why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Professor Guan Qingruiguan.

He is a friend of Lin Yunqing's grandmother Hu Jingzhi, and he came to Yu Cang's laboratory some time ago to ask for a few fusion cards to study.

"Xiao Cang, long time no see." Guan Qingrui said with a smile, "I wanted to come to you some time ago, but I didn't see anyone. I asked Ren Zheng, but he didn't tell me."

Yu Cang also laughed: "I did have something a while ago... I don't know who came to see me?"

"Ah, that's it." Guan Qingrui paused, and continued, "I heard, Xiao Cang, you want to participate in the National College League next year?"

"Yes." Yu Cang nodded.

"Then the time is a bit tight..." Guan Qingrui clicked his tongue, "To be honest, at your age, you can raise your soul card master level to level 5 before the college league, and adjust all attributes to the lowest level. It takes a lot of time to be in a state suitable for competition, and if you add your own improvement to the deck...the time may not be enough."

Yu Cang seemed to have guessed something: "What do you mean?"

"That's right." Guan Qingrui said with a smile, "I'm a grandmaster card maker. If it wasn't for the quota limit for Zhenguo card makers, I would have already obtained the certificate of Zhenguo by now... Old man, I'm sorry. Card making can be regarded as some experience, how about letting the old man be your instructor before the college league?"

Yu Cang somewhat understood Guan Qingrui's reason for coming.

The National College League seems to be a competition for a group of students, but it is not.

To be able to participate in this kind of national level competition, first of all, your deck must be very advanced, otherwise if the deck is weak, no matter how strong you are, you may not get good results.

It's impossible for these soul card masters to collect these decks by themselves. It's okay for some rich guys, but those ordinary players are a little bit blind.

Generally speaking, participating colleges and universities will match each participating student with an instructor, who will be responsible for upgrading the student's card group to ensure that the card group will not fall behind. This instructor is actually playing the role of an exclusive soul card master.

As for other students, they usually have to work hard to get a good instructor, and they are usually card making masters. A card making master like Guan Qingrui who comes to his door on his own initiative... is rare.

Yu Cang hesitated for a moment, then said, "Well... Teacher Guan, I appreciate your kindness, but..."

"Hey, Xiao Cang, don't you believe in my strength?" Guan Qingrui said with a smile, "I know, you must have already had a lot of ideas about your own participating decks, and you have the ability to make them, but this It’s not that time is too late, besides, as a card making master, I must be much more experienced than you in terms of experience, if you have any ideas, I can help you improve it better, are you right?”

Seeing that Yu Cang was still hesitating, Guan Qingrui said again: "To be honest, it's not like it didn't happen in the previous college leagues to be your own exclusive soul card master, but at least——you have to have a master card maker." Get a certificate, otherwise the association will not allow it, and the certificate test will take time..."

at this time.

Guan Qingrui hadn't finished speaking.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "Hello, is this Mr. Yu Cang?"

"Ah?" Yu Cang was taken aback, he turned his head slightly, looked at the two people standing at the door of the laboratory, "I am, you are..."

"Hi, I'm from the Card Creator Management Office, and this is my certificate." The older man handed a certificate to Yu Cang with both hands, and then said seriously, "You can find my employee number on the official website ... Please believe that we are not liars."

Yu Cang was silent for a while.


What's not a liar... Aw, could it be the scam call that came in just now?

However, I obviously didn't sign up for the card maker level exam... There are still some things that need to be memorized in this exam, it doesn't mean that you can pass it without reviewing if you have a high level.

What is it if you say you want to issue a certificate to yourself without taking an exam?

Thinking of this, Yu Cang took out the terminal and checked the ID number in his hand... It was really true, and the photo matched it.

"Hello, hello." Yu Cang returned the ID to him, and said doubtfully, "You are here..."

"I'm here to issue you a card maker certificate."

The older man reached out and put on a pair of white gloves, while the young man next to him had already taken out a small box and opened it beside him. The older man picked up a certificate from it and handed it to Yu Cang.

Yu Cang took a look - hey, it really is a card making master certificate!

He took it in a daze, but still felt that it was unreal, so he opened the terminal to check again.

Hiss - my information has actually been updated to be a master!

"This... I remember I didn't take the exam... Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Yu Cang blinked.

"Mr. Yu Cang, this is the association's decision, and we are only the executors." The older man smiled.

"...I probably understand."

It seems that his performance in the major armament reform was too impressive, so the association decided to make an exception and give himself a certificate.

Also... I have given the Yanhuang Medal, and it is indeed pediatrics to give a certificate.

Yu Cang's side suddenly realized, but Guan Qingrui's side fell silent.

Not... what do you mean?

I just said here that you need a master certificate to become an exclusive card maker, but two people suddenly popped up from your side and gave Yu Cang a master certificate by name?

No, it's making trouble.

Guan Qingrui looked at the familiar certificate in Yu Cang's hand. If it wasn't for Yu Cang's expression of bewilderment, if it wasn't for Yu Cang who had just checked the authenticity of the certificate in front of him, he would definitely have I wonder if this is because Yu Cang deliberately found two people to punish him.

And one thing to say, these two people really look like liars.

When he was taking the exam for the master's certificate, why didn't he see someone deliver the certificate to the door... It's fine if he didn't have it, he went to pick it up by himself, but the staff's attitude was really bad, let alone handed it over with both hands in white gloves, I didn't even look at myself a few times!

Are you really from the association?

Don't just entertain the family, right? !

However, after all, Yu Cang had checked it just now, so Guan Qingrui didn't say anything.

He just continued: "Well...Although you already have a master certificate, the main force in the college league is epic-level soul cards. You have just become a card-making master, so you must not know about epic-level soul cards. In this regard, I As a card making master, you must be able to speak, or you still..."

Guan Qingrui hadn't finished speaking yet.

The two who had turned away turned back again.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Yu Cang." The older man said, "Your master certificate is still in the process of completion, it is expected to take a while, and we will be responsible for contacting you when the time comes, you see... Do you want to remove us from the blacklist?"

Guan Qingrui: "..."

Yu Cang: "...Ang, yes, yes."

"That's good, let's go first."

After speaking, the two turned around and left.

Behind him, Yu Cang and Guan Qingrui looked at each other.

Yu Cang: "That... I didn't expect..."

"...Forget it." Guan Qingrui suppressed the twitching corners of his mouth, "Anyway, I can see it too, Xiao Cang, you are very confident, and you never thought of asking a mentor to join your deck from the beginning to the end... Well, it’s good to be young... There’s nothing to say, I believe Xiao Cang, you must have this ability, but you may be a little tired. However, since you have chosen this path.”

Guan Qingrui calmed down his expression, and said with a smile: "Then I wish you success...Of course, if you encounter any problems, you can still come to me."

Yu Cang also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was just too coincidental.

He was really afraid that Guan Qingrui would not figure it out, and felt that he was colluding with others to anger him on purpose.

Fortunately, the old man didn't think much about it.

"For sure, for sure, if there is a problem, I will definitely not support it alone!"

"That's good...then I'll go first. By the way, the fusion cards you gave me, Xiao Cang, are really good things. My students are all starting to study fusion now, hahaha."

"It's been hard work."

"Hey, it's nothing hard, just work harder and perfect the fusion summon as soon as possible."

"Definitely sure!"

Thank you book friend 20220701210007899 for your reward!

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