Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 227 Tiandao, Adam

At this moment, Gao Heng only felt his heart churning.

The official announcement included Yu Cang's simple introduction, and he couldn't hold back at all.

Really nineteen years old!

He was still sneering at the nonsense of the marketing account before, but the official turned around and gave an epic slap in the face.

At the age of nineteen, he received the Yanhuang Medal.

My nineteen years old...

Gao Heng raised his head and glanced at his drowsy dormitory.

Not to mention nineteen years old, even now, I don't get up until noon.

Several of his other roommates were also a little silent, obviously frightened by this information.

Wait... Now that the nineteen-year-old marketing account is real, then the marketing account about the major changes in armaments...

Gao Heng took a deep breath and continued to look down.

Sure enough, there is such a description in the data:

... He once guided our army to upgrade its armaments, and its self-developed series of soul cards have now been installed, which has greatly improved our army's combat effectiveness.

"Hiss..." The head of the house took a breath, "I never thought that I would be counter-killed by the marketing account one day..."

The official announcement was very tactful, but even such a tactful announcement used the word "leap forward".

It is conceivable that Yu Cang's real achievements in the major armament reform are definitely higher than what the marketing account said.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is... the announcement means that the coherence and star rank "comply with the regulations and be made public", what does this mean?

Doesn't it mean that these are all backward things?

In other words, Yu Cang must have proposed many more outrageous things than this!

The star rank is already a discovery that promotes the development of the card maker system, and it is even more advanced than this... I dare not think about it, I really dare not think about it.

The information on Yu Cang given on the official website is not long, and it simply writes about Yu Cang's achievements, but at the end, there is a very ambiguous word "waiting".

This word has many meanings.

"No." Gao Heng rolled over from the bed stiffly, "Others are already successful at the age of nineteen, how can I be so decadent at the age of twenty! Let's go, do you want to make an appointment in the library?"

The third child rolled his eyes: "'re so energetic."

He dared to say that for at most three days, he would be able to see Gao Heng still lying in bed at noon.

"Don't talk about it, let's really be serious." The head of the dormitory looked serious, "When the star rank appears, it is equivalent to setting up a new subject for us... The seniors may not be affected, but the junior courses must be With the changes, we should study this star rank more before changing, otherwise, it is estimated that graduation will be difficult."

Third child: "..."

Broken, the graduation certificate you got flew away?

Alas, it was already possible to lie flat.

"What, why do you have this expression." The fourth child who was forced to turn on the phone seemed to have just reacted at this moment, his eyes lit up all of a sudden, "Star rank... this is a new outlet! It has been silent for so long, brothers, this is a good opportunity for us to show our talents!"

As soon as the star rank came out, the card making had to undergo huge changes from top to bottom. The soul card has been born for more than a thousand years. After so many years of development, countless schools and systems have been born, and it can even be said to be a bit bloated. If you want to upgrade so many things based on star rank...

Yu Cang definitely couldn't do it by himself, and even the entire card maker world couldn't digest it for decades.

As the first batch of card makers in the new era, they are definitely the ones who can benefit the most from it!

Not to mention, there is still a coherent blue ocean waiting for them.

"That's right." The third child also realized this, "Let's go, I'll treat you to lunch, and we'll make an appointment in the library this afternoon!"

At this time, Gao Heng's personal terminal suddenly shook, he picked it up and looked, it was his mother's phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone first."

step aside,

"Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

"My son... I read what was said on the Internet, what happened now... star rank? Or is it called synchronism?"

"Yes. This is a good thing, and it promotes social development."

"Son, tell mom the truth." The voice from the terminal couldn't hide the worry, "I heard from the brother-in-law of the old Li's next door that the results that come out this time will be helpful to the things you are learning. Has the high-ranking call had a great impact? Will it... affect your employment in the future?"

Kohyung immediately understood what was going on.

Well, the mother is being bluffed again... Gao Heng knows that the person she mentioned is a marketing account.

He explained: "Nothing, mom, card makers will never be unemployed."

"Don't lie to me and mom... My son, it's okay. If it really affects me, I will report it with a few old sisters. When the matter becomes serious, the country will definitely give an explanation."

"No." Gao Heng felt dizzy for a while.

For such a family member, he is also a little helpless.

I don't believe it in my profession, so I go to believe others... And I still think of this kind of stupid solution.

"It's okay, just trust me. The 'star rank' discovered this time is not only beneficial to the coherence, but also beneficial to the high-ranking summons I researched. I'm too happy to be happy, so don't do stupid things."



"Okay, then I can rest assured..."

"Let's not talk about it, I have to get ready quickly."

"Okay, then mom won't bother you."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although it is easy to trust others, it is good to be persuaded.

Putting away the personal terminal, Gao Heng picked up the schoolbag on the seat: "Let's go, brothers, let's go!"


Similar scenarios played out across the country.

Originally, under the deliberate exaggeration of the marketing account, although the masses were surprised that a winner of the Yanhuang Medal was born suddenly, but in fact there was an undercurrent, and many people were quite critical of this achievement.

However, soon after Yu Cang published two papers on star rank and coherence, an official announcement completely interrupted the possibility of these public opinions gathering momentum.

Moreover, those marketing accounts were also updated rapidly, and a new video was released not long after the release of the two papers, exaggerating these two achievements without any rhythm. Some bloggers even directly use the big control and comment technique to control the comment area more harmoniously than the official one.

Now, the attitude towards Cang on the Internet is surprisingly consistent—this is the pioneer of the times, the peerless genius who meets once in a thousand years!

Even if someone wants to say something bitter, they will soon be drowned in the siege of the crowd.

imperial capital.

"It's broken..." The man in the suit sat in front of the computer, sweating profusely, "The speed of this announcement is too fast... And what is this star rank? Isn't it that Yu Cang just created a way of summoning?" , there is nothing in this information..."

If the star rank is not available, they can still bring the rhythm of being abandoned by the high-ranking call. Now that the star rank is released, they can only stare blankly.

"Trash!" Duan Zai slapped the man in the suit and slapped him under the table, "I can't even predict such an accident? What use do I need you for!"

The room fell silent for a while, and everyone else was staring at the computer screen with serious faces, but the sound of typing on the keyboard had stopped, for fear of attracting Duan Zai's attention.

Duan Zai gasped heavily, and he was also pissed off by this guy.

Grandma's, it's this guy who didn't complete the work, but he was the one who was scolded by the elder brother!

It was a good idea to set up a bureau to kill Yu Cang and pour dirty water on Yu Cang's personality. As long as the public opinion is together, even if Yu Cang publishes all the papers later, this stain will not be washed away.

But an official announcement directly reversed all this.

It was not announced before because of the confidentiality agreement, but now it is behind and can be announced.

Who would believe it!

It's only been a month since Yu Cang received the Flame Emperor Medal. In such a month, the things he studied are behind?

But the officials have come out to stand on the platform, and they can't do anything... This trick really works. Moreover, the official method is definitely not as simple as an announcement. Almost all of those marketing accounts have posted a second video at the speed of light. At the moment the caliber is surprisingly consistent.

Apparently, someone paid them... definitely not them.

Duan Zai was also speechless.

They spend money to ask marketing accounts to bring Yu Cang's rhythm, and some people are timid and dare not follow, but to praise Yu Cang... what's wrong with boasting about the winner of the Yanhuang Medal? Then the money must not be a burden at all, and because of this, the rhythm of Cang on the Internet has been reversed at once.

The official eccentricity is too obvious.

In fact, at the beginning they also guessed that the official platform would post an article later, but they really didn't expect it to be so fast, and Yu Cang's two papers were also published in a pinch, almost because they had just stirred up public opinion. Just updated... Don't give them time to ferment public opinion at all.

But how is this possible? Don't say that the review time is not so short, just say that such a short time is not enough to write a paper of this quality!

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Duan Zai's mind.

Could it be... Yu Cang didn't plan to hide it from the beginning, the thesis was written long ago, but it just happened to be published today?

Depend on!

Duan Zai slapped his forehead.

What a coincidence! Who would have thought that it would be today!

Now it's all right, they worked so hard to buy the hot searches on the major platforms, hired countless marketing accounts, and created a public opinion that spread all over the country through their hard work, and they were picked peaches just like that.

Looking at it this way, it seems that I have become a part-time job for Yu Cang, helping him to promote and create momentum for him before publishing his paper...

Fighting and killing, they just held Yu Cang up, only to find that the knife that was about to be stabbed turned into a firework.

They held it up high, and they stood firmly. The big wave he picked up turned into Yu Cang's own momentum before it fell.

uncomfortable ah!

Duan Zai felt that if Yu Cang stood in front of him now, he would definitely have to say to himself with a strange expression: "You're so weird."

"No... I still have plans!" The man in the suit crawled out from under the table, "Trust me, give me another chance!"

A few days ago, the person in charge of Yu Cang's affairs was directly kicked away, and disappeared without leaving a trace.

He didn't want to end up like that!

"Oh, you'd better have it." Duan Zai straightened his neckline, showing a cold aura all over his body.


"Brother, look, this is the new plan..."

Duan Zai leaned over and carefully handed out a document in his hand, with the words "cautious and cautious" revealed in every pore.


Duan Zhang took it and scanned it carefully.

"Huh?" Duan Zhang raised his brows, "What do you mean... the new summoning method in the paper was not used by Yu Cang when he was a child against Zhan Feng?"

"Yes." Duan Zai nodded, "My people guess that there should be more than one summoning method in Yu Cang's hands..."


Duan Zhang was silent, frowning tightly, without words.

Even though he has seen a lot, he doesn't know how to describe it at this moment.

In his opinion, coherence and star rank are enough to have a Yanhuang Medal, but you told me, there is another way of summoning like this?

Maybe even more than that...

After all, Yu Cang he saw was just a nineteen-year-old young man, young, always has infinite possibilities.

Duan Zhang rubbed his brows, he suddenly felt a little headache.

How could such a person be of the same age as Feng'er?

...No, you can't think like that.

No matter how strong you are in card making, you are still just a card maker. If you really want to be the best in the entire era, it still depends on who can achieve the myth!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Feng'er's luck is also good - there can be such a wonderful and gorgeous card maker at the same time, then when he becomes a myth and stands at the apex of the Yan Kingdom, then all the achievements Yu Cang has discovered now, All will become Feng'er's strength at that time.

Duan Zhang frowned slightly.

No matter how powerful the card making is, practicing one way is the right way.

To become a myth, talent, luck, and hard work are indispensable. Fenger has talent, so he is qualified to touch the myth. That Yu Cang...although he defeated Feng'er in the duel, but now it seems that he has no unique talent as a soul card master.

What's more, Feng'er didn't take it seriously at that time.

Thinking of this, he looked at the material in his hand again.

"Do you want to continue to praise and kill? Are you making a fuss about the unannounced summoning method?"

"Yes, we still have a chance..."

"Forget it, let's put this matter on hold for now." Duan Zhang threw the materials on the table, "Yu Cang's momentum has been established, no matter what rhythm he brings at this time, he is sailing against the current."

"But is that so..."

"...Third brother." Duan Zhang sighed, "Others are not fools. If you stop now, the association will not be able to say anything, but if you continue, waiting will not be an announcement."

This notice was obviously protecting Yu Cang, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Of course, the country definitely has a preference for the winners of the Yanhuang Medal, but it is not too outrageous, and normal competition is still allowed. Such a feat like this one can barely be counted as within the scope of "normal competition".

But the officials have spoken, and if they don't stop, they will be a little ignorant.

"This... alright." Duan Zai could only agree.

"Besides, it's not considered a failure." A smile appeared on Duan Zhang's face, and it was fleeting. "After all, it's already won, isn't it?"

After all, Yu Cang is just a young man.

Growing up under the eyes of everyone is actually not an easy task... Duan Zhang is looking forward to whether he can withstand the pressure.

"Go back, leave Yu Cang alone, and go busy with other things."



day island.

Looking at the world today, apart from the Yan Kingdom, Tiandao is probably the most powerful nation on the surface.

In fact, the history of Tiandao is not long, only a few hundred years.

At the beginning, the founding myth of Tiandao took away an artifact from Haiting, and with the help of a mighty power that came from nowhere, seven islands rose from the earth, forming the land of this country high in the sky.

Although Tiandao's foundation is shallow, it seems to have obtained some kind of knowledge from the star world. Therefore, after the founding of the country, the field of soul cards has developed very rapidly. In just a few hundred years, it has already stood at the top of the kingdoms, second only to Dayan.

Saint O's University

a laboratory

A young man stands in front of a computer, seemingly lost in thought.

He was dressed in white, with blond hair and a little freckles on his face. He still looked childish, but his pair of blue eyes were extremely deep. If you didn't pay attention, you might sink into them even if you looked at each other.

At this moment, he was staring at the computer screen, and the data on it flashed line by line. If someone stood in front of him at this moment, he would find that in his pupils, light spots traveled through it like meteors, following the computer screen. The scrolling of data evolves various extremely complex rhythms.

I do not know how long it has been.

The young man closed his eyes, rubbed his brows, and said, "What can you do to interrupt my thinking... You should know that every second of my inspiration is worth tens of thousands!"

"I'm sorry, Adam." The man behind said, "But you have to know about this... A big event happened in the card maker world of Yan Kingdom."

"Yan Kingdom?" Adam turned around, "Now, is there anything abroad that you should specifically mention?"

"Of course." The man took out a tablet, "I won't introduce it, your speed is definitely faster than mine."

Adam took it, and there were two papers on the tablet.

His expression remained unchanged, his fingers slid quickly, and the text on the tablet was almost connected into a line. Most people can't even read clearly at such a fast speed, but Adam can not only see clearly, but also remember and understand.

"Star rank? A new attribute? Is it possible to contract a star rank... Really possible!"

While flipping, meteors flashed across Adam's blue pupils, and they formed an extremely complicated rhythm in his eyes, which seemed to be deducing the rhythmic structure and function of the "contracting star rank"!

There was a hint of surprise in Adam's tone, but his expression was always calm.

"Yan Guo unexpectedly produced this level of achievement without making a sound? ... Yes, after all, Yan Guo has the best foundation in the world. As expected, no opponent should be underestimated..."

"How about it." The man spread his hands, "Is this thesis enough to make up for your lost inspiration?"

"It's totally enough." Adam's face was terribly calm, but there was already a hint of excitement in his tone, "Star rank, a genius idea! And synchronism... No, who is this author? I want to meet him! "

"Don't think about it... You can't leave Tiandao. If Yu Cang says it, Yan Kingdom will definitely not let him come here."

At this time.

He suddenly saw that Adam's originally calm expression suddenly became surprised, and a few seconds later, a gleam of joy bloomed in his eyes again.

Looks pretty creepy.

And the man is no stranger to it.

Adam...his mind is too fast.

As a result, many times, he couldn't even react to his own expression—his surprise had passed for a while, and it just showed on his face.

Thanks to Taihuohu nv for the reward!

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