Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 213 Knowing the swarm, Feng's shock

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Yu Cang waved his hand, the surrounding fog became thicker, and the bench seemed to become a lot more solid.

He was asking Jie Ying to adjust nearby parameters.

The Jieying campus can filter and cover the rhythm of the real world to a certain extent. It is precisely because of this feature that those who are not yet proficient in the star field can stay here for so long.

Without the Jieying Campus, those newcomers would be overwhelmed by the information flow within a few seconds here.

And what Yu Cang is doing now is to strengthen the function of filtering rhythm. It is reflected in the vision, that is, the objects are more real and closer to the present world, and the fog is thicker, so that Feng's sight can only be limited to this small area above the bench.

After all, this person in front of him must be entering this place for the first time, without any precautions, he could easily be overwhelmed by the endless rhythms. He invited people here, and he definitely couldn't let them suffer this crime.

It has to be said that there are indeed two kinds of experiences in Xing Tian's field of vision, with bounded shadows and without bounded shadows. Sometimes it can even be regarded as the difference between primitive man and modern man.

Feng obviously wasn't the person's full name, but Yu Cang didn't care, it's a good thing to be cautious, anyway, he wasn't in a hurry to let Feng learn the Sight of the Stars, just take his time.

"Feng, are you a student?"

"...I am." Feng calmed down from the initial daze, he thought for a moment, and said, "Where do you say this is...?"

"This is Ancient Capital University, Jieying Campus." Yu Cang leaned on the backrest, "I think you discovered this place just now, so I invite you to come in and have a seat."

"...I did notice this place." Feng said strangely, "But I thought at first that this place was just a different space."

It is very common to have different dimensions in universities.

It may be a place for students' trials and exams, or it may be the teacher's own private space.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among universities is not surprising.

but here...

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows, "What about now, what do you think this is?"

"Now... I don't know either."

Feng's current mood is both confused and shocked, even a little scared.

After being pulled into this world, he suddenly realized that this is not a different space at all!

Although many different spaces have their own unique rules, in essence, no matter how weird and counter-intuitive these rules are, after all, different spaces are just a world composed of matter. In the most essential, there are several rules that are Common.

But here, it's completely different!

He was here... He couldn't even tell what state he was in right now.

No body, no soul, nothing, if you want to say... he is probably just a line of sight?

A world dedicated to sightlines? Could such a place really exist?

Is he crazy or the world is crazy.


Feng looked around.

If this is a place that only accommodates sightlines, then what are the surrounding buildings and benches made of... eh? etc!

Feng's eyes trembled.

After concentrating his attention, he realized... this bench, this cloud, what kind of entity are they, they are all... all...

Feng already had a judgment in his heart, but this judgment challenged his nerves too much, and he didn't dare to confirm it for a while.

After all, if it's really...really composed of the purest rhythms, wouldn't that mean...

For a moment, Feng was thinking wildly in his mind. This kind of guessing was not something he could stop if he wanted to.

At this moment, Yu Cang said, "You seem to have guessed something."

Feng Qiang settled his thoughts: "Hmm... everything here seems to be made of rhythm?"

Although he can only see a small space near the bench now, and his vision will be blocked by those dreamy clouds and mist, but his intuition tells him that behind those clouds and mist, there must be a wider world!

If there is only this bench, it is nothing. But the Jieying Campus that Feng perceived from the outside enveloped the entire Ancient Capital University.

If such a huge area was completely rhythmized... it would be terrifying.

This means that the school-wide rhythm will be completely open to soul card masters. For a card maker, the temptation is really too great.

You know, even he is only limited by attributes in normal resonance, seeing the two rhythms of light and darkness, if he can study in the Jieying campus for a period of time, he will definitely benefit a lot.

Although there will definitely not be any high-level rhythms in the school, but with this characteristic of full rhythm, even the masters and Zhen Guos will be attracted to this place.

And aside from this, here... who created it...

Surely there won't be a place where the rhythms are all open in nature, right?

Not to mention that this place is full of human traces...

Being able to create such a place means that this person must know all the rhythms within the scope of the ancient capital university like the back of his hand!

But is this really something humans can do? If it can be done, how powerful will such an existence be.

And myself...why have I never heard of such an existence before.

Yu Cang nodded: "You guessed it right - the purpose of this place is to help soul card masters better grasp the rhythm. However, what you see is not all."

Yu Cang smiled mysteriously and waved his hand, the cloud and mist in front of him suddenly changed.

A small hole emerged from the clouds, and Yu Cang "made" a hole in the Jieying Campus, so that people could see the outside through the hole.

Moreover, he used the body of rhythm to gently move it with vicious humor, so that some deeper rhythms were also revealed.

As soon as this hole appeared, Feng's eyes were directly attracted to him, and he couldn't move away...

Countless complex and dense information entered Feng's field of vision through this hole, and in just a few seconds, Feng's thinking ability was completely overwhelmed by these huge information!

Just when Feng was about to pass out due to information overload, Yu Cang waved his hand again, and the hole had been closed.

He turned his head and looked to the side again, Feng's gaze was completely frozen, he was silent on the bench, he didn't know if he was digesting the information just now or was simply shocked.

Yu Cang smiled lightly.

Xiao Mian, this set can't take you down?

He knows the xp of these geniuses too well.

No matter whether he is depressed or complacent, as long as he lightly reveals the power of Xingtian Sight... it is equivalent to directly poking their sensitive nerves, making them chase after him.

He changed into a comfortable position, continued to sit on the bench, and waited for the reaction of the summit.

And Feng's mind was completely messed up.

Let's not mention the huge information for now... No, I have to mention it, what the hell was that just now?

Jieying Campus is exaggerated enough, that place is even more exaggerated than this!

All the rhythms are displayed in front of the eyes without any cover, and there are even some conceptual rhythms...

This kind of conceptual rhythm can't be effectively obtained by the current resonance method, and can only be obtained by luck. As a result, the existence next to him just flicked his fingers lightly, and this rhythm was revealed?


How did he achieve this? Feng can not think about it for now, but Yu Cang's performance of opening a hole in the Jieying campus just now really scared Feng.

Although he has never seen this kind of rhythmic place, but thinking about it, he knows that it is definitely not an easy task to make holes in it! If one is not careful, it will definitely cause a total collapse!

And Yu Cang is so relaxed... He must have extremely high authority here, and he might even be the creator here!

Just now I was wondering which strong man created this place, but now I actually saw it with my own eyes.

Feng said cautiously: "Well, this Jieying Campus, you couldn't have created it yourself..."

Yu Cang smiled: "That's not true. The name of this place is Jieying Campus. Naturally, it was created by Jieying. I'm just..."

Yu Cang didn't finish his sentence.

Jieying's huge body suddenly appeared outside the bubble world.

"Master Scholar." Jie Ying's voice came in, "I saw a group of worms approaching here, I might not be able to defeat them, can you please..."

Hearing this, Yu Cang frowned slightly, and swallowed the second half of his sentence.

"I see." Yu Cang sighed and got up, "Jieying, you said you are so big, you are afraid of what those bugs will do."

Jie Ying didn't refute, but just looked at Yu Cang pitifully.

Although he is big, it really hurts to be wormed into his body!

He is only a ten-year-old child, how can he beat those vicious worms.

Yu Cang didn't say anything, Jie Ying was very timid, this was something he knew when he first met him.

It's no big deal, Yu Cang, holding the entry recorder in his hand, is almost invincible in Xingtian's field of vision.

Are you afraid to use the knowledge handed down from generation to generation casually?

Even if he encounters a myth, he can have the power to fight.

After all, although Shinhwa has myth-level knowledge, he is not necessarily willing to use it in battle.

Just as Yu Cang was about to rush out of the Jieying campus, suddenly lights and shadows flickered beside him, and the sights of Guan Qingrui and Ren Zheng came out from the clouds.

Guan Qingrui took the lead and said: "Xiao Cang, let me fight this time?"

Ren Zheng: "That's right... now is the time when you need knowledge. You can't stand forgetting. You don't have to worry about fighting."

Guan Qingrui: "Principal Ren is right. And to tell you the truth, I compiled a set of memory models suitable for fighting here a few days ago. This time is just right. How about letting me practice?"

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

memory model?

As expected of Professor Guan, he adapted quickly.

In all fairness, it is definitely impossible for him to stay in Jieying Campus for a long time. If Guan Qingrui can figure out a fighting method suitable for this place, he can feel more at ease when he goes out in the future.


Yu Cang turned his head and looked into the depths of Xingtian's field of vision.

No, the number of worms this time is a bit too much.

Professor Guan was fighting here for the first time, and he definitely couldn't handle it.

So he said: "I don't need it this time... I appreciate Professor Guan's kindness. Don't worry, you will definitely make a move in the future. Jieying, help me stabilize the campus and don't let anyone in or out."

Jieying nodded lightly: "I see, my lord scholar."

In fact, Jieying didn't care much about Guan Qingrui and Ren Zheng's worries.

He has personally witnessed the master scholar's attack... Tsk, what is the power of a saint?

After knowing the rules of battle here, he still started with handed down knowledge. What does this mean? It shows that adults, scholars, don't care about this bit of knowledge at all!

And Guan Qingrui's own very profound, but it must be far behind that of a scholar!

Master Scholar does not let you make a move, it is protecting you!

Hearing Yu Cang's words, Professor Guan took a few steps forward and wanted to say something, but Yu Cang had already turned around and left the Jieying Campus.

"This..." Guan Qingrui was a little anxious, he looked aside, "Principal, please persuade Xiao Cang, don't let him be impulsive..."

The things in Yu Cang's mind are much more precious than this old guy whose half body is buried in the ground!

Ren Zheng frowned, but he looked up at Jieying, and could only sigh: "Don't look at me, this is Jieying's territory, he doesn't allow it, we can't go out to support Xiaocang... But you Don’t worry too much, since Xiao Cang said that, it means he is sure.”

Guan Qingrui only heard the first half of the sentence. He turned his head and wanted to reason with Jie Yingxiaozhi, but Jie Ying's voice had already been heard: "Two scholars, watch the performance of the scholar. Now, this scene, it doesn't matter."

After all, he also thoughtfully used his authority to create a broadcast screen in the clouds, so that several people present could clearly see Yu Cang's actions.

"Hey! You're so confused!" Guan Qingrui slapped his thigh, but he didn't do anything because he had already talked about this point, so he could only lean in front of the screen and look at it nervously.

Both Ren Zheng and Guan Qingrui moved closer to the screen, but Feng behind them suddenly had a toothache.'s all a mess.

The amount of information in your chat is a bit large, let me take it easy.

Boundary shadow? The one from the Creation World Film Campus?

Principal? The town with mythology?

Professor Guan? That... uh, who is this.

Well, anyway, he's a professor, right?

There are so many people with status and strength, but they want to respect that person just now... What kind of existence is he?

Speaking of which, the painting style of that person just now is indeed different here.

Everyone else is a line of sight, why is he the only one with arms and legs... At first he thought he was the only line of sight, why is it that even the principal of the ancient capital is like this now.

Under this premise, what Yu Cang showed was terrifying.

Moreover, he never thought that this "Boundary Shadow" actually refers to such a huge whale...

The first time he saw Jieying's body emerging from the clouds outside the world, Feng was extremely shocked.

Anyone who comes will be shocked for a while.

The size of Jieying Campus is not small, but this is only a small part of Jieying's body. The main body of Jieying is countless times larger than here.

Standing on the Jieying Campus and looking out, Jieying seems to be a living continent...

Judging by common sense, for a person of this size, even if he doesn't work hard, no matter how good his ability is, his strength will not be so weak just relying on his body.

And such a powerful being, when he met an opponent he couldn't fight against, he came to Yu Cang at the first time... Even judging from his meaning, he obviously felt that even Ren Zheng couldn't compare to Yu Cang.

Ren Zheng is a town with myths!

For a moment, Feng's brain was in a mess, and he was a little overwhelmed by such a huge amount of information.

So who is he... It can't be a myth, can it?

With such curiosity, Feng turned his attention to the broadcast screen in front of him.

In the next second, his eyes widened slightly.



With a flash of light, Yu Cang's rhythmic body has appeared in a boundless starry sky.

He looked into the distance, and the pieces of rhythmic lines were vibrating strangely. If he looked more carefully, he would find that under those vibrations, countless small insects of different shapes were burrowing around in it, opening their mouthparts. Together, they crazily devoured the nearby Rhythm.

Yu Cang frowned slightly.

How come there are so many.

Jieying once said that the beasts are different from the insects. Although the beasts are huge, the process of absorbing knowledge is more like learning, so no matter how many beasts eat in the star field, there will be no difference in this world. affected.

However, knowledge insects demand and plunder rhythm, and the knowledge eaten by them generally does not re-condense, or it is difficult to re-condense. Therefore, the place where the insects have eaten will also affect the present world.

Where the insects have eaten, later generations can basically only get some incomplete rhythms if they resonate, and even the original functions of these places will be destroyed.

If only a few worms pass by, the impact may not be obvious, but such a large group... will definitely seriously affect the world.

Yu Cang later asked Ren Zheng to check some information. In history, there has never been a phenomenon caused by such a large-scale invasion of worms. I think Blue Star should be a relatively remote place, and there are not many worms.

Today, why are there suddenly so many...

Yu Cang didn't have much time to think, even if he had the body of Rhythm, he couldn't stay in Xingtian's vision for too long, so he had to make a quick decision.

As soon as he raised his hand, the entry recorder had already been turned on.

"Entry implantation: [Cold Sky]!"


Yu Cang implanted [Han Tian] into the field of vision of the stars and sky in front of him. In an instant, a large area of ​​space in front of him darkened in an instant. Whether it was the starlight or the rhythm, it seemed to be covered with a layer of ice. The blue filter, and the flow speed of those rhythms has also slowed down visibly to the naked eye.

The effective range of [Cold Sky] just covers all the insects!

For a moment, they seemed to feel something, one by one gave up the rhyme on their lips, raised their heads, and looked in Yu Cang's direction.

Disturb them from eating?


A strange sound of rhythm came, and these insects quickly got out of the rhythm, and surrounded Yu Cang!

But Yu Cang obviously wouldn't give them this chance.

He snapped his fingers lightly, and two consecutive entries were implanted in sequence:

[Cold], [Freeze]!

These two entries are only rare, but within the scope of the cold sky, their power has been enlarged simply, rudely and unreasonably, but there are countless freezing sounds that almost overlap and explode in front of your eyes, a huge ice ball stretching across a vast space Almost in the blink of an eye, it has been generated in front of your eyes!

All the worms froze at this moment and were frozen in place.

[Han Tian], with knowledge handed down from generation to generation, these knowledge insects have no ability to resist!

Behind Yu Cang, Jie Ying raised his head, and the thick whale cry spread far away, as if applauding Yu Cang's powerful blow.

He even has tears in his eyes now.


Is this what it feels like to have a saint behind you?

This is too tm cool!

Usually when he saw so many worms gathering together, he could only run away quickly, praying that the worms didn't see him.

But now... ho? Know insects? Don't even ask who Jieying is with!

Jieying, who had been wandering for ten years, finally felt the feeling of being covered by someone.

At this time, in the Jieying Campus.

On the bench, there were three more silent gazes.

I do not know how long it has been.

Guan Qingrui took a breath: "This..."

Handed down knowledge?

wait wait wait!

This is too extravagant, right?

He had to admit that when he saw the number of worms, his heart was instantly chilled.

With so many worms, his battle memory model can't handle it.

Not to mention that he has a time limit in the Xingtian Vision, and it is impossible to stay for too long, and this time he can't beat it.

For the current plan, I am afraid that he can only make sacrifices and use some advanced rhythms to support the battlefield...

After all, in this situation, even if Yu Cang wanted to fight, he might not be able to win due to the accumulation of knowledge.

As a result, in the next second, Yu Cang snapped his fingers and directly created a hockey puck that was about the size of the Jieying Campus, ending the battle simply and rudely...

He suddenly remembered what the staff of the two associations said when he came here to try to become Yu Cang's instructor.

Yu Cang is already a card making master! It is an existence that can make handed down soul cards!

For a moment, Guan Qingrui was in a daze.

He checked Yu Cang's information later, and naturally saw Yu Cang's Yanhuang Medal. He originally thought that the card-making master was awarded because of the Yanhuang Medal, but now he wants to come...

Can Yu Cang really be able to make a handed down soul card?

It's just... scary.

Guan Qingrui could only think of this description.

Beside him, Ren Zheng sighed.

He had seen the soul card that Han Tian had cut before, so he was not surprised that Yu Cang used this power.

It's just a pity that Yu Cang chooses to forget such a good knowledge handed down from generation to generation... After this level of knowledge is forgotten, it's not like you can learn it again if you want to!

Without that opportunity, maybe Yu Cang would not be able to learn to master this knowledge for the second time in his life!

"Why bother..." Ren Zheng sighed.

If possible, he really hoped that it was Guan Qingrui or Ren Zheng who had forgotten his knowledge.

If because of this knowledge, Yu Cang does not grow up to the expected height, then he will really feel guilty for the rest of his life.

The two of them are shocked and regretful here. The thoughts of Feng next to him are not so complicated.

There is only one sentence left in his heart now.

Fuck, what is it, so awesome!

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