Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 182 The New Campus of Ancient Capital University

After Yu Cang took the name for Jieying, a bright light suddenly lit up inside Jieying's body, as if a cosmic starlight suddenly exploded, and then, a ball of light flew out of Jieying's body and came to In front of Cang.

Yu Cang's eyes fell on this ray of light, and he naturally understood the function of this ray of light in his heart.

This is something similar to the contract of acknowledgment of the master. As long as Yu Cang accepts it, from now on, as long as Yu Cang is still alive, that Jieying will not be able to fly out of Cang's sight, which means that Jieying There is no way to run away.

Without hesitation, Yu Cang stretched out his hand directly, and took the light and shadow into the body of Rhythm.

He didn't worry that Jieying would do anything in this light and shadow, everything in Xingtian's field of vision would exist in an unobstructed and rhythmic way, and this light and shadow did the same. Yu Cang could tell what it had at a glance. There will be nothing hidden.

After Yu Cang accepted the light and shadow, Jie Ying raised his head and let out a long hiss. The starlight in his bubble-like body kept surging. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the starlight inside seemed to be brighter?

After a long time, Jieying calmed down.

Like Ye Lai, Jie Ying also became his real name.

"Jieying, I want to ask you a few questions." Yu Cang reached out and touched Jieying's forehead, "Have you been to many other civilizations?"

"Hmm... I have been there." Jieying seemed to be a little hesitant.

"Can you tell me what other worlds are like?"

"That, that..." Jieying hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Actually, I haven't communicated with scholars in other worlds..."

"Huh?" Yu Cang was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"The vision of stars and sky in other worlds is too terrifying. I don't know what happened. Since I was born, every world I have encountered is gloomy. Although I can indeed perceive the creatures in the world, I can indeed It can be seen that someone in this world must have entered the Xingtian Sight, but not even a scholar can see it, and the rhythm of the world is also obscure and dead, as if... It will be broken at any time.

"I searched in those worlds for a long time, hoping to attract the attention of some scholars, but I found nothing. There was even a feeling that the danger was getting I ran away quickly."

Hearing his words, Yu Cang was thoughtful.

Rhythm is dead silent, as if it might break at any moment?

Hmm... sounds like a world infested with wilderness.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang raised his head: "How many worlds like this have you seen before you came here?"

"Thirty-five." Jie Ying said, "I would be very scared when I encountered such a world, so later, when I encountered this kind of world, I just found some advanced knowledge and left--I am already ten years old. According to the information recorded in the animal consciousness memory, I should have met the first scholar at this time, but I don’t know why, but I can’t meet each other..."

"Then have you ever encountered a normal world? Even if there is no normal world where scholars are born?"

"Hmm... no. I'm also very surprised. The Xingtian vision in the memory of the beast shouldn't be like this... Fortunately, Jieying finally met you, a scholar. If I don't meet you again, I will Maybe I'm going to starve to death in the star field, woo woo woo..."

Jieying's words made Yu Cang's heart sink a little.

He swam all the way here, but he didn't see a single normal world... This shows that at least around the Blue Star, all the worlds should have been infected by the desert.

Even thinking a little worse, in this astral there any world that has not been infested by Huang?

Could their Blue Star have become an isolated island?

If that's the case, that's pretty hopeless.

Shaking his head, Yu Cang temporarily stopped thinking about these things that put him under pressure.

He asked curiously again: "You said, you are already ten years old? How is this calculated? Is there still a year, month, and day in the horizon?"

"Of course." Jieying affirmed, "However, our division of years and months does not depend on nature. Our beasts are very special. They will be born at the same time and in different places at the same time, and then they will transform at regular intervals. Once, this time is also the time when we need to eat advanced knowledge. Because this time is too fixed, scholars generally use it as a standard year in the star field."

"That's it." Yu Cang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's very reasonable...then when is the next time you need advanced knowledge?"

"Well..." Jie Ying was a little embarrassed, "It seems to be coming soon... Mr. Scholar, according to the calendar in your world, there should be one and a half months."

He had just joined a scholar's command, yet he had to let him feed him... This made Jieying somewhat embarrassed.

Yu Cang didn't say anything: "Then how will I feed you advanced knowledge?"

"It's very simple. Is there something called 'resonance stone' in your world? As long as there are suitable and enough resonance stones... But the rhythm in the resonance stone is limited after all, and my body is big... Hehe, so, the quantity that may be needed is a little bit more."

Yu Cang: "It's okay, this is what I need the most."

If Jieying could really do what he said, Ren Zheng would definitely be willing to provide them with just a few resonance stones.

"As expected of a scholar!" Jieying flattered him first, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "Well...if it's possible, I mean if ha, can you take me to those secret realms for a walk? ?The quality of the rhythms there will be higher, and they are inexhaustible and diverse. I can also choose the rhythms that suit me well... After all, the rhythms I get each time I transform are related to my growth. If possible, I still want quality The higher the better."

Yu Cang thought for a while, one and a half months later... I should be on winter vacation. At that time, I planned to go to the capital of God to find Grandmaster Yunyan, and see what the secret realm related to the machine race he mentioned was like.

It shouldn't be a problem to bring Boundary Shadow.

So he nodded: "Okay, what kind of rhythm do you probably need?"

Seeing that Yu Cang agreed, Jieying heaved a sigh of relief, and then said hastily, "You can feel it."

After finishing speaking, he moved his side fins a little, and a series of mysterious voices spread out, which was heard by Yu Cang. For a moment, many images flashed before his eyes.

"Hmm... is it related to tolerance, carrying, the sea, etc..."

The information conveyed by Jieying is very complicated, and it is difficult to accurately describe it in specific words, but it is not difficult to understand. It is still very easy to find some related rhythms.

"okay, I get it."

"Please, my lord scholar."

"Well... By the way, now you consider me the master, right?"

"Yeah, that's right!" Jieying looked very proud.

When meeting a saint, who would deny the Lord?

Generally speaking, beasts don't need to identify their masters when looking for a job. They can have an equal employment relationship with scholars, but Jieying is too excited, and because he is young, it is the first time he has met a living scholar, so One didn't hold back, and went directly to the acknowledgment contract, offering his real name.


Yu Cang thought about it and asked, "Then, besides what you just said, is there anything else you can do for me? It can be in battle or in life."

Hearing this question, Jieying's body visibly stiffened.

After a while, he said: "That...Master Scholar, I may not be able to help you too much in other aspects...I can store knowledge for you and perform some complicated calculations for you, Mister Scholar, don't look at me It looks dumb like this, but the calculation speed of our beast recognition is very fast, no matter what the problem is, as long as the steps are complete and there is a definite answer, I can quickly figure it out for you!"

Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

Good guy.

This is to get a supercomputer that you can carry with you.

This ability is really good, and it can make his scientific research path smoother.

"Jieying, I see that there are many rhythms that make up your body, and many of them can be used in battle. Why can't you fight?"

"Emmm... because, after all, we have no way to leave the Xingtian Sight... and even in the present world, the rhythm in my body is just a kind of knowledge. Pure knowledge is definitely not effective."

Only in a special place like the Xingtian Sight, can knowledge have the possibility of fighting.

"Okay." Yu Cang nodded.

However, he still didn't give up the idea of ​​bringing Jieying to fight in this world.

Wouldn't it be a pity not to take such a handsome giant kun out for a walk!

Can't get to the world? This is easy to solve, isn't that what soul cards are for!

Consciousness in the Bloodline Empire can descend through the medium of the soul card, and Jieying can of course also do it!

However, it is estimated that this problem will not be solved in a short time.

At first glance, Jieying would eat anything on the road. The rhythm in his body is too complicated. As far as the current card making is concerned, it is impossible to interpret Jieying's body with a soul card... Maybe, Think of a new summoning method that can ignore the restrictions of the soul card and directly pull out the shadow.

...It's too early to think about this now, let's talk about it later.

Even if he couldn't fight, the current boundary shadow was already very useful.

"Let's put aside the battle for now... Jieying, is that little bug I drove away for you just now a kind of beast?"

"No, no, no, we are not the same kind." Jieying shook his head hastily, his huge body disrupting the rhythm of the surroundings, "Knowing beasts and knowing insects are two different things! Although we all feed on knowledge, but knowing animals Rhythm that has been eaten has the possibility of regrowing, but knowledge insects will directly plunder this part of knowledge!"

Yu Cang's expression moved slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Knowledge insects are very good at parasitism. They will inadvertently drill into the depths of your knowledge, and then steal your knowledge bit by bit. By the time they are discovered, they may have lost more than half of their memories! Some The worms are better, they will leave by themselves after eating to a certain extent, some worms are very cruel, they will eat up all your knowledge, and then parasitize in your body... They can even reach you in this way This world!"

Yu Cang's eyes widened slightly, and then his face became serious. After thinking for a while, he said, "Then I'm very likely... I was parasitized by worms when I was a child!"

He said how he always forgot to memorize when he was a child, and he was often beaten because of this.

Wow, it turned out that you guys did it!

Yu Cang said this in a half-joking tone, but Jieying took it seriously, and he was a little worried: "Really? My lord scholar, the knowledge of insects did not leave you with any sequelae, right..."

"Ahem, it's okay, I'm sure I won't have any problems." Yu Cang changed the topic and asked, "By the way, Jieying, it's your first time here, why do you speak the language of our Yan Kingdom? ?”

"It's like this." Jie Ying explained, "It's indeed the first time I came here. Before that, my memory was blank, but in order to communicate with you, I took the time to eat some nearby rhymes. , where your language was found."

"So that's how it is." Yu Cang thought for a moment, indeed, at the beginning, Jie Ying kept screaming at him, and he couldn't understand anything, and so did the bug. Zi can communicate with Yu Cang freely.

Yes, the digestion is quite fast.

"So, like me, you also call this place 'Star Vision', is it also because of this reason?"

"Well, yes." Jieying took it for granted, "In your world, this place was discovered by you. When I use your language, I will naturally use your name to describe this place."

"Okay, I don't have any problems anymore." Yu Cang said, "Jieying, show me the ability to form a safe zone that you mentioned."

Jie Ying shook his huge head and looked around: "Is it right here? Once the ability is activated, it may not be convenient to move."

"How big is the scope after formation?"

"The maximum can reach the same volume as my body, but then I may have a little difficulty maintaining it..."

"Then...just cover the Ancient Capital University."

"no problem!"

Jie Ying responded, then turned his head and swam upwards, a bright light suddenly bloomed in his deep body.

Then, Yu Cang saw that Jieying's body kept shrinking and shrinking in this ray of light. Correspondingly, a spherical space began to form in his body and continued to expand.

When the spherical space expanded to a certain extent, Jie Ying flicked his tail, but his huge body deftly turned around and quickly swam to the side. But the spherical space seemed to be "sticky" in place, leaving his body as he swam, and made a crisp "boo" when it passed through the skin, vibrating like bubbles.

Yu Cang looked up, this spherical space didn't look that big when he was inside the boundary shadow, but when he came to it, he found that the bubble was so big that it could hold a small town.

He raised his hand and touched the bubble, and suddenly, a gentle suction came out from it, and Yu Cang's whole body was absorbed in it.


In the field of vision of Xingtian, Yu Cang felt down-to-earth for the first time.

He raised his head and looked around, and the sight in front of him made his mouth open.

It's so dreamy.

Blossoms of pink, blue or purple mist can be seen everywhere in this world, among which are dots of starlight, making this place look like a fairyland.

In this mist, various buildings are scattered and dotted, most of which are architectural styles that Yu Cang has never seen before.

There are three-dimensional tree houses built on towering ancient trees, there are stone towers carved out of monolithic boulders like works of art, there are small houses in the pond, inside lotus leaves and air bubbles, and some are extraordinarily scribbled, but with distinctive features thatched cottage.

Buildings of different styles are gathered here, but they are particularly harmonious.

At this time, Jieying's huge body swam past the bubble, and the voice entered Yu Cang's ears: "I learned about these buildings from their rhythms when I passed by other worlds, because I have never seen the real ones. So I don't know if the restoration is good or not, if you are not satisfied, I can also replace it with Yan Guo's house."

"No, it's pretty good." Yu Cang showed a smile.

These buildings look flashy. After all, everyone is just a line of sight in Xingtian's field of vision. Why do we need so many fancy things? Even in it, it will block the line of sight.

But in fact, Yu Cang felt that for beginners in the Xingtian Sight, these buildings also have the effect of assisting cultivation. After all, they are all composed of rhythms. Frequent contact with them is helpful for condensing the rhythmic body.

Moreover, being in it, Yu Cang only felt that his swollen brain was relieved. This layer of air bubbles and the buildings inside seemed to have a function of filtering the rhythm, which could isolate most of the rhythm from the outside, so that Yu Cang could Watch it bit by bit without being overwhelmed by the huge amount of information.

Yu Cang strolled among them, and the nebula-like mist automatically parted in front of him, making way for him. Outside the bubbles, Jie Ying also slowly swims, following Yu Cang's side.

He asked, "Jieying, can this place be used as a library for storing rhythms?"

Jieying nodded: "Of course——in fact, in my memory of beast consciousness, the magic civilizations famous in the star world often use the body of beast consciousness to build mage towers in the field of vision of the stars, and store their life's magic towers in it. knowledge."

"That's really great." Yu Cang was amazed.

Build a library in the Celestial Sight, so that all card crafters can enter it to learn the relevant rhythms!

If this idea can be realized, it will definitely be called a big change for the card maker industry.

When he was doing experiments, he discovered that in the existing card maker world, it is okay to do some ordinary experiments, and it is very convenient to check the literature, but once the soul cards above the epic level are involved, then the experiments will take a lot of time. It's getting old.

The main reason for this is the resonance stone.

As one of the necessities of the experiment, the resonance stone is similar to the existence of "references", but its production method is very troublesome. Not to mention that it requires the creator to be highly skilled, and it also has high requirements for materials and rhythms. Still can't make related resonance stones!

As a result, the experimental progress of many laboratories will be stuck due to the insufficient number of resonance stones. This is also one of the reasons why some projects that only produce one soul card have to be delayed for several years.

But now, with the Rhythmic Library, Resonance Stones? Sorry, no need at all!

This is like a super database, you can browse through the resonance in an intuitive form when you come here, it's not too convenient!

Even with this technology, as long as Yu Cangxin is a little darker, he can completely set up a monopoly. If he wants to publish a paper in the future, he will have to pay him, otherwise you will be expelled from the academic world!

"Ahem." Yu Cang coughed twice.

Let's forget about this, it's too bad.

Yu Cang continued to walk forward.

"Jieying, after the bubble is made, must it be placed here? Can it be moved?"

" difficult." Jieying showed embarrassment, "After the bubble is made, I must give it an anchor point, otherwise it will easily get lost in the field of vision of the stars. As long as this anchor point exists, don't It is said that it has moved, even if I want to take this bubble back, it will be very difficult, and it will cause a lot of rhythm loss, which is not worth the loss.”

"Then, can people from other places enter this bubble? I mean a place far away, the entire Yan Kingdom."

"This... there should be a related rhyme that can do this, but I don't know how to do it yet..."

Yu Cang nodded: "I know."

It seems that this requires him to make related soul cards to accomplish this.

This is not in a hurry, anyway, it will not let other people know the existence of the Star Vision.

"In this bubble, if someone can't hold on anymore, will you take action and send him back to this world?"

"Well, I will—but I don't need to take action." Jie Ying said proudly, "The bubbles I created have unique functions. When you are in it, as long as you want to leave, just shout 'Send me out', and you will be able to leave." You can return to the present world!"

"That's convenient."

"Yes! Because the bubble world created by the beast is based on its own rhythm, so maybe each bubble world created by the beast has different rules. This is my rule!"


Yu Cang wandered around in the bubble world, and after admiring the scenery, he turned his head and said, "You wait here for a while, I'll find some people to come in and try."

"Just arrange it!"


With a thought in his mind, Yu Cang's eyes fell quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he had already returned to the laboratory.

Opening his eyes, he saw Qi'er's worried little face,

"Brother!" The girl threw herself into her arms, "You are back, Qi'er is so worried about brother!"

"Qier is good~" Yu Cang rubbed the girl's back, "Don't you still believe in brother? I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Senior." Lin Yunqing stroked his glasses lightly, covering up the worry in his eyes with the flashing light of the lens, "You have stayed in Xingtian's field of vision for too long, even you should have been unable to hold on long ago I have. I must consider the possibility of you getting lost in it."

Yu Cang raised his head: "The reason why I stayed for so long is naturally because I am sure—Ye Lai, don't you think so?"

Ye Lai quietly sat on the table beside him, and nodded slightly when he heard the words: "I believe in the Lord of this body."

"Look, everyone believes me at night." Yu Cang stood up and said, "Okay, let's not talk about that, I found a new partner, maybe it can help you stay longer in Xingtian's field of vision."

"Huh?" Lin Yunqing was taken aback for a moment, and then an unconcealable joy appeared on his face, "Really, senior?"

Qi'er was also very happy: "Qi'er wants a new friend?"

Only the weeping girl seemed to hear a thunderbolt suddenly.

What do you mean... Master is recruiting new employees too fast, right?

I just made a good relationship with Qi'er, and Ye Lai has been ignoring me all the time, she hasn't thought of a way to attack, why is there another one here?

Woooooo... I hope the new partner can get along well...

"Of course." Yu Cang raised his head and looked at the sky through the window of the laboratory.

There, Jie Ying was stretching his huge body to his heart's content, slowly swimming across the sky above the city, his cosmic bubble-like body exuding a star-like light.

Here, you can see Jieying's body.

This is not to say that Jie Ying has come to the present world, but simply that Yu Cang can see him from the corresponding position in the present world.

Jieying signed a contract with himself, and from then on he could only move within his line of sight. It was because of this connection that he was able to see the projection of Jieying in this world, but it was only a projection.

This connection is one-way, Jieying can't see Yu Cang's real life on his side, what he sees is still a piece of rhythmic lines.

This ability doesn't seem to be useful for the time being, but it's pretty cool to keep a big fish in your sight.

"Where is there? Where is the new partner?" Qi'er put the sales on his eyes, and followed Yu Cang's line of sight to look into the distance, but he didn't see anything.

"Well..." Yu Cang said with a smile, "You will see it when you grow up."

"Ah?" The girl wailed, "Will it take that long?"

Yu Cang smiled, but there was nothing he could do.

Even the Zhou Tian Resonance Method can only be learned after the age of seventeen, Qier is still too young.

"By the way, Yelai." Yu Cang turned his head, "Have you ever seen someone enter the horizon of the stars in other worlds?"

Ye Lai frowned, "I'm sorry, I don't understand what is the Star Vision."

"Then have you ever heard that there is a place where all the knowledge in the world can be obtained?"

"I've heard it... So that's the Star Vision? I haven't entered it myself, but I've only heard a couple of rumors, so I haven't been sure if this place exists."

"The Xing Tian Sight is such a place." Yu Cang turned his head, couldn't wait to see Lin Yunqing, and smiled, "Okay, Ye Lai, I'll get down to business first, and I'll describe the scenery there to you later—it's really very beautiful." beautiful."

After finishing speaking, he reached into his arms and took out a handful of bright stars.


unknown space

There seems to be nothingness here, and the darkness spreads unscrupulously here, without beginning or end.

No, maybe it's not all darkness here.

Starting from a certain place, some complex outlines seemed to appear in the darkness. If you look farther, you will find that those outlines are criss-crossing, forming a huge palace complex.

However, these palaces are all pitch black, exactly the same color as the surrounding ones, and even the outlines cannot be noticed unless one looks carefully.

And in the very center of this palace group, in a large hall.

A king in heavy armor suddenly raised his head and cast his eyes into the dark distance.

Beside him, a person who looked like a literary officer saw the king's reaction and asked strangely: "What's wrong, king?"

"—Someone opened a channel to chaos in the Consciousness Realm."

"This..." The civil servant was a little surprised, "From the Consciousness Realm? But how is this possible... It's broken, he caused trouble, once the gap in the chaos outside the realm is opened, the entire Consciousness Realm may be torn apart!"

The king gently closed his eyes.

After a while, he said, "He closed it again."

Civilian: "..."

"The Consciousness Realm... Since it fell into chaos, it is true that I haven't seen the starlight of the Consciousness Realm for a long time." The king opened his eyes. Existence—come.”

brush! brush!

Several equally dark figures appeared out of nowhere, and nodded slightly in front of the king.

The king gently raised his hand, pointing his index finger in one direction.

"In that direction, find this scholar—if you haven't found him before the scholar's lifespan is exhausted, you can bury him with him."

The black shadows were silent, and after a while of fluctuations, all the black shadows disappeared.

Civilian: "... Wang, with all due respect, even if he really has this level of knowledge, he may not be able to solve your problem."

"It's all right—it's good to meet a scholar."


Inside the bubble world.

Lin Yunqing stared blankly, she looked at everything around her, a little dumbfounded.

No... When did these all come out?

She just left, and it hasn't been more than twenty minutes.

Why did so many things suddenly appear?

What kind of infrastructure speed is this!

Jieying's body flicked outside the bubble, and the sound of the whale's cry resounded through the entire bubble. From Lin Yunqing's perspective, it seemed as if the entire whale came out of the ground.

"This, this..." Lin Yunqing was stunned again.

"Okay, let me introduce you." Yu Cang said with a smile, "This giant whale is my new partner, his name is Jieying, and he is a beast—don't look at him as a fool, his knowledge may be better than yours. Oh, and more."

"Really..." Lin Yunqing's eyes became calmer, she bowed lightly, "Hello, Mr. Jieying."

"Hello, respected scholar." Jie Ying also greeted her.

"So..." Lin Yunqing looked around, feeling the sensation coming from his brain, "This place blocks part of the rhythm lines? Doesn't that mean I can stay here forever?"

"In theory, yes, but necessary rest is also needed-don't forget, you also promised me to exercise."

Lin Yunqing immediately became excited: "Senior, don't worry, I will never let exercise delay my study!"

"...Shouldn't the study not delay the exercise!" Yu Cang was quite speechless.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and his expression became funny.

"Old man Ren is here? Wait a minute, I'll pick him up."


In the laboratory, Ren Zheng opened the door and entered, and saw Yu Cang was already waiting for him.

"How about Xiao Cang, did they study well this morning?" Ren Zheng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's going very well." Yu Cang stretched out his hand into his arms, "Don't talk about those first, come with me first."

"Huh? What..."


After a while.

"I'm Zhuo!" Ren Zheng was stunned, "Wait... I left for a long time, and you are here... to build a new campus for Gudu University?!"

what is it called.

Gudu University Star Sight Campus?

Thanks for the reward 20210214174841977!

Still eight thousand words.

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