Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 224 Star Rank System

Yu Cang walked into the laboratory and went straight to the computer.

Lin Yunqing followed behind him, introducing as he walked.

"Actually, it was a coincidence that I was able to sum up the concept of star rank this time." Lin Yunqing explained, "Senior, in fact, I have already summed up a set of formulas for calculating the star rank of soul cards a few days ago. One formula is popular enough, but it encounters many problems in actual operation."

Yu Cang put his eyes on the computer screen, read the data on it one by one, and said in his mouth:

"for example?"

"When substituting some Soul Card calculations, the calculation results will deviate. Although the overall difference is not bad, this deviation shows that I am still far from the final result-until I entered the Star Vision .”

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his brows, looked at Lin Yunqing, looked at her expression, and seemed to realize something in his heart, "You mean...?"

"That's right - the star rank is actually not a simple attribute of the soul card itself, it is the embodiment of the power of the soul card master on the soul card!" Lin Yunqing's expression showed a touch of excitement, "There is no need for anything at all!" Using the formula to calculate the star rank, as long as someone has a 'fate star', he can easily sense the star rank power in the soul card."

Speaking of this, Lin Yunqing took out a soul card and handed it over.

Yu Cang took a look:

Soul Card Name: Fate Star·Contract Star Rank

Quality: None

Attributes: none


[Contract star level]: The user can sense the star level in the soul card through the soul card.


This is a soul card that is very similar to the passage to the other world, it is all gray, and it seems that it cannot be activated.

Lin Yunqing continued to introduce: "I tried to calculate the star level of the soul card with a formula, and used the related soul cards to form a deck, but when using this deck, I didn't feel the change brought about by the star level. .”

There is a lot of information on the panel of a soul card, each of which is useful, such as race, attribute, ability... etc., will have a certain impact on the use of the soul card, but only this star rank seems to be the most important. Useless, just added a line of words on the soul card, other than that, there is no difference at all.

In synchronous summoning, the star level can indeed play a role... But you must know that even if the star level is not written on the soul card, the synchronous summoning can still work normally.

If the star level is only used to see the weight of the coherent material, then this attribute does not need to be added to it. The existing soul card regulations have existed for quite a long time, and it is only for a special summoning method, there is no need to implement new regulations.

After all, in the current world, the card maker circles of various countries can already be regarded as a whole. If the Yan Kingdom wants to add attributes to the soul card, then other countries must follow suit. It is really unnecessary for a useless attribute. It took a lot of trouble.

And for soul card masters, you must know the deck you use best. If you have to check the star level written on the soul card before the synchronous summoning during the battle, it would be a bit too ridiculous... From this point of view, even the user of the synchronous summoning, the star level The demand may not be that great.

"However, after introducing the concept of Fate Star, everything is different." Lin Yunqing looked at Yu Cang with bright eyes.

If it is said that the "passage to the other world" is the passage between a person and the star, allowing people's sight to connect with the star through it, then correspondingly, the "star step" is the passage between the person and the soul card. The distance between the soul energy well and the soul card!

That's why Lin Yunqing said that there is no need for a formula to sense the star rank.

When a soul card master connects a soul card to a soul energy well, the star level belonging to this soul card will appear on it.

The reason why the formula is not accurate in determining the star level can also be found, because a soul card is in the hands of different soul card masters, and the star level is not fixed.

The star ranks of most soul cards will only be slightly different, and there will be no difference in ranks. If it is subdivided, a certain card may be rank four in Cang's hands, but it will become rank four in the hands of others. Four point five. However, in the synchronous summoning, the calculation of the star level is only rounded down, so the extra decimal point is actually useless.

However, for some soul cards with particularly strong self-respect, the difference in star rank in the hands of different soul card masters is quite large.

An easy-to-understand example is Duan Feng's Chaos Dragon Egg.

This soul card is a soul card specially created by countless card makers combining Duan Feng's resonance attribute, talent, and soul energy well structure. The ability of this card is undoubtedly very powerful, even the current Yu Cang Very greedy.

He once communicated with Aqiu, and wanted to get the manufacturing method of this chaotic dragon egg from him, so that he could add it to his deck, but the result was not ideal——with the help of Aqiu, He successfully made the Chaos Dragon Egg, but he couldn't use it like Duan Feng.

This soul card can almost be regarded as Duan Feng's exclusive soul card.

In terms of star rank, this card may only be at rank five in Duan Feng's hands, but after Yu Cang gets it, the rank will increase, and it may be at rank six.

It’s useless in normal battles, and it’s worthless if you forcefully summon from a higher position, and you lose resources.

He could spend time researching it, modifying the Chaos Dragon Egg, and adding it to his own system, but it was a bit of a waste of time, so he might as well think about making some new powerful soul cards that suit him.

This kind of star level gap can only be seen on some soul cards with strong self-respect. Generally speaking, one of the jobs of the exclusive card maker is to help modify the soul card to make it more suitable for the soul card master. usage of.

This work is very cumbersome, and it could even be said to be an exhaustive process before, and the only way to find the most suitable path for a soul card master is through continuous trial and error. And it is foreseeable that as long as the star rank system comes out, this work will definitely produce a set of methodologies with star rank as the core!

Yu Cang carefully sensed the function of this "contract star rank" for a moment, and quickly understood its usage, and also realized how important the star rank will be.

"And it's not just that!" Lin Yunqing's tone became more and more excited, "The star rank is the channel between people and the soul card! Since it is a channel, you can pass through it, senior, I have tried it before, as long as the soul card is sensed The star level, then the soul card master can send his perception to the inside of the soul card, to feel the world that the card creator uses the rhythm to build!

"Although they are not card makers, they have no way to understand anything from these rhythms, but they can use this to better understand the power of their own soul cards. In the words of soul card masters, they can deepen the relationship with soul cards. 'Bond' - although I don't think there will be any bond between a person and a soul card, it does make it easier for a soul card master to use a soul card, and it will also have a certain impact on cultivation.

"Besides, low-level soul cards are different from high-level soul cards. It may not be useful to let one's perception enter ordinary rare cards, but for those high-level soul card masters, being able to enter the handed down soul cards... will definitely have an effect. is huge."

Hearing this, Yu Cang's expression became serious.


The handed down soul card is no longer something that can be used immediately.

Those who are not qualified may not even be able to connect.

With star rank, all this is different.

Even... a myth!

Why is it so hard to find towns that are eligible to hold myths?

It is one thing to be a card maker and a soul card master at the same time. On the other hand, this requires too much of a soul card master's heart, will, and other aspects!

And if there is a star rank, the soul card master can enter the inner part of the myth to sense the power in it, and this situation will definitely change.

Among other things, if Ren Zheng has mastered the star ranks, his understanding of "candle" will definitely be improved to a higher level!

"Lin Yunqing, you did a good job!" Yu Cang couldn't hide his excitement.

The appearance of the star rank is absolutely of great significance to the world of soul card masters!

"Everywhere, it's good to be guided by the seniors."

"Yunqing, how did you learn these flattering words? You owe a lot to the star rank this time!"

"I'm not being humble, and what I said was just stating the facts." Lin Yunqing said, "If it wasn't for the senior who created the passage to the other world and discovered the horizon of the stars, if it wasn't for the senior who proposed that the star rank is related to the difficulty of summoning, if it wasn't for the senior. I have built and perfected the synchronous summoning in one step. I can't think of the meaning of the star rank at all—in other words, with so many things created by seniors, and with such sufficient time and samples, any scholar should have What I discovered. If the senior has not been busy perfecting the integration during this time, the senior must have thought of these things earlier than me."

"You." Yu Cang shook his head and smiled wryly, "Forget it, don't mention those. This paper, your name should also be Yizuo."

"This..." Lin Yunqing hesitated, apparently feeling that his contribution could not be equal to Yu Cang's.

"Okay, why hesitate, this is something that will be recorded in history." Yu Cang patted Lin Yunqing on the shoulder.


"Relax, there is no need to be stressed." Yu Cang looked at Lin Yunqing with a smile on his face, "Believe in yourself, and this is just the beginning, there are many things that require you to be busy in the future, you don't even know your own name. If you don’t want to increase it, how can I order you with peace of mind in the future?”

Lin Yunqing's eyes flickered.

Although she doesn't value these fame and is only interested in learning more knowledge, but... this is a star rank, and it is definitely something that will be recorded in history!

Star rank affects not only synchronism, but also ordinary summons and high-level summons! With a standardized star rank, soul card masters can more accurately control the consumption of soul energy during ordinary summons, avoiding unnecessary waste of soul energy, and when using skills to perform high-level summons, they will also have a better understanding of sacrifices. choose.

It is foreseeable that as soon as the Star Rank comes out, the entire Yan Kingdom... no, the world of card makers all over the world will usher in a revolution! This is very likely to bring the high-level summoning that has already developed to the limit to a new level!

Such an achievement is even more important than a single fusion or homology... Although it is definitely just the tip of the iceberg for the seniors, but...

Originally, the senior could stand alone under everyone's sight and enjoy all the respect, but now, he shared this opportunity with himself so easily.

No matter how much she doesn't care about her reputation, she can't stand this situation a little bit!

Who can't be tempted, if it were Grandpa Guan Qingrui, he would be so excited here.

Lin Yunqing lowered her head, feeling nervous for the first time.

She just felt that her heart was beating a little fast, even to the point where she couldn't control it.

She took a deep breath, but it didn't seem to have any effect on soothing her emotions, so she could only whisper: "Okay...thank you senior."

Seeing this, Yu Cang smiled with satisfaction, then immediately sat in front of the computer and flipped through Lin Yunqing's paper page by page.

Only then did Lin Yunqing raise her head, her gaze rested on Cang's back for a moment, and then she sighed softly.

For the first time, she had the idea that it was too late to meet someone.

She doesn't need a partner, but if she must have one, she doesn't care about the partner's gender or even race, as long as she can support her in her studies and help her complete her career, she can do it accept.

But... as she said to Jiang Ya in Wuling Village, she guessed that it would be difficult for her to meet someone of the same age who was better than Yu Cang in her life. And judging from the current trend...not to mention people of the same age, even if they are all human beings, or even non-human beings, it's hard to say whether he can meet such a person.

……never mind.

Originally, I didn't need a partner. After all, if I hope to have the luck like Gu Jieshuang, I might as well spend my time helping the seniors and produce more results.


Yu Cang carefully looked at the data in the paper.

The data shows that there is basically a one-to-one correspondence between the star rank and the quality of the soul card.

Ordinary level soul cards have two star levels, which are Tier 1 and Tier 2, while rare level soul cards correspond to three star levels, which are Tier 3 to Tier 5.

It looks familiar, but it actually corresponds to the level of a soul card master.

Soul card masters can summon common cards at level 1 and level 2, and rare cards at level 3 to 5. It just so happens that in the early stage, the star ranks of soul cards that soul card masters can use correspond to their own levels one by one.

But after reaching the epic level, some changes occurred.

It stands to reason that Tier 5 is rare, so Tier 6 should be epic, but in fact it is not, Tier 6 is an empty star rank, and Lin Yunqing named it "Virtual Rank".

In the previous research, there is no corresponding soul card in this star level, only some soul cards can reach this star level in the hands of unsuitable people, such as Chaos Dragon Egg.

But after watching the duel between Tai Cang and Duan Feng, Lin Yunqing found the sixth-order soul card in the normal state-the two scale-crown dragons!

The summoning conditions for each scale-crown dragon are far beyond the tolerance limit of a fifth-level soul card master. If you want to summon it, you can only use the chaotic dragon egg. Although Lin Yunqing hadn't really studied the two scale-crowned dragons, but judging from some remote observation data, this soul card conformed to the sixth-order definition.

A rare card that cannot be specially recruited by level 5 soul card masters.

Perhaps, after the announcement of the star rank, the number of soul cards like the Scaled Crown Dragon on the market will gradually increase.

After the virtual level, it is epic. The epic corresponds to the four star levels from the seventh to the tenth.

It can be seen that the higher the quality, the greater the gap within the same quality. Both being epic, the gap between the seventh and tenth tiers may be even bigger than the common and rare ones.

As for handing down—there are not enough samples at present, and from the formula, the eleventh and twelfth steps should be the imaginary steps between the epics.

Of course, the star level is only an attribute that determines the difficulty of summoning. Although it has a certain relationship with the combat power of the soul card, it is not absolute. The eighth-level epic may not be better than the seventh-level.

Yu Cang stroked his chin.

It looks a little complicated.

To put it simply, the common level has two star levels, the rare level has three star levels, and the epic level has four star levels. Starting from the rarity level, every big quality leap up will be mixed with several "virtual levels".

The virtual level can be simply understood as those soul cards in the previous quality that cannot be summoned by the same level.

Yu Cang picked up the "Fate Star · Contracting Star Rank" in his hand.

With a thought, a colorful starlight suddenly lit up on this pure gray soul card, sweeping slowly from top to bottom, as if wiping away dust, and restored this soul card to its original appearance appearance!

With the unsealing of this soul card, Yu Cang suddenly had a feeling in his heart, as if a perception extended out--he immediately took out the sage who fell into the formation, and saw, sure enough, a string of starlight was in Cang's heart. Under the name of the soul card, his eyes slowly condensed, and when he was calm, there were already five more star patterns there.

Undoubtedly, the Saint in the Battle is a Tier 5 soul card, which is the upper limit of the rare level that can be summoned normally.

Yu Cang tried other soul cards one by one. The Plague Scale Giant Beast and the Gray Half-Dragonman were also Tier 5, and the Dragonborn Lasher was Tier 4.

As for the others—the half-dragon black scale guards turned out to be the sixth rank of virtual rank.

This is normal, the soul card of the virtual level just cannot be summoned normally, it can still be done by high-level summoning or fusion or synchronism.

The Dragon of Sacrifice in the Vortex, the Sword Saint of the Eye of the Dragon, and the Burying Blue Stone·Huagulong are all eighth-level epics, the corpse of the Dragon Emperor of Mingyan is the tenth level, and the dragon of the last morning... is the twelfth level!

The twelfth level is the virtual level before being handed down, and if it goes up, it is handed down.

Yu Cang shifted his gaze to the Dragon of Daybreak Ye Lai again. At this moment, the starlight above the contracting star step suddenly shook, as if it became unstable and might break at any time. Yu Cang also suddenly felt a headache, and his perception was unsustainable, so he could only withdraw temporarily.

It seems that with his strength, he should not be able to perceive soul cards that are too high quality for the time being.

This is also reasonable, and it is not difficult to solve. I will let old man Ren come over and help to test it. Even the mythical star rank can be known directly.

Now it seems that this system has indeed been perfected, to the extent that it can be sent straight!

The twelfth-level star rank is definitely enough before the fifth level. This paper can be regarded as the core textbook of all current universities.

As for the level of power after level five...the disclosure must be approved by the Card Creators Association. After Ren Zheng helps to perfect it, it will be handed over to the association directly and let them figure it out.

Compared with that, Yu Cang cares more about——

He looked at the gray soul card in his hand.

I didn't pay attention to it before, this kind of soul card... seems to have a lot of room to dig.

The gray soul cards are all related to the life star, and they don't need to be stuffed into the card box or connected in advance, they can be used when you get them, and they don't even rely on soul energy. They are completely extraterrestrial soul cards.

Is it possible to make a gray soul card that is helpful in combat?

Yu Cang stroked his chin.

With the power of your own star?

Sounds interesting.

Thank you book friend 20230725221159049 for your reward!

There is another chapter to be released in the middle of the night, don't wait, get up and read it tomorrow morning. Good night family.

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