Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 186 Dragon Eye Swordsman

Yu Cang put the rotating dragon reflection on the table and let out a sigh of relief.

This card was also made.

I still remember when I just came back from Imperial University, what I wanted to do most was to complete this soul card and prove myself.

Now it seems that it is a bit boring - this soul card can't change anything.

Now I want to go back and slap my face, there are many ways.

Well, there are too many cards in the hole, and it is hard to speak.

But no matter what, being able to complete this soul card is something to be happy about.

And thanks to this soul card, he now has an idea of ​​how to integrate Jedi knights into his deck.

When the power representing darkness in the Jedi Knight's body is exhausted, its life should not just die, but a new power should be bred.

Yu Cang took out a blank soul card, and recorded his inspiration with a brush. Just as he was about to continue, there was a scream in his stomach.

"It's broken." Yu Cang slapped his head and turned around quickly, "Qi'er, I'm sorry, brother forgot to check the time, are you starving?"

The girl was sitting in front of a small table at the moment and looked at the picture book. Hearing this, she raised her head and showed a big smile: "No brother, Qier is super good!"

Yu Cang smiled softly, stepped forward, and picked up the girl: "Go, what do you want to eat, brother will take you to eat!"


When Yu Cang went out, he found that the researchers outside the house had already left, and only Lin Yunqing was left sitting in front of the computer. The whole room was pitch black, and the computer screen was the only light source.

"They're all gone?"

"Well, let's go eat."

"Ah... let's go, we will go too." Yu Cang raised his head and yawned.

"En." Lin Yunqing turned around and looked at Yu Cang, "Senior, look at you, the problem that troubled you has been solved?"

"Yeah, it went well." Yu Cang suddenly thought of something, "By the way, didn't you say that you have a paper to share with me..."

"Just now I saw the senior was fascinated by the research, and I didn't have the heart to I still need it now?"

Yu Cang scratched his head.

"Need it, send me a copy."

Although he has already made this soul card, he still has to transform the Jedi Knight later, so he never has too much knowledge in this area.

Moreover, it is not good for Lin Yunqing to directly refuse the information that Lin Yunqing took the trouble to find for herself.

Lin Yunqing couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Okay, senior."

Yu Cang walked out of the laboratory with Qi'er and Lin Yunqing, and the cool night wind blew past his face, which made Yu Cang feel much better.

"Hmm..." He stretched, and suddenly, his heart moved.

It seems that there is a feeling of breaking through to level five?

Yu Cang smiled.

Not bad... It's not in vain that he always equips [Order] and [Meditation] whenever he is free on weekdays.

Judging from his current state of the soul energy well, within two or three weeks, he might be able to break through to level five.

This time is not too late... It seems that the matter of participating in the battle club assessment can already be put on the agenda.


After dinner, Yu Cang returned to the laboratory.

When he opened the door, he saw that the researchers had already returned, and they were staring in their direction eagerly.

Yu Cang also knew what they were thinking now, so he simply took out the passage to the other world and dragged them all to the Jieying campus.

Going back to his seat and sitting down, Yu Cang pulled out the entry database and saw that the cooldown of the [Fusion] entry had improved, so he directly found a formula and clicked implant.

Unexpectedly, it succeeded.

Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

How can I succeed every time I try it casually, but not when I carefully design the formula?

Weird thing.

The attack this time is: [Fusion] + [Dragon Eyes] + [Spell] + [Slash]

The information on the card reads:

Soul Card Name: Swordsman of Dragon Eye

Category: Summon Card

Quality: Fusion


Race: Dragon/Humanoid


Depend on? ? ? Fusion comes.

[Dragon's Eye's Insight]: When this soul card is successfully summoned, send a spell card in the deck to death cooldown. If you do so, the swordsman of Dragon's Eye is deemed to have the ability of the spell card. The quality of the selected spell card cannot exceed the actual quality of the Swordsman of the Eye of the Dragon. While this ability is in effect, the selected spell card cannot end the death cooldown.

[Dragon's Eye's Comprehension]: The ability obtained by [Dragon's Eye's Insight] will be changed to a certain extent, making it suitable for Dragon's Eye swordsmen.

[Dragon's Eye's Shock]: For summoned beasts killed by Dragon's Eye's swordsman, their death cooldown is doubled. The swordsman of Dragon Eye has [Dragon Might].

[End of Eyes]: The swordsman of Dragon Eye can make a slash to any number of targets within the line of sight. This slash ignores the distance. The chosen spell card. This ability blurs the vision of the eye of the dragon and cannot be used a second time until the vision is clear again.


Yu Cang blinked his eyes.

This... ability introduction looks pretty cool.

It's still a standard fusion soul card. The card's pattern, attributes and fusion materials are all a series of question marks.

From the perspective of ability, this soul card needs to cooperate with some powerful spell cards in the deck to fight. Two or more soul cards are needed to support a combat power, and this card needs to be very strong to be useful.

But judging from the ability introduction alone, it doesn't seem to be outstanding.

[Dragon's Eye Insight] This effect is somewhat similar to the plundering of chess, but the plundering target can only be the soul card of one's own deck, not the opponent's, so it seems to be much weaker than that of chess.

But it's easy to understand, after all, Qi'er is a handed down existence. Even if it is not handed down, it is still handed down. The swordsman of Dragon's Eye is made with epic entries, and it is normal if it is not as good as it is.

Moreover, from the description, this ability is still different from Chess's plunder.

Chess is an invalid spell card, and it can be used by itself. But Dragon Eye's insight is different, it directly turns this spell card into its own ability.

The former can only be used once, but the latter can be used as much as you want after the [Comprehension of the Eye of the Dragon], and you can use it for as long as you want, without any falsehood at all.

This is very touching.


Yu Cang suddenly thought of something.

As a dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex, I just want to use the epic fusion, but now it seems... the swordsman of the Dragon Eye can also directly select the fusion and turn it into his own ability?

Fusion of this card does not exceed the quality of a swordsman!

Yu Cang thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was really feasible, but [Dragon's Eye Comprehension] would change the effect of the spell card, and it was hard to say what the ability would become after the fusion was taken over.

The third effect is quite satisfactory. In fact, just looking at these three effects, the Dragon Eye swordsman doesn't seem to be too strong, but the fourth effect directly improves the strength of this card by a level.

A slash that ignores distance!

As long as you can see it, you can get it!

Although from the introduction, [End of Eyes] does not have any damage bonus, it just sends out a flat a to all the targets it sees, which seems ordinary.

However, this ability is definitely a magic skill with the potential to turn the tables!

Just like when he played against Zhannong Weiran before, one of the core of the urban strange story deck, the strange talk puppet, can be easily restrained by this soul card.

The puppet has the ability that as long as it does not attack, it will not be selected as the target of long-range attacks. This ability allows it to stay safely in the arms of the soul card master, adding fear layer by layer for the whole audience.

However, the attack caused by [End of Eyes] is not a long-range attack, but a slash that ignores distance!

Perfect crack.

With the fragile body of the puppet, it would definitely not be able to withstand the swordsman's flat a. To be seen is to die.

In all decks, there are not a few soul cards like the Puppet with fragile bodies, difficult to deal with and disgusting effects.

Moreover, this ability can also be used to kill when the battle is at a stalemate.

Sometimes, when you encounter an opponent who is good at defense, the battle will often be dragged on for a long time, and the duel shield on the opposite side may be broken a little bit, but you just can't touch him... At this time, don't hesitate, directly Open 【End of Eyes】, and you're done.

What's more, although this slash is flat, the damage is not necessarily low. After all, the swordsman of Dragon Eye has [Dragon Power], which has a damage bonus to races other than dragons, and he can also use spell cards. ability.

As long as Yu Cang specially matches it with a set of damage-increasing spell cards, this flat A will also become terrifying.

[End of Eyes] You can choose any target, as long as you operate it properly, you can clear the field with one blow.

Moreover, the truly terrifying place of this ability is not actually in a duel... but in an expedition.

Those desolate beasts didn't have duel shields, as long as they slashed into the vitals, they would definitely die.

Yu Cang nodded, quite satisfied with this soul card.

However, there is no way to use this soul card right now, so its fusion materials must be confirmed first.

Yu Cang took this soul card to the test site.

"Hmm... Are the races dragons and humanoids..."

Yu Cang thought for a while, and summoned a gray-white dragon descendant and a giant plague scale beast, and tried it—no way.

"Then try this again."

Yu Cang summoned another real dragon boy, but it still didn't work.

He didn't believe in evil, and tried the soul cards in the deck one by one, but unfortunately, none of them met the requirements.

"... Strange thing." Yu Cang was a little puzzled.

After thinking about it, he temporarily put away the swordsman of Dragon Eye.

Wait for him to perfect the Jedi Knights before trying to use them. Since none of these soul cards can be used as materials, they can only be Jedi Knights.

It was getting late, Yu Cang returned to his seat, read the paper that Lin Yunqing sent him for a while, and it was already ten o'clock.

Entering the Jieying Campus, those researchers are still studying the Xingtian Sight. Yu Cang is not used to them. The entry [Diffusion] + [Echo] is implanted, and his voice is transmitted to every student in the Jieying Campus. corner.

"The laboratory is closing, let's call it a day."

After waiting for a while, he confirmed that no one in the Jieying campus should be in the field or understand, then he waved his hand and asked Jieying to send everyone out of the Xingtian Sight.

" it so late?" A researcher shook his head and stood up, "Hiss...the legs are numb, old Zhang, help me..."

Unexpectedly, that old Zhang had already lost his strength. After being caressed by him, his center of gravity immediately became unstable. He frantically tried to grab the things around him, and immediately lay down on the ground.

Guan Qingrui was furious: "What are you doing, get up!"

However, he didn't stand up from the chair, but just rubbed his legs silently.

Yu Cang couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay everyone, it's getting late, let's go back and rest first, no matter how good the Xingtian vision is, it's not as important as the body."

Many researchers showed a look of indifference - it is not unheard of to conduct experiments all night, and this time is not too late for them.

However, since it was Yu Cang who spoke, they naturally wouldn't sing the opposite, thanked Queen Tai Cang one after another, and left with the two professors.

"Xiao Cang." Ren Zheng walked over and said worriedly, "The admission assessment for the Combat Club is about to end, how is your cultivation progress? How about I let the Combat Club delay a bit, or just say hello Let you go right in."

Ren Zheng's words were taken for granted, and outsiders couldn't help but be surprised when they saw them—is this still the Ren Zheng who hates going through the back door the most?

However, Ren Zheng naturally has his confidence in saying this. In his opinion, Yu Cang definitely has the strength to enter the battle club, but the training time is a little bit short.

He has always believed that the current Yu Cang may not be able to beat the members of the Fighting Club, but as long as Yu Cang joins the Fighting Club, his combat effectiveness will definitely be the best in the next year's college league!

Since it's a matter of time, it's okay to go through the back door.

Facing Ren Zheng's words, Yu Cang just smiled: "No need old man, I have a little confidence in me."

"Yeah." Seeing Yu Cang's confident look, Ren Zheng nodded, "Okay, but don't hold back, if it's too late, tell me, there's nothing embarrassing about it."

"Don't worry, I'm not being polite to you."

After Ren Zheng left, Yu Cang took Qi'er back to the card making room.

In fact, he didn't care about staying up late or anything, it was just because Qier couldn't stand it, so he drove those researchers away in advance.

After putting the girl to sleep, Yu Cang went back to the room and was about to read a few papers before going to bed. At this moment, his personal terminal vibrated suddenly, and a message came in.

Yu Cang thought it was Gu Jieshuang, but when he picked up the terminal, his expression was a little surprised.

"Wang Hui?"

The time was so long that when he saw the name, it was a little strange.'s not too long, it's been less than a year since the last time we met, but for Yu Cang, a year ago and now can be regarded as two worlds.

Wang Hui, who was his roommate in Imperial University back then, seemed to come from a certain family, but he was quite a nice person, and he didn't have any airs of superiority, so Yu Cang was willing to be friends with him.

He was expelled from Imperial University a year ago, because he guessed that Duan Feng might have a lot of power behind him, so he didn't ask others for help. After all, it was his own business and he didn't want to involve others.

Anyway, he didn't deliberately hide this matter. If his friends were really capable of helping him, he would definitely do it directly. If he couldn't help him, it would be difficult for them to find them.

As a result, after that incident happened, his friend disappeared almost immediately. Yu Cang was not surprised about this, and he was also prepared for this in his heart.

This Wang Hui was the only one who would talk to him after that incident.

However, it is limited to talking.

And what is said is clearly hierarchical in terms of time.

At the beginning it was: "Don't worry, I'll protect you!" "Fuck, I can't bear this kind of framed person!" "I'll see who dares to touch my friend!"

Then it became: "Yu Cang, give me some more time." "Trust me, I will definitely protect you..." "Damn, I'm convinced, why is my dad so annoying."

Then came: "Yu Cang, why don't you join my family, so you will be fine." "I introduced my sister to you, this time my dad will definitely make a move!" "Damn, take it, Why did my dad confiscate my pocket money?"

In the end, it became: "Yu Cang, let's go abroad together? I've really had enough of this poor place!" "How about Tiandao? I heard that it flies high and doesn't have altitude sickness." "There's money over there." It’s the old man, I have plenty of money, and the two of us definitely didn’t have to suffer from such birdishness in the past!”

Yu Cang smiled.

Oh, tricky.

Those who knew thought you were helping me, those who didn't know thought you were trying to elope with me.

Can Yu Cang agree to this?

It must be impossible.

Cough, just kidding.

The main reason is that he stayed in Yanguo very well, and had no idea of ​​going abroad, so he naturally rejected it at the beginning.

Later, when Yu Cang returned to the ancient capital, Wang Hui didn't chat with him much, and he didn't know how many times he was beaten by his father.

Yu Cang also understood that Wang Hui had been painting cakes for himself. After all, he was just a student. Now it seems that this matter is not small. It is human nature that his elders do not want to get involved. Common sense, nothing to blame.

Now that a year has passed, Wang Hui can only talk to himself a few words during the holidays, and there is no intersection.

I don't know why I suddenly found myself this time.

After clicking into the chat interface, Wang Hui said:


Brother, I heard that you are very awesome now?

Yu Cang scratched his head and immediately understood.

At the beginning of the military equipment reform, Wang Hui's father seemed to be on the jury... He was familiar with it at the time, but Wang Manyiao only chatted with him at that time, so he thought he didn't recognize him.

Now it seems that he should be the one who told Wang Hui about his performance in the major armament reform.

Yu Cang smiled and typed:-

It's okay, I just got a Yanhuang Medal, nothing worth talking about/狗头/狗头-

...You boy! You got mixed up behind my back, right? -

Where are the words.

Yu Cang responded with a smile.

Now the people around me are masters or something when they open their mouths, even Lin Yunqing has a layer of respect in his eyes, and there are really not many friends who can let him chat like this.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Hui suddenly sent a message:-

All right, stop yelling. Hurry up and prepare, I will go to the ancient capital to visit you in a few days, you have to receive me well.


Welcome - don't even think about the reception, at most I will clean up a room for you and come out, and do other things by yourself.


...It's not Yu Cang, I came back from Tiandao all the way, just to play with you, how can you have such an attitude!

Seeing this news, a trace of surprise flashed in Yu Cang's eyes.


Did you really go to Tiandao? -

Of course - I've already mixed up in Tiandao, how about coming to Tiandao in a few days?


Forget it, something has happened.


Cut... okay, see you in a few days, I have to try your kid now!


Yu Cang turned off his personal terminal, looked at the night outside the window, and suddenly sighed.

have to.

Here comes a problem.

To tell the truth, Yu Cang was very happy to see an old friend, but now he is a little tight on time, and he doesn't have time to play with Wang Hui, and if he neglects this guy, he will definitely have to quarrel with himself again.


When Wang Hui comes back, he will definitely have to fight with himself, but this guy's deck... is quite hellish.

It's not about whether he's strong or not. To be honest, his strength isn't high, but the underworld is the real underworld.

Moreover, Wang Hui has stayed in Tiandao for a year, so his current deck must have been updated, and he doesn't know what hell has been added.

If possible, he doesn't really want to fight with him, but Wang Hui's kindness is hard to refuse, so we must have a fight.

Yu Cang scratched his head.

Hmm...Wang Hui is at the same level as his previous self, but now he is at most a level four soul card master. As long as he raises his level to level five before Wang Hui comes back, he will naturally not want to fight with him!

Just do it!

But... it's still not safe, even if I equip [Meditation], it's a bit difficult to control the progress of my cultivation.

To be on the safe side, let's make some soul cards against Wang Hui... Make sure you can win first.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang sighed and continued to read the papers in the terminal.


one night

Yu Cang got up early, and after preparing breakfast, he sat on a chair and watched the chess pieces float around the room.

There was an involuntary smile on the corner of his mouth.

Weeping girl loves chess too much.

Knowing that it was difficult for the girl to get up, she actually used the method of possessing her body to help her get up, and even included washing and changing clothes.

What a fully automatic wake up.

Fortunately, Qi'er is very obedient and sensible, even if he is so spoiled, he has not developed some annoying problems.

During the waiting period, Yu Cang sent a jump message to Gu Jieshuang, asking him about the cultivation progress of the last three members of the Combat Club, and the results he got were still two at level four and one at level five.

Yu Cang thought for a while.

The deadline for the Combat Society's assessment is approaching, and before the deadline, it seems that I can't steadily enter the fifth level.

But it doesn't matter, this assessment can be conducted every once in a while, he signs up first, as long as he breaks through to the fifth level before hitting the bottom three, it doesn't matter, there must be time.

Hmm...then sign up immediately after dealing with Wang Hui.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang chatted for a while, then turned off the personal terminal.

Now that Gu Jieshuang has been sent to the reception bureau for research, he can use his personal terminal to chat with others for a while every day, and then there will be no signal.

To be honest, I am not used to the lack of Gu Jieshuang in the store.

After breakfast, Yu Cang returned to the laboratory.

Hmm... Make sure to complete the transformation of the Jedi Knight today!

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