Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 199 Dragon Bone Hall Soul Shepherd Great Lich

Chapter 199 Dragon Bone Hall·The Great Lich of the Shepherd

The last dragon outfit in the deck was used by Yu Cang at this moment.


The air trembled endlessly, a vortex unfolded in the air, and ten white dragon scales turned into streamers of light and submerged into it. The fusion energy gradually flooded the sword saint's body, and finally covered its golden pupils.

"You." Xing Su's expression changed.

What kind of tactic is this?

That ancient flower dragon is very powerful in combat. To be honest, if Yu Cang let him stand, Xing Su would really have to work hard to get rid of the ancient flower dragon.

In the end, you didn't hesitate to sacrifice the Dragon Eye summoned by the Falling Flower Ancient Dragon, and after appearing on the stage, you slashed it with a knife, and you sacrificed it directly?

This is why.

He had never seen such a tactic. After a series of operations, he was not given time to intervene at all.

Although Xing Su felt that Yu Cang would definitely not do meaningless operations, he really couldn't understand the step of summoning the Eye of the Dragon.

From the looks of it, this is a blood loss of five dragon scales.

Left and right couldn't figure it out, Xing Su simply didn't want to, but focused on the operation in front of Yu Cang.

A dragon's eye, plus ten white dragon scales, and that spell card... In such a big battle, what Yu Cang summoned is probably stronger than the black and white dragon!

Is this still the Dragon of Light and Shadow deck? How can a normal Dragon of Light and Shadow deck bring so many strange things!

While thinking about it, a loud dragon chant suddenly sounded on the field——

hold head high! ! !

Before the fusion vortex dissipated, a strong dragon claw stepped out of it, and suddenly, the earth was shaken.

Then, the huge body slowly walked out of the vortex, as if a real coercion came here, even affecting Xing Su himself.

"What a strong Long Wei... Wait, this looks like..."

A strong real dragon, wings made of can't be wrong, it is the powerful real dragon named "Dragon of the Dying Vortex" as Lan Jun said!

Is it finally here?

Xing Su licked his lips.

The guy he'd been wary of had shown up.

To be honest, Yu Cang really gave him a lot of surprises just now.

Hua Gulong, the Sword Master of Dragon Eye, the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex, and the young son of the real dragon, there are four epic-level summoned beasts. You must know that Yu Cang is only a fourth-level soul card master. Riga has so many soul cards that can't be used directly, isn't he afraid of getting stuck?

You know, there are only three epic cards in the deck he used after he was promoted to level five!

However, Yu Cang really used so many epics in one battle.

Although there are a few steps of operation that are somewhat unclear, they are indeed used.

But...that's all!

He learned that the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex Realm cleared the field at the cost of burning its life, that is to say, after activating that ability, it would die itself, and even the young real dragon next to it would not be able to escape!

Once the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex dies again, the only epic soul card that Yu Cang can use is the one pulled out after clearing the field, and he has no terminal to rely on!

After all, Yu Cang's deck is not like his own, as long as there are enough souls, he can be resurrected continuously!

What's more... It's still uncertain whether the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex can clear the field.

In the final analysis, this summoned beast is nothing more than an epic, and his [Burial Vortex] is not a sure-fire move, it can only cause high damage.

Not to mention, Lan Jun told himself yesterday that this guy is of the dark attribute, and his liches are also of the dark attribute, and they are quite resistant to energy attacks of the same attribute...that is to say, [Buried Vortex] may not be able to kill his Lich!

Thinking of this, Xing Su showed a confident smile: "Is this the summoned beast you terminated Lan Jun?"

Yu Cang's face turned slightly pale, which was a sign of excessive mental stress.

But he still nodded calmly and said, "Naturally."

"Very powerful." Xing Su's eyes showed a touch of admiration, "Then... Next, you have to use that trick, and die with me? But I have to remind you, I am different from Lan Jun. In the card group, death is far from the end."

"Really." Yu Cang smiled lightly, "That's as you wish."

--hold head high! ! !

The Dragon of the Sacrifice Vortex roared up to the sky, his beard and hair danced wildly, the huge energy surged in the body covered with white scales, and even turned into pale thunder and lightning overflowing the body!

Those pair of white wings had already ignited a scorching flame, and within the domain of Longwei, violent energy churned endlessly, sweeping and wreaking havoc like an ocean current!

Sacrifice Vortex!

"Good job!" Xing Su waved his hand, "Hellfire Lich, use the hell rock summoning technique!"

howl! !

A gloomy howl resounded in the field. The Hellfire Lich raised his hands high, and the six spheres of Hellfire behind him fell to the ground. Immediately, the ground within a certain range seemed to turn into a liquid sea, and thick boulders rose from the ground. rise!

These boulders were extremely solid, with green flames still burning in the gaps. As soon as they appeared, they gathered around the two liches and turned into a huge rock sphere.

This hell rock is extremely strong, and it also has high resistance to the four attributes of fire, darkness, earth, and wood. The hellfire lich is an epic. With this hell rock summoning technique, Xing Su is confident that he can go head-to-head with the sacrificial vortex !

Come on, let's compare and see who is more... what?

Xing Su's eyes widened suddenly.

In the venue, the burst of light was extremely dazzling, as if there was a small sun on the ground.

This sacrificial vortex...why is it a light attribute?

Didn't it mean that it was a dark attribute attack?

Broken... Lan Jun missed me!

hum! !

When the energy was full, Longwei's domain shrank violently, and within the domain... there was nothing left.

Xing Su's smile froze for a moment.

This... is this gone?

Everything is too fast.

From the launch of the sacrificial vortex to the contraction of the domain, the time was only a few seconds, and any resistance made by his two liches before death had no effect at all, like a speck of dust, easily disappeared in the in the field.


His lich is also epic! Moreover, the two liches add up to attack and defend as one, so they are not afraid of any lineup at all!

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is an epic existence, it is impossible for one summoned beast to solve two liches.

This Dragon of the Sacrificial too perverted.


In the middle of the giant pit on the field, the air seemed to shrink.

Xing Su immediately concentrated his attention.

Are you coming...

A powerful epic that combines everything... He asked Lan Jun, so he naturally knew what would happen after being successfully cleared by the sacrificial vortex.


A layer of domain suddenly spread and gradually dissipated into the air. Behind the domain was a tall figure.

"Cough..." Yu Cang suddenly coughed dryly, and almost lost his footing.

The mental pressure of this summoned beast... is so high.

He even felt that just now, just a little bit, the quality of this summoned beast was about to break through the world.

However, the upper limit of his endurance limited it, directly causing it to fall back to the epic, and even the quality was damaged a lot.

... Sure enough, the effect of this soul card is not comparable to his entry recorder.

Didn't you see that Gu Jieshuang, who theoretically couldn't sustain the mental pressure handed down at all, could swing a sword at the moment the entry was successfully implanted when he was in the snow mountain?

And this integration is impossible.

However, it is also normal.

Without thinking too much, he turned his attention to the summoned beast on his field.

This turned out to be a giant dragon.

That is, the western dragon species that resembles a large lizard.

This giant dragon is tall and strong, and the dragon scales on its body are black with burn marks. On its body surface, part of the dragon scales turned into dark rocks, spreading all the way from the back, passing through the neck, all the way Covered to the vicinity of its mandible.

These rocks are also in the shape of dragon scales. Countless dark green flames ignite in the gaps between the scales of the rocks, exuding an evil aura.

Although this giant dragon was very strong, its wings were broken, dragged on the ground weakly, and its eyes were empty and lifeless. Standing still, it was not much different from a corpse that had been dead for a long time.

But... under the giant dragon's feet, all the ground within a certain range seemed to come alive, surging continuously, which made people dare not ignore the power of this giant dragon.

"This is..." Xing Su's expression was a little heavy, "Is it a...summoned beast born from the fusion of lich?"

Although after hearing Lan Jun talk about the battle that day, he already had certain psychological expectations for the outcome, but when this scene actually happened in front of his eyes, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

What the hell is this called?

Use your own soul card as his summoned beast?

Who knows, family members.

It's just that, after all, he didn't see Tai Cang's performance with his own eyes at that time, so he was lucky, thinking that he might be able to resist the burial vortex with two liches.

In the end... I really couldn't bear it.

...Forget it, it's not a big problem.

Xing Su took a deep breath.

There is still enough soul power in his dead soul treasure box!

With these soul powers, his lich is immortal. Now that the attempt has failed, it doesn't matter if he can't resist.

After all, there is an extra epic on the opposite side, as long as you pull out the epic in the deck, then... wait!

Xing Su's expression changed.

Where's the epic... Where's your own epic?

His mental power swept across the deck, and he suddenly became flustered.

Why, I can't feel the connection between the Dragon Lich and the Hellfire Lich?

Shouldn't they be entering the death cooldown now!

Xing Su quickly opened his card box, searched for a while, and found that the two cards were still there.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately his face became more serious.

Disconnected? When did it happen... But, why, after being killed, it should enter the death cooldown, and Lan Jun didn't tell himself that the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex still has the ability to disconnect!

In fact, he has been a soul card master for so many years, and he has never encountered the ability to cut off the connection of other people's soul cards!

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

It was that time!

The sword master of the unknown dragon's eye!

Xing Su couldn't help but gasped.

Was it the knife at that time that directly cut off the connection between the two liches?

And this kind of knife technique?


Xing Su's forehead had already begun to break out in cold sweat.

After disconnecting, it takes a lot of effort to reconnect. With the help of the card box, it takes about 20 minutes to reconnect an epic soul card. This time is far longer than a duel. time!

In other words, in this duel, he has no way to revive these two liches... There is only one epic-level lich he can use!

Only one epic can be used, what is the difference between this and Yu Cang?

Xing Su raised his head and cast his eyes on Yu Cang.

Damn it... Is this your plan... It fell through!

He should have terminated you right from the start!

Opposite, Yu Cang smiled.

His plan went well.

The attacks caused by Huagulong Mengling are spell damage, and the dragon scales it produces are also white dragon scales.

The sacrificial vortex is indeed not a 100% kill, so Yu Cang did not hesitate to use ten white dragon scales as materials, so that the dragon of the sacrificial vortex created by fusion has a top-level epic panel, and even makes its attribute a light attribute, ensuring Can cause restraint damage to Lich.

But speaking of it, the panel of the Dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex is actually very bad. Although it looks very powerful, after the actual test, it will be found that the strength, speed, etc. are not like epics, only the vitality column is ridiculously strong.

This also means that it is very difficult for Yu Cang to let the dragon of the Sacrificial Vortex stand out, and directly open the Sacrificial Vortex next to the opposite soul card master-generally speaking, a few strong rarities cooperate with each other to stop the Sacrificial Vortex The domain of the dragon.

If you can open the eddy current... Tsk, maybe the battle will end very quickly.

In short, Dragon Eye took the portable fragments and excluded the two liches, which was his core tactic against Xing Su today.

It's just a pity that Xing Su was still very cautious and didn't summon the third lich together.

Otherwise, if the three liches were disconnected together, Xing Su could surrender directly - of course, it is no different now.

Most of the undead clan's individual combat effectiveness is not outstanding. Want to defeat the dragon clan, which is also an epic, in a one-on-one battle? impossible.

At this time, Xing Su moved.

He didn't give up.

Let him surrender when he beats level 5 to level 4? impossible!

I saw him wave his hand, and suddenly said: "Activate the [Soul of the Past]! Resuscitate, my lonely soul buried in purgatory—Dragon Bone Hall, Soul Shepherd Great Lich!"


A mass of soul power that was more intense than before flew out of the treasure box of the dead souls, slowly fell to the ground, and condensed into a towering figure.

This figure is like a skeleton, extremely thin, but wearing a thick robe with luxurious gold ornaments everywhere, showing majesty and dignity.

There was nothing in the Grand Lich's hand, but a staff made of the arm bones of an unknown giant creature was quietly floating beside it. The six crowns were strung together by the staff, each floating and trembling.

If you look carefully, you can see that these crowns come in different styles, as if they come from different countries and eras, but they are strung on the staff at this time, which makes people feel that these crowns seem to be... some ordinary spoils of war.

Seeing this summoned beast, Xing Su felt relieved.

This soul shepherd grand lich was his ace summoned beast when he was at the fourth level. In the week since he was promoted to the fifth level, he didn't do nothing, but asked his instructor to fully upgrade this soul card , so that its strength can continue to be its trump card!

Now the other two liches have been excluded... It doesn't matter, it's just to let the battle continue to return to the way he is familiar with!

Moreover, there is no need to resurrect those two summoned beasts, his current soul power is extremely abundant, just enough to fully display all the strength of the Grand Lich!

Xing Su waved his hand: "Grand Lich, launch [Shepherd Soul as Blade]!"

howl! !

The Grand Lich opened his mouth and let out a wail. Behind him, the staff flew up high, and groups of souls flew out of the treasure chest of the dead souls and sank into the staff.

These green soul powers actually blazed up on the staff, and extended to both sides along the staff, forming two burning sharp blades!


The great wizard howled again, pointed forward with one hand, and the staff circled and flew towards the dragon in front of Yu Cang!

Facing this blow, the giant dragon that looked like a corpse finally moved.


Faint flames lit up in the empty eyes, it turned its head slightly, and its eyes locked on the flying staff.

next second.


The turbulent ground rolled up and turned into barriers burning with green flames. The magic staff was like a broken bamboo, breaking through three barriers in a row, but finally lost its kinetic energy in front of the fourth barrier.


The giant dragon moved heavily, and the churning earth also spread forward!

Its wings seemed to be useless, and it could no longer rely on them to take off, but the earth became its domain.


The second step fell, and the edge of the flowing earth had come to the Grand Lich.


The rock turned into a giant hand burning with green flames, rushed out from the ground, and grabbed the Grand Lich head on!

The archlich backed away without haste, but the giant rock hand followed him everywhere.

Not far away, the staff suddenly trembled, and then, a crown suspended on it exploded into pieces.

Activate ability: [Lionheart King's Aloofness]!


The green energy condensed into a ring, erupted from the archlich and the staff at the same time, and swept away in all directions. The various creations made of hell rocks couldn't stop them at all, and they were swept away in the blink of an eye!

In the world of the Grand Lich, he once killed six human kings and used their power for his own use.

Correspondingly, in the hands of Xing Su, the Grand Lich has six powerful one-time skills, which he can only use once in a summoning, so he attaches great importance to the timing of the soul card master.

But - the Revenant's Treasure Box has the ability to resurrect the Grand Lich, so the one-time setting of these abilities is not a disadvantage. After all, it is enough to commit suicide directly after using it, and the Revenant's Treasure Box can continue to be used for another round after being resurrected!

Looking back on the field, seeing the ability take effect, Xing Su was not polite to Yu Cang, and immediately said: "Launch: [Sun King's Rush]!"


The Grand Lich flew into the air, and the green flames around him intensified. When it came to the staff, it was already like a green sun!

The scorching light descended into the world, and the second crown on the staff shattered. Afterwards, the archlich held the staff, and kept moving, the green burning blade pierced the head of the giant dragon!

Stab it!

A huge gap bloomed on the dragon's neck, and this knife almost cut its neck in half!

However, it doesn't seem to work.

The green flames in the crevices of the giant dragon's scales ignited ragingly, and quickly healed the wound.

Xing Su frowned, and for a while, he seemed to realize something, with a startled expression.

Wait, this ability is...

By the time I realized it, it was already a bit late.

The giant dragon raised its head and roared to the sky. Following the cry, countless pillars of hell rock rose from the earth. The great lich made a move to dodge, but it also ignored the effect of another force.

The inexplicable suction erupted with the dragon's roar, and when the archlich didn't pay attention, all the green flames on the staff were sucked away and rushed into the dragon's mouth!

Xing Su's face was a little ugly.

This is the ability of the Hellfire Lich... It can absorb the power of the soul, but why is the priority of this giant dragon to absorb the power of the soul so high? Can actually absorb the soul directly from the body of his own archlich?

It shouldn't be!

He reacted, trying to get the Grand Lich to distance himself, but the giant dragon's movements suddenly sped up, and before the Grand Lich could react, it suddenly stretched out its dragon claws and grabbed it!

Yu Cang deliberately slowed down the speed of the giant dragon just now, just for the surprise at this moment, and at this moment, the soul of the great lich was sucked away, and the speed dropped sharply. not drop!

However, it is always too late to release skills.

"Grand Lich, activate the [Majesty of the King of Conquerors]!"


Another crown was shattered, and a shield burning with green flames appeared around the Arch Lich, but without the blessing of the soul, this shield was not thick, and Peiran's strength erupted on the dragon's claws, and the fine cracks Spreading on it non-stop, as if it would collapse in the next second!

Xing Su's face became serious.

It's over... the Grand Lich may not be able to escape.

It doesn't matter, he still has resurrection!

So he immediately said: "Grand Lich, launch [Tyrant's Self-Extermination]!"


Another crown shattered, and this time, green flames burst from the archlich's body from the inside out.

This is a self-destruct skill!

After activating this skill, the Grand Lich will definitely die, but it just happens to enter the death cooldown and wait for the next wave of resurrection!

Facing Xing Su's counterattack, Yu Cang smiled lightly.

The time had come—it could be over.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, the giant dragon's claws pressed down and directly pushed the archlich into the ground, but then... the body of the giant dragon was slowly dissipating?

Yu Cang canceled the summoning of this giant dragon!

Now, even Xing Su was stunned.

What is this doing?

Cancel the dragon at this time, do you want to die?

Your other epic soul cards haven't ended their death cooldowns yet, have they?

Canceled its call, how do you fight with yourself?

However, the figure that appeared next to Yu Cang made him widen his eyes.

The sword master of Dragon Eye?

How is it possible, wasn't it dead just now?

Could it be that Yu Cang brought two... not right, Yu Cang obviously didn't use his weird fusion just now, how did this sword master come out? !

——Of course it is the return of the Eye of the Dragon!

After the Dao Sheng appeared on the stage, Yu Cang did not hesitate. Now that time is running out, he must operate quickly!


The sword master opened his golden pupils, and his eyes had locked on all the summoned beasts on the field.

But the target of its knife is not the Grand Lich.

It was behind Xing Su, a few skeletal corpses that had just crawled out of the skeletal tomb!

He can't kill the Grand Lich, but it's easy to kill a few corpses in seconds!

The knife master swung his knife horizontally, and with a distance of half the arena, he cut to death all the ignorant corpses.

After killing the target, [Dragon's Eye's Insight] is refreshed, and the sword master immediately replaced the Dragon's Eye's return with a portable fragment!

Then, put away the knife and take out the knife.

With a single stroke, just before the Grand Lich died, it cut through his neck.

Yu Cang let out a breath.

it's over.

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