Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 179 The Wishing Wall in the Laboratory

Yu Cang asked uncertainly, "Lin Yunqing?"

"It's me, senior." She was short of breath, obviously just had some strenuous exercise, "I tried meditation yesterday, and now I'm at the third level."

"...Really, congratulations."

In order to learn Star Sight, you have to work hard enough.

He was not surprised that Lin Yunqing rose to one level overnight. On the one hand, although Lin Yunqing had never practiced, she had a lot of time to resonate. After such a long time, she has already reached the critical value.

On the other hand, Lin Yunqing was able to extract the existence of [Meditation], and her cultivation talent was absolutely leveraged.

Yu Cang looked at Lin Yunqing's energetic outfit: "This is what you are wearing, have you gone out for a run?"

"En." Lin Yunqing nodded, "Running is a very effective way to improve your physical fitness. Although it is physically more difficult than meditation, it doesn't matter as long as it works."

"How far did you run this morning?"

"Four hundred meters."

Yu Cang was taken aback, and realized something: "400 meters... how long did it take?"

"Three minutes and eighteen seconds."

Yu Cang: "..."

This is already walking.

However, he also knew that Lin Yunqing's body was very delicate, so he was very pleased to take the first step and start exercising.

So he said: "Very good. But if you don't exercise often, you must be careful not to push yourself too hard rashly, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it."

"Don't worry, senior." Lin Yunqing said seriously, "I have read many related papers, and have prepared a full set of protective measures and exercise planning, absolutely foolproof."

Yu Cang: "...can you show me your exercise plan?"


Lin Yunqing sent a document to Yu Cang.

Yu Cang opened it and took a deep breath.

This...before exercising, it took more than 20 minutes for various warm-up exercises, such as jogging, high leg raising, side lunge, bending and swinging legs, etc., and the stretching after exercise was even worse. And, there is a long list of diets, and it is staggering to see that each item is accurate to the gram.

This level of motion planning, the result is just to run a 400 meters...

Just the warm-up exercise in front of him is already more tiring than this 400 meters!

Yu Cang didn't know what to say for a while.

He finally knew why Lin Yunqing came to the laboratory so late.

Hmm... But it's pretty good, at least it shows that this time Lin Yunqing didn't just plan to exercise for a few days to perfunctory him, but really made a serious plan, intending to make exercise into a habit of her own.


"Not bad." Yu Cang affirmed.

A trace of expectation floated in Lin Yunqing's eyes: "Then, can I experience the Star Vision today?"

"Okay - wait until the afternoon, you go take a shower first."

"Thank you senior." Lin Yunqing smiled, "Then wait a moment, I will be back to work soon."



Yu Cang held an epic-level blank soul card, and drew the fusion with a writing brush.

These days, more and more soul cards have been produced by him, which has made him proficient in making epic soul cards. Now, in terms of skills alone, he is worthy of the title of master card maker .

He has drawn quite a few Fusions, but is still going on. After all, he had nothing else to do while waiting for the [Fusion] entry to cool down. Moreover, drawing a fusion soul card can also improve his understanding of fusion summoning.

By the way, the package Gu Tu sent contained a small box, which contained some unknown powder. Yu Cang couldn't distinguish the material, so he activated the entry extraction at random, and got a six-hour countdown directly.

An epic entry, an unexpected harvest.

I don't know how long it took before Yu Cang finished drawing another Fusion, when there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Yu Cang went out to have a look, and there were quite a few people coming.

He is already very familiar with the two leading elders, aren't they the two professors Guan Qingrui and Hu Jingzhi?

Some researchers followed behind them, and they seemed to be their students.

"Professor Guan, Professor Hu, you are here." Yu Cang smiled.

Yesterday, I told Ren Zheng that I would first teach Xing Tian Sight in the laboratory of these two professors. Since I met them today, it seems that the confidentiality agreement should have been implemented.

"Xiao Cang, I didn't expect to meet again so soon." Guan Qingrui stepped forward to greet him.

On the side, Hu Jingzhi suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Wait, Guan Qingrui, do you still meet often?"

"En! That's it!" Guan Qingrui raised his head, "The relationship between Xiao Cang and I is very good!"

Of course he wouldn't say that the last time we met was when he came to find Yu Cang, but he was frustrated when he wanted to be his instructor.

"You!" Hu Jingzhi stared, then turned her head, looking around the laboratory, and soon found the figure she was looking for, so she smiled softly and said, "Yunqing, come here, I'll be with you, Grandpa Guan!" coming."

Beside the computer, Lin Yunqing who was staring at the data could not help but sigh.

He could only get up, and slowly came to the two of them: "Grandma, you are here, I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now."

Hu Jingzhi didn't care, she smiled and said, "How about Yunqing, are you enjoying getting along with Xiao Cang?"

"Well, the senior is very good to me."

Hu Jingzhi's eyes lit up, and she glanced at Guan Qingrui without leaving a trace.

Guan Qingrui gritted his teeth with anger.

Yu Cang laughed dryly, and said, "Two professors, please come in and sit for a while, don't chat at the door."


There weren't enough chairs in the lab, but the researchers obviously didn't care much about it. After the two professors were seated, they stood around and looked at the layout of the lab.

"Xiao Cang." Guan Qingrui said, "Ren Zheng suddenly asked us to sign a non-disclosure agreement today. I asked him what to keep secret and he didn't say anything. He just asked me to come to you."

"Yeah." Hu Jingzhi said, "Xiao Cang, have you made any new soul cards? This time, I can just leave it to the old woman. Guan Qingrui's research on fusion is slow to death, and the efficiency It's much worse than my lab."

"You!" Guan Qingrui stared.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, both of you." Yu Cang said, "Since I called you over this time, I must have no intention of hiding anything."

While talking, the doll manipulated by Weeping Girl has already jumped onto the table and poured tea cup by cup.

"Huh." Hu Jingzhi's eyes showed surprise, "This little a card pet?"

Hearing someone talking about herself, Qi Nu put aside the kettle that was about the same height as her, bowed and said, "Hello, two elders. My name is Qi Nu."

Hu Jingzhi blinked: " name is Hu Jingzhi, and that old man's name is Guan Qingrui."

"...I will introduce myself."

Hu Jingzhi ignored him, turned to look at Yu Cang: "This little guy, does she have her own wisdom and personality?"

Yu Cang nodded: "Yes."

"It's amazing."

Theoretically speaking, Hu Jingzhi can make this kind of soul card himself, but it is only in theory, and he has never been successful in practice.

So she was a little curious: "Can I ask, how is this done?"

Yu Cang said: "It is related to the race of consciousness."

"Conscious body?" Guan Qingrui raised his brows, "Isn't went to the bureau?"

"Well, I studied there for a while." Yu Cang nodded, "Weeping Girl is indeed related to there."

"So that's it." Guan Qingrui showed a clear expression, "It seems that the research on the harmless treatment of banned cards by the Confinement Bureau in the past few years is quite impressive...Xiao Cang, you asked me to come here today. For this."

Related to the card ban, it seems normal to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Other than that, he really couldn't think of any other need to sign a confidentiality agreement of that level... You know, he was shocked when he received the document from Ren Zheng in the morning—a piece of paper from the military Non-disclosure agreement!

Hey, last time when Yu Cang defended the fusion, they just signed a very normal agreement. Once this kind of agreement is violated, they only need to pay some money. But the military is different.

If this is violated, it is estimated that life will come to an end here.

Thinking about it now, it is estimated that it can only be banned.

However, Yu Cang shook his head: "No."

"Ah?" Hu Jingzhi was taken aback, "What is that?"

Yu Cang smiled softly: "About this... you two might as well experience it yourself when the time comes."

"Personally...?" Guan Qingrui's expression moved a little, thinking of Yu Cang's performance at the defense meeting, a bold guess came to mind.

No way... Could it be what he thought?

Thinking of that possibility, even Guan Qingrui couldn't help breathing a little faster.

"Then I'll try it first!" He said directly.

"Of course, no problem." Yu Cang smiled, and then stretched out his hands into his arms, "Get ready, gather your mind, don't resist, no matter what you see later, don't indulge in it."

Guan Qingrui nodded seriously, and immediately he saw a soul card full of stars appeared in Yu Cang's hand.

Wait, Starlight? Soul cards still have this color?

In the next second, his eyes suddenly changed, and his sight rose rapidly, and he came to nothingness.

Looking up, a star that seemed to last forever was shining in the infinite distance, and the starlight penetrated countless spaces and shone around him.

wait, four weeks is...

Guan Qingrui's eyes widened involuntarily.


While Yu Cang was busy with business, several researchers led by the two professors were looking around curiously.

This laboratory is not considered big, and the equipment inside is not particularly luxurious. It is just such a small come in and sign a non-disclosure agreement?

Of course they know who the owner of this laboratory is, Yu Cang, the student who created a new method of summoning.

They recognized this junior's talent, but at the same time, they were a little unconvinced.

The defense that day will be very shocking, but it is precisely because of the shock that it seems a bit fake... After all, no matter what you say, it is impossible for a 19-year-old young man to do something of this level by relying on his own knowledge. ... more like a burst of inspiration.

And relying on inspiration is naturally a matter of luck.

However, although they were not convinced, they were also jealous in their hearts, and they definitely did not dare to show it.

Just kidding, my tutors are acting as licking dogs for others. With their attitude, don't you want to mess around?

Moreover, the project in my hand was indeed given by someone else, so it's not good to speak ill of him behind his back.

The two researchers chatted quietly while looking at it.

"Hey, tell me, why did you let us come this time?"

"Then who knows."

"Could it be that Junior Yu Cang has come up with some big project again? I think Professor Hu is involved this time."

"I find it hard to say." Researcher A shook his head, "How can people always have inspiration."

"Haha...that's right." Researcher B laughed, and suddenly, his eyes noticed a place, "Hey, why are there so many sticky notes on that wall, go over and have a look."


The two approached. At this time, there were already three people standing in front of the wall, and their expressions were all thoughtful.

"Hey, look, it seems that there are some problems written on it."

Researcher B smiled: "It seems that our junior is eager to learn. He must have recorded the problems during the experiment and asked the teacher."

"I don't think it seems..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Look, the handwriting of the question is obviously that of a girl, it should be that junior named Lin Yunqing, and the one who answered the question is Junior Yu Cang. And..."

"And what?"

"Hey, you can see for yourself."


Researcher B saw that there was something wrong with Researcher A's expression, so he became more serious and began to read the content on the sticky note.

"Well, wood attribute spell cards form patterns? Isn't this the classic one... Hey, why is this answer, I haven't seen it in the book... But it seems to be very useful."

"Is there any commonality among the patterns of p15, b89, and t697? I remember that this discussion has already been concluded. Although the structure of these three patterns is similar, they are not interoperable at all... huh? Can you still play like this?"

"Why can't we use the structure of repeating the pattern u99 to increase the attack power of wood attribute soul cards? This book is very clear, right? Wood attribute u99 is special after all... Wait, can it be used? Are you kidding me?! Hiss , but this it combined like this..."


Researcher B's expression kept changing, from being casual at the beginning to being greatly shocked, and finally, like the other researchers in front of the wall, his expression became thoughtful.

It was as if it had been assimilated by some mysterious force.

He was very puzzled. Many of the questions on these sticky notes were asked from very strange angles. He often took out some things that had been regarded as truth by the predecessors as questions, and it seemed as if he was deliberately embarrassing the answerer.

There are also questions that directly surpass the textbooks, and the angles of the questions are unconstrained, like castles in the air, without any support. It seems that I just accidentally thought of some brain hole, no matter what, just write it down first.

But, no matter the outrageous question, there is an answer!

No way... Some questions seem unsolvable to them. How could there be an answer?

But, they calculated it in their minds, and these answers are very likely to be feasible!

God, what profound knowledge is required to be able to respond so smoothly... Moreover, the angles of the questions on these sticky notes are also unpredictable, but the respondent can answer them one by one, which shows that he probably has a wide range of knowledge. To incredible.

At this time, Lin Yunqing came from one side and pasted some notes on the wall.

He hurriedly said, "That school girl, may I ask, who answered the answers on these sticky notes?"

Lin Yunqing glanced at him: "Of course it's Senior Yu Cang."

Researcher B: "Huh?"

The junior who skipped a grade? ...But how is it possible...

In an instant, his self-esteem was hit hard.

Lin Yunqing seemed to have noticed the change in his emotions, and said indifferently: "These questions are very simple to seniors, and there is nothing to be surprised about."

Thoughtful researchers: "..."

Lin Yunqing was right, these questions were really easy for Cang, but not because of his great knowledge, but because of the entry recorder.

In addition to implanting the entry to obtain a new soul card, the entry recorder has many uses.

In fact, the questions on this wall of sticky notes have been changed many times. At first, the questions Lin Yunqing asked were normal, about the soul cards that Cang gave her, until one day, Lin Yunqing inadvertently asked a question on a piece of paper. The sticky note wrote a question she encountered during the study, and after being answered by Yu Cang, the above question became more and more beyond the outline.

Forget the unprovable problems that are not in the textbooks. Lin Yunqing often writes down some proven things and asks if there are loopholes...Of course, Lin Yunqing's level is not low, and the things that can be selected by her are It means that she has indeed discovered a clue.

And these problems were all solved by Yu Cang.

In fact, he didn't use any clever method. When he encountered a problem that he didn't know, he just ran it with the entry recorder.

Although the entry recorder can only be implanted with entries, it doesn't look "microscopic" enough to allow Yu Cang to freely DIY those specific texture structures.

But the so-called mountain people have their own clever tricks. Take the above problem distance as an example, repeat the u99 pattern structure to increase the attack power of the wood attribute soul card. Yu Cang can first write a section of u99 repetitive structure on the blank soul card, and then get a wood attribute soul card with high attack power by implanting related entries.

Then analyze this soul card, and the answer can naturally be found from it.

The commonality problems between the lines p15, b89, and t697 are naturally similar, as long as they are first substituted into a pattern formula that requires commonality and written on a blank soul card, this formula will definitely not work under normal circumstances, but in The entry is implanted in front of the face, these are not things.

After the soul card is formed, analyze it a little bit to see how the entry recorder interprets these lines, and the answer will naturally come to light.

Yu Cang used this method to solve many problems, but it seemed that Lin Yunqing's mentality had changed a bit.

The current Lin Yunqing seems to have regarded this wall as a wishing wall... Everyday, if there is any feasible idea, it will be written on it, waiting for Yu Cang to help her realize it.

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