Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 222 Wen Yang Was Abducted by a Cup of Coke


Ye Lai's soul appeared here.

Blurred light and shadows permeate the surroundings, and it is difficult to describe the colors of these light and shadows in words. After all, vision is meaningless here, but as long as you perceive it carefully, you can find that the splendor here is beyond imagination.

Here, is the chaos outside the realm. It is both the ultimate nothingness and the unimaginable abundance.

A more solid light and shadow condensed somewhere, and at a certain moment, a fire ignited in the light and shadow.

This group of soul fire represents Ye Lai's soul.

In Chaos, you can choose to use the light and shadow energy around you to condense a body, which may make you feel that you are still alive in this world, but it doesn’t take long, just a few thousand years, and maintaining the body shape all the time will make you feel My mind is exhausted to the point of collapse.

Therefore, most of the souls that have lived here for a long time exist in the form of soul fire—perhaps, even if they want to condense their bodies at this time, they have already forgotten their original appearance.

The fire of the soul did not stop after it appeared, and a suction force spread from it, condensing the surrounding light and shadow together, forming the appearance of being young.

He has passed through too many worlds, and Ye Lai has indeed forgotten the past, but he likes the body Yu Cang gave him very much.

So in the chaos, he didn't mind appearing like this.

Colorless light and shadow flowed in the chaos, and some soul fires passed through it from time to time. Ye Lai walked among them, and suddenly stopped.

Ahead, is another soul.


Feng also condensed his body, his face was already very blurred, but very stable.

The facial features of the Saint in the Battle and the Sword Saint in the Eye of the Dragon are more or less derived from them.

At this time, Feng was sitting in a piece of light and shadow, his eyes were cast in a certain direction, and he had been immersed in the depths of the chaos.

Seemingly aware of Ye Lai, Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Win?"

"Of course." Ye Lai walked to Feng's side, "You should see, the way the Lord of this body has done this time is derived from comprehension, not talent."

They all know that Yu Cang possesses a very exaggerated talent, power in his hands is like a jigsaw puzzle, with just a light flip, he can easily do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Although there is nothing to criticize for relying on talent, but for Ye Lai, seeing Yu Cang taking his own step beyond talent at such a young age is naturally very happy and proud.

"Of course I know."

"You haven't seen it yourself." Ye Lai sat beside Feng, "The Lord of this body uses my memory as a guide to absorb the power of the end in the sword among thousands of possibilities. The sword is cut in front of the person behind the scenes, and it is regarded as the lord of the body to vent his anger."

"...Huh?" Feng turned his head, a little surprised, "And this kind of swordsmanship...Aren't you afraid of causing trouble for the summoner?"

"I didn't hurt anyone."


"They have no proof either."

Feng couldn't help smiling.

Ye Lai's personality is quite interesting.

He turned his head and said, "Okay, no matter how much you say, I can't see the power of what you say."


"Even if it has been fused, that body is still resisting me. The malice of the world cannot be eliminated so easily."

"Is that so... Did you secretly try it then?"


"Okay, I get it." Ye Lai nodded, "Don't worry about it, your power, the master of this body will find a better presentation... Or, find a real name."

"...Let's talk about it later." Feng's eyes shook, "Ye Lai, any exciting battles the summoners have in the future, come to me and talk about it."

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Lai's mouth curled slightly: "Naturally."


imperial capital

Boom boom boom.


"Come in." Duan Zhang wasn't looking at the document this time. He was sitting on a chair with his hands clasped in front of him, his eyes downcast as if he was thinking.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit walked in.

"Patriarch, are you looking for me?"

Duan Zhang raised his head, looked at the man in front of him, and frowned involuntarily.

"Duan Zai." Duan Zhang sighed through his nose, "You have heard about Feng'er."

Duan Zai lowered his body: "Yes, I..."

"This is the second time." Duan Zhang stretched out two fingers, "Regarding Cang, this is the second time that an unexpected accident has occurred--I want to know, who is in your think tank? Are you in charge of Yu Cang's affairs?"


"This kind of person, I don't want to give him a third chance."

Duan Zhang's tone sounded calm, but a drop of cold sweat had already flowed from Duan Zai's forehead.

"Yes...I see, I'll deal with it now...Then about Yu Cang...?"

Duan Zhang rubbed the knuckles of his fingers, and after a while, he said: "I'm invincible, if you can hold it, hold it."

Yu Cang already had his own destiny, so it would be too irrational for him to jump in the face again.

However, if left alone, this person may become Feng'er's demon.

The safest way is to flatter and kill—of course, the specifics of how to proceed still need a long-term plan.

"Yes... I see. I will arrange it when I go back." Duan Zai agreed.

"Let's go back."


Duan Zai hurried out.

Behind him, Duan Zhang looked at his back, sighed for a while.

My third younger brother is too timid to be so cautious in front of me.

Even Duan Ao can't compare.


Wang family.

"Look, this is the evidence of Duan Feng's academic plagiarism..." Wen Yang arranged several materials on the table, "And these are the methods that the Duan family has used secretly in recent years..."

Wen Yang stood in front of a table, leaned over, and kept explaining to the middle-aged man behind the table.

The middle-aged man was sitting on a swivel chair, moving his body from time to time.

After a while, Wen Yang finished all the words, feeling his lips were dry, but he just looked at the middle-aged man in front of him expectantly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The middle-aged man nodded, his expression unchanged.

He just clicked his tongue.

The information is true.

However, it's all irrelevant stuff, even half-truths. Sometimes it does work, but if it has any decisive effect, it definitely doesn't.

Sure enough, you can't count too much on things brought by this kind of students... The Duan family is not stupid, it is impossible to leave so many loopholes outside.

The materials brought by Wen Yang had to go through a lot of screening if they really wanted to use them, otherwise there might be some traps hidden in them.

Thinking this way, the middle-aged man said without saying anything, "You go back first, don't do anything during this time."

This information is useless, but Wen Yang himself may be able to use it as a bait to see the reaction of the Duan family... It's a test.

"Okay, okay..." Wen Yang responded, and when he looked up again, there was a trace of hope in his eyes, "Well, about my teacher..."

Before Wen Yang finished speaking, the middle-aged man raised his hand and interrupted him.

"As for Wu Chutai, going to prison is already the best ending for him, and there is nothing else we can do."

"……Ok, thank you."

Wen Yang's eyes dimmed for a moment.

He took all the bargaining chips and came to the Wang family... He thought he could use the power of the Wang family to save himself and the teacher from being implicated, and even make a comeback, and then give the Duan family a ruthless punishment.

However, it is not so easy to mix here.

After a period of hard work, he was finally able to meet a Wang family who was considered important, but the result he got made him very disappointed.

Don't even think about making a comeback, the Wang family looked at him like a dog. Even the teacher can't get it out.

Of course, as the middle-aged man said, going to prison is indeed the best ending for the teacher now.

Originally, the teacher would disappear suddenly on a normal day, and no one could find a trace. Going to prison is already regarded as the Wang family's protection for the teacher.

No matter how much...the Wang family probably wouldn't want to do it. After all, Wu Chutai and Yu Cang had a feud, and they couldn't lose the big because of small things.

Wen Yang himself had to admit that with this result, the Wang family did not treat him badly.

But, I'm really not reconciled.

Wen Yang walked out of the room and gently closed the door, Wen Yang took a deep breath.

Is this... enough?

After leaving the Wang family's territory, Wen Yang was already a little hungry.

The place here is very quiet, and Wen Yang walked a long way, only to find a remote shop where he could have something to eat.

Absent-minded, Wen Yang didn't know what to order, so he found a seat and sat there in a daze.

Even if he is not reconciled, but... what bargaining chips do he have?

The reason why he came to join the Wang family was because the Wang family had some relationship with Yu Cang, but Yu Cang and the Duan family did not deal with each other, so the Wang family had a reason to take action against the Duan family.

"Yu Cang..." Wen Yang's eyes froze.

The most direct reason why he and his teacher came to this field was Yu Cang.

However, Wen Yang didn't want to deal with Yu Cang - he was on the teacher's side because he had chosen the teacher himself, but that didn't mean he would agree with all of Wu Chutai's decisions.

In his opinion, Wu Chutai was really sorry for Cang, and it was reasonable to be retaliated by others like this, no one could say anything.

What he wanted to deal with was the Duan family - crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, breaking their promises, they were the culprits who caused him and his teacher to become like this!

As for Yu Cang, not only did he have no intention of fighting against him, but he really hoped that he would have the opportunity to get to know him again in the future.

I would like to ask, after experiencing that time in Yujiang, anyone who saw that young man on stage would not want to be friends with him?

In fact, now, he can also go directly to the ancient capital, racking his brains to start with Yu Cang himself, and join his team.

It's just that he doesn't want to see Yu Cang by defection - he just hopes that when they meet next time, he will have enough bargaining chips in his hand, at least he can be called a friend like before.

So... where can I find these chips.

Wen Yang rubbed his hair, a sense of powerlessness filled his heart.

How can I do.

With the Wang family's attitude towards him, if he stays here and accepts asylum, he will only be even less qualified to see Yu Cang.

But other than here, I can't go anywhere, otherwise, I'm afraid my life will be lost directly.

Just when he was distressed.


A bottle of Coke was placed across Wen Yang's table. He raised his head and saw a lady wearing sunglasses sitting in front of him.

Wen Yang was taken aback.

who is this He doesn't know.

There are still many vacancies in the store, so why sit at my table.

While he was still in a daze, the woman in front of him had already spoken.

"Hello." The woman took off her sunglasses, showing a well-maintained face, "Did you encounter any troubles, talk to me, how about it."

Wen Yang frowned slightly, his eyes swept over the woman very vaguely.

Hmm... the clothes on his body are just ordinary brands, and there are no expensive decorations that can be seen. There is a card box on his waist, which looks specially made, probably by a card maker.

Although she didn't know what purpose she had sitting in front of her, even if she spoke out about her troubles, it was impossible for her to help her.

Wen Yang sighed, but somehow, he didn't drive her away either.

"Your fish ball soup." The waiter of the small shop put the steaming bowl on the table.

Wen Yang's brows relaxed a little.

Ah... I just ordered fish ball soup.

Let's eat first.

Pulling the bowl carefully, Wen Yang tried a few mouthfuls, but was defeated by the high temperature.

Gritting his teeth, Wen Yang swallowed a mouthful of fish balls. He thought he could swallow it quickly, but a hot sensation erupted from his throat immediately, making him cough violently.


Wen Yang supported his neck, and breathed heavily, trying to relieve the burning pain in his mouth.

At this time, a cup was drawn in front of him, Wen Yang turned his head with tears and looked, the woman in front of him was pouring the Coke in her hand into it.

Iced Coke!

Wen Yang's eyes glowed, and as soon as the woman finished pouring, she couldn't wait to pick up the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ah... so cool!" Wen Yang put down his cup and waited on the spot for a while before calming down.

Suddenly, he chuckled lightly, raised his head and said, "Madam, what's in this coke? Just tell me and forget it."

The woman had a smile on her face: "What do you mean?"

"...You are a card banning master." Wen Yang scratched his hair, "I just said, I felt a little familiar to you at the beginning...I should have seen your arrest warrant somewhere. Besides, your card box The meaning of those decorations on the card is unclear, and some even hinder the normal activation of the soul card... I think these decorations are used to prevent the forbidden card from getting out of control?"

The woman's expression didn't change, she just covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, which seemed to be her acquiescence.

"Then you still dare to drink my Coke?"

"Drink as soon as you drink it, no matter how bad it is, but now—at least it quenches your thirst." Wen Yang casually stirred the soup in the bowl with a spoon, "Say it, after I faint, I will make me What card? If possible, it would be better to be more handsome."

"He's really an interesting kid." The woman leaned forward slightly, stared into Wen Yang's eyes, and said suddenly, "As for what to do... um... how about being my apprentice?"

"Do...huh?" Wen Yang was stunned.

"You are very talented." There was a smile on the woman's face.

"...Forget it." Wen Yang seemed a little dumbfounded, "I have a teacher."

The card banning master is the existence of rats crossing the street in Yan country. If he becomes a card banning master, wouldn't he be less qualified to be friends with Yu Cang?

"A person can have many teachers, and—" the woman said calmly, "You even drank my Coke, what are you afraid of?"

Wen Yang paused, and suddenly fell silent.

Also... Although if he becomes a card banning master, he may have nothing to do with Yu Cang in the future... But it seems that he can give the Duan family a hard time.

Wen Yang took a deep breath.

"I don't know...what's your name?"

"Name..." The woman put on her sunglasses again and smiled.

"My surname is Yu, please call me Mrs. Yu."


Boundary Campus.

Yu Cang sat on the bench, holding a book of rhythm in his hand.

This was taken out of the Jieying Library, and now, there are quite a few collections there.


Light and shadow flashed around him, and a line of sight had already appeared on the bench.



Yu Cang closed the book in his hand with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that you are Duan Feng's companion soul."

At the end of the duel with Duan Feng, Duan Feng and Aqiu used the critical mass·maximum value together, and Yu Cang could no longer see that it was abnormal.

Yu Cang's natural perception has been gradually enhanced since he had the Xingtian Vision. Although he can't see Aqiu with the naked eye, he can easily recognize the familiar rhythmic aura on Aqiu.

"I am." Aqiu nodded, "So, if you don't welcome me here... I will go straight away."

Yu Cang shook his head: "No, very welcome."

"That's good..." Aqiu breathed a sigh of relief, "Yu Cang, call me Aqiu from now on, that's what Feng called me."

"Okay, Qiu."

Seeing that there was nothing unusual in Yu Cang's expression, Ah Qiu was relieved, and then his eyes glowed and said: "Yu Cang! What you told me is indeed right!"


"Feng is rebellious!" Aqiu said, "I really didn't realize that even a man of this age would still have such awkwardness in his heart. Fortunately, Yu Cang told me what to do, otherwise he would definitely It has to go on."

Yu Cang blinked, for a moment he didn't know how to pick it up.

It seems that I... really said this kind of thing...

But he thought that the brother you mentioned was the elder brother, but who knew you were referring to Duan Feng!

But between the companion soul and the master, there is no way to apply what he said that day...

And Aqiu continued to say: "Hmph, I just showed a little sign of leaving him, and I haven't said anything yet, and he couldn't stand it anymore. I'm ashamed to talk about him with this kind of endurance. "

Aqiu stayed in that consciousness space much longer than Duan Feng did. He is very experienced in how to hide part of his thoughts in the consciousness space.

Although there, everyone's thoughts will be heard-but Aqiu can achieve the purpose of distorting the meaning by thinking about certain things.

What I think is indeed true, but if they are connected together, it will make people misunderstand and think too much.

It is naturally impossible for him to leave Duan Feng, but he can use this method to make Duan Feng think that his purpose is not to come to Jieying Campus to study, but to fall into Yu Cang's arms.


Moreover, I have to say, seeing Duan Feng flustered in front of him and feeling aggrieved on the hospital bed, Ah Qiu couldn't be too satisfied.

Oh ho ho ho, sure enough, the evil depravity of a genius can always make people happy!

"Eh..." Yu Cang said when he saw Ah Qiu's expression turned strange, "Well, you guys are in this kind of relationship after all, or, don't go too far..."

"Don't worry, I know." Aqiu was full of confidence, "By the way, Yu Cang, let me study here!"

"Huh?" Yu Cang frowned.


On the night after the duel, Yu Cang returned to the card making room, invited all his friends over, and organized a dinner.

He didn't have any idea of ​​holding a "celebration banquet" at first, but since Wang Hui had mentioned it, he decided to do it.

Just right, you can relax.

There is nothing to say about the banquet process. It can be seen that Wang Hui is very good at coping with this kind of environment, and it didn't take long for him to become one with everyone.

the next day.

It was rare for Yu Cang to sleep late.

When he got up, Qi'er had already been playing with Crying Girl for a long time.

There was no way, the matter that had been on his head for a long time had come to an end, which made him unavoidably relaxed.

However, there are still many things to do, and it is not time to lie down.

Yu Cang quickly finished his breakfast and went directly to the Ancient Capital Central Hospital.

After the fight, Duan Feng still needs to meet... Otherwise, he would be ashamed to ask for the final ticket to Tianmen.

After all, in the conception of the Duan family, they definitely wanted to exchange this Tianmen for their loss to Duan Feng. Although they were too confident and caused things to go wrong, in order to get the final payment, he must cooperate with them to go through all the necessary procedures.

In the ward.

"Feng'er." Duan Ao leaned in front of Duan Feng, "We will meet Yu Cang later, you must not conflict with him...Although we lost, we will win back later. Both your father and I I support you! Don't be impulsive..."

Opposite him, Duan Feng was sitting on the hospital bed with an indifferent expression on his face, and an astonishingly low air pressure pervaded his body, anyone could tell that Duan Feng was in an extremely bad mood.

"Hehe, how could it be?" Duan Feng didn't move his expression, the two laughter seemed to be squeezed out from the cracks in the stone, "I'm not that kind of person."

"Yes, Second Uncle knows that you are not this kind of person..." Duan Ao panicked.

what happened.

Feng'er was not the kind of person who cared about winning or losing before... Many games were lost on purpose.

Why do you place so much emphasis on this match now... It looks like you're going to kill someone!

Be good, don't!

If there are other cats or dogs on the opposite side, Feng'er, it's okay for you to attack him in private. The Duan family can suppress it, but this is Yu Cang... now it's on Ren Zheng's territory!

Don't be impulsive! Otherwise, we will all be wiped out here!

At this time, a man in a suit came in outside, leaned over and said, "Yu Cang is already outside."

"Okay, okay." Duan Ao pulled up the man in the suit, "Feng'er, you must get along well with Yu Cang, be careful, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly exited the room, leaving the space for Duan Feng himself.


The door was pushed open again, and Yu Cang strolled in.


Duan Feng's eyes fell on Yu Cang in an instant.

It's's him who stole his Aqiu!

Duan Feng tried to put on a cold and fierce expression as usual, but for some reason, thinking about this matter in his heart, thinking about Aqiu's tone yesterday, he couldn't bear the grievance no matter what.

When Yu Cang came close, Duan Feng was already biting his lips, and there were even tears in his eyes.

Yu Cang: "..."

Brother, don't do this, I'm afraid.

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