Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 173 Handed down level, Han Tian's will

Lin Yunqing didn't let Jianglou and the others continue to play tricks.

After interrupting them, she said, "Senior, I heard from the doctor just now that you can't raise your mental pressure too high these days, and you'd better rest for a while."

"Well, that's true." Yu Cang sighed.

That's what old man Ren said to himself just now. Let's stay in the hospital for a few days and don't go anywhere.

Yu Cang felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but the doctor's words were scary, and Ren Zheng was serious, so he decided to follow their advice.

"Then it seems that I have to stay in the laboratory by myself during this time." Lin Yunqing said, "Senior, get well soon. There are only a few samples for coherence, and it won't take too much time to process the data."

"Got it." Yu Cang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Lin Yunqing nodded, and suddenly, as if thinking of something, she said, "By the way, senior, do you have the key to the card making room with you?"

"Well, I brought it, what's the matter?"

"That's good - after hearing about this, I went to the card making room to take a look. You really didn't lock the door, so I locked it."

"Um...thank you so much."

As expected of Lin Yunqing, what she thought was thoughtful. You have found such tricky loopholes.

"Master." Qiu Ding said at this time, "I handed that soul card to Gu Luo, and he was so moved that he cried, hahaha."

"Really." Yu Cang smiled, "It's good if I can help... By the way, Lin Yunqing, do you have a blank soul card?"

Lin Yunqing was taken aback, and said, "Yes...what's the matter?"

"Give me a few, these are the only things I can use to relieve my boredom during the few days in the hospital."

Lin Yunqing couldn't help being awed.

Do you take making new soul cards as a rest... Unexpectedly, the senior is also a person similar to himself.

She said, "Is there any problem?"

Yu Cang was very sure: "Don't worry, I know it. It's just doing some small things, it won't increase the mental pressure."

When others make soul cards that require resonance, the mental pressure will indeed increase accordingly.

But he relied on the entries to implant, so he didn't have such worries.

"That's good." Lin Yunqing took out a stack of blank soul cards and a writing pen from his pocket, and put them on Yu Cang's bedside, "This is all I have on me, use it first, it's not enough for me Bring some more tomorrow."

She just thought that Yu Cang wanted to make some gadgets that didn't need resonance, so she didn't refuse.

"Okay, that's a great help."

Being unable to do anything for so many days in the ward made him feel uncomfortable. Why not take a blank soul card and see if you can get lucky and get something good.

After Lin Yunqing and the others chatted in the room for a while, they left, and the ward became quiet again.

Having nothing to do, Yu Cang took out a blank soul card and glanced at the success rate of implantation on the panel.

Hey... The implantation success rate of Wings of Frost is 4.5%!

This probability is undoubtedly very high for a handed down entry.

It seems that when there is an existence that can be summoned nearby, the success rate will indeed become very high.

He couldn't help but fell into thought.

In nature, there are some wild souls. They are formed for different reasons, but most of them are not high in IQ, and they only have the instinct of survival in their hearts, and they will not harm other people.

Ordinary people can't even discover the existence of these spirits.

Some card makers like to find these spirits and seal them into their soul cards. If they are lucky, they can get a soul card that can move independently. However, this requires a very high level of skill for the card maker, and to be honest, many wild souls are dumbfounded, which may actually hinder them in the battle.

Moreover, before the soul is sealed into the soul card, no one knows whether this soul is suitable for this soul card, and in many cases, the gain outweighs the loss.

However, since it is produced by the entry recorder, Yu Cang believes that the summoned souls must be very suitable.

If this conjecture is correct, then when he implants some entries in the future, he may have to go to those deep mountains and old forests to try his luck.

Putting away his thoughts, Yu Cang randomly selected a formula, tried to implant it, but failed.

He was not surprised, after all, the success rate is not high.

Just tried it for a few days.

Putting away the blank soul card, Yu Cang's eyes fell on the countdown that had stopped for a long time.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Cang canceled it.

Although this is his first myth-level extraction, he can no longer enter the Bloodline Empire, and it is useless to keep it.

Putting this countdown here takes up space, so let's cancel it... After all, he still has a lot of soul cards waiting to be extracted.

"Let me's just you!" Yu Cang launched the entry extraction directly at the taboo engine.

As expected, a one-day countdown appeared on it.

He was thinking about it, but he saw that Gu Jieshuang had sat up at some point, wrapped in a quilt, looking at him without blinking.

"What's wrong?" Yu Cang asked.

"It's okay..." Gu Jieshuang said with a chuckle, "This time it's thanks to the boss."

"It should."

"Okay, let's not talk... Boss, you must be hungry? How about I go out and buy you something to eat?"

"Huh? But your body..."

"It's cured already!" Gu Jieshuang came out of the quilt, and showed Yu Cang his biceps brachii with his small fists.

The muscles on Gu Xieshuang's body are not that exaggerated, but the lines are very smooth, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

Yu Cang's eyes widened slightly: "But you still had a fever just now..."

"Hmph." Gu Jieshuang raised his head, looking quite proud, "I'm scared, this is the healing speed of a mixed race! ——Okay, boss, just lie down obediently, and I will take care of you for the next few days! "

On the side, the weeping girl's heart trembled.

Bad, the hostess is going to take her job!


Just like that, Yu Cang suddenly became idle.

I can't go anywhere in the hospital, so I can only enjoy the days when I can stretch out my clothes and open my mouth when I have food.

But fortunately, after observing for half a day, the doctor allowed him to practice meditation, so this time was not wasted by Yu Cang, and he started the process of accelerating his practice after installing the [Meditation] entry.

Now, he really needs to improve his strength.

Soon, one day passed.

A line of text is updated on the entry recorder:

After the entries are extracted, you will get the handed down entry: [Ascension], the epic entry: [Advanced Evolution], the rare entry: [Race: Consciousness], and the common entry: [Emotion].

Yu Cang nodded with satisfaction.

Yes, it was what he wanted.

Taking out another blank soul card, Yu Cang tried it, and sure enough——【Wings of Frost】+【Race: Conscious Body】, the success rate directly increased to 19%!

He guessed right—the current situation of Wings of Frost is not the same as that of the soul. She is just a consciousness, and the soul can still float around in the present world. The consciousness has no carrier, so it can't do anything.

If you want to summon her, you still have to work hard on the entry formula.

On the side, Gu Jieshuang had just boiled a pot of hot water, but with just a breath of air, the temperature of the boiling water became suitable.

She poured hot water into a paper cup, looked up and saw Yu Cang's face beaming with joy, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, boss, you're so happy?"

"It's nothing... just a sudden inspiration!" Yu Cang directly took out the blank soul card and writing brush, and after thinking for a while, he chose a formula.

[Bloodline: Wings of Frost] + [Race: Conscious Body] + [Endless] + [Control] + [Thinking] + [Self-explosion]!

The meaning of the [Self-Explosion] entry is somewhat unclear, but the strange thing is that after adding this entry, the success rate did increase slightly, so Yu Cang hesitated for a moment, and added it.

In this way, the implantation success rate of the entire formula has reached an astonishing 31%!

This number is due to 【Race: Consciousness】. Yu Cang tried it, and after taking out this entry, the success rate directly became one-third of the original, which shows the importance of this entry.

Tried to install it, but it didn't work.

Yu Cang was not discouraged either. With such a high probability, success is only a matter of time.


Yu Cang quietly glanced at Gu Jieshuang, and immediately there was a look of thought in his eyes. He took the writing brush and began to write and draw on the blank soul card.

After all, I just said that I have an inspiration, so it is a bit strange to put down the pen immediately.

Moreover, now is not a critical moment like Snow Mountain, Yu Cang also has to be concerned about the impact, he can't take out the handed down soul card in a flash this time... That would be too scary, so he decided, before the implantation is successful During this period of time, he had to put on an appearance with a writing brush, pretending that he had been working on it for a long time before completing a piece of handing down.

Seeing that Yu Cang devoted himself to work in an instant, Gu Jieshuang's eyes were a little worried: "Boss...don't work too hard, you are not in good health yet."

"It doesn't matter, the doctor has allowed me to meditate, and this job is not a problem." Yu Cang even equipped the relevant entry, and the ice attribute resonance was activated in his eyes.

Do a full set of plays.

Gu Jieshuang secretly took a look at the pattern Yu Cang drew on the blank soul card... Well, I can't understand it at all.

My grades in card making theory class are not too low, but in front of a genius like the boss, it really is far from enough...

Gu Jieshuang said with emotion.

What she didn't know was that, let alone her, even if Ren Zheng ran up to him, he wouldn't be able to understand what Yu Cang was drawing now.

It's totally a ghost.

In this way, in the next few days, whenever Yu Cang had time, he would pretend to be with a writing brush, and his expression would change constantly, sometimes thinking, sometimes excited, sometimes suddenly enlightened, sometimes ecstatic, fully interpreting the word acting.

Finally, when Yu Cang implanted it for the fourth time, the blank soul card in his hand emitted a magnificent red light!

Yu Cang was overjoyed.

It worked!

He quickly looked at the soul card in his hand.


Soul Card Name: Ancient Frost Will

Category: Summon Card

Quality: handed down

Attribute: ice

race: consciousness


[Listening to Frost Snow]: When the ancient cold sky will be present, the user can modify and upgrade the ability of his spell card with related attributes according to the current celestial phenomenon. As long as the celestial phenomenon is suitable, the soul energy consumption of the spell card will remain unchanged. If other people use spell cards with related attributes, they can increase or decrease their consumption according to their wishes. The increased consumption cannot be higher than the upper limit of their quality, and the reduced consumption will be borne by Tianxiang.

[Sleep in Cold Weather]: When entering the death cooldown, if the weather is suitable, it will freeze the targets within a certain range as much as possible.

[Cold Beast]: After activation, it can enter other summon cards in the same deck. If so, its attribute will be changed to ice, and the ability will be obtained: [Frost]: When the sky or the environment is suitable, reduce mental stress and improve ability strength.

[Cold Blade]: After activation, it can enter other equipment cards in the same deck. If so, its attribute will be changed to ice, and the ability will be obtained: [Frost Wing]: When the user summons other equipment cards with ice attribute, Allows the attached equipment card to gain flight and autonomous activity capabilities.

【Cold】: In a single call, every time the user freezes a target, the target of 【Cold Beast】 and 【Cold Blade】 will be +1.

[Bloodline]: Only when the user is Gu Jieshuang or the owner of the relevant bloodline, this soul card can be activated. At this time, the ancient Hantian will can change the quality of its own soul card, and make related changes in its abilities.


Yu Cang's eyes couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction.

Great, another handed down!

Look at this ability, look at this effect, it is simply a work of art!

What is domineering? Take a look at the ability of [Listen to Luoshuangxue], directly modify the spell card! It is simply a limited card printer.

Even if you don't look behind, with this ability alone, this soul card is definitely worthy of the quality handed down from generation to generation!

Although most of the abilities of this soul card require celestial phenomena, it must be triggered in a snowy environment. But it doesn't matter, there are plenty of field cards that can change the environment, among other things, Gu Jieshuang's [Cold Sky Slash] ability [Cold Sky], can he also modify the sky?

Adding two soul cards together is definitely the result of one plus one greater than two.

This soul card is definitely a good one among the handed down soul cards.

Moreover, this ancient Hantian will actually has similar abilities to the taboo engine, and can enter other soul cards, and can also modify its own quality... Is this one of the characteristics of the consciousness body race? Or, is it one of the characteristics of the handed down consciousness?

It seems that the ancient Hantian will to go to other soul cards is not as convenient as the weeping girl, it needs to be activated, but correspondingly, it gives the corresponding soul card an extra ability, which is also very strong.

If you think about it this way, banned cards seem to have similar characteristics. For example, some banned cards have no quality distinction, no matter what the level of the soul card master, as long as you get the banned card, you can use it directly, but if you are too weak, the end may be a bit miserable.

Doesn't this correspond to the setting that the consciousness race can modify its own quality?

As for entering other soul cards...he hadn't heard much about this, but some forbidden cards can indeed contaminate other normal soul cards in the same deck, which seems to be similar.

Yu Cang rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

These two characteristics of the conscious body race are very powerful, and they can play a strong supporting role in almost most mainstream decks.

Such a good race, how could it be equated with forbidden cards... He also talked with Cheng Mingye later, even in the confinement bureau, his views on the consciousness body race were exclusive to forbidden cards.

The current misunderstanding of this race is still too deep, let him improve this race when he has time later.

"Boss? What's the matter?" Gu Jieshuang rushed into the room.

Just now, she was fetching water outside, when she saw a magnificent red light from inside the house, she couldn't care about anything else, put down the kettle and rushed into the room.

Then she saw that the boss was sitting on the hospital bed, closing his eyes with a satisfied face. In his palm, there was still a radiance that had not faded from a red soul card.

Gu Jieshuang's breath stagnates.

Wait, red... can't it?

The boss made another handed down card? ! !

It turns out that the "inspiration" mentioned by the boss actually refers to the inspiration handed down from generation to generation!

Gu Jieshuang's mind was shocked.

You must know that even if it is a card making master, it is very troublesome to make a new handed down card. It needs to resonate with risks over and over again, and it may not be fruitful if you work back and forth for a long time. As a result, the boss... just sat on the hospital bed for four days and made it?

Gu Xieshuang's small mouth opened slightly, but he was relieved immediately.

Also... With the talent of the boss, those epic rare cards are really not worth spending so long.

So the handed down level is the only answer... I should have thought of it a long time ago!

At this time, Yu Cang slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at Gu Jieshuang, smiled and said, "You're here... Take a look, this is a soul card specially made for you."

Gu Jieshuang's heart skipped a beat.

made for yourself? ……not……

She took the soul card, and when she saw it, she was stunned.

Sure enough, is it another soul card that only he can use... So strong, still as strong as ever!

It's just... woo woo woo, she hasn't paid off the money she owed on the last soul card, so why is there another one!

Let no one live!

She was only complacent about repaying 30,000 yuan a few days ago... How did the debt double in the blink of an eye?

Gu Jieshuang wanted to cry but had no tears.

or else...

cough cough.

Having said that, being able to enter other soul cards and modify one's own quality... She had never heard of any of these abilities before.

Could it be... With my current strength, can I use this card?

Gu Jieshuang's breathing was a little short.

Is she dreaming when a fourth-level soul card master uses a handed down card... But looking at the description, it is clearly possible!

Or, or...try?

She looked at Yu Cang, who nodded slightly: "Try it."

Gu Jieshuang responded quickly, suppressed his excitement, and summoned a Frost White Sword and a Brave Iron Sword.

"I activate [Blood Vein], change the quality of the ancient Han Tian's will to: rare level! And activate: [Cold Blade]!"


In an instant, the ordinary-quality iron sword of the brave was covered with a layer of frost visible to the naked eye, and then it flew up slowly under the influence of an inexplicable force.

Gu Xieshuang's expression brightened.

It worked!

She actually used a handed down soul card!

This, this, this... Gu Xieshuang was at a loss for words for a while, and the words rolled out of his mouth several times, but he could only say one sentence.

However, before she could feel the power of the ancient Han Tian's will, suddenly, she heard the voice of the frozen brave iron sword in the air:

"I'm Zhuo? Where am I?"

Gu Xieshuang was stunned.

Broken, fierce, saw his sword talking.

Suddenly, Yu Cang thought of something, and tentatively asked, "Grandma? Is it you?"

"Yu Cang?" The brave iron sword flew to Yu Cang's side and circled around a few times, "Really you are calling me?... I thought I was hallucinating."

At this time, Gu Jieshuang had already reacted, and she couldn't help showing a look of joy on her face: "Grandma? You also came out?"

The brave iron sword flew into the air and nodded: "Yes, that day I planned to burn my true blood and my will to send you out, so that I would die without scum, that idiot wanted to enslave I can't help it either."

Hearing this, Gu Jieshuang could only smile apologetically.

This aunt of my family is really hot-tempered...

But the brave iron sword changed the subject: "However, I just burned a little bit, opened a small hole in the passage, and suddenly a terrifyingly strong force came from outside... I still wanted to resist, but it turned out to be unreasonable." The ground made me dizzy, and when I woke up again, I found that I was actually trapped in this drop of true blood, and I couldn't even get out!"

Her tone was resentful: "Damn it, don't let me know who did this good thing, or I have to make him look good!"

"Cough cough." Yu Cang coughed dryly.

Don't let the old man hear this.

"That's right." The brave iron sword flew to Yu Cang's side again, and said, "When you summoned me just now, what were you talking about?"

"Huh? What?" Yu Cang was taken aback.

Brave Tie Jian thought for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It seems to be a bunch of names, such as Sanqing, Bodhisattva, Amen, Tathagata, etc... There are so many, I didn't hear clearly."

"Cough cough cough!" Yu Cang coughed harder, "'s nothing, don't worry about it, grandma, hahaha..."

What are you doing!

How can the words I chanted be heard by others? No one told him this!

Wait, did the weeping girl hear it too...

Yu Cang gasped.

It shouldn't shouldn't be a big problem. When she wasn't summoned, the weeping girl couldn't speak the Yan Kingdom dialect, so she probably couldn't understand... maybe.

"Don't talk about that." The brave Tie Jian said with emotion, "Yu Cang, you can summon me to the present world, and I don't need to pay any price, but this body is a bit strange... Not bad, not bad, it is worthy of being chosen by my descendants Humans are amazing!"

Just as Yu Cang wanted to say a few words of modesty, he heard the brave man Tie Jian continue:

"Oh, by the way, have you guys mated? Do you have cubs? If you have any, let me play!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" This would be Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang coughing together.

"'s still early..."

"That's it." The brave iron sword was very disappointed.

"By the way, Auntie, actually this time I summoned you, I have something to ask..." Yu Cang hurriedly started asking about something serious.


Just like that, Ren Zheng and Gu Zhihan, who had just left for a few days, came back again.

In the small ward, the two looked at each other.

"No." Ren Zheng couldn't help but said, "You're too efficient, aren't you?"

He was still comforting him a few days ago, saying that he knew that the handed down level was very difficult for Cang, and he wanted Yu Cang not to have so much pressure.

In the end, it's only been four days, and you really paid for Zhang Chuanshi?

Are you playing so realistically? ?

On the other side, Gu Zhihan had a strange expression on his face.

So fast... This must not be a normal resonance method!

Are you also in the ward...

For a moment, Gu Zhihan gasped and squeezed his fists again and again, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

Forget it... She knew that her thoughts could no longer keep up with the times.

I heard that young people nowadays like this kind of thing... let them go.

For an old guy like myself, if he talks too much, he will only get annoyed.

Seeing Gu Zhihan's strange expression, Yu Cang could only laugh dryly.

Next to her, Gu Jieshuang was still dazed, unaware of what her biological mother was thinking about.

the other side.

The brave iron sword floated in the air very obediently, not daring to take a breath.

Yaoshou, Yaoshou... Isn't the breath of the old man next to him the source of the power he felt that day!

That power is a myth!

Why, now the mythology outside is rotten? Why are you dressed like an ordinary teacher!

Look at his relationship with Yu Cang... It's bad, it must be Yu Cang's elder!

Then what did she say just now, "I have to make him look good"...Help me, she just wanted to be addicted to talking harshly, but she didn't think about actually doing it!

No way, Yu Cang shouldn't sue, right?

After all, hearing him call his aunt so sincerely, his heart must be towards him!

Frost Wings can only comfort himself in his heart like this.

"Hello." Ren Zheng said politely, causing the brave man's iron sword to tremble.

"Ah? Ah! Say it, say it."

"..." Ren Zheng was a little surprised, why was he so surprised.

However, he didn't think too much, and said directly: "I'm Ren Zheng, and I'm a township in the Yan Kingdom today. I came here this time to learn about the emperor's seal—— according to Xiaocang, do you think the bloodline The seal in the empire is the emperor seal that Emperor Wu once used, right?"

Seeing that Ren Zheng was very polite, Yongshuang Zhiyi felt a little more at ease.

She thought for a while, and said: "Yes...I will definitely not mistake the appearance and breath of the emperor's seal, it is definitely the Emperor Wu's emperor's seal!"

Ren Zheng nodded slowly.

Good news, Yan Guo seems to have found another mythical soul card.

Bad news... I heard from Yu Cang that Tianziyin seems to be in a miserable state now, and I don't know if it is possible to restore it.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "I still have another question, that Yao Qi who claims to be the demon he sacred among the spirit beasts?"

After he went back, he checked many classics, but no matter what book, there was no record of the so-called demon king.

Even if there were, they were probably ordinary spirit beasts that took over the mountains and became kings. Those powerful spirit beasts would never use such a hate-inducing name.

Hearing this, Wings of Frost's tone was somewhat disdainful: "The demon king? He's just an ungrateful thief... I've never heard of the demon king's name before I died in battle, although his ability to control true blood is indeed very good. King way, but after staying in Jieshuang's blood for a few days, I also want to understand."

Her tone was a little serious: "I don't know if you have seen the appearance of the emperor's seal? On the seal, there is a spirit beast named Chilong carved. It is rumored that Wu Tianzi once borrowed Chi when he made the emperor's seal." The power of the Dragon Clan, the so-called demon king, must have used this relationship to forcibly seize the emperor's seal after Wu Tianzi's death!"

Thanks for the reward of 20220701210007899!

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